Friday, October 29, 2021

JUAN O SAVIN - JFK JR Hoaxster and CIA operative

Hey "Juan"...what's your REAL NAME? Now that you are out of the lying closet and shilling in the open to TRUST THE PLAN and all the rest of the fiction you people put out in the last 2 years about Trump, the Election, and so called Justice.

You said you were Q... Sure.

I pray this moment that Our Chodesh Adonai turns His face against you and your little group of hope stealers.

C'mon...shift for me. I know you can do it, baby feeder.

I actually know people who still follow this garbage, no matter how much proof in the last year, they are still on this thing.

Only good that came out of the Q thing, is it awakened a great many people up to the real play and they rightfully moved on to greater knowing. The only good thing.