Cute Titles...what happened?
by Don Bradley
Good day, all. The big count down in total slavery. All those years of listening to the Alex Jones types, plus the gatekeeper himself, going on and on about Fema. The videos and pictures of built camps, but only maintenance guys around. The endless acreage of coffins stacked like firewood for bodies that never seem to come. To the point that if you mentioned this stuff, you were sooo 2005.
I know this because in 1999 I personally researched the camp thing in several states, to see if these things were true, to take pictures, and to write it all up. I did it under the pen name RICK VESTER. I had children I was raising and wanted to continue to raise them. Also, in those days, being a published (not self published, but real NYC houses with book deals) author with a media schedule, I had to do this to see if it be true and how true. Traffic and surveillance cameras hadn't happened yet, so I could go anywhere, unsurveilled. Until they figured out what I was up to and had to stop. I drove everywhere. All over California, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado.
I found the things everywhere. Built, but empty. They all had common features though. near to other prisons, mostly. Very near to one kind of military base of some kind. Enormous tall fences with the barbed wire pointing in, toward the threat (the inmates, future of course) rather than what you would expect, facing outward against theft and protection. Big tell that. Road signs with stickers on the reverse with weird symbols and meaningless verbiage.
Many of them...a great many of them, at least back then had MOATS. Like with the castle kind of moat, but no water. Each camp was surrounded by extremely deep ditches that, if filled with water, would be nearly impossible to climb up out of, if one entered it. Smart design feature...the inmate goes in, doesn't come out, kind of thing. Then later, they just fish out the floating corpse and it makes for a good warning to others who might be so inclined. The Bigger ones had their very own rail sidings. Those were the most spooky. Those did have cameras, an odd thing to see in an empty facility doing and being...nothing.
After three months, I was sick of what I saw. It didn't take much imagination the horrific scenes of people, families, single men and women...any one who was aware or awake or was "speaking out" about what the government was up to. It was obvious, too, these camps were not built for the inmates to stay in long. In fact, just the opposite. It seemed more like...processing more than education or protection or anything about keeping the person alive.
I wrote it up, with pics, and sent the articles out to EVERYONE. No one published me, except a few patriot sites that were around back in the 1990s. After a time, by 2001, the Rick Vester camp articles couldn't be found. I disowned the persona and was already deeply involved in the chemtrail awareness thing from 1997 on and with Don croft in 2001, went about dealing with that continuing nightmare we still face each day.
But every once a while, I remember that half a year of camp research. And shudder. Always wondering, when, this thing would come alive. Knowing what I, only I, saw from those days.
Of course, many years later others did the odd piece about it, maybe a short youtube thing. But not the indepth research I had done. I actually published, with 15000 words of essay, addresses as an addendum. I pissed off a great many people. Found my self under lifetime surveillance, and after that, what the hell...I was working for Dad to help humanity.
And now...
Here we are. All those years ago have come back to haunt me. I know what I saw. Can't ever get the images out of my head. Stuff like that colors your mind and soul on some level. And yeah, I regret doing it. It did nothing. The media was as controlled then as now, and I almost lost my family until I stopped it cold in May of 1999. No more of that I promised myself. I had sons to raise. they needed a father, not a dead hero no cares about.
Now to get on to the current problem before us. Coronachan, the plague of the 21st century. Heaven help us all. It's all we have.
Updated through out the day, so refresh often.
Behold I stand at the door.
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Australia on lockdown |
- Australia on lockdown, have official announcement here.
- Argentina on lockdown.
- Boris Johnson has taken things one step further, and unveiled a
lockdown that will see all Britons ordered to stay home at all times,
except for certain 'essential' tasks like buying food and medicine, or
visiting the doctor.
Gov. Brown issues 'stay at home' order, closes many non-essential businesses
Executive Order 20-12 also adds to the list of businesses temporarily closed by the outbreak where it is hard to avoid close personal contact, like barber shops and salons, gyms and fitness studios, theaters, arcades, and more. If a business is allowed to stay open, they must put social distancing policies in place.
