Revealing that which is concealed. Learning about anything that resembles real freedom. A journey of self-discovery shared with the world. Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them - Ephesians 5-11 Join me and let's follow that high road...
Monday, July 31, 2017
300,000 Small Business Jobs Lost Due to Obamacare
Obamacare has cost roughly 300,000 small business jobs due to higher health care costs, according to a new report. Which is the point after all - kill american businesses and the middle class while providing absolutely worthless health insurance to people who cannot afford it to begin with to lower their standard of living.
The American Action Forum, a center-right policy institute, released findings Wednesday that rising premiums and regulations under the Affordable Care Act have had “dire” consequences for the labor market.
The report found the law has cost $19 billion in lost wages per year and forced 10,000 small businesses establishments to close their doors. The study covered employers with 20 to 99 employees.
The report used different data sets for small businesses with less than 50 employees, which were exempt from the law’s employer mandate. However, this group also suffered job losses and lower wages after Obamacare went into effect. The paper compared data from up to six years before the law was passed to show a clearer picture of Obamacare’s impact on small business.
Before Obamacare became law, workers still saw an increase in their average weekly pay when health insurance premiums went up.
Aside from wage losses and job cuts, Obamacare has cost the economy $51 billion and added 172 million hours of paperwork through regulations, the American Action Forum said.
“To put that in perspective, it would take more than 86,200 employees working full-time (2,000 hours annually) to complete a year of new ACA paperwork, roughly the population of Miami Beach, Fla.,” the report said.
The incoming Donald Trump administration has vowed to repeal and replace Obamacare, and congressional Republicans have already begun the process to repeal the health care law through the budget reconciliation process.
“There are many reasons policymakers have called for significant amendments to the ACA,” the American Action Forum said. “Higher premiums are typically cited as a top concern. However, these higher premiums have broader consequences for the labor market. As AAF’s research has shown, ACA regulations have contributed to at least $19 billion in lost wages, 10,000 fewer establishments, and nearly 300,000 lost jobs.
The American Action Forum, a center-right policy institute, released findings Wednesday that rising premiums and regulations under the Affordable Care Act have had “dire” consequences for the labor market.
The report found the law has cost $19 billion in lost wages per year and forced 10,000 small businesses establishments to close their doors. The study covered employers with 20 to 99 employees.
“Research from the American Action Forum (AAF) finds regulations from the Affordable Care Act (ACA) are driving up health care premiums and are costing small business employees at least $19 billion in lost wages annually,” the report said. “These figures varied by state, but in 2015 the ACA cost year-round workers $2,095, $2,134, and $2,260 in Ohio, New York, and North Dakota, respectively.”Ben Gitis and Sam Batkins, the authors of the report, used data from the U.S. Census Bureau, the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics for their findings.
“Premium increases, a prospect regulators predicted when issuing the first ACA regulations, also significantly diminished the number of business establishments and jobs nationwide,” the report said. “Across the country, small businesses (20-99 workers) lost 295,030 jobs, 10,130 business establishments, and $4.7 billion in total wage earnings. Florida lost 17,950 jobs; Ohio lost 19,000; Pennsylvania lost 15,680; and Texas lost 28,010 jobs due to higher sensitivity to rising health care premiums and the ACA.”
The report used different data sets for small businesses with less than 50 employees, which were exempt from the law’s employer mandate. However, this group also suffered job losses and lower wages after Obamacare went into effect. The paper compared data from up to six years before the law was passed to show a clearer picture of Obamacare’s impact on small business.
Before Obamacare became law, workers still saw an increase in their average weekly pay when health insurance premiums went up.
“After the ACA became law, however, a one percent increase in total premiums was associated with a 0.012 percent decrease in average weekly pay,” the report said.The numbers add up to roughly $3.9 billion in lost wages for small businesses with between 20 and 49 workers, which account for 20 million workers in the United States. The average worker for those businesses has lost $1,202 in annual pay.
“To put that in perspective, it would take more than 86,200 employees working full-time (2,000 hours annually) to complete a year of new ACA paperwork, roughly the population of Miami Beach, Fla.,” the report said.
The incoming Donald Trump administration has vowed to repeal and replace Obamacare, and congressional Republicans have already begun the process to repeal the health care law through the budget reconciliation process.
“There are many reasons policymakers have called for significant amendments to the ACA,” the American Action Forum said. “Higher premiums are typically cited as a top concern. However, these higher premiums have broader consequences for the labor market. As AAF’s research has shown, ACA regulations have contributed to at least $19 billion in lost wages, 10,000 fewer establishments, and nearly 300,000 lost jobs.
Pedophile John Podesta Violated Federal Law by Not Disclosing 75,000 Stock Shares in a Kremlin Controlled Company
Pedophile and Satanist John Podesta, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s 2016
national campaign chairman, may have violated federal law by failing to
disclose the receipt of 75,000 shares of stock from a Kremlin-financed
company when he joined the Obama White House in 2014, according to the
Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group.
Joule Unlimited Technologies — financed in part by a Russian firm — originally awarded Podesta 100,000 shares of stock options when in 2010 he joined that board along with its Dutch-based entities: Joule Global Holdings, BV and the Stichting Joule Global Foundation.
When Podesta announced his departure from the Joule board in January 2014 to become President Obama’s special counsellor, the company officially issued him 75,000 common shares of stock.
The Schedule B section of the federal government’s form 278 which — requires financial disclosures for government officials — required Podesta to “report any purchase, sale or exchange by you, your spouse, or dependent children…of any property, stocks, bonds, commodity futures and other securities when the amount of the transaction exceeded $1,000.”
Podesta’s form 278 Schedule B is blank regarding his receipt of any stock from any company.
Liberals and conservatives alike consider Podesta should have disclosed the stock.
