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He knows. a misdirect. A dodge. |
Revealing that which is concealed. Learning about anything that resembles real freedom. A journey of self-discovery shared with the world. Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them - Ephesians 5-11 Join me and let's follow that high road...
So, not based on skill or intelligence or competance. Be black and fly planes for United. There is a very good reason why flight schools and all aviation has higher standards of performance than of doctors of any kind. It's about competence and skill, OR PEOPLE DIE. ALOT OF THEM.
I warned folks for a month to stay home on january 6, 2001. Told them it was a trap. Right on this site.
Now telling one and all again. Don't go. It's that, version 2.0
It's a trap. A setup.
To demonize white people and instill local martial law. And the endless swattings and arrests of those even in the zip code this coming weekend and week.
Be mindful. They are staging this over the witches black sabbath of IMBOL.
Of course, a person should do what they think is best, but are you sure of what you hope to attain there?
The current problem is that the indoctrination that passes for "college" these days is a racket, and not worth the insane amount of dough they want to charge you for it.
Result: you end up unprepared for real jobs or careers, and you're swimming in debt, forever.
Yes, things are harder now than when I was young, but that's not the fault of any fake generational grouping, it's the fault of public debt, public funding, inflationary theft, and leftarded policies.
Trying to pin this crap, or any crap, on any particular age group is nothing but jewish bullshit, straight from the media. Who decided when the "group" boomers stopped being born? If you were born one minute later, on New Year's Day, you were suddenly innocent of everything, no matter how commie you were.
Only an idiot couldn't see through this crap.
America is the only country the Jewish MSM groups citizens into groups so that they can then be used AGAINST EACH OTHER in psyop scams.
As we see today.
The MK on this one is strong. Of course it is, it's pushed by the coven network as the latest must have thing. Of course, witches and occultists and studied Christians understand what this REALLY IS.
A hexed Babylonian Chimera of a fallen Titan, they worshiped in those days of Esau.
This is not by accident they put such an unholy visage on drinkware.
$200 to buy a chicom drinky cup with a satanic visage on it? Only the dumb or damned would do such a thing.
The folks rushing out to buy this and pushing this in social media are ALL WITCHES. |
This is a scam; they are trying to do a jan 6th 2.0 and give it a patina of legit, because the Canadian thing 2 years ago was.
Hiring crisis actors:
I could put up ten of these a day. Every day.
Push the vax, die.
Brother Edu
To some, being aware of the days we live in comes with a terrible realization: all the wordly efforts done will be ultimately in vain. All will be destroyed in a short time. Carrer, business, house, family, relationships, everything will be ultimately lost. Nothing is really being built anymore. So what is the point of living anyway? Why not just kill us, let us sleep now and come back later?
Besides our own personal attonements, the point is: to be a living testimonial of Yeshua, to be accepted by some and rejected by many. To be an example of the only living God to the ones that have not yet found Him. And to witness first hand His grace and the truth of His promise to Israel.
So, do whatever Our Heavenly Father has put you doing in life and pay attention, for the whole point are the moments we get to be the witnessess of His work for ourselves and others. Each own carrying his own cross, untill our appointed time of rest finally comes.
In the days of Noah, YHVH made all the righteous people die before he sent the Flood, to spare them from seeing His wrath with the unrighteous. We are now back to the days of Noah, right before another great tribulation starts. If bearing this reality feels too much for you, be patient and confident that our days will once more be shortened, that we may miss His wrath uppon the Earth once more. For a last time.
He led me too:
Jewish woman who has child abduction and rape sites, caught trafficking children. Of course. Show me your hands!
There’s a Crown Lying in the Gutter
Will someone reach out with a sword, and pick it up?
I was alone in the gym, save for three high school boys. One of the zoomers was known to me. A year ago I taught him how to deadlift, after I’d set down the bar to the sound of applause. “Your form is perfect,” he said. “Teach me.” So I did. Over the last year I’ve watched him fill out – shoulders broadening, posture improving. Once he showed me stretch marks on his lower back; they were from gaming, he said, too long spent hunched over a console controller, and a common deformity among boys his age. He doesn’t hunch anymore. A few months ago I recommended he add heavy singles, when his bench press progression was stalling out. He proudly told me he’d just benched 245 the week before.
