Saturday, October 12, 2019

Why the CIA targeted Nixon for removal from office in 1972. And now they are going after Trump

 How DARE he try to END a WAR
And so the CIA got rid of Nixon.

"17 former prosecutors vs millions of Americans that chant LOCK HER UP! Those 17 can suck a bag of dicks."
Nixon and his aides were obsessed with using a second term to take command of a federal government that they believed was hostile to the President and his agenda. “Faced with a bureaucracy we did not control, was not staffed with our people, and with which we did not know how to communicate, we created our own bureaucracy,” White House aides wrote in a 1972 memo found in the files of H. R. Haldeman, who later went to prison for covering up Watergate crimes.

Nixon gave his aides detailed directions about how to flush unsympathetic bureaucrats from the government after he won reëlection. Early in the 1972 campaign, he wrote his aides with instructions for a “housecleaning” at the C.I.A.:

I want a study made immediately as to how many people in CIA could be removed by presidential action. . . . Of course, the reduction in force should be accomplished solely on the ground of its being necessary for budget reasons, but you will both know the real reason. . . . I want you to quit recruiting from any of the Ivy League schools or any other universities where either the university president or the university faculties have taken action condemning our efforts to bring the war in Vietnam to an end.

Nixon was serious. On Nov. 8, 1972, right after his re-election, he asked for the resignations of key governmental officials, including the heads of agencies.

 Nixon's planned purge of the CIA was the main motivation for the CIA instigating the Watergate scandal and removing Nixon from office. Since 1963, the number one job of the CIA was to cover up their role in the assassination of JFK. And they did a fantastically good job at this. You do not cover up the crime of the century for 50 years by being lazy and taking chances. One of the keys to the cover up was having conspirators occupying nearly all the top jobs within the CIA. These guys all risked being hung for treason if they lost this control. Johnson was more than happy to help them with this, and first term Nixon did not feel free to take on these powerful forces, but second term Nixon was a guy without much to prove. He felt free to act, and he did not have any idea how badly penetrated his administration was.

The CIA had been watching Nixon and infiltrating his inner circles since before he was a candidate for president in 1968. As early as 1966, CIA operative Eugenio Martinez was facilitating shady real estate dealings for Nixon, and his campaign and administration was filled with CIA guys. They bugged Nixon and kept tabs on him, and as soon as he showed signs of doing the right thing, they sprung their trap. 

I am still a bit surprised that a large number of people who understand that the CIA at a very high level was involved in the killing of JFK have not seen that the conspirators (by 1968 basically, the entire leadership of the CIA) would do absolutely anything to to maintain the cover up. These guys were extremely smart and well financed. They could very well have had a cover up the JFK assassination budget of $100M a year. This number is just a guess, but I think it is reasonable to think that thousands of people were employed in the cover up. Not that most of these people understood what they are doing, but I think that most the the CIA's domestic operations can be attributed to the cover up. The whole spying of anti-war protesters, etc. was just cover for putting in place the mechanisms necessary to maintain the cover up. 

This apparatus included:

- the ability to control the domestic press (Operation Mockingbird)
- the ability to control local police investigations of various murders and other crimes (The office of security under Paul Gaynor, see Secret Agenda for stuff on this)
- a significant effort to control the presidency (and they did a bang up job)

You can include the killing of RFK, the shooting of George Wallace, Watergate, the fomenting of riots at the 68 democratic convention in Chicago, the deposing of Spiro Agnew, the scaring of Ross Perot out of the presidential race, and (perhaps a bunch of the dirty tricks in the 1972 election)?? (If anybody has any info on this, please let me know.) all on the list of things done to maintain the cover up. Plus at least 40 other murders, etc., etc.

It's interesting how LATER HISTORY, puts the Nixon events into perspective...
It is now much easier to see that the CIA removed him from power...
The whole Watergate story is a fairytale.

Richard Helms was the blackest of souls.
Watergate was a CIA sting operation against Nixon. The burglars were CIA and FBI lifers, recently "retired".
Those special prosecutors know that.
They lied about a coup against Nixon and are now promoting a coup-based-on-lies against Trump.

 Every single special prosecutor, of which agency witch Hillary was one of, was outed and proved out in later years as CIA. And they dragged this bag of dicks back into the limelight to sell impeachment again. These people are devils.