Friday, March 8, 2019

46 inches of rain, since November in Ventura County, but they are STILL declaring stage 3 drought...the liars.

When the rainy season finally ends, I will post a rainfall per day since it started in November 2018. But, they block all the inlets into lakes and divert. If they can divert and leave the dam flood gates open, they do. As they are doing to lake Casitas, which is nearby. The water goes in and right back out to the sea, ten miles away.

So, every year we get 30 to 50 inches a year since 2015. But every July, the lake is bone dry.

Now, they also lie and say we get our drinking water from there. THAT IS A FLAT OUT LIE.

All water districts in Ventura USE GROUND WELLS. ALL OF THEM.

And our water tables are so flooded and high, every stream is flooded, every river is raging, and more rain just keeps coming. Just two days ago, we got 3.5 inches of rain in FOUR HOURS.

I know this because of 3 rain gauges in this valley.

I have one of them. We get 3 and half inches, but they "report" only a 1/4 inch. They lie. They always lie.

The water table in Ojai Valley is so high, Nordhoff cemetery is continuously leaching water up from the ground.

All the lakes in california and Nevada are being drained as fast as the water comes in. I know. I can see the lake from my home.

We get rain, twice a week, every week, since November. And a lot. This was just one day's worth, four inches.