Full moon/blood moon/lunar eclipse - Satan and Nimrod - the Dragon and ISS
Don Bradley 3-16-25
To go with this treatise, He has led us to:
Zechariah 13
7Awake, O sword, against my shepherd, and against the man that is my fellow, saith YHVH of hosts: smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered: and I will turn mine hand upon the little ones.
8And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith YHVH, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein.
9And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, YHVH is my God.
One of several magical events scheduled for this period immediately following the Full moon eclipse Thursday last (3-14-25), is the whole fake space station rescue of some fake astronots pretending to be in fake space. The whole NASA (hebrew for to deceive) event was keyed to not only following this appointed time, but to milk it for all it's worth for deception and mind control. There is a window of satanic reveals and black magic between this blood full moon eclipse and March 22, 2025. Yes, the old skull and bones number, the only aspect of it the public is familiar with.
It was said prior to this time on this site that bloodshed would follow this moon and magic, of course. That always with these fiends.
Sure enough, the Trumpy initiated on the holy Sabbath an attack on Yemen/Iran, which has already retaliated with multiple missile attacks, some real, most fake.
It's all about occult numbers. Lots of 11s, 33s, all the usual.
At the same time as blood was and is being spilled, the whole fake drama every MSM shoved up everyone's behind of astronots in space needing a fake rescue, given these things are shot in huston mostly, completely controlled by CIA. So CIA launches the dragon into a known satanic spot in the night sky to save some actors on ISS (NIMROD). In short
The dragon is the main symbol of satan. (only a black hearted satanist names their rocket after satan.)
ISS (Isis) is the Egyptian (Mizraim) name for Nimrod in that land, after the Babel event of Genesis. The “god” of many names, all bad.
This implies that Nimrod is now joined with Satan, the anti Christ joined with its “father” saving its faithful witches and bringing them to Earth. Too bad its all fiction, a hoax, like everything they do and are.
And now, this coupling will return to Earth and the ISS is to be decommissioned and sent to earth as a descending meteor of death. Another event for another time, but in the future.
So between this full moon— which is winding down as of today, Sunday, the 1st day of the week—and March 22, you have a witches black sabbath keyed to the 20/21st followed next day by their unholy 322 which falls on the real sabbath on Saturday, also on that date this year. A kind of triple whammy, magically speaking. This whole period comprises 8 days, from full moon onward to the 22nd.
Everyone following so far?
This is both a time of magic and also a telegraphing to the world that a dark corner, heading straight downward in spirit, is being turned. The little shites have a saying they like to say amongst themselves (they have these pithy little sayings that is somehow supposed to encourage everyone that all is well, and they've already won, the “events” just need to happen to get their satanic freak off paradise into gear.) Is any wonder that Dad's big fire that took out that nasty jewbie stronghold of devils in America was called the “paradise” fire. A couple of these pithy repeatables like mind control are
We all rise together. (the beasts of hell, and themselves after the big satan win they are told is sure to happen this time. That's what they said before the flood, at Shinar upon building the Tower, etc. Surely, this time its going to work, yeah?
What goes down, must come up. Really? Sure about that are you? Howz about I send you down there and you let me know when you've ever come up? You know all those circles you draw and put candles around to keep demons from attacking your fat lazy nasty infested walking carcasses? Dig it. There is no protection in hell from these horrific death beings, only pain and suffering at their hands. How about I make a doing where these circles of protection exist no more? Sound good? Then you can get a taste of what hell is like. Say, for three days? Going to come up with a pithy jingoistic noise for that one? How about:
What dies outside the circle, stays dead? How about I do that over this upcoming witches black sabbath? A circle of salt and chalk isn't going to save you then. Why is it the fervent mad wish of every demonic dark spirit that the power and unholy sanctity of the circle be broken, so they can get at the witches, wizards, sorcerers and necromancers they despitefully serve? Be no problem at all to do this very thing, as a kind of public service. Is the world ready for a mass death event, for that is what we shall have if this be done? Then you can see what a happy playground down below is really like. Demons only serve you because you have the breath of life that they do not possess. Take that away, the things they scorn and hate (you) and they've no reason to serve you. On the contrary.