Out of nowhere, the boys started discussing the desirability of performing ballistic neurosurgery on the costumed drama teacher scuttling about Parliament as he scuttles the country.
“My dad says I shouldn’t say things like that,” he laughed ruefully. “Our phones are listening.”
“They are,” I confirmed, “It’s probably fine, but you should still be more careful. Besides, this is a civilized and orderly country. Such things must be done officially, through legal channels. Military tribunals, followed by the gallows. All nice and proper. That is the way we do things here.”
Teenage bravado is nothing new. But I do not remember my high school friends taking any interest in politics when we were that age. To us, politicians were dull and distant non-entities, of no particular consequence to our lives. We ignored them, save to roll our eyes now and then. Girls, music, weed, cars, beer, sports – these were the things that mattered.
The social mood has changed.
It isn’t just the zoomers.
I’m sure it isn’t merely the Rainbow Princeling’s simpering Backpfeifengesicht that lit this smouldering fire. It isn’t even the hygienic tyranny he gleefully subjected them to, the years of lockdowns and Zoom school and masks and forced injections ... although all of that no doubt looms large in their minds, the distilled essence of stolen childhoods spent trapped in basements with an Xbox and a Steam account in place of a life. The Princeling is merely the human representation of their oppression. This generation of boys has been relentlessly emotionally abused by the cooing apparat-chicks churned out by the ed schools: they’ve been gaslit that they are not oppressed but oppressors, racists, rapists, and settler-colonialists, while the girls they should have been losing their virginity to were yasslit into becoming tranissary tyrants and tormentors; they were forced whether they wanted to or not to bow to Dildolech and salute the Progress Pride flag; they were drugged to compliance when they failed to sit still and attend to their indoctrinations like well-behaved females. They look ahead and see more of the same, only worse.
They have every reason to be disaffected, and no reason not to be.
These boys strike me as being perfectly ordinary in most ways, and so I wonder – how many similar conversations are happening in zoomer group chats around the country, and everywhere else in the post-Western world? How many of these boys are casually joking about a return to the ground truths of the political? Intuiting that democracy just means counting raised hands instead of severed heads, that underneath the elaborate niceties of the institooshuns is the brute fact that all that really matters is which side has the largest number of violence-capable males? Friend, enemy, and are your friends more dangerous than your enemies.
Whether or not they’re ready to fight, and I do not think we are quite there yet, one thing is beyond dispute: they are not going to fight for Uncle Samantha’s Bud Light Military.
The Bud Light Military
John Carter
November 9, 2023
Sing, o muse, of the wrath of Achilles, son of Peleus, that brought countless ills upon the Achaeans ... Thus opens the foundational epic of European civilization. Achilles is angry because his woman, Briseis, has been appropriated by Agamemnon, the leader of the Greeks. He expresses this discontent by goin…
Read full story
The military recruiting crisis is obviously driven by the demonstrable incompetence of political and military elites who so clearly despise those who die in their mismanaged wars on their behalf. It isn’t only an American problem. The already anemic Canadian military is experiencing an insoluble ten percent shortfall. The British military is similarly evaporating, and only managed to annoy zoomers by trying to pander to them with Fortnite and TikTok influencers; meanwhile the Royal Navy is having such a hard time attracting sailors that it is having to decommission frigates for lack of girlpower. Everywhere one looks in the post-West, young men are abandoning the regime.
To no one’s surprise, the recruiting crisis is particularly acute amongst the white male demographic. In fact the recruiting crisis is almost exclusively a result of young white men refusing to enlist, no matter how high the signing bonuses or how generous the benefits. Enlistment amongst blacks and hispanics remains flat as a board; it hasn’t gone down, but the financial inducements haven’t made it go up, either, despite all the diversity pandering.
Traditionally, white men have been the steel from which the spearhead was forged – they are vastly over-represented in the combat arms, and therefore also in casualties. The recruiting crisis therefore almost certainly means that the sharp end of the US war machine is growing rusty and dull, even as the logistical shaft – manned mostly by women and minorities, reliant on an industrial base hollowed out by generations of outsourcing and offshoring – grows worm-eaten and brittle.
