Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Critical race theory kills a school levy

Voters in Rocky River, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland, voted down a school levy last Tuesday in a rebuke of teaching critical race theory. CRT promotes the notion that America is overrun with systemic racism.

Via 100% Fed Up, Dr. Ben Carson said, "Critical Race Theory is a deliberate means to sow division and cripple our nation from within–one brainwashed and resentful student at time. And while foreign adversaries like China and Russia surely work to enflame our divisions, we are doing this to ourselves."

Rocky River voters said no. This was the first time since 2012 that voters rejected a school levy in Rocky River.

School officials deny teaching CRT, telling the Plain Dealer that they instead give diversity training. They also deny CRT shot down the school levy.

School district spokesman Greg Murphy said, "We had a lot of hope that Issue 11 would pass, but understand that the last year has been difficult on everyone for a number of reasons.

"We are proud of our schools and all of the dedicated people who work so hard in providing a quality education for our students. We will continue to work with residents and the community on how we can better serve them and earn their support when we return to the ballot."

In short, school officials will force voters to vote on the levy again and again until voters are exhausted and pass the school tax. Expect popular activities to be cut first in an effort to push voters to increase their taxes.

The levy vote also came in the shadows of a criminal investigation that led to 5 male teachers resigning and 1 retiring. They apparently shared pictures of 1 girl student.

Superintendent Michael Shoaf said, "In lieu of a lengthy employment termination process, the departure of these six staff members provides our school district with the swiftest route -- without litigation -- to provide 100% certainty that these individuals will not return to a Rocky River City School District classroom."

That happened in March.

The CRT story broke late, with robocalls to voters from Tom Zawistowski of the Ohio Tea Party.

He said, "There is a cancer growing in your community, and it must be stopped now. The Rocky River local school district has been infiltrated by radical Marxist teachers, staff and administrators who want to implement the racist, anti-American, nonsensical Critical Race Theory, which indoctrinates your children and grandchildren with race-based hatred of white people, of American history, and of capitalism, with the goal of the communist takeover of our nation. It's time for we the people of Rocky River to defend our nation, our history and our values. And we do that by defunding these radical communists and forcing their removal from our schools."

The district tried to play down CRT.

On Election Day, WOIO reported, "The district has partnered with the Diversity Center of Northeast Ohio since 2013, offering justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) programming."



The district is programming our children instead of educating them.

I think all the justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion kids need is in the Pledge of Allegiance. And the goal is equality, not equity.

I remember when schools taught the 3 Rs.

I also remember when schools were worthy of respect.

Finally, I remember united we stand, divided we fall.