Insane in the Ukraine Part 3 – Sheep Dipping the Truther?

Insane in the Ukraine Part 1 – J.Go Like You’ve Never Seen Him Before
Insane in the Ukraine Part 2 – The Spin Begins
It seems that all roads lead to Ukraine in the news cycle right now. We have Glenn Beck taking to the chalk board in a 2-hour special to break it down for us. The Trump impeachment story and the Ukraine story are intimately intertwined, with the Atlantic Council financing an Adam Schiff staffer’s trip to Ukraine just as the latest “whistleblower” plot to topple President Trump was being launched.
It has now come to light in the mainstream media that the sons of Joe Biden and John Kerry teamed up with the nephew of Whitey Bulger in a “shady private equity firm” to get lucrative oil and gas contracts in Ukraine and China. Nancy Pelosi’s son was there doing deals too.
Former Breitbart journalist Lee Stranahan (who is a registered foreign agent working for Russian state-sponsored propaganda outlet Sputnik) has been banging the Ukraine drum for a while now. He’s the guy who introduced his long-time friend Jason Goodman to George Webb. He now seems to be hanging out with Webb, from whom Goodman has distanced himself.
So here we have two prominent alt-media personalities, closely connected to each other, covering politics, both defendants in lawsuits, and both connected to Ukraine. We explored this in more detail in part 1 and part 2.
We have received some updated information from a source I’ll call Raven. This provided some leads for further investigation. While I have no way to confirm the identity of Raven, I believe I know who it is and find them to be a very talented researcher who collaborates with other researchers I also greatly respect. I have vetted the information they have provided as much as possible and it has all checked out, but as always, Do Your Own Research.
Jason Goodman has been enraged by the opinions I have expressed about him and his various lawsuits on this blog and my YouTube channel. He calls me a liar while lying about me; but like others in the #BlueTeam who use the same attack vector, he has yet to provide a single example of an alleged lie nor any piece of evidence to refute any claim I have made. He’s had years now. Meanwhile we always present the evidence we are using to draw conclusions. The citations are in the hyperlinks – nearly 200 in this post. Where are Jason’s citations?
Sheep Dip the Spoof
Raven believes that Jason Goodman was taken out of military intelligence and “sheep-dipped” to create an artificial career in Hollywood. Sounds preposterous? Consider the evidence we are presenting here and decide for yourself.21st Century 3D
The first anomaly we must consider is Jason Goodman’s company “21st Century 3D”.According to the official story, it was founded in the 20th Century. 3D film technology has been around since the 1890’s (cf The Modern Supernatural and the Beginnings of Cinema) . Like “Virtual Reality”, they keep re-launching it as “the next big thing” but it never seems to really cross the chasm into mainstream acceptance as a default technology.
Officially, 21c3d began in 1999 when the company changed its name:
In May 2001, Jason Goodman was still writing letters as President of Multimedia Software Design.
The 21st Century 3D web site was launched in July 2001, claiming it as a division of MultiMedia Software Design. If the company changed its name in 1999, why would they describe it as a division in 2001? I can find no record of the company name being changed as Jason Goodman states above.
In 2001 their web site claimed the parent company was founded in 1992:

From 2004 msd-nyc.com started redirecting to 21c3d.com. Jason Goodman’s name is still not there but there is a 2004 picture of him appearing to operate a camera.
The first mention of his name I can find on the Web site of 21st Century 3D was in February 2006. He is not described as CEO or President.
Jason Goodman is mentioned on the Multimedia Software Design website in November 1998 in relation to a column he wrote in Keyframe magazine. Once again, he is not described as CEO or President.
What’s the Problem?
The problem is that this “Jason Goodman” character – who supposedly has a 25 year+ long career in Hollywood – has basically nothing on the Internet documenting his activities in the movie industry until the late Noughties. There seems to be a 16 year gap.His LinkedIn page tells two conflicting stories. He claims that 21st Century 3D was started in July 1993. Yet he didn’t graduate from NYU Film School until 1994. Why was he saying 1992 for Multimedia Software Design in 2001? In 1992 Jason Goodman was 19 years old and in the 3rd year of a 5-year college degree in Film. Why was he saying 1999 for 21st Century 3D in 2011? Real resumés don’t change years and company names over time.