“Well Podesta should certainly have been more upfront in filling this out. Clearly, it should have been fully disclosed,” said Craig Holman, a lobbyist for the liberal group Public Citizen which was founded by Ralph Nader. “That’s the point of the personal financial disclosure forms, especially for anyone entering the White House,” he told media in an interview.
“If the transfer of stock took place, it had to be disclosed,” added former U.S. Attorney Joseph DiGenova in an interview. “If he didn’t, clearly it’s a violation.”
The same year Podesta joined Joule, the company agreed to accept
1-Billion-Rubles — or $35 million — from Rusnano, a state-run and
financed Russian company with close ties to President Vladimir Putin.
Anatoly Chubais, the company CEO and two other Russian banking executives worked together with Podesta on the Joule boards. The board met six times a year.
Ron Hosko, a former FBI assistant director said because of the Kremlin backing, it was essential Podesta disclose the financial benefits he received from the company.
The existence of the 75,000 shares of Joule stock was first revealed by the Government Accountability Institute report issued last year.
But Podesta didn’t pocket all the shares. Correspondence from Podesta to Joule instructed the firm to transfer only 33,693 shares to Leonidio Holdings, a brand-new entity he incorporated only on December 20, 2013, about ten days before he entered the White House.
A January 4, 2014 letter to Joule corporate secretary Mark Solakian, Podesta requested the transfer to Leonidio of 25,146 shares of series C stock and 8,547shares of Series C-II. The letter was released by WikiLeaks last October.
When WikiLeaks disclosed the existence of Leonidio last year Josh
Schwerin a Clinton campaign spokesman claimed Podesta — by then the
campaign chairman — had “divested” himself of all the stock.
“When Podesta went back to the work at the White House, he worked with White House counsel to personally divest from Joule and ensure he was in full compliance with all government ethics rules,” Schwerin said, adding Podesta “filed the appropriate forms.”
But there is no indication the remaining 41,000 shares went to any other party.
The government does outline federal penalties for failing to report assets.
Title 5 of the U.S. Code stipulates the U.S. Attorney General can file a civil action “against any individual who knowingly and willfully falsifies or who knowingly and willfully fails to file or report any information that such individual is required to report.” The federal penalty can be up to $50,000 per count.
Leonidio is registered in Delaware as a limited liability corporation. Podesta listed the address of his daughter, Megan Rouse, in the incorporation papers. His mother and father also appear to be co-owners of Leonidio.
Most experts believe the Office of Government Ethics — which is supposed to monitor the accuracy of financial disclosure forms — is toothless.
One of the last individuals to be indicted for filing incorrect financial forms was former Rep. Walter Fauntroy in 1995. He was given parole.
“Unfortunately, the office of government ethics has no authority to make anyone do anything,” admitted Holman.
“It is an advisory agency, essentially,” the liberal lobbyist told press. “It can develop rules, it can make orders, but if someone doesn’t abide by it. OGE has no enforcement authority.”
Scott Amey, general counsel for the nonpartisan Project on Government Oversight went further, telling media in an interview “OGE doesn’t really have the authority to open their own investigations and they don’t have authority to get into disciplinary action.”
But OGE has also been accused of partisanship. Earlier this year OGE Director Walter Shaub publicly criticized President Trump’s plan to deal with his businesses, calling his financial reorganization plan “wholly inadequate.” He also called for the President to seek “total divestment” of his Washington, D.C. hotel.
Last week the General Services Administration said a set of additional rules to the federal lease for the downtown Washington hotel put it into “full compliance” with governmental ethics laws.
DiGenova said the office biased and hypocritical in what cases they picked to criticize. “They have no problem tweeting out about Donald Trump’s hotels, but here on a clear violation they’re silent.”
Joule Unlimited Technologies — financed in part by a Russian firm — originally awarded Podesta 100,000 shares of stock options when in 2010 he joined that board along with its Dutch-based entities: Joule Global Holdings, BV and the Stichting Joule Global Foundation.
When Podesta announced his departure from the Joule board in January 2014 to become President Obama’s special counsellor, the company officially issued him 75,000 common shares of stock.
The Schedule B section of the federal government’s form 278 which — requires financial disclosures for government officials — required Podesta to “report any purchase, sale or exchange by you, your spouse, or dependent children…of any property, stocks, bonds, commodity futures and other securities when the amount of the transaction exceeded $1,000.”
Podesta’s form 278 Schedule B is blank regarding his receipt of any stock from any company.
Liberals and conservatives alike consider Podesta should have disclosed the stock.
“Well Podesta should certainly have been more upfront in filling this out. Clearly, it should have been fully disclosed,” said Craig Holman, a lobbyist for the liberal group Public Citizen which was founded by Ralph Nader. “That’s the point of the personal financial disclosure forms, especially for anyone entering the White House,” he told media in an interview.
“If the transfer of stock took place, it had to be disclosed,” added former U.S. Attorney Joseph DiGenova in an interview. “If he didn’t, clearly it’s a violation.”
Anatoly Chubais, the company CEO and two other Russian banking executives worked together with Podesta on the Joule boards. The board met six times a year.
Ron Hosko, a former FBI assistant director said because of the Kremlin backing, it was essential Podesta disclose the financial benefits he received from the company.
“I think in this case where you’re talking about foreign interests and foreign involvement, the collateral interest with these disclosure forms is put in the forefront of full disclosure of any foreign interest that you may have,” he told media in an interview.He added that Russian money was a continuing concern because it could “become a counterintelligence concern for America.”
“It’s a troubled question if you deliberately omit this information on the form,” Hosko, a 30-year veteran of the FBI said.Podesta took possession of the stock in January 2014, the same month he entered the White House, according to WikiLeaks.
“Were you completely truthful on this form that you filled out, yes or no?”
The existence of the 75,000 shares of Joule stock was first revealed by the Government Accountability Institute report issued last year.
But Podesta didn’t pocket all the shares. Correspondence from Podesta to Joule instructed the firm to transfer only 33,693 shares to Leonidio Holdings, a brand-new entity he incorporated only on December 20, 2013, about ten days before he entered the White House.