The article in which officaldom admitted the awkward reality of white abandonment was written by a Pentagon knob-polisher who twisted himself into pretzels trying to insist that the crisis couldn’t possibly be a result of feckless command decisions throughout the Middle Eastern forever wars, or the vicious contempt the very modern major-generals have shown for their soldiers, whether with their vaxx mandates, their extremism stand-downs, their destruction of training standards to accommodate the sainted diversity (Ranger School: So easy a woman can do it!), or their prioritization of women and minorities for promotion at the expense of white men who can actually get the job done. No, the problem is ... right-wing media talking about these things, politicizing matters that have been declared apolitical, and thereby making the military look bad. Xitter wasn’t buying it; the author hadn’t taken fire like that since he was guarding opium fields in Afghanistan. He had a twitchy finger on the block button that day. Regime functionaries are having a rough time of it lately.
“You are a weak man. You are the problem. You're an INFECTION.” Regime functionaries are having a rough time of it lately. The social mood has changed.
Reportedly one of the major factors driving the recruiting crisis is that families with long traditions of military service are now telling their sons not to enlist. Reactions on Xitter back this up. I lost count of the replies from vets saying that they’d served, their fathers had served, their grandfathers had served ... but that none of their sons, nephews, or cousins would serve.
This should be sending chills down the spines of the Beltway’s denizens.
Multigenerational military families are lineages that have been bred for war. Their ancestors passed through the abattoirs of Gettysburg, the Somme, the Battle of the Bulge, Okinawa, Chosin, Hamburger Hill, and Fallujah. Again and again they have thrown their bodies into the meatgrinder of industrial warfare, and again and again only those tough, mean, and lucky enough to emerge scarred in body and soul but still standing from the hails of bullets, storms of shrapnel, desperate bayonet charges, and shock waves sired the next generation of sons.
The scions of these battle-hardened bloodlines have silently withdrawn their support for the regime.
Do you really think that they are merely going to sit on the sidelines? That the problem for the regime is only that these young men will not offer up their flesh to Russia’s loitering munitions? These young men, that have had icy rivers of bloody-minded mayhem injected into their veins by the unnatural selection of six generations of mechanized warfare? Who are now sitting at home, bored, brooding, and angry?
Do you suppose that it is an accident that the Democrats tabled a bill to prohibit ‘paramilitary activity’? With the definition so deliberately vague that everything from a target-shooting club at the local range to going on hikes with your friends could fall under its remit?
Perhaps that bill is coincidence.
Perhaps, when these young men respond to the desperate appeals of the regime’s recruiters with cold silence and contemptuous indifference, this does not portend the return of the old, dark gods of the political.
Perhaps. But my mind goes back to the casual fedposting of those very ordinary zoomers in the gym, boys who I am quite sure do not come from multigenerational military families, who were not raised on war stories by hard men with thousand-yard stares, who did not learn the rudiments of marksmanship before they could read. If those boys are talking like that, what are their counterparts from the warrior class discussing?
Will Pixel Valhalla be the spiritual Alcatraz the regime needs it to be?
We will see.
But history is not kind to regimes that lose the mandate of heaven.
And, boy. Have they lost it.
Consider this recent survey1 of one-percenters, which drives home how much they hate us. It focused on those with postgraduate degrees and incomes in excess of $150,000, with a particular emphasis on DIEvy League graduates, and asked them their opinions on various economic and social policy issues.
Over 3/4 of the cloud people want to make it illegal for you to eat meat, to drive, to fly, to cook, or to light, heat, or cool your home, without first obtaining their permission to do so. In other words, they do not want you to be able to buy these things; they want to ration them. Mother Climate is angry, you see. The numbers in favour of carbon rationing go up to almost 90% when only the alumni of the rancid DIEvies are considered. A similar fraction thinks that meddling parents should have no say in the indoctrination of their children. Almost half hold that Americans have too much freedom – this at a time when the surveilled, micromanaged, overregulated, and heavily taxed Amerikaner2 has never been less free. It goes almost without saying that over 80% of them think that “Joe Biden” is a first-rate president; surprising no one, 3/4 of them think the economy is in great shape, because their personal finances have only been improving. Lucky them.
The poser elite knows full well that they are not elite in any intrinsic sense. They are not more intelligent or more virtuous than those outside the fat little cyst on the body politic that they inhabit. They got into the ‘best’ schools because they are legacy admits, or because they are women, or because they are diverse, but most of all because they are unprincipled sociopaths happy to agree with whatever honeyed lies they have to voice in order to squirm their way to the top. They were selected for their ideological compliance, not for their intellect, and they understand this better than anyone. Lying is, after all, the only thing that they are good at; they don’t tell the truth about that, either.
