Of course they are. It's all a show. Just like newscasters all over the world, reading the same words to us all. It's that way for magical purposes, because what they are saying has been hexed and spell casted to a desired end. It's why it is ALWAYS THE EXACT SAME WORDS - in INCANTATION. When they all do it together, worldwide, it creates a magical vortex of that lands on anyone who listens.
There are no senators, congress critters, or anything. It's all just a scripted show for the gullible, lost in space or of what was. In our time, There is only satan and those chosen to play roles. Nothing else.
The real powers are the tables and circles of the Highest Witches, Necromancers, and Sorcerers. Really. These are whom I do battle with and their ranks of the fallen behind them.
One day, probably when it's too late, many of you will understand this. By then, you will be already be hunted down like they do captive children on their revel nights and full moons. But one day...if you are still alive.
And from where I'm sitting, that is one big IF.