A January 4, 2014 letter to Joule corporate secretary Mark Solakian, Podesta requested the transfer to Leonidio of 25,146 shares of series C stock and 8,547shares of Series C-II. The letter was released by WikiLeaks last October.
“When Podesta went back to the work at the White House, he worked with White House counsel to personally divest from Joule and ensure he was in full compliance with all government ethics rules,” Schwerin said, adding Podesta “filed the appropriate forms.”
But there is no indication the remaining 41,000 shares went to any other party.
The government does outline federal penalties for failing to report assets.
Title 5 of the U.S. Code stipulates the U.S. Attorney General can file a civil action “against any individual who knowingly and willfully falsifies or who knowingly and willfully fails to file or report any information that such individual is required to report.” The federal penalty can be up to $50,000 per count.
Leonidio is registered in Delaware as a limited liability corporation. Podesta listed the address of his daughter, Megan Rouse, in the incorporation papers. His mother and father also appear to be co-owners of Leonidio.
Most experts believe the Office of Government Ethics — which is supposed to monitor the accuracy of financial disclosure forms — is toothless.
One of the last individuals to be indicted for filing incorrect financial forms was former Rep. Walter Fauntroy in 1995. He was given parole.
“Unfortunately, the office of government ethics has no authority to make anyone do anything,” admitted Holman.
“It is an advisory agency, essentially,” the liberal lobbyist told press. “It can develop rules, it can make orders, but if someone doesn’t abide by it. OGE has no enforcement authority.”
Scott Amey, general counsel for the nonpartisan Project on Government Oversight went further, telling media in an interview “OGE doesn’t really have the authority to open their own investigations and they don’t have authority to get into disciplinary action.”
But OGE has also been accused of partisanship. Earlier this year OGE Director Walter Shaub publicly criticized President Trump’s plan to deal with his businesses, calling his financial reorganization plan “wholly inadequate.” He also called for the President to seek “total divestment” of his Washington, D.C. hotel.
Last week the General Services Administration said a set of additional rules to the federal lease for the downtown Washington hotel put it into “full compliance” with governmental ethics laws.
DiGenova said the office biased and hypocritical in what cases they picked to criticize. “They have no problem tweeting out about Donald Trump’s hotels, but here on a clear violation they’re silent.”
US Jews Wrestle With Arrest of Jew in Bomb Threats Case
Jewish groups and the satanic deep state left had tried to blame Trump fans for scores of bomb threats against their communities as the most dramatic example of what they considered a surge in Antisemitism. Buy why are all these threats carried out by Jewish People? WHY?
Now, that picture has been complicated by the arrest of an Israeli Jewish hacker who authorities say is responsible for the harassment.Israeli police said the motive behind the threats was unclear. An attorney for the 19-year-old man, who was arrested Thursday, said her client had a “very serious medical condition” that might have affected his behavior. Earlier this month, U.S. law enforcement had arrested a former journalist in St. Louis, Juan Thompson, on charges he threatened Jewish organizations as part of a bizarre campaign to harass his former girlfriend. But Israeli police say the Jewish teen is the primary suspect in the more than 150 bomb threats in North America since early January.
Previously, Jonathan Greenblatt, chief executive of the Anti-Defamation League, which fights anti-Semitism and monitors extremism, had partly blamed Trump for creating an atmosphere that fueled the bomb threats and vandalism of Jewish cemeteries, among other recent harassment. “His well-documented reluctance to address rising anti-Semitism helped to create an environment in which extremists felt emboldened,” Greenblatt wrote last month.
On Feb. 28, in a meeting with state attorneys general, Trump had suggested the phoned-in bomb threats may have been designed to make “others look bad,” according to Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro. The remark raised concerns that Trump was downplaying bigotry. That same night, Trump opened his address to Congress with a strong condemnation of the threats and vandalism of Jewish cemeteries, which occurred in suburban St. Louis, Philadelphia and elsewhere.
He said anti-Semitism remained a serious concern, pointing to other recent incidents around the country. Swastikas were drawn throughout a New York City subway car with messages such as “Jews belong in the oven.” In South Carolina, a white supremacist with felony convictions was charged with plotting an attack on a synagogue that officials said was inspired by the massacre at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston. A Seattle synagogue was vandalized with a spray-painted message, “The Holocaust is fake history.”
Steven Goldstein, executive director of the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect, a civil rights and social justice group based in New York, said the arrest in Israel doesn’t change Trump’s record of being slow and insufficiently forceful in condemning anti-Jewish prejudice and bigotry in general. The center had repeatedly pointed to the bomb threats as evidence of “a national emergency of anti-Semitism” and accused Trump of failing to recognize the “real evidence” behind the problem.
“Nobody has said that Donald Trump himself has spray-painted swastikas or tipped over gravestones or that he picked up the phone and made bomb threats,” Goldstein said. “What we were condemning was the silence. Organizations had to shame Donald Trump into responding.”
The White House has not commented on Thursday’s arrest. Melissa Plotkin, director of community engagement and diversity at the York Jewish Community Center in Pennsylvania, which was the target of a bomb threat last month, said it was “troubling” to find out the suspect was Jewish. “I’m trying to make sense of it and wonder what was going through the mind of the person when they were carrying this out,” Plotkin said. The Jewish Federations of North America called the case “heartbreaking.”
The rabbi expressed concern that the arrest of the Israeli-American teen would fuel denial of anti-Semitism and the Holocaust. Goldstein said his office had received emails Thursday claiming all reports of anti-Semitism were “fake news.”
“I think we should never jump to conclusions as to who did a particular act and allow the process of investigation to play itself out,” Hammerman said in a phone interview. “On the other hand, we should be equally vocal in calling out those who seem to condone such activity or at least don’t explicitly condemn it.”