The only thing that makes them ‘elite’ is their position on the top, and they know that they do not merit those positions.
They know that they cannot competently manage the systems they’ve been placed in charge of.
They know that everything they touch turns to shit.
San Francisco
Los Angeles
They know that they cannot generate wealth, only loot it...
... and destroy it.
They know that you know that they do not deserve to have the power and wealth that they enjoy.
That makes them feel small and afraid.
That is why they hate you.
That is why they want to punish you.
That is why they want sumptuary laws, which is what rationing meat, energy, and transportation is all about.
They need external displays of wealth to drive home how important they are. Since they cannot earn the loyalty of the people by enriching society, they will push the people down, impoverishing them in the ostensible name of Mother Climate. They will take away everything you have, all the technological fruits of mankind’s genius, either by making it too expensive for you to afford, or by restricting its use to members in good standing of the Inner Party. The ease and comfort of industrial technology for them; the squalor of Babylonian peasants for you. Thus, little poors, they will make sure you understand at the most visceral level the gulf that separates you from your betters. You will walk; they will fly. You will subsist on bugs; they will dine on filet mignon. You will freeze in the dark in a tiny pod; they will luxuriate in spacious mansions with heated pools.
It is not the most inspiring message, and indeed, the people have never been less inspired.
There is currently a standoff on America’s southern border. The entity calling itself America’s federal government is refusing to enforce the border; as a result, millions of migrants have poured across, not only from Mexico or even from Latin America, but from all over the world – China, Africa, the Middle East. Many of them are young, male, and fit. Some suggest they’re just cheap labour. Some say that the plan is to pack the voting rolls and help fortify the upcoming election. Others, with an eye on the recruiting crisis, hold that the regime plans to offer them citizenship in exchange for service, sending them to die abroad in World War III while also using them to bring the hammer down on the despised Amerikaner at home. It would not be the first time Washington made use of foreigners to murder Americans other Americans did not want to murder: during the Civil War the North made extensive use of European immigrants, making up for a manpower shortage resulting from the reluctance of the homegrown population to fight in Lincoln’s unpopular war.
Whatever the purpose of the migrants, Texas finally had enough, and sent its National Guard to secure the border. They erected razorwire barriers, and even went so far as to evict federal personnel, who were being ordered to tear down those barriers as fast as Texans could put them up.
Inevitably, it went to the courts. As I write this, the Supreme Court has returned a 5/4 decision in the White House’s favour, ordering Texas to stand down.
Constitutionally, that was probably technically correct: the border, after all, is federal jurisdiction.
Politically, it was extremely foolish.
The objective reality of the Supreme Court is that it is just nine people sitting on a bench: four old and unreliably based white men, one of whom is gay, one old and very based black man, one ‘based’ (lol) evangelical AWFL with adopted black children, one Jewish lady, and two affirmative action hires, one a semi-literate Latina and the other a black woman whose profound stupidity is exceeded only by her preternatural ugliness. The Jewish lady, the Latina, the black woman, the AWFL, and the gay man banded together to discover that the unwritten penumbras emanating from the Constitution mean that America doesn’t get to have a border if it makes Washington sad. The first three voted exactly as one would expect them to vote: not being Americans, they are hostile to America. The AWFL, on paper, is a conservative, but voted with her ovaries when she saw the poor niños drowning in the river. The gay man is also technically conservative, but he is also gay.
I know of no evidence beyond this man’s physiognomy and behaviour that he is gay. That is, however, you must surely admit, compelling evidence.
The authority of these nine people rests on popular agreement that they have authority, that their opinions matter, that their decisions carry weight. It will be interesting to see what effect this decision has on popular respect for the court; it is worth remembering that the response of the universities to the Supreme Court telling them that they must cease and desist from affirmative action was to snicker and immediately and openly declare their intention to continue. If the enemy refuses to respect the court when its decisions don’t go their way, well... Sure enough, as soon as the decision was announced, social media lit up with calls for Governor Abbott to take the Jacksonian stance: “The court has made its decision; now let it enforce it.” After all, how many divisions do the Jewish lady, the Latina, the black woman, the AWFL’s ovaries, and the gay man command?