Essential workers like grocers, health care workers, certain city workers, gas station attendants and bank tellers can all remain on the job. You can still go to those places; however, the governor said if you don't have to, then you shouldn't.
The executive order does not list every single business that's allowed to remain open. She said she is asking Oregonians to take personal responsibility.KATU News spoke with Brown on Monday to get more insight on the new order and what businesses will be exempt."I am not interested in taking someone's job or shutting down a business if they can practice social distancing at work," Brown said. "Businesses that can, are able to operate -- and do not contribute to spread -- can remain open."An announcement of the order states that "failure to comply with the order will be considered an immediate danger to public health and subject to a Class C misdemeanor." | READ THE FULL ORDER BELOWOn Friday, Governor Brown told residents to 'Stay Home, Stay Healthy.' In a news conference with Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler and Multnomah County Chair Deborah Kafoury, she said that 'Stay Home, Stay Healthy' was both an order and a campaign.There was tension in the news conference on Friday, and viewers could tell the state leaders weren't on the same page. That was more or less confirmed over the weekend in a tweet from Mayor Wheeler urging Gov. Brown to act.
Your only reasons to leave home, @BorisJohnson tells the #UK: Infrequent essential shopping, one form of exercise per day, any medical need and traveling to/from work when absolutely necessary. - Japan PM Abe says world "not ready" to hold Olympics
- Australia and Canada pull athletes from the games
- UK issues stay at home order
- NY case total tops 200k
- Italy sees encouraging slowdown suggesting outbreak might be peaking
- Greece announces lockdown after reporting largest daily jump in deaths
- UK PM Johnson to address the country as deaths hit 335
- Hong Kong bars all foreigners for 14 days
- Boeing shuts Puget Sound operations for 2 weeks
- Spain reports 26% jump in deaths on Sunday
- State Department says 13,500 stranded Americans abroad are trying to get home
- New Jersey reports nearly 1,000 case jump
- UK preparing to close "non-essential" shops
- Dems hold stimulus bill hostage with last-minute demands
- Cuomo tourst Javits Center
- India ban on international flights begins
- Largest 2-day jump in global cases reported over the weekend
- France announces more restrictive measures
- 8 states have postponed primaries
- Ireland reports largest daily jump in new cases
- Nigeria closes borders, suspends international flights
- Myanmar reports first cases
- Canada reports jump in cases
- Michigan, Indiana & Mass join stay at home states
- Spain follows Italy by extending quarantine
- 1 in 3 Americans begin Monday under lockdown
- White House correspondent rumored to test positive for COVID-19
- India shutters domestic transit even as 'official' cases remain low
- Trump sends National Guard troops to New York, California & Washington
- Fed delivers latest bazooka blast with another massive monetary stimulus
- India, a country of 1.3 billion people, has only 425 “confirmed cases” of CV-19 and a handful of reported deaths.— Ben Hunt (@EpsilonTheory) March 23, 2020
But today they are shutting down domestic air travel.
All gov’ts are liars. Some lie more.#DontTestDontTell - Amazon doubles workers overtime pay
- "We're All Going To Get It" - New Jersey Top Health Official Warns
- New Jersey's top public health official, Judith Persichilli, told some frightening news last week when she said everyone would get the virus, including her.
"I'm definitely going to get it. We all are," Persichilli said. "I'm just waiting."
At the age of 71, Persichilli is at high-risk for severe illness relating to a COVID-19 infection. She said when she gets sick, it'll probably be mild and will last for a few days.
