Thursday, June 27, 2019

A page from an Air Force pamphlet on what men are facing in our day

Purposely leaving out decent women with a value system that has love of God and family as her correct priorities. Men, in the past, give their lives for women such as this, but they have been engineered by the gay left out of society and are openly hated in schools.

In a stable society, what marriage effectively is, is a kind of adoption ceremony in which the spouse becomes a family member--is kind of magically (or sacramental, if you will) transubstantiation into a family member--one of those people to whom you traditionally owe nearly unconditional love and loyalty. So ones wife thus joins the ranks of mothers/sisters/grandmothers/aunts, and the husband joins the ranks of fathers/brothers/grandfathers/uncles and are reverenced accordingly.

And this is a plan. A plan that has in order to destroy a God oriented loving family, the opposites must be BRAINWASHED into the children via music, education, and movies. A socialist-satanic plan that started in the late 1960s via the CIA's assets in place, Gloria Steinem, etc. It took only 20 years to change educators from women of family, into career oriented, men-hating, socialists and this the paradigm they teach. And the results are all around us.

So you can see much of the problem in the relations between the sexes right there: The cohesive social bonds of family have largely ceased to exist, along with the sense of obligation (based on love and gratitude) that goes with them. Not too many people these days grew up in families whose members modeled any of these vital roles.

Women might (and probably subconsciously do) go in search of a spouse to fill the shoes of their fathers, but what if their father was either absent or extremely defective in that role? Men might (and probably subconsciously do) go in search of a spouse to fill the shoes of their mothers, but what if their mother was absent (they were raised by Grandma) or extremely defective in that role? Few modern families have mothers or fathers who are effective role models.

Neither men nor women have any idea as to the qualities they should be seeking in a spouse, or what a spouse's role should be. A woman who came from a halfway "normal" family would instantly reject any suitor who was ungentlemanly, did not have honorable intentions, or was manifestly unfit in any number of other ways to fulfill the role of a husband. Men in search of a spouse would instantly reject any woman who was unladylike and did not have honorable intentions, or, likewise, was manifestly unfit in any number of other ways to fulfill the role of a wife.

I think many of us have a hard time even imagining these somewhat idealized "mother" and "father" figures; many of us have never seen any such creature. At best, many of us grew up in homes where both parents fulfilled the required job descriptions and still managed to be shitty parents.

Without these ideals, there's nothing left to seek in the opposite sex but the fleeting pleasure of a hookup. Women usually don't get much pleasure out of a hookup and after a little experience along those lines are likely to decline same, unless there is some kind of monetary compensation involved.

The only feasible way to turn this social decay around is for some people, however few they may be, to start building genuinely good families. You also need to be very active in teaching your children to love each other, uphill battle though this may be, as children's temperaments are always going to clash. Someday you're going to be gone, and they will likely need each other at many levels.

Regarding online dating:

It has been tested and proven the website censors, blocks and selects who gets to communicate with who. If you are a single, straight, white male you can probably count on your messages not getting thru to white women, and the same goes to white women who are interested in other straight white men; your replies will probably not get passed the censors either. All you see in every city is cuck this, cuck that- fake ads. 

In point of fact, many of my sons and their friends have tried the various app based dating apps and even though they are for the most part white men, the only women that show up in their search profiles are mostly black women or Asians. They even showed me this. No white women are ever allowed to show up in any search area, unless the radius zone is increased to more than 500 miles. So they do not use these apps. It's a waste of time.

It’s all rigged and it’s meant to discourage dissuade and anger you against blacks- many of which are not innocent because they will happily go along with anything unfairly skewed in their favor. Go ahead and test it out and try and send a message to yourself in reply, it won’t be received. 

The purpose of this blocking is twofold. It is a weaponized agenda against certain groups getting together- a racist and political strategy meant to stoke tensions for race war and quickly usher in civil collapse. The second is population control. They actually do not want people getting together and having babies, so instead of education and sex education they seek to control the platforms where people go to get together and meet; selecting only certain individuals who fall in line with their agenda to be able to communicate and get together. 

For the most part this outcome is not their faults. In today's 'civilized' society, the two factions of evil that are the establishments of the left and right have created this atmosphere intentionally. The leftists plot to divide and conquer- making it easier to control and rule over desperate, isolated individuals rather than a strong, enlightened, united public or nation state. 

In today's society, young girls are taught that the most important qualities to look for in males is money, cultural diversity (dating outside their own race) hatred of religious beliefs while embracing political leftist socialism to the point of lesbianism. 

I actually believe in diversity, as long as it retains the right value systems that build society, not destroy it. But that is not what is taught. It's been weaponized. And understanding that sad truth, is fundamentally the problem we all face in our day and age.

Go to any High School, and watch the types of couples that leave campus. It's all right in front of you. Blue haired girls dating boys of color. Lesbian teen couples are very big in Ojai and elsewhere in California. And tons of white males, walking home in groups, no girls around.

White males in particular are targeted by the left to be kept out of the dating scene as much as possible, intentionally- as to isolate them to create situations for backlash against women and blacks for the purposes of not let them breed- population control, stirring them up to lash out against blacks in order to bring in race war and civil collapse- so that a strong centralized government must intervene to take away more rights; and to lash out with guns- so as to say," see, this is why we need gun control and confiscation".