The Wayback machine does not have Jason’s LinkedIn page archived, but my one is saved in 2008 and 2009. This suggests that his page was created later than 2009, and LinkedIn profiles no longer get crawled by the Wayback machine.

Trademark Search
When Jason Goodman registered the trademark for “Crowdsource the Truth”, claiming its first commercial use was October 1 2016, he did so in the name of Multimedia System Design Inc.
The US Patent and Trademark Office does have three registered trademark entries for Multimedia Systems Design Inc. Their mark was filed on June24, 1998 by Miller Freeman Inc, a publishing company in San Francisco founded in 1902. The trademark was issued in 2000. They would not have been able to get this if there was another company with such a similar name already doing business in the multimedia field.
Once again, the evidence does not match the story. If the story is legit, it should be easy for Mr Goodman to demonstrate this by showing incorporation documents, pointing us to his trademark or certificates of stock ownership, perhaps showing us bank statements or invoices.
Jason Goodman has called me a liar without identifying and refuting with evidence even a single alleged “lie”.
I have just demonstrated with evidence that Jason Goodman is lying on his LinkedIn page about his company history and name. There was no 21st Century 3d in 1993; as a legal entity, there still doesn’t appear to be one today. Even 20 years ago, his company was lying about both its history and its name. The difference between 1992 and 1994 might not seem significant but in the world of multimedia and the web it is the difference between being a pioneer and a latecomer.
What Happened 1994-2009?
The 21c3D YouTube channel was started in July 2009. Interestingly, the location is listed as the U.K.

A TruthFinder background report on Jason Goodman reveals some more interesting connections – companies that are not listed in his LinkedIn profile.
I can’t find anything online for LEVY:ARIE Media Brokers.
I did find a “Goodman Media Group” (no longer in business) out of New York with Jason Goodman as President, publishing UFO magazines:
The “Fit Yoga” President Jason Goodman has the same address as the Goodman Media Group one. There is nothing to show that they are all the same person, other than that’s what it says in his background report.
Terminator Takeover
In November 2014 Jason Goodman was named in an SEC filing as a member of the board of directors of Brick Top Productions, a Florida company that took over the Carolco brand (producers of Terminator 2, Rambo 1-3, Angel Heart, Basic Instinct and Israeli military propaganda film Iron Eagle II).Last year the company, now called Recall Productions, paid $200 million to acquire an Artificial Intelligence business. Jason Goodman does not appear to be on the Board these days.
Carolco’s Lebanese founder Mario Kassar selected Goodman for his “oeuvre as substantial as some of the other great cinematographers”:
So where is this “substantial oeuvre”? Surely even one clip from it would be in his show reel? Or was Mr Kassar talking about the bikini car wash in 3D?
Seen Holding Statues
A “three-time Lumiere Award winning Innovator”, that sounds impressive. Innovator is even capitalized! Unfortunately for Mr Goodman (and other Officers of this publicly traded company potentially submitting false information to the SEC) this has been completely debunked by The Hudson Report in Jason Goodman: From Russia With Love
Since publishing this story: all of the pictures of Goodman with the Lumiere Awards statues have been ‘scrubbed’ from images in a Google search. Is someone on the Google team providing support for Goodman’s cover? The only picture with Jason Goodman holding the statues… now links to his IMDB page which has a description.This pattern of claiming credits for awards not received was repeated when Jason and his sidekick Charles Ortel made a big deal about “getting nominated for a Peabody Award” – which anyone can nominate somebody for. See CryptoBeast #2 – #Clownsource the #Peabody
The funny thing about this description, is that it didn’t exist before this story was published. Once again, Goodman tries to change history using false information to support the ongoing ‘cover’ that he has developed and promoted for years. The International 3D Society’s 4th Annual 3D Creative Arts Awards Ceremony of 2013 NEVER presented Goodman with any awards. He did not win anything. How do we know? Here’s the documentation…Four different articles that provide the list of winners for the 2013 The International 3D Society’s 4th Annual 3D Creative Arts Awards Ceremony.
Goodman is not on any of the lists. He did not win any awards.
Goodman’s Lumiere Awards picture is designed to mislead the public. The evidence speaks for itself…
Source: The Hudson Report
Where Are The Credits?
The movie industry is not like software. If I start a company and take it public in an IPO, there might be some names of CxOs or other Key Personnel mentioned in documents, but you’re not going to read the names of the receptionist or development team. Hollywood is the opposite. Watch a movie all the way to the end and you will see “credits”. Everyone who worked on that movie is listed, “junior assistant to key grip” and so on.Jason Goodman does show up in movie credits…but not until much later in his alleged career.
The movie industry has IMDB, the Internet Movie Database. You can go to it and search peoples’ names and see what movies they were in.
Jason Goodman does have an IMDB profile. The first entry is 2009.
There is not a single credit for any work between 1992 and 2009, even though 21st Century 3D had a Los Angeles office in this time period. This seems #HighlySuspicious.
Will the Real Jason Goodman Please Stand Up?
“Jason Goodman” is a common enough name – which makes it convenient for cover stories. There are other Jason Goodmans in Hollywood, such as this guy who made Bill Clinton: the Rock and Roll President