In principle, of course, the answer is: everything FedGov has at its disposal. Which, in principle, is a lot.
If Abbott refuses to back down, will the Feds give the order to open fire?
If they give that order, will it be followed?
We may find out shortly.
It certainly doesn’t look like Abbott is planning on backing down.
Who knows where things might go from there.
I sure don’t.
I’m just asking questions here.
What kind of questions are you asking?
Maybe nothing will happen. We’ve seen the tide rise before, and at the crucial moment, we saw the orange man lose his nerve.
But then again ... the social mood has changed.
We’re at the critical point of the Turchin cycle. Elite overproduction has run its usual course, and that overproduced elite has had the wealth pump roaring at full capacity for over 50 years. They’ve sucked out the marrow of the economy, and they intend to continue sucking until the host dies. Whether in America, or Canada, or Britain, or Ireland, or France, or Holland, or in Germany, they don’t bother hiding their contempt for the populations they rule. They make no secret of their intentions. They offer only dispossession, poverty, immiseration, and ignorance, and they are open about this.
They laugh about it.
They’re hated as few regimes in history have been hated. Their power is a mile wide but their support a millimetre deep; they are a tissue paper tiger.
As always at this point in the Turchin cycle, a rival elite is emerging. In this case it seems to consist of tech bros impatient with the inefficiencies forced upon them by the DIE cult, together with the large contingent of capable, competent Westmen that have been forced out of the institutions their grandfathers built to make way for the diversity hires their mothers imported. The former have money and some degree of institutional power. The latter provide the intellectual infrastructure, ideological framework, and propaganda. Their ultimate aims are not necessarily in perfect alignment, but both parties only stand to benefit from the removal of the parasite pathocracy, both are angry and hungry, and both smell blood in the water.
Aside from a few hedge funds and social media companies, and a vast proliferation of livestreams, podcasts, and blogs, the rival elite has almost nothing going for it to match against the vast resources of the regime – which has the military, the courts, the police, the academy, the legacy media, the NGOs, the global governance bodies, and most of the financial and corporate sectors.
Well, there’s one more thing. Unlike the fake and GAE imposter elite, whose status is entirely conferred by the authority of others, and who therefore fear competence, strength, and vitality in others, the rival elite has cultivated virtue. They have made themselves strong in body, mind, and spirit. They have spent years consciously swimming upstream against cultural currents that seek to drown their spirits. Unlike the weak, the strong do not fear strength; they seek to make those beneath them stronger, to lift them up that they themselves might be elevated further still. And so, their message is very different from the one offered up by the globaloid goblins of Davos:
You will find love; you will have many children; you will live in a house, with a nuclear reactor in the basement and two flying cars in the garage; you will eat the steak; you will build amazing and beautiful things; you will own your own life; you will be happy; and your grandchildren will go to the stars.
Tobias Roetsch
There’s a general staff and an officer cadre ready to go. What’s needed is an army.
It’s obvious where to look: those legions of disaffected zoomer boys, those kids with absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain from dismantling a system that promises them nothing but tfw no gf; young men with nothing to look forward to but getting shunted aside in school, work, and their very homelands in favour of the holy melanated Other; boys who grew up sniggering over the Tate TikToks they shared in their group chats as they ignored the ladyteacher’s shrill voice informing them about the latest update to the gender spectrum; kids who despite every attempt to crush their spirits managed to cultivate enough thumos to troll their teachers by singing Erika.
It’s just a matter of assembling the components.
There’s a crown lying in the gutter, just waiting for someone with the courage to reach out with their sword, and pick it up.
Id to go down to Nuevo Laredo quite a bit for business, but it’s become way too dangerous in the last decade+. however, I still have friends who live in Laredo and McAllen. they all say the same shit: a constant stream of generic buses, migrants with pre paid visa cards, languages other than Spanish, non-profits and NGO’s occupying abandoned strip malls for 3-4 weeks to process new migrants etc.
the point is that this isn’t the border scene from even 5-6 years ago. the rumors going on now are that there is coordination between the cartels and the ngos/USgov. for what purpose, who knows?
But the reason they do not ever mention is that when you join with someone, its for life. You share the same auric field, for the rest of that life. Now, if your connected with a person who has dozens of partners, you connect with them as well, for good or bad.
For the rest of your life.