Andrew Rehfield, chief executive of the Jewish Federation of St. Louis, said “finding out this guy was Jewish was baffling to us.” Rehfield was among local leaders who organized the community’s response to the cemetery vandalism last month, which drew donations and offers of help from Christians and Muslims, and political leaders from around the country. Some Jewish institutions in Missouri had also received bomb threats.
Rehfield worried that efforts to combat anti-Semitism would be undermined not only by the identity of the bomb threat suspect, but also the partisan prism through which such incidents are viewed. Rehfield had been criticized by opponents of Trump for accompanying Vice President Mike Pence on a visit to the vandalized cemetery. Then on Thursday, Rehfield said a Jewish Trump supporter distributed an email demanding Jewish leaders apologize to the president now that police say a Jew was responsible for the threats.
“I think it does speak to the extremism on either side and the lack of charity and the lack of nuance,” Rehfield said. “None of us attributed this to Trump. None of us attributed this to (White House chief strategist Steve) Bannon. None of us attributed it to David Duke. I’m not going to apologize for wanting the administration to clearly condemn anti-Semitism.”
Deep State CIA operative Rep. Brad Sherman Walks Out Of Interview After Question About Awans
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Which one is the gay congress bitch? |
Content originally published at
Independent journalist Austin Fletcher went to this year's Politicon in Pasadena, CA to cover the festivities and interview some folks - one of whom was Democratic congressman Brad Sherman, from Sherman Oaks, CA.
cracking a cardboard joke about "Sherman from Sherman Oaks" I'm sure
his tranny wife never gets tired of, Fletcher asked a question about the Awan
brothers - Debbie Wasserman Schultz's Pakistani IT staffers who had access to the emails of the entire House of Representatives - including Brad Sherman, who
is a senior member of the House Foreign Affairs and Financial Services
Committees, and is the top Democrat on the Subcommittee on International
Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Trade.
a man who collects $174k from the taxpayer dodge a simple question. Of
course, Sherman probably also realizes House Democrats have been
severely compromised by the Awans, and anything he says or does can and
may be used against him in a court of law.
Asked Rep Brad Sherman about DWS' IT consultant Imran Awan who was arrested fleeing the country @RogerJStoneJr @RealAlexJones @PrisonPlanet
— austen fletcher (@fleccas) July 30, 2017
Sunday, July 30, 2017
Retail Apocalypse blamed on Amazon, which is a deep state LIE
Here's the truth of Earth on this.
Retail is cratering, brick and mortar businesses are dying at a rate not seen in the Great Depression of the 1930s because PEOPLE ARE BROKE.
Rents and mortgages are 80% of a two income family, Wages are low and going lower thanks to off-shoring and H1-B visas stealing jobs - not to mention the FLOOD of illegal Immigration in the US, and they are USING Bezos and his company as the fall guy, hence the endless articles laying blame at his doorstep.
I've done the research, you should too.
They intend to blame the whole thing on Trump THEN KILL HIM. That's their plan. And they already have the WHITE MALE REPUBLICAN TRUMP VOTER PATSY ALREADY IN PLAY. He'll be a family man, divorced, who feels betrayed by the President.
But he won't be the killer. They want this one very very public, like JFK. It will be a mega-death ritual the satanists employ when they want to effect a psychic shock on humanity. And it will happen in front of his wife.
You heard it here first.
Because of this, you all better link to my mirror site, because the satanists hate having their Lee Harvey Oswald plans exposed before the hit takes place. It is
Retail is cratering, brick and mortar businesses are dying at a rate not seen in the Great Depression of the 1930s because PEOPLE ARE BROKE.
Rents and mortgages are 80% of a two income family, Wages are low and going lower thanks to off-shoring and H1-B visas stealing jobs - not to mention the FLOOD of illegal Immigration in the US, and they are USING Bezos and his company as the fall guy, hence the endless articles laying blame at his doorstep.
I've done the research, you should too.
They intend to blame the whole thing on Trump THEN KILL HIM. That's their plan. And they already have the WHITE MALE REPUBLICAN TRUMP VOTER PATSY ALREADY IN PLAY. He'll be a family man, divorced, who feels betrayed by the President.
But he won't be the killer. They want this one very very public, like JFK. It will be a mega-death ritual the satanists employ when they want to effect a psychic shock on humanity. And it will happen in front of his wife.
You heard it here first.
Because of this, you all better link to my mirror site, because the satanists hate having their Lee Harvey Oswald plans exposed before the hit takes place. It is
Saturday, July 29, 2017
Friday, July 28, 2017
BREAKING: Congress Seeks Wasserman Schultz Testimony in Awan Brothers Investigation, probably to give the lesbian a free pass
It appears the walls are closing in on former DNC head Debbie
Wasserman Schultz. Congress wants answers and they want them now. The
Democrat Congresswoman is being pursued by her peers to testify about
the Awan brothers, three Pakistani IT staffers, accused of stealing
hardware and sensitive information from Capitol Hill.
Washington Free Beacon reports:
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Ordering murders. Police found evidence on seized laptop indicating Schultz, while under orders from HILLARY, ordered Seth Rich's murder and others. But of course, no arrests. Her kind - connected satanists working with the CIA - are NEVER prosecuted. Ever. Should it come to that, they kill them them off, as so often happens. And this pig is in charge of the DNC? |
Washington Free Beacon reports:
One of these IT staffers, Imran Awan, was arrested this week when trying to travel to Pakistan and charged with bank fraud after a months-long investigation that found he wired nearly $300,000 to that country. Several other staffers tied to Awan are the focus of an investigation into claims they stole sensitive equipment and illegally penetrated the House IT network.The Gateway Pundit reported Thursday night that Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer revealed to Laura Ingraham, who filled in for Tucker Carlson, the Pakistani IT staffers were sending sensitive information to the Muslim Brotherhood.
Leading members of the House Judiciary Committee and Government Oversight Committee told the Washington Free Beacon that the appropriate congressional bodies should launch an investigation into the illicit IT activity, which could include asking for testimony from Wasserman Schultz on the situation.
