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Saturday, June 8, 2019
Tesla Model X On Autopilot Slams Into Construction Truck, Killing Driver
Another day, yet another fatality in a Tesla where Autopilot played a role.
Tesla, only for the rich, only goes a little way, and will kill you when it decides its time for you to go away, far away, forever.
The Model X reportedly drove under a tanker truck (where have we heard that before?)
that was helping perform roadwork, eventually causing the vehicle to
fly off the road. The damage to the Model X was devastating
and the driver was dead on the spot, according to media cited
by Autogeek.
The nature of the damage indicates that the car was traveling at a high rate of speed at the time.
Apparently, auto pilot likes parked trucks on the side of the road, as it aims for them every time while accelerating.
Tack this instance onto the list of questionable deaths and accidents
that have occurred as a result of Tesla beta testing its
Autopilot software on its drivers. We will continue to follow this story
as we continue to wait for the NHTSA to take desperately needed action to protect drivers and prevent future fatalities. FROM THE INTERNET
People need to take responsibility for their own safety instead of
handing it over to some dodgy software developed under the direction of a
megalomaniac. --------- Tesla Autopilot = 737 Max MCAS ---------
you look at the crashed, decapitated, now junked Tesla sitting there.
One can only think about the countless hours the poor black
barefoot Congo African kids spent picking through clay mud for two
weeks, for enough Cobalt to sell to the Chinese man to make Elon's
battery. Just more human misery caused because of the Climate Change
Hoax, and SOY's that need the HOAX like a drug.
The morality issue. As a tech you have to know its never going to
work without a lot of people getting killed. These deaths are a cost of
developing the technology. Everyone involved knows it too. The morality
of doing it cannot be justified without a giant pile of mental
gymnastics. Knowing its not possible to overcome certain aspects.
These systems are technically illegal to develop because they have
to go thru this stage of development. You cant beta test on live people
putting all of the general public at risk. Not just stupid tesla owners.
Everyone is at risk. The morality of working on a process you know will
get people killed. **** all them cunts working on this ****! When
testing was being done on closed courses it was one thing. When it was
cut loose on public roads it became another thing. At that point
integrity demands the honest folks walk away.
We have had essentially self driving planes for 40 years yet airlines
still pay two pilots to man the plane. The problem is that
autopilot can't do a Sullenberger.
One of my friends is a commercial pilot and for the past 5 years he
had trained pilots on a new plane. He told me all the training deals
with disasters like engines going out and getting hit by lightning. They
spend no time training how to fly in clear skies. The dirty little
secret is pilots don't fly planes, the autopilot software does. They are
there in case of an emergency when the autopilot is of no use.
When we drive we are always a split second away from an accident.
There isn't enough time for the human driver to realize the car is in
trouble and take action like in a plane.
---------- You have to be curious about why the establishment is all-in on
electric vehicles, even though there is no present infrastructure to
support them - and autonomous vehicles, even though they are not mature
technology, and are being beta tested on the public. So, we need backup
cameras and many other mandated changes that make cars more expensive
and less reliable, like auto stop/start and direct fuel injection - but
it is OK to allow self driving cars and trucks to barrel down the
freeway driven by computers programmed by the lowest cost green card and
affirmative action engineers? Get the idea that .gov just doesn't like
us to have cars all that much? What are they giving the auto
manufacturers to compensate for killing off conventional models? --------- Tesla...kills you when it decides you are a liability to the NWO. It's spy systems are always on, phoning home. FACT. -------