Update 01-11-20 My niece Genesse and her boyfriend passed away.
Just found out tonight at sunset.
For example, this whole bird thing. It really started in earnest in the summer of 2005. But that's another story for another time. Once I had made up my mind and soul that I had to be, must be, and therefore WILL BE, a good boy, things and especially my relationship with YHVH and Yeshua changed most wonderfully for the closer, more mystical if that is the correct phrase, and indeed so it is to this day. More so.
I correctly understand that most of the more mystical side of my(our) relationship with the Almighty leaves many of my readers just shaking their heads. And for those just looking for a chink in the armor, all the ammunition they need to continue to attack. As I have spent the last years learning the lessons of long-suffering and patience, these arrows no longer land as much as they used to. I hope and pray even my most vicious enemies are given what I have been blessed with...a very loving closeness with Dad, Our Father. And even more so, with Yeshua...my King.
Before I get on with the point of this article, I have to say that when Dad moves into your heart deeply...the outer miracles and mystical actually make perfect sense. Instead of just reading about this kind of stuff in the bible, here the very same things HAPPEN TO YOU! It's wonderful. And in one sense, you then KNOW the mystical stuff you read about is and was, the truth of the matter, because the same kind of thing is happening in your life. At least it does around here and all the time. The people that know me know this to be true. They've seen enough...a little prayer...the loving light of Yeshua in your eyes...and it all happens, all the time.
People who have this fire in their heart understand these words. They know...
Start with John 3-16. It all flows from that moment onward. You'll see.
In point of fact, prayer is the most powerful and mystical thing I've ever experienced. When you can honestly say, “Our Father answers every single prayer I've made,” then you understand. And He does. And He will.
I mostly pray for others...and for wisdom and guidance.
Now regarding the guidance part, most of it comes without my being aware it's coming. He puts the thought to do or be in my head, and then it turns out that way, exactly as advised. So, I've learned to listen and obey. The test is, Dad will never guide you that in any way, contradicts His Holy Word. That's your test on whether the guidance be of the Holy Spirit or not so much. If it's not so much, then its a lie you've read, your ego, your fears, whatever. Cast those out. Get rid of that stuff. Then you'll be fine.
So...the egret thing a few days ago.
I was walking out to the back yard, as praying, was still in prayer, and over my left shoulder once I got off the deck, this enormous white egret (the one above actually) flew over my left shoulder and landed in front of me. Long time, no see. And how are you? As well as, uh oh, what's coming?
See, I've learned about the egret messenger. When He sends this guy, get ready for something BIG. And, as longtime readers know, I get egrets regardless of the locale I'm in, the altitude, whether in the desert or near the shore, or in the Big City, it comes. Time of year, location, doesn't matter. I get them a thousand miles from their natural habitat.
And I'm learning. The bird messenger and using different types of birds that have not a thing to do with where they naturally roam or be, is a the part of the lesson I learned really fast. Mainly because so many times it was like, what is a finch doing in the middle of the Mojave desert? Or an egret? Or, or, or... Sounds silly doesn't it? It feels silly writing all this, but it happens to be reality, for us, and the truth of things. For us.
Ever have a bird fly into your home and land on your knee? And four different species? In different places and locales? I do. I've learned to get pictures in the last 8 years, when a camera is handy. Mostly, one isn't. Sometimes, a different bird, three days in a row. Or three at one time, all different species. They land around where you are sitting, then stare at you, freaking everyone out that's around that's new to the experience. That's what I mean.
Getting off topic.
And I do understand, no matter how much I try to explain, much of this is falling upon deaf ears. I cannot help that. I pray things turn around for those who cannot see or hear.
So, back to the egret. I cannot share the prayer, because as Yeshua commanded, pray to your Father in secret and I keep that commandment. (I cannot understand those that pray aloud, violating this twice placed commandment He gave us.) But I can say that I have learned to test everything he sends me that comes from spirit. I ALWAYS ASK FOR CONFIRMATION. ALWAYS.
Along this wise. Give me confirmation in a way that cannot be created or hijacked by the dark side, that only I can understand or others, as seems right. Use words too of your own making and do not speak them aloud. Keep it between you and YHVH. He will answer you openly, as promised. You'll see.
So, after son Matt witnessed the egret, and I took his picture and some video, he flew off. About an hour later, again I was heading outside, praying for a confirmation so I would know this was from Him, and not just some bird landing that happened to like the yard. GET THAT CONFIRMATION.
Just as I finish my prayer and reach the low chain link fence facing west, in front of me, out of nothing, the egret appeared from the earth and in perfect form shot up to eye level-beach pointing to the sun, feet together pointing to the earth (like a swan dive thing) with wings spread out, a mere 3 feet in front of me, then without moving a wing or muscle, fell and glided perfectly backwards in a perfect arc down and away into the valley below, in the most perfect straight line you ever saw. As it got near the valley floor, it vanished beyond the tree line. Poof, gone. In the same second I ended my prayer confirmation thingy, this happened.