How about another freak off event vax weapon? You could call it, We all die together. You could have Mister Warp Speedo Spandex Gimp come up with a cancer vax weapon and make it mandatory for covens and stooges to get the state/fed dollars (soon to be replaced by Amero bucks). Then, we can watch millions of witches and stooges die off for yet a new round of rake death, just like in I AM LEGEND. That's the ticket, yeah. Trump has from day one of his 3rd term been shouting out his region ten (all of north and south america, including Greenland) dictator for life 4th reich. Mein Fuhrer! I can walk!
Frankly, satanists of any stripe are total retards. You worship beings that out and out, hate you beyond imagining. They are incapable of love and affection, only the appearance of it; a false love, hate pretending to pretend. Just like witches do with each other, false loves. You could hang yourself for damien, like in the movie Omen. “Here Nimmy, I am throwing away my breath of life for yoooooooooooooou!” Hugs and kisses, from hell.
He's not thinking of you or your sacrifice, he's smirking his crooked smile, walking his crooked mile, at Dad and Yeshua. Another breath of life idiot throws away themselves for nothing...nothing at all. The Nimmy doesn't regard witches at all, except with inexorable contempt. That's about all the troon can manage, as regards anything that remotely appears to be a feeling. About the same thing a witch or coven musters up, when they take down a christian family or see some thug kill another whitey. Your smirking crooked smile comes from satan, as does the Nimrod.
So, to return to the topic, expect more bloodshed, more chaos, and a setup for the final bookend endcap of this whole period, starting on January 1st, 2025 (new moon). The end of the month going into April. It's all about blood, death, fear, and pandering to the beast.
Their whole thing this season keys upon Do what thou will.
We can see that.
Smash the western economy,
initiate world war(yemen/Iran) and draft,
glorify all things satanic, while pretending to roll it back (TAPS THE SIGN),
And all the while, the powers and principalities are eyeing the nuke button, all is in place. Only the word needs be given and it is done. And millions will die, to push all in it into a living hellscape, clamoring for sanity, peace and safety, and...
Please God help us!
He will. Seek Him, YHVH, out with your whole heart and soul. He will help you.
It's your only way out of this place with your soul intact and still in the Book of Life.
Now, an aside. Can't you feel it? Something very ugly. The previous double tetrard of the earlier blood moons signaled these days and doings, right up into and including the time the vax weapon fake pandemic hoax. And we've all been living and dying in the results of those appointed times. Everyone feels not only does everything suck in every way, but even TV is just pure satanic filth and that non-stop. Four years of the sniffy, with everyone knowing the guy was dead and we got a whole bunch of sniffy's wearing the mask? I could make a list of statements of being about these days and everyone would nod their head as they read them. Every day, to everybody, feels worse than the day before. Oh sure, there are those odd days when it all comes together, and you actually have a nice day, as in times past. Dad provides that kind of thing, one and all.
In the main, however, these times are the Worst of Times, just like in A Tale of Two Cities. And the MSM no way represents this. Just the opposite, like everything is still fine, fine, fine.
But it's not. Nor ever will be again. Despair and hopelessness is the order of the day. They need to get you in that place so Nimrod the “savior” from planet zog can gravlev his black ass into world leadership. Yeah, he's a black guy, a cushite, an Assyrian. And he, like the Edomites, hates whitey to the core. Whites of Ephraim and Mannassas represent Yeshua and YHVH, their eternal enemies. God vs the devil (in drag, no less).
Hey buck broken? Are you going to wear that skirt you wore in Ur, when they buried you the last time? That's your fashion thing after all, girly little skirts. I know for a fact you've already put it on a few times. Some lipstick and perfume – you'd be a big hit on the boulevard in Tel aviv. It's not every day a 11 foot tall black man sashays down the king's road, is it? What with your entourage of chimeras, with flashing red and black eyes. Oooh scary. Is it true you used to fist the temple prostitutes and pull out their heart through their rectum? And it was an honor for them to go that way, all while they are climaxing? You are a sick bastard, after all. You have your father's lying cunning, but in the main, you are stupid. A curse of the Cushite bloodline. Others have to attend to building and making, because all you know is death and destruction. That, you actually have skills for. Look ma, I can break a vase! Real accomplishment, sonny.
I tell you the times we live in and we are near to a most dark of dark times. Pray every day and more than that, every time Dad comes to mind, say hello and unload your heart. He'll help. I will keep you advised as things come along.
But also, there is YHVH's doings. His plans. His justice in these days of days. They don't get things all their way, without that they must now pay as they go. And they WILL PAY MOST SEVERELY.
Measure for Measure.