Sunday, October 31, 2021

End is nigh...Operation Shielding

Which is the approved by congress, signed by Sniffy, removal of all Christians and those with the HOLY SPIRIT from their homes and placed in DEATH CAMPS. This removes the last of the holdouts from the Mark, so Satan can smugly say to the world, "I am your god. I am in the blood, there is none else."

Anyone not with the beast is to be destroyed. The tribulation of the saints began earlier this year, as stated and proved out.

The only reason they are allowing this information, when 20 years ago, they were taking down my sites for a fraction of this knowledge, is because they know that you cannot stop them.

For this is their appointed time, and times, and half a time. We are in the middle of that timeline. It gets really bad from the witches black sabbath of Samhain onward (Halloween).

Come out of Babylon. Now. Not later. Not when you get around to it. Look deep into your life and see what is unholy and what is not. Do the right thing. For your VERY OWN SOUL'S SAKE and the souls of those you love.
