HU is hebrew for serpent.
Saying you are human or humanity simply is saying, you are a serpent man of the serpent race.
It's why I use man or mankind. For years. If you don't like it, tough. Truth is like that, ladies. You are children of man or you are human. I gather that most leftists and especially feminists, would always choose, serpent man.
WOman means, of man.
Man just means, of God.
Hu; Hu-mans; Cainites; Canaanites; Jews; The Serpent Seed!
“Their temples wherein the sacred fire was preserved were generally situate on eminences and in dense groves of oak (see back slidden Ancient Israel), because a circle was the emblem of the universe; oval, in allusion to the mundane egg, from which issued, according to the traditions of many nations, the universe, or, according to others our first parents; serpentine, because a serpent was the symbol of HU, the Druidic Osiris; cruciform because a cross is an emblem of regeneration; or winged, to represent the motion of the divine spirit.”
From The Freemasons:
“The Druids had a high veneration for The Serpent. Their great god, Hu, was typified by that reptile; and he is represented by the Bards as ‘the wonderful chief Dragon, the sovereign of heaven’.
“The Serpent is universally esteemed a legitimate symbol of Freemasonry.”
– George Oliver, Freemason, Signs and Symbols, New York, Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Company, 1906, p. 36
So here we learn that the back slidden Ancient Israelites (our forefathers) had a ‘high veneration’ for Hu, The Serpent, and for one reason and one reason only, and that reason was their satanic incorporation of Molech worship (child sacrifice) into their beliefs. These evil satanic practises they copied from the Serpent Seed Canaanites who still practice these evil abominations to this day.
Hu The Serpent Entwined Around The Egg
From the Eden Saga Web Page, The Serpent People:
“The ancient god of the British Isles, called Hu, was the master of the dragon world.”
From the Covenant of Rhiannon web page:
“It is believed that Druidism was founded by Gwyddon Ganhebon, supposedly Seth of the Mosaic genealogy, in Asia and was brought to Britain by Hu Gadarn a contemporarydescendant of the Patriarch Abraham.
“Hu Gadarn originally came with the tribe of the Cymry (The Welsh, The Levites) to the Britannic Isles. They came from the Country of Summer, which is called Defrobani… They crossed the Misty Ocean (Tawch) and arrived in the Britannic Isles and Armorica, where they settled.”
Finally, we have Ballantine’s Law Dictionary, as used by The US Congress, which states that a ‘hu-man being’ is a monster:
“Human being See MONSTER. – Ballentine’s Law Dictionary (1930)
“Monster – A human being by birth, but in some part resembling a lower animal. A monster hath no inheritable blood, and cannot be heir to any land.”
– Ballentine’s Law Dictionary (1930)
Just to summarise, we now know that ‘Hu’ means ‘Serpent’ and the word ‘Hu-man’ means ‘Serpent-Man’, so in other words, hu-man beings are Canaanites – descendants of The Serpent Creature, through Eve, in The Garden of Eden.
Adam declared Eve as THE MOTHER OF ALL LIVING, that is, both MANKIND and hu-mankind. Adam was NOT THE FATHER OF ALL LIVING, just the father of Mankind.
Genesis 3:20 (MCV) And Adam called his wife’s name Eve; because she was the mother of all living, that is Abel and Cain, both mankind and hu-mankind – Abel later replaced by Seth.
Now for those of you who think you are ‘quick on the draw’ and say: “Oh yeah, but all Cain’s descendants died in the flood, so you’re talking nonsense!” and I will retort with: “All his descendants bar ONE!” Namely Noah’s ‘Mrs’, whose name was Naamah, and she was the sister of Tubal-Cain. Hey! But it says Noah was perfect in ALL his generations from Adam, and that’s True, but his Mrs wasn’t perfect at all in her generations. However, that’s not important, because Noah carried the Adamic bloodline, which he passed onto his three sons, and they took their lineage from Noah, not their mother, who was of Cain.
Genesis 6:9-10 (MCV) These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with Yah. 10 And Noah begat three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth.
OK, so all this was just fine and dandy until the flood waters subsided and Noah started his new farming and agricultural (husbandry) lifestyle, which included the planting of a vineyard. We are then fast forwarded to the scene of Noah having harvested his grapes and bottled up his wine, so he thinks he’ll have a good old wine tasting evening. Unfortunately, he gets a bit carried away with the tasting of the wine and ends up blotto. No doubt the rest of his family were also partakers of this first year’s growth celebration and were a bit tipsy.
Moreover, whilst all the celebrating is going on Noah crashes out and Ham, his second son, gets into a strange incestuous relationship with his mother and, presumably whilst under the influence of Noah’s wine, he lies with her = he saw his father’s nakedness:
Leviticus 18:8 (MCV) The nakedness of thy father’s wife shalt thou not uncover: it is thy father’s nakedness.
Leviticus 20:11 (MCV) And the man that lieth with his father’s wife hath uncovered his father’s nakedness: both of them shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
Now the outcome of this illicit evil union is the birth of Canaan, whom Noah curses. Now why did Noah curse the brat Canaan, and not his debauched son, Ham, and/or his wayward slutty wife, wouldn’t that have made more sense? Yes to our carnal minds it would have made more sense, but not to Yah who sees things very differently from us, hence He sees strange flesh born from incest as an abomination, and likewise any inbred offspring from such an incestuous union as anathema.
Furthermore, it’s crucial that we understand what has happened here. In the births of his three sons, Noah’s bloodline only, counted. However, in this evil incestuous affair it was Naamah’s Cainite bloodline that counted in Canaan and not Ham’s Adamic blood. This means that with the birth of Canaan, Cain’s bloodline was re-kindled post-flood through Naamah his mother. Therefore, the line of Cain was reborn and it’s still with us today in the shape of the Canaanite Jews, African Blacks, the Chinese, Mongolians, Koreans, the Turks and the Italians, to name just a few.
Another interesting twist to this is The Truth that the Canaanite Jews take their lineage from their mothers. Canaanite Jewish society is a MATRIARCHAL society, not a Patriarchal society. So any claims or assertions that they make to a descendancy from Abraham or Judah is a lie. (See link No. 5 re the Jews’ false claims).
So there you have it, solid gold proof that (((THEY))) LIVE! (Have you seen that film?) If not, I recommend it.
In Yashua Messiah’s name