That's why, marrying a virgin was a thing for thousands of years. Until the late 20th century.
Flight has now become more dangerous than any form of transportation in the world. Long before this. Since the vax weapon, several planes crash each week. You just mostly never hear about them.
Psychiatric hearing voices in your head?
They are surveillance and a weapon system in one. Be advised.
These kind have a raging blood lust that can never be slaked.
And you are sitting in a lithium bomb as well as a magnetic field that causes cancers. EVs are a weapon, not transportation. It's just packaged that way, like the vax weapon is packaged as a vaccine.
wake up please.
The executive director of the Rainbow Resource Center, a prominent LGBTQ+ support center based in Modesto, has been identified as one of 17 men apprehended on suspicion of attempting to engage in sexual activities with a minor.
The revelation was first reported by the Modesto Bee.
Gerad Slayton, 42, was taken into custody during a sting operation organized by the Turlock Police Department, targeting individuals believed to be seeking illicit encounters with minors. Slayton, recently appointed as the executive director of the Rainbow Center, a local nonprofit dedicated to providing resources for LGBTQ+ individuals across all age groups, faces allegations of pursuing sexual activities with minors.
The Rainbow Center addressed the situation through a Facebook statement, asserting that Slayton's alleged actions occurred outside of working hours and were not associated with the organization's premises. Court records indicate that Slayton has no prior felony charges in Stanislaus County.
Dude, everyone laughing at you. And you don't see it? That's how far gone you are for MLK (moloch).
It's all about cell tower frequencies to vaxxies - DiseaseHex.
Hubris-filled egoists are at the WEF’s I-Love-Experts annual festival, and there they have decided that there will be a brand new disease of unknown etiology, unknown vector, and unknown mechanism that they have declared (says this report) “could result in 20 times more fatalities than the coronavirus pandemic.”
How could they know this number when they know nothing about the disease? Answer: they cannot. They are making it up.
So ignorant are they of this new disease they know all about, yet know nothing of, that they have decided to call it “Disease heX”.
We are well used to science by Fantasy by this time, so it comes as no surprise Experts will make predictions based only on their authority as Experts. Problem is, as it always has been, that they want us to take them seriously because they are Experts.
We took them seriously in the covid panic. Let’s remind ourselves how that turned out. Besides the brutally stupid punishing oppositely effective lockdowns, preposterous mask mandates and other ridiculous health theatrics, and forced vaccinations complete with vax-passports, there was all those dead bodies. As the article says, after Experts first created the coronadoom in immoral gain-of-lethality research, they had an Oopsie. And then “Nearly 7 million people have died worldwide with COVID-19, nearly 1.2 million of them in the United States.”
Of course, none of these numbers can be trusted. The USA did lead the world in panic, which is why so many deaths in the official total are from there. Some countries, like China, saw their government declare its covid-zero policy early on a success, and what bureaucracy dared disagree? Xi Who Must Be Obeyed’s critics have an amusing habit of disappearing or dying of Hillary disease.
That’s my point of view. That’s not what Experts got from the three-plus years of idiot panic. What they took from it was how wonderful they are. And how needed.
Remember how they gathered in Zoom meetings, still wearing masks, though all alone, so that they could show how earnest they were, and how they always came to the conclusion that what was needed was more Expertisms? I remember.
They remember, too. Which is why we have this:
“Disease X” was first mooted by the WHO, in a review of pathogens considered a priority for research to inform public health planning, as a placeholder name for an as-yet unknown virus that could infect humans. As such, it does not represent a particular disease but another pandemic-causing virus that could emerge and should be planned for.
Now there’s a lot of talk on our side about the suspicious nature of these discussions. Here they are admitting they don’t know diddly squat about Disease X, but they are also mouthing terrifying things like it could kill 140 million people. That sounds mighty suspicious. Especially when you consider the WHO and other gatherings of Experts made play time simulating a pandemic just before the covid Oopsie. They even trot out software salesman Bill Gates to rub his enormous belly and issue prophetic warnings, as he did before.
And here is Google pre-announcing that some “Sensitive Event” is coming, in which, with sad hearts, they will have to censor the internet hard.
Could it be that these simpletons are not as dim as we suspect, are not filled to the brim with notions of their own superiority, and that they are instead quite clever and are planning on releasing Disease X? After all, Experts hate people. They are constantly saying there are too many of us, their minds addled by telling each other horror stories of “climate change”.