Wasserman Schultz’s testimony is of particular interest as she has come under fire for keeping Awan on the House payroll even after information about his actions became public and not cooperating with the investigation.
Lawmakers expressed their concern that some of the information potentially stolen by these staffers could compromise congressional officials.
“In addition to the criminal case that is now underway, Congress needs to get answers regarding the scope of Imran Awan’s misconduct and the access he had to sensitive material in the United States House of Representatives, including why he remained on the House payroll for so long,” Rep. Ron DeSantis (R., Fla.), a member of the Government Oversight Committee and chair of its National Security Subcommittee told the Washington Free Beacon.
Where can satanists go when there are no lines left to cross to offend God?
The hit HBO series Game of Thrones returned for its
seventh season on July 16th, as any user of social media – even those
who aren’t fans of the show — will have noticed. Was there ever a show
that benefited more from free publicity and word-of-mouth than Game of Thrones? Naturally the show has satanic themes, uses satanic sigyls and imagery, and crosses every line of decency under the sun. When satan is your master, the rule is, offend and shove it down the throats of everyone under the sun. Make them eat it.
But even while in many corners of the World Wide Web,
critics and fans alike are eagerly dissecting plot developments and the
story arcs of their favorite characters, there is a growing sense that
in their desperation to keep maintain the high-level of shock and
titillation that characterized past seasons, GOT is starting to turn-off once faithful fans.
Writing for The Guardian, Stuart Jeffries shares his experience of
souring on the show once he came to realize “how right Ian McShane was
when he described Game of Thrones as ‘only t*ts and dragons,’ by which
he meant, surely, formulaic hokum that degrades its viewers by
commodifying women’s bodies, making entertainment out of sexual torture
and pimping up its spectacles.”
One might wonder why it took seven seasons for Jeffries to finally realize what one director frankly admitted to in a 2012 interview,
when he shared that an unnamed producer said to him, “’Look, I
represent the pervert side of the audience, okay? Everybody else is the
serious drama side—I represent the perv side of the audience, and I’m
saying I want full frontal nudity in this scene.’ So you go ahead and do
it.” Nevertheless, the fact that he finally is coming to this realization is, at least, some progress.
But the problem is certainly not unique to Game of Thrones. An
aspiring actress, disgusted by the endless casting calls requiring
nudity from female actors, took to posting the notices on her Tumblr
page, “Casting Call Woe”: “Fake boobs are a plus,” “We can pay for any
plastic surgery she may require for the movie.” “Be sexy. It sells,”
“Nudity required but not shown on film,” “NOT UGLY.” These are for
so-called “legitimate” roles, mind.
The backlash is building.
Writing for CNN, actress
and activist RaVal Davis observes, “For far too long, naked women have
become such a staple in TV and film that it’s hard to notice, much less
quantify, the inequality unfolding right before our eyes. But a recent
study from Mount Saint Mary’s University did just that and found that
actresses are almost three times as likely as their male counterparts to
be required to strip to their unmentionables… Undoubtedly, female
nudity has become an accomplice to get viewers through bad plot-lines and
awkward acting. And sometimes it’s just the cherry atop the box office
She continues, “But it’s not only an issue for the viewer.
It’s an even larger issue for the actress being asked to display her
body. As a new actress trying my best to break into episodic television,
I have to admit I cringe every time I read those typical female
character breakdowns. You know the ones: The waitress in the club who
has no more than five lines but happens to have sex with the main male
character. She’s totally inconsequential to the plot but helps move the
episode along somehow. And, of course, NUDITY REQUIRED or MUST BE OK
WITH NUDITY is bolded at the bottom of the script. It’s degrading but
seemingly sometimes a necessary evil for actresses to make their way
above the five-line mark.”
But though Davis correctly identifies the problem, she
misses the mark in offering up solutions. She points to the film “Girls
Trip,” as correcting the balance by featuring male nudity, instead.
And then what? When we’ve crossed every line, where is
there left to go? Maybe instead of seeking parity in the nudity featured
in entertainment we should instead try telling better stories that
don’t rely on nudity to draw-in the viewers.
These monsters are monsters. And there is no end to it. Just seeing Netflix's offering of shows reveal how depraved TV programming has become in our time. And it's sickening. These people are simply so satanically fucked up, that it's just offensive to any decent human being on Earth.
Melissa Henson is the program director for the Parents
Television Council, a nonpartisan education organization advocating
responsible entertainment (
It's for this reason, Trump has in the main, banned this abuse of Federal funds. They refuse combat, but want and demand, the free surgery. Which they get, thanks to gay boy Obuttboy and his executive order to all armed forces some years back. Thanks God we have a decent human being in the White House, who sees how these mostly self-confessed satanists, are using the system for personal gain, while giving nothing back but hate filled rhetoric and ugly scowls.
As a soldier, would you take orders from some quickly promoted, rear with the gear, tranny freak who has never seen a single day of field duty in a combat zone?
Neither would I. But under Obuttboy, these tranny freaks were mostly made officers quickly promoted, if they entered as gay, lesbo, or tranny freak. And regular, under fire soldiers had to endure their hate filled diatribes delivered daily, as thousands of posts and YouTube videos reveal, with their orders. And God help the private who didn't grovel and kowtow to freakazoid captain, because they were finished as far as promotions went.
And if any Generals complained, Obummer fired them. And he did a few of them.
No wonder foreign countries look at the USA and only see THE GREAT SATAN.
The simple truth behind all of this freaky deak tardness is this: These mostly practicing satanists will do anything and everything that is an affront to Our Father and Yeshua, the Lamb of YhWh
President Donald Trump’s announcement today of a total ban on transgender military service was wrong. But given the longstanding (and often successful) LGBT strategy of incrementalism and hyper-defensiveness, his move was unsurprising and perhaps inevitable.
