Thursday, October 5, 2023

‘Mentally disturbed’ teen ID’d as person of interest in random murder of NYC activist

 Even though he is sought for murder, the DA is refusing the prosecute, because the negro "just needs help." 

Well. That provides every killer in the land as a way to get out of murder; just say you need help for your mind. Psychotic killer rages are now OK. Unless you are white, then they put you in for life.

Okay then.


Hooks up with a Edomite witch, complete with a cartoon witch tattoo to signify she too, is another skank reaching out for more death and evil. Which no doubt follows this creature wherever it goes. Well, that which they helped along, has come home. 

Carson was also a vocal supporter of pro-crime policies and drug legalization. He claimed to be a close friend of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and apparently was well known and liked by the staff of various liberal NGOs. His social media bio once proclaimed that he was a “harbinger [sic] of destruction to American family values” and the “COO of Antifa.”

So, Antifa, connected to Epstein Island rapist/baby killer Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER of ANTIFA. Another baby raping phreak, off world now.

A great many of these fascist city destroying, child murdering, blood drinkers are finding themselves at the receiving end of that which they wrought.

I hope and pray this justice continues as it has been - those that suffer under the onslaught of these killers are the creators of these killers.

SJW tards, doing their level best to erase the white race.


the German government is supporting NGO's transporting thousands of migrants from the Mediterranean to Germany.

The Jewish head of one of these NGO's openly says his activism is motivated by a desire to wipe out white people. Imagine the uproar if powerful NGOs and other groups said the same thing about ashkenazi jewbies?