Wednesday, October 2, 2019

My Gift To Climate Alarmists

Alarmist Heat Wave Chart Shown vs Underlying Data

US Wildfires as Presented by Alarmists vs Actual Data

Please compare the right hand portion of the above chart with the lower half of the heat wave chart to see the actual correlation.

Arctic Sea Ice Extent

US Sea Level Since 1920

US Sea Level Since 1850

Waverly Ohio

Climate Fraud Tool

Tony Heller devised software to automatically pick the perfect start date for climate alarmists to use to portray what they want.
"Most scientists are keeping their mouths shut because they they have to. They would lose their career and income if they didn't."
"Adults won't take climate change seriously. So we, the youth, are forced to strike."
"The Green New Deal reads like the communist manifesto".

Redistribute the World's Wealth by Climate Policy

The climate change activists will of course claim that such statements are out of context.
I agree they likely are. But the brainwashing of kids isn't.

Flashback 1989

Entire nations could be wiped off the earth by 2000.
Visit Real Climate Science for more information.
Heller shows some of the tricks alarmists use, but what about the actual long-term data?

Global Warming Swindle

William Land describes the actual underlying data for thousands of years in the "Great Global Warming Swindle".