…and this guy:
Wire-rimmed glasses. A slight build that can’t fill up his uniform. The name is the same and they look very similar. The article describes Sergeant Goodman as “a guy who likes to slip into the background”.
In Part 1 I showed a video of Jason presenting in London in March 2014 as CEO of AeroCine, whose principals had just flown a drone equipped with high definition surveillance capabilities over Ukraine’s Chernobyl nuclear site in February 2014, the time of the Maidan Revolution there. I observed that he had a completely different demeanor and posture to today’s character – a military bearing as he moved about the stage.
What do you think, readers? Same guy, or different? Please leave your thoughts in the comments.
Hollywood Crowdsources the Revolution
Hollywood was deeply involved in the Ukraine revolution.https://www.21cir.com/2014/12/israels-secret-plan-for-a-second-israel-in-ukraine/
If you watched my CryptoBeast #22 and #15 interviews with Carl Hassell, or #11 with Joe Atwill, then it might not surprise you to learn that the neo-Nazis behind the Ukrainian revolution were funded by Jewish billionaire oligarchs:
Lest I be accused of anti-Semitism, please note that this is quoting a story from the Times of Israel about a secret report given to Benjamin Netanyahu:
The hands of the Obama Administration’s State Department were all over this coup (note Victoria Nuland is married to Robert Kagan, one of the leaders of the Neocon-Zionist cabal):

In what seems like an unusual amount of work for a newspaper story, the New York Times shared a 3D model reconstruction and sophisticated multimedia presentation of the Maidan massacre sniper positions.
“The problem was how to take multiple vantage points and put them together into a coherent analysis,” he said. “Maidan was the same problem set, but on steroids.”So much for “the revolution will not be televised”. This one was amply attended by Hollywood. They even brought 3D modelers and drone pilots.
The quantity of raw footage amassed by Nefertari was overwhelming, running into the thousands of hours
Source: New York Times, May 30 2018
See also: Veterans Today, The Hidden History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia
Steganography From Seacaucus?
When the Maidan Revolution broke out in Ukraine, 21st Century 3D sent out a couple of cryptic tweets with the words Start and Reset, which were both commented on by Jeff Brink in an unusual manner. One was in Cromwell, CT; the next was from Seacaucus, NJ (code relating to “Caucasus”, perhaps?):

Was this steganography? Or was he talking about his self-proclaimed record for the longest drone flight with a Red camera?

Mission Timeline
The social media timelines of the principals shows how the operation unfolded, starting with a trip to Sweden for a “Black Armored Drone”:

Note the (very expensive) RED camera and ARRI equipment being fitted to the Black Armored Drone:

What did Jason Goodman do from September 2014 until May 2017, when he appeared on the YouTube truther scene with George Webb?
What We Can Prove
The timeline above provides evidence that- Jason Goodman, Brian Streem and Jeff Brink, principals of AeroCine, were working together on drone projects in February 2014;
- they were specifically working together on Feb 20, 2014, the day of the Maidan Square sniper massacre in Kiev;
- key members of their team including the chief pilot were in Ukraine from at least Feb 8, 2014 through the revolution.