Persichilli has studied all the COVID-19 pandemic models and
consulted with experts on how best to prepare New Jersey for an
Today 602 dead 3780 new contagiouses 408 recoveryin Spain 462 dead in the last 24 hrs.24 doctors died so far, 4000 infected MDsWe are in martial law a light form but its enough to engross those negative people, a man was denounced because was walking a bit of distance as he was returning from home from work as per normal. The new law says physical exercise is free within 200mt from home.Second day that the numbers go down, it could be the dwindling of available candidates.
- Triage centers and field hospitals are being done in sport gyms. Workers will stay there so they won't expose their family returning home. This is being done throughout the country in big stadiums. Health professionals are getting contaminated and being sent to isolation. No reports on any kind of media about this.
- When a coronavirus suspect dies, there is no autopsy, no funeral. The body is put into a coffin by the hospital and is quickly sent straight to the cemetery without any notification, unlike normal deaths. The cemetery just receives them by surprise and buries them. Today, by the mid-day, at least 5 such corpses arrived. No word by the media.
If you want to know the truth of a place, go ask straight to medical staff and funeral home workers. Or ask the sick and their family."Belo Horizonte funeral home receives 73 bodies in just 72 hours"
Twice the usual number. A single funeral home. 23 at least of respiratory diseases as official cause of death. Only 1 was officially positive for the virus.
This was between last Friday and Sunday night (March 20-22). Belo Horizonte city, the capital of Minas Gerais state has 1433 million inhabitants.
Brazil has officially 25 ncov-19 deaths at this moment for the whole 200 million country. People are dying before tests are made. There is no way to hide it anymore.,836092/funeraria-de-belo-horizonte-recebe-73-corpos-em-apenas-72-horas.shtml
Uma funerária de Belo Horizonte recebeu 73 cadáveres entre a sexta-feira (20/3) e a noite de domingo (22/3). De acordo com laudo cadavérico, pelo menos 23 corpos tiveram como causa da morte problemas respiratórios graves, como "insuficiência respiratória aguda", "pneumonia crônica" e "pneumonia aspirativa", sintomas do novo coronavírus. No entanto, dados do governo não citam mortos por Covid-19 no estado.
De acordo com um boletim de ocorrência policial, no qual a reportagem teve acesso, policiais receberam uma denúncia anônima que a funerária havia recebido 41 corpos em 48 horas. A denúncia falava em aglomeração de pessoas no local. Ao chegar na funerária, os policiais confirmaram a informação, e em contato com o gerente do estabelecimento, Sérgio José da Silva, de 56 anos, receberam as informações sobre os demais corpos.
O Correio Braziliense entrou em contato com o gerente, que confirmou que o local nunca recebeu essa quantidade de corpos em tão pouco tempo. Ele diz ser um fato atípico em 30 anos de carreira. "Sim, recebemos muitos corpos desde sexta. Dobrou (a quantidade) por conta das mortes por insuficiência respiratória", declarou o funcionário.
Optando por não se identificarem, outros funcionários do local também confirmaram a informação. De acordo com informações do boletim, dos 23 corpos, apenas um, que tinha como causa da morte a Covid-19, causada pelo novo coronavírus, e foi enterrado sem sepultamento. Os demais, passaram por procedimentos comuns e antes do enterro foram levados para despedida dos familiares. A reportagem recebeu informações, por fontes no governo mineiro, que o registro da ocorrência foi cancelado. Não conseguimos contato com a Polícia Civil de Minas Gerais para confirmar a informação.
Na funerária, no fim de semana, havia ainda 15 estudantes de um curso de tanatologia, que foram dispensados no domingo de manhã, em razão do risco de contágio. No fim da tarde de domingo, o Ministério da Saúde informou que 25 pessoas morreram por conta de coronavírus no país, sendo 23 em São Paulo e 2 no Rio de Janeiro. Nenhuma morte foi oficialmente relatada em Minas Gerais.
A reportagem entrou em contato com a Secretaria de Saúde de Minas Gerais. O órgão informou que "a situação mencionada está sendo avaliada e acompanhada pelos órgãos competentes". De acordo com a secretaria, "Vale ressaltar que não há, até o momento, nenhum caso confirmado de óbito por Covid-19 no estado de Minas Gerais". "Tão logo as informações sejam apuradas adequadamente daremos os devidos esclarecimentos", completa a nota. O Ministério da Saúde ainda não se manifestou.
O major Flávio Santiago, porta voz da Polícia Militar de Minas Gerais, confirmou que o boletim de ocorrência é verdadeiro. De acordo com o militar, a situação será investigada pela Polícia Civil do estado. O major citou um outro caso, que circula na internet, em que um paciente com coronavírus teria morrido por coronavirus no hospital sa corporação. Ele destacou que essa situação não ocorreu. "Ele (o boletim) relata situações que são repassadas por um denunciante, e é claro e evidentemente que a Polícia Militar já tomou procedimentos, já encaminhou à polícia investigatória para que isso seja melhor definido. Mas tem uma informação que já é extremamente importante: o caso relatado de uma pessoa falecida oriunda do Hospital Militar não é verídico", informou o militar.
O porta-voz da PM afirmou que não existe motivo para alarde. "É importante que nós levemos essa informação a todos para não criar pânico desnecessário, inclusive com situações que estão em apuração. O mais importante é que essas informações estão sendo checadas, mas que já há o indício de informações inverídicas, como eu falei, e precisamos de muita cautela no repasse a essas informações", disse.
O governo de Minas Gerais deve se pronunciar sobre o caso ainda nesta segunda-feira (23)."
Video from my colleague @alexisjshanes showing hundreds of cars on line this morning at Bergen County Community College in Paramus as New Jersey opens its large #coronavirus #COVID19 testing area. @northjersey— Scott Fallon (@NewsFallon) March 20, 2020
OMG.... all of these people think they may have #COVID19 The line is over a mile long to get tested at Bergen County Community College in NJ. This is the first day for drive up testing and 1 mile from my home.— Bill Karins (@BillKarins) March 20, 2020
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Let's see, the left screams at the President about saying the plague came from China, which it dead. But in China, the mainstream and CCP promoting commies all are making and pushing a kill the west meme, especially Japan, their long standing enemies, apparently. There is a reason the Chinese spit on all packages shipped to the USA. They hate us that much. They want those angry blue haired women DEAD. And these dykes just don't get it.
Trump is right, once you understand what is happening. I'll be darned.
Canadian death toll from coronavirus jumped by more than 50 per cent on Sunday
Fake Coronavirus Home Testing Kits Seized By Feds at Los Angeles International Airport
While most of us are seeking to keep each other safe during the coronavirus pandemic, there are always a few bad actors seeking to capitalize off people’s justified fears.
This was made especially clear over the weekend, when federal authorities seized a package of vials labeled as COVID-19 test kits at Los Angeles International Airport.“CBP officers discovered six plastic bags containing various vials, while conducting an enforcement examination of a parcel manifested as ‘Purified Water Vials’ with a declared value of $196.81. A complete examination of the shipment, led to the finding of vials filled with a white liquid and labeled ‘Corona Virus 2019nconv (COVID-19)’ and ‘Virus1 Test Kit,'” a statement from the agency said.The agency is now warning the public against purchasing counterfeit test kits.
“The American public should be aware of bogus home testing kits for sale either online or in informal direct to consumer settings,” the agency said in a statement on Saturday, according to a report from the Washington Times.
The vials have been turned over to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for analysis.
“Testing for COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus, is only conducted in verified state and local public laboratories across the country. On Friday, President Donald Trump declared a national emergency and laid out new testing strategies after health care professionals, politicians and patients across the country complained about lack of access to testing,” the Associated Press reports.
COVID-19 Olympics: Canada the first nation to refuse to send athletes to 2020 Tokyo Games
Most cases in 35-54 age group in Canada. This elderly only bs is just fake out propaganda. |
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Dow continues big downward crash |