Then comes curious reports like in this headline, well timed to coincide with announcements of Disease X: “Chinese scientists ‘create’ a mutant coronavirus strain that attacks the BRAIN and has a 100% kill rate in mice – as they admit there’s a ‘risk it spills over to humans’“. Showing at least Experts have learned zero lessons from the last gain-of-lethality experiment.
Plus, the States are slated to have an election which even NPR listeners are predicting will be tumultuous. And you better know that the woke remember just how well all those “covid-necessary” mail-in ballots worked in fortifying the last one.
Well. Such a conspiracy might be so. I cannot prove it isn’t.
But given my years wandering among academics I believe arrogance, sheer stubborn pig-headed belief in their own limitless abilities, accounts for the data better.
You might not have read the sublime The Price of Panic: How the Tyranny of Experts Turned a Pandemic into a Catastrophe, but in that book we looked back and found that Experts have been playing this “What Happens When We Are Put In Charge During The Next Pandemic” for a long time, and many times. With arch midwits like Neil Ferguson predicting, many times, enormous numbers of dead for every noticed malady, academics have been forming committees and trying to juice panics. It was only with covid that their efforts finally paid off.
There are many reasons for this, not the least that they finally got lucky. Others such as the widespread availability of social media didn’t hurt. Consider the Asian flu and Hong Kong pandemics of the mid-Twentieth Century killed proportionally more people in shorter times, but with no panics.
Yet those pandemics happened when academia was not as huge, domestically and globally, as it is now. There were not as many Experts as we suffer now.
Problem is, conspiracy or no, Experts will be scouring the globe looking for any excuse they can find to be put back in charge. Propagandists have for decades tried their best to juice panics, almost annually (here’s a list of attempts). But now everybody’s skittish because of covid.
You might have figured out that the covid panic was not necessary, but most have not. Most people believe whatever glowing screens tells them they must believe. I say, and repeat endlessly, that propaganda works, because why? Because propaganda works!
Watch the skies, my friends. Pay attention to propaganda outlets. I confidently predict a slew of headlines like this one, “Could this new bug be Disease X?” It won’t even have to be “new”. They could start re-panicking over flu. Or clusters of “mysterious” here and there.
So, if you are EV slug/gimp/dunsky, no power, no driving. Stay in your ice house and freeze to death. At least you can drive to someplace for the day or night, for most, not all, in a GASOLINE CAR.
Tesla. That brand is dying.
Hey's all coming to pass, baby. Each day, the snarky hatred of all things Musk is showing on normies EVERYWHERE.
Everywhere, dude.
Your only fans are other nephy phreaks like yourself and those being PAID to like you. At this point, folks will start distancing themselves from you because...
...these kind of things have a tendency of rubbing off onto people connected with you, as it rightly is. No one wants in on the death hag spiral.
This is Steven Sernoskie. He was arrested in Canada and admitting to raping an autistic boy and running a beastiality ring. He also reportedly forced the boy to engage in beastiality. The judge sentenced him to time served - less than 2 years in prison. In other news, a Canadian pastor faces up to 4 years in prison for protesting drag queen storytime at a public library. So rapists get 2 years and drag queen protestors get 4 years... Welcome to Canada.
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The pastor gets four years for protesting abominations, the donkey dick child rapist gets 2 years and is already out diddling children and donkeys. |
If you literally want to play Russian Roulette with air travel, fly in any modern jet, out of any airport in the west. The damned are already waiting for you. They are. The TSA covenites, whom pray on passengers to sexually assault hundreds every single hour to the flight mechanics, who cannot read a repair manual. Then there is the flight staff, trans phreak pilots and flight staff, whom HATE cis gender or NORMAL people with every satanic fiber of their being.
Help yourself. Roll the dice. Squeeze the trigger.
Doesn’t it feel like United Airlines is becoming the ‘Bud Light’ of air travel? Their recent drive towards Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) seems heavily focused on transvestites, cross-dressers, and other assorted freaks. But unlike Bud Light, which was “merely” cynically trying to sell beer and normalize demonic behavior to young minds, United Airlines is potentially putting people’s lives in danger with their Drag Queen Flying Hour.
You may have heard by now, but the CEO of United Airlines enjoys cross-dressing as a woman. Revolver covered this disturbing story. He wants you to land your plane into his rear hangar. Over and over again.