- “it started before I got involved”
We have proved that Jason Goodman was involved with AeroCine in February 2014. He was the first one tweeting out about “Guinness”, being retweeted by co-founder Jeff Brink. Their Crunchbase profile specifically mentions the Feb 21 flight was conducted by AeroCine. - “the original aircraft was purchased in Sweden”
No dispute, we showed their trip to obtain the Black Armored Drone. Who financed this expensive drone, camera, and travel? - “the two original owners of that company actually decided to go to Ukraine and do a video over the Chernobyl nuclear reactor”
We have shown from their social media reactions that it is more likely that they were given this assignment than that they decided to seek it out. “Holy crap. Things just got real” and “It’s all about who you know”, said Brink. - “this is before I got involved in the company”
The same as point 1. We have shown Jason Goodman, Jeff Brink and Brian Streem were all involved together flying drones in February 2014, which is when the Chernobyl flight took place. We also showed Jason’s presentation in March 2014 as CEO of AeroCine where he showed the footage that “just went viral all around the world” (which has been edited out) – this was either the footage of Chernobyl, which it appears to be from how he is describing it to the audience; or if not then it was the footage of the ARRI “Guinness” flight. Tweets and video prove Jason Goodman was present at the latter, and Brink’s tweets about #AeroEscape prove they were working together. - “they got in a dispute with the Swedish manufacturer and the helicopter failed”
We have no evidence that the helicopter failed in Ukraine. Instead, a documentary of the footage won multiple awards, suggesting the mission was a success. We have shown the helicopter being assembled brand new, specifically for the Chernobyl mission. We also provided video of the successful test flight of the drone upon delivery in Sweden. - “when
I joined that company they had no working helicopter, I had to go to
Sweden and re-establish the relationship with the manufacturer to get
that helicopter repaired and back in the sky”
The helicopter appears to have been working fine on Feb 8 2017 and they also had a working helicopter able to set “Guinness” records on Feb 20 and 21 2017. So at what point did they not have a working helicopter? Did the drone get damaged in Ukraine after the Chernobyl filming? Who provided the financing for Goodman’s trip to Sweden? Streem’s Aerobo raised $2 million but it was founded in October 2015, more than a year after Goodman’s departure. - “then I got them to change the name of their company to Aerocine”
They registered the company as AeroEscape LLC on December 18, 2013; after the Chernobyl mission they filed on March 12 2014 to change the name to AeroCine. Jason Goodman was tweeting with Jeff Brink about #AeroEscape on February 20-21, 2014. It’s all the same thing.

Trademark Turf War
On September 17, 2014 at 10:29pm, Jason Goodman was kicked out of AeroCine (LLC). You can see from this tweet that AeroCine and AeroEscape were interchangeable.On September 18, 2014 Jason Goodman registered “AeroCine” as a trademark of AeroCine, INC. Was he trying to masquerade as the company he got kicked out of?
AeroCine, INC was registered as a Delaware corporation 9/11/2014, but was never registered in New York.
Goodman claimed commercial use of the AeroCine trademark since March 13, 2014.
I can find no registration for AeroCine, INC in the New York State Department Companies Register. Only AeroCine LLC, registered by Brian Streem in December 2013.

On April 21 2015 Brian Streem registered AeroCine Ventures INC. He correctly registered the company in Delaware then registered in New York as a foreign corporation.
AeroCine Ventures, INC was registered before Jason Goodman’s trademark was granted in November 2015. They appear to still be doing business under that name, with 34 different drone aircraft tail numbers registered with the FAA since 2015. Hoovers estimates their annual revenues at $1.5 million, so the drone business seems a lot more lucrative than the crowdsourcing truth business. AeroCine Ventures owns the Aerobo and Vermeer trademarks.
A 2016 SEC filing gives further insight into the financials of AeroCine Ventures:

Minnesota Mentors
Jason Goodman has two mentors of significance to this story: John Rupkalvis and Jerome Corsi. Both are connected to Minnesota.Goodman’s Mentor John Rupkalvis graduated from the University of Minnesota and did some of his first major projects there. He has worked for NASA, JPL, Grumman Aerospace, Stanford University, and Bell Research. He worked on the Viking Mars Lander and developed Virtual Reality technology for the US Army. He’s the first person I’ve ever come across with an 80-page resumé: