You don't have to understand money or currency to realize these facts should at least concern you. When this happens once or twice every year, on a single day, a great many people get taken to the wood shed and get their pants pulled down. On the other hand, when it is every day for three weeks.
It is an ending.
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But it's not stopping. Every day, it starts off limit down. How is that even possible? |
Well, that is every one when they realize that settling out of these days trading has yet to happen. That's right, its being pushed off. For when it does, to the tune of 275 Trillion dollars US, the world is going to have a heart attack.
But it all looks so normal, people working, kids to school. Yeah, because money - real money - is an abstract thing most people do not understand. When you cannot buy gold or silver anywhere, anymore, as is now, then money is valued at exactly dick.
At least my readers will see it coming and who is doing it to them.