Have you noticed? The US aviation industry is crashing, both literally and figuratively. It’s like we’re watching the whole airline sector fall apart at the seams: pilots passing away out of the blue, passengers turning flights into WWE-style brawls, doors and windows blowing off mid-flight, and air traffic controllers resorting to Google for on-the-spot training. And when it seems things couldn’t get stranger, there’s the case of the freaky guy leading United Airlines.
Instead of prioritizing essentials like safety and skills, the CEO at United appears to be more concerned with his false eyelashes and jumbo nylons. Think we are joking? We wish we were, folks.
What happens when these clown phreaks in bondage gear decide to turn off the oxygen and everyone falls asleep in hypoxia and the jet does an endo into a major city? Because it will happen more than once. It will. It will be mass murder, but they will say it was an accident. Then they will try and hide the fact the pilot had an arrest warrant for child rape and murder awaiting them at their next stop. So they end themselves and the flight. Because..."It's because of your normies my life is a mental shitepot of voices in my head telling me to rape young boys and KILL YOU ALL TODAY."
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This is why flying is going to hell across the board. Demonic NYC phreaks DEI'ing industry into the demonic toilet. |
He doesn't care about profit, the passengers, or safety. He cares about lots of dick and children's parties in the daycare center he put in the executive offices for "young boys."
Instead of prioritizing essentials like safety and skills, the CEO at United appears to be more concerned with his false eyelashes and jumbo nylons. Think we are joking? We wish we were, folks.
After all, what passenger doesn’t want a complete mental crackpot in charge of the plane they’re flying on? You might be new to this topic, but it’s been on Revolver’s radar for quite a while now. In fact, we started calling out the DEI issue in the airline industry when only the faintest warning signs were beginning to show.
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Unholy child rapists and killers. Wipe them out. |
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Demonic skin suit captains flying your next death slag adventure into the sea. Remember the sea. |
As technology advances, we’re regressing. Why?
The recent accident in Houston is just the latest noteworthy instance in what a major New York Times investigation this summer determined to be “an alarming pattern of safety lapses and near misses in the skies and on the runways in the USA.” According to internal records of the Federal Aviation Agency, the Times reported that these safety lapses and near misses occurred as a “result of human error.” The Times report further revealed that “runway incursions” of the sort described above have nearly doubled, from 987 to 1732, despite the widespread proliferation of advanced technologies.
We no longer focus on excellence; instead, we focus on wokeness. Ang getting ass pounded by the dark ones from Tel Aviv, their favorite stopover site.
The aggressive substitution of merit in favor of diversity has led to a so-called competency crisis, jeopardizing not only our ability to generate innovative technology but, in a more dire sense, our ability to simply maintain the proper functioning of various complex systems vital to our existence as a first-world civilization. Despite the superficiality of “diversity” as a matter of rhetoric, the reality of diversity as an ideological, cultural, and legal imperative is not merely cosmetic—far from it.
While a full treatment of this topic would run far outside the scope of this article, we have discussed elsewhere the manner and extent to which the affirmative action regime is embedded deeply into the law, economy, and every major institution in the country.
We highly recommend reading the entire Revolver article. It’s quite the eye-opener, shedding a bright light on the actual forces that are tearing apart our aviation industry. Read it here:
Crash Landing: The Inside Scoop About How Covid and Affirmative Action Policy Gutted Aviation Safety
Unfortunately, the way things are now, before boarding a flight, you might find yourself wanting to check not only if your pilot is physically fit but also mentally and emotionally stable and not decked out in high heels. That’s quite a burden for passengers, who ideally should be able to board a plane carefree, just like in the golden days of flying.
What happens when their demons decide it wants to kill a flight of 283 souls on board, for the "master." What happens when the trans phreak demon decides to neck itself and join the "41%" club? And sees the passengers as the reason their so sick inside and UNHAPPY.
You know what happens.
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Back when flying meant a fun adventure, not a rotting trip through hell with low IQ diversity hires who failed every flight check and had to have their test standards lowered to even be considered for a job serving tea, much less piloting a huge plane with hundreds of soon to be dead people. |
READ MORE: Our Nation’s Fat, Archaic, Dilapidated Airports Represent the Overall Decline
If you only knew how bad things really are...