There are indeed challenges with incorporating transgender individuals into the military that go way beyond the costs of surgery and of hormone therapy. Male soldiers who transition become physically less capable, which is why the military applies female fitness standards to trans women. It’s not transphobic to question whether a defense organization should allow its members to weaken themselves. Then there are the practical problems regarding uniform codes and housing in an institution that still treats men and women very differently; and the fact that US servicemembers spend a lot of time in countries that are less enlightened regarding gender. And will anybody join the military just to fund the costs of their transition?
I think the military can solve all these problems while maintaining its mission and being fair to people whose personal struggles in fact may have strengthened their character and temperament – making them real assets to our armed forces. But the LGBT community hasn’t treated this topic with any nuance (“The transgender service member ban serves no purpose,” declares one gay Web site). LGBT advocacy on the military (as other subjects) has been about “Gimme” as opposed to, “We want to protect the nation. How can transgender servicemembers and would-be servicemembers be most helpful?”
It’s part of the shopworn, aggressive LGBT playbook, in which any issue becomes us vs. them (and “them” is inevitably Republicans). And people are fucking sick of this shit. Sick and tired of being shouted down for even asking questions about the weirdness. Earlier this year when President Trump took the extraordinary step of squashing the vicious anti-gay executive order his Evangelical allies wanted, gay groups worked hard to find fault along the lines of “yes, but he almost did something very bad.”
With rhyming flair, gays have at various times dubbed Colorado. Wyoming, Indiana, and North Carolina the “Hate State,” just as California’s anti-gay marriage Proposition 8 quickly became “Proposition Hate.” In fact, even slight changes LGBT folks disagree with are labeled hateful, such as when Indiana took a modest step to protect businesses from being forced to celebrate events they disagree with. Soon, the gay hysteria machine was unleashed, and people were lobbing insults and threatening boycotts as people tripped over each other to assuage wounded gay feelings.
Another gay strategy is to proclaim only modest goals, and then use earlier victories to demand more. A little-noticed example was that during the campaign for statewide gay rights laws in both Massachusetts and New York, gay advocates insisted they weren’t asking for marriage, and the text of the laws themselves even said they could not be used to support gay marriage in the state. Well, guess what? When each state’s highest court implemented gay marriage statewide, it relied in part on the very laws that were not supposed to support gay marriage.
With adoption, gay groups said they weren’t asking for marriage rights, just the chance to form families and raise children who might otherwise have no homes. Totally reasonable. But then during the gay marriage debate, a consistent refrain both from advocates and from justices was that only marriage could truly protect the children of same-sex parents. Well, maybe gay adoption wouldn’t have happened if everyone knew it was a step toward marriage equality. Under gay incrementalism, though, honesty and clarity about goals are far less important than winning. At everything.
And that includes winning at little things. The LGBT community was in a tizzy when President Trump overturned his predecessor’s transgender school policy, ignoring how few students the policy affected and especially the fact that Trump’s policy was the same as Obama’s for the first 7.5 years of his presidency.
But the best example of the short-sighted LGBT strategy came today. Out of a million and a half service members, fewer than 10,000 are transgender. Even if you think an absolute ban on their service is wrong, as I do, should it be front-page news? We’re in the middle of a momentous health care debate. Congress is examining serious Russia-related charges against the administration. Why are opponents of the administration wasting even the tiniest amount of energy on this?
Because believe me, Trump wants them to. This morning’s announcement could not have been better timed to dissipate, at least temporarily, the sharks circling the administration regarding election improprieties. And for Trump, the less attention to the haphazard way Congress is reshaping the entire health care sector, the better.
I don’t agree with everything gays and lesbians have demanded on the national stage, but I would like to see the nation move to a point where someone’s sexual orientation is considered boring, and in no way an impediment to full participation in American life. But as we saw today, especially during a Republican administration, stridency and hair-trigger touchiness is not going to be an effective strategy to get us there.
David Benkof is a columnist for the Daily Caller. Follow him on Twitter (@DavidBenkof) and, or E-mail him at
As a soldier, would you take orders from some quickly promoted, rear with the gear, tranny freak who has never seen a single day of field duty in a combat zone?
Neither would I. But under Obuttboy, these tranny freaks were mostly made officers quickly promoted, if they entered as gay, lesbo, or tranny freak. And regular, under fire soldiers had to endure their hate filled diatribes delivered daily, as thousands of posts and YouTube videos reveal, with their orders. And God help the private who didn't grovel and kowtow to freakazoid captain, because they were finished as far as promotions went.
And if any Generals complained, Obummer fired them. And he did a few of them.
No wonder foreign countries look at the USA and only see THE GREAT SATAN.
The simple truth behind all of this freaky deak tardness is this: These mostly practicing satanists will do anything and everything that is an affront to Our Father and Yeshua, the Lamb of YhWh
President Donald Trump’s announcement today of a total ban on transgender military service was wrong. But given the longstanding (and often successful) LGBT strategy of incrementalism and hyper-defensiveness, his move was unsurprising and perhaps inevitable.
There are indeed challenges with incorporating transgender individuals into the military that go way beyond the costs of surgery and of hormone therapy. Male soldiers who transition become physically less capable, which is why the military applies female fitness standards to trans women. It’s not transphobic to question whether a defense organization should allow its members to weaken themselves. Then there are the practical problems regarding uniform codes and housing in an institution that still treats men and women very differently; and the fact that US servicemembers spend a lot of time in countries that are less enlightened regarding gender. And will anybody join the military just to fund the costs of their transition?
I think the military can solve all these problems while maintaining its mission and being fair to people whose personal struggles in fact may have strengthened their character and temperament – making them real assets to our armed forces. But the LGBT community hasn’t treated this topic with any nuance (“The transgender service member ban serves no purpose,” declares one gay Web site). LGBT advocacy on the military (as other subjects) has been about “Gimme” as opposed to, “We want to protect the nation. How can transgender servicemembers and would-be servicemembers be most helpful?”
It’s part of the shopworn, aggressive LGBT playbook, in which any issue becomes us vs. them (and “them” is inevitably Republicans). And people are fucking sick of this shit. Sick and tired of being shouted down for even asking questions about the weirdness. Earlier this year when President Trump took the extraordinary step of squashing the vicious anti-gay executive order his Evangelical allies wanted, gay groups worked hard to find fault along the lines of “yes, but he almost did something very bad.”
With rhyming flair, gays have at various times dubbed Colorado. Wyoming, Indiana, and North Carolina the “Hate State,” just as California’s anti-gay marriage Proposition 8 quickly became “Proposition Hate.” In fact, even slight changes LGBT folks disagree with are labeled hateful, such as when Indiana took a modest step to protect businesses from being forced to celebrate events they disagree with. Soon, the gay hysteria machine was unleashed, and people were lobbing insults and threatening boycotts as people tripped over each other to assuage wounded gay feelings.
Another gay strategy is to proclaim only modest goals, and then use earlier victories to demand more. A little-noticed example was that during the campaign for statewide gay rights laws in both Massachusetts and New York, gay advocates insisted they weren’t asking for marriage, and the text of the laws themselves even said they could not be used to support gay marriage in the state. Well, guess what? When each state’s highest court implemented gay marriage statewide, it relied in part on the very laws that were not supposed to support gay marriage.
With adoption, gay groups said they weren’t asking for marriage rights, just the chance to form families and raise children who might otherwise have no homes. Totally reasonable. But then during the gay marriage debate, a consistent refrain both from advocates and from justices was that only marriage could truly protect the children of same-sex parents. Well, maybe gay adoption wouldn’t have happened if everyone knew it was a step toward marriage equality. Under gay incrementalism, though, honesty and clarity about goals are far less important than winning. At everything.
And that includes winning at little things. The LGBT community was in a tizzy when President Trump overturned his predecessor’s transgender school policy, ignoring how few students the policy affected and especially the fact that Trump’s policy was the same as Obama’s for the first 7.5 years of his presidency.
But the best example of the short-sighted LGBT strategy came today. Out of a million and a half service members, fewer than 10,000 are transgender. Even if you think an absolute ban on their service is wrong, as I do, should it be front-page news? We’re in the middle of a momentous health care debate. Congress is examining serious Russia-related charges against the administration. Why are opponents of the administration wasting even the tiniest amount of energy on this?
Because believe me, Trump wants them to. This morning’s announcement could not have been better timed to dissipate, at least temporarily, the sharks circling the administration regarding election improprieties. And for Trump, the less attention to the haphazard way Congress is reshaping the entire health care sector, the better.
I don’t agree with everything gays and lesbians have demanded on the national stage, but I would like to see the nation move to a point where someone’s sexual orientation is considered boring, and in no way an impediment to full participation in American life. But as we saw today, especially during a Republican administration, stridency and hair-trigger touchiness is not going to be an effective strategy to get us there.
David Benkof is a columnist for the Daily Caller. Follow him on Twitter (@DavidBenkof) and, or E-mail him at
Imran Awan Subscribed To Pedo-Centric YouTube Channel Exposed By Tosh.0
Notice how the leftist Libtards all are mostly satanists and pedophiles? This is no accident. It's in the culture of their demonic worship and beingness - which is - to the the WORST ABOMINATION THEY CAN THINK TO OFFEND GOD.
Content originally published at

YouTuber Tracy Beanz has discovered that the Pakistani DNC IT Staffer arrested Monday night for bank fraud while attempting to flee the country was subscribed to several pedo-centric YouTube channels - including one featured on Comedy Central's Tosh.0 program.
Imran Awan, the long-time employee and friend of
Debbie Wasserman Schultz - currently under investigation by the FBI and
DC Capitol Police for a variety of alleged crimes unrelated to his Monday arrest (and whose lawyer oddly mentioned 'pizzagate' in a post-arrest statement), subscribed to YouTube channel "Seven Super Girls" - which has over 12 billion views, and features sexualized children performing 'bits.'
Some of the sites Awan is subscribed to also fit the description of #Elsagate, which is a growing number of child-oriented fetish websites disguised as innocent children's videos.
Seven Super Girls

first glance, the Seven Super Girls YouTube homepage, arguably, looks
like one’s favorite porn site. Each under-18 girl has her own
subchannel. To the unwitting, however, the site may look like girls
dressed like girls, engaging in activities which girls enjoy — going to
camp, hanging with friends by the pool, and playing dress up.
But to a pedophile, the site is a smorgasbord of smut,
carefully crafted to serve as eye candy for adults and teenagers to
indulge in their child-sex fantasies. After we clicked on the entire
list of videos and selected to sort by most popular, it became clear to
us at The Free Thought Project, the videos are in no way innocent.
The first video titled “Lucy’s Morning Routine” shows a young girl licking a cream pie. The video has 138 million views, yet never rises above the level of a bad Pee Wee Herman episode. Why so many views? Tosh believes it’s simply a visual feast for pedophiles."
After the Daniel Tosh segment aired, the Seven Super Girls channel announced a hiatus from publishing new content - which never happened.
See the Tosh.0 segment on Seven Super Girls below or click here
And while it's certainly possible that one of Awan's three school-aged children subscribed to Seven Super Girls and
similar channels while logged in through Imran's Google Plus account,
one would think that a highly skilled devout Muslim IT professional
would monitor his children's internet usage more closely for sexualized
underage infidels.
Thursday, July 27, 2017
University of Minnesota Bans White And Straight Students From Safe Space
So tolerance for everyone except white people and this is by University Decree? Most racist, intolerant fascism ever. And no one is rioting over this?
One day, and soon, all this white hate is going to boomerang on these creatures of darkness and then whamo.
One day, and soon, all this white hate is going to boomerang on these creatures of darkness and then whamo.
Rob Shimshock
The University of Minnesota is banning white and straight students from a safe space on campus, according to a Thursday report.
The school’s Gender and Sexuality Center for Queer and Trans Life hosts “Tongues Untied,” a space in which people can congregate to discuss the impact of sexuality, race and gender, according to Campus Reform. But not everyone is invited.
“For our allies: we do appreciate your voices and commitment to dismantling racism and homophobia; however, please note that this is a space created for LGBTQIA and/or same-gender-loving people of color,” the space’s description reads.
“If you identify as a queer and/or trans indigenous person or person of color, we welcome you to take part in our discussions,” states the group’s Facebook page.
The school’s Gender and Sexuality Center for Queer and Trans Life hosts “Tongues Untied,” a space in which people can congregate to discuss the impact of sexuality, race and gender, according to Campus Reform. But not everyone is invited.
“For our allies: we do appreciate your voices and commitment to dismantling racism and homophobia; however, please note that this is a space created for LGBTQIA and/or same-gender-loving people of color,” the space’s description reads.
“If you identify as a queer and/or trans indigenous person or person of color, we welcome you to take part in our discussions,” states the group’s Facebook page.
CIA controlled Media Refuse To Cover House IT Scandal Rocking Democrats
The Awan brothers story has elements of every spy agency in the western hemisphere, with the Hildebeast at the top. These guys spied on everyone for the Hillary witch and company. As paid operatives for the CIA, they had their hands in every cookie jar out there. The FBI is there to quiet the thing down and get rid of evidence, not arrest any players.
Leading members of the establishment media are ignoring the months-long House IT scandal rocking congressional Democrats, even after the FBI’s investigation into the matter became public, and even after Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s top IT aide was arrested trying to flee to Pakistan after wiring almost $300,000 to the country.
As of Thursday morning, both the New York Times and Wall Street Journal have yet to report on the growing scandal surrounding several IT staffers employed by House Democrats, including Wasserman Schultz’s top IT aide, Imran Awan.
Other establishment media outlets are similarly refusing to tell the public about the growing scandal. MSNBC has given zero on-air coverage to the scandal. ABC News and NBC News’ national broadcasts have similarly given zero coverage to the scandal. CNN’s only on-air coverage of the scandal so far was a brief mention during the 6 a.m. ET hour Thursday.
As reported by The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Luke Rosiak — who for months has extensively covered the growing scandal — Awan was arrested on Monday as he attempted to flee the country to Pakistan after wiring almost $300,000 to the country. The FBI seized smashed hard drives from Awan’s home as part of the ongoing investigation. (RELATED: FBI Seized Smashed Hard Drives From Wasserman Schultz IT Aide’s Home)
The Pakistani-born Awan attempted to flee the country shortly after Rosiak’s report that he was the subject of an FBI investigation. Awan’s wife, who was also on congressional Democrats’ payroll, previously fled to Pakistan, as first reported by Rosiak.
Awan and members of his family received $4 million from the Democratic congressmen they were working for since 2010. Wasserman Schultz has been especially uncooperative with the probe into her staffers and even threatened the Capitol Police chief for gathering evidence. She refused to fire Awan until after he was arrested, even though Capitol Police had already revoked the Awans’ access to the congressional IT system in February 2017 in relation to a major security breach.
Current House IT aids fear the suspects are blackmailing Democratic members of Congress with their own data, based on the Democratic members’ inexplicable loyalty to the House IT staffers involved in the probe.
Despite the growing scandal, the establishment media has for months done its best to keep the public in the dark. That trend continued this week, even after Rosiak reported the existence of the FBI investigation, and even after Awan — a top Democratic staffer — was arrested trying to flee the country to Pakistan. (RELATED: House Dem IT Suspects Wanted Untraceable Payments — And Sure Enough, Millions Disappeared)
The Washington Post — whose motto is “Democracy dies in darkness” — kept its readers in the dark for months about the growing scandal. The Post published its first article on the House IT scandal Wednesday afternoon, noting Awan’s arrest for bank fraud.
Leading members of the establishment media are ignoring the months-long House IT scandal rocking congressional Democrats, even after the FBI’s investigation into the matter became public, and even after Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s top IT aide was arrested trying to flee to Pakistan after wiring almost $300,000 to the country.
As of Thursday morning, both the New York Times and Wall Street Journal have yet to report on the growing scandal surrounding several IT staffers employed by House Democrats, including Wasserman Schultz’s top IT aide, Imran Awan.
Other establishment media outlets are similarly refusing to tell the public about the growing scandal. MSNBC has given zero on-air coverage to the scandal. ABC News and NBC News’ national broadcasts have similarly given zero coverage to the scandal. CNN’s only on-air coverage of the scandal so far was a brief mention during the 6 a.m. ET hour Thursday.
As reported by The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Luke Rosiak — who for months has extensively covered the growing scandal — Awan was arrested on Monday as he attempted to flee the country to Pakistan after wiring almost $300,000 to the country. The FBI seized smashed hard drives from Awan’s home as part of the ongoing investigation. (RELATED: FBI Seized Smashed Hard Drives From Wasserman Schultz IT Aide’s Home)
The Pakistani-born Awan attempted to flee the country shortly after Rosiak’s report that he was the subject of an FBI investigation. Awan’s wife, who was also on congressional Democrats’ payroll, previously fled to Pakistan, as first reported by Rosiak.
Awan and members of his family received $4 million from the Democratic congressmen they were working for since 2010. Wasserman Schultz has been especially uncooperative with the probe into her staffers and even threatened the Capitol Police chief for gathering evidence. She refused to fire Awan until after he was arrested, even though Capitol Police had already revoked the Awans’ access to the congressional IT system in February 2017 in relation to a major security breach.
Current House IT aids fear the suspects are blackmailing Democratic members of Congress with their own data, based on the Democratic members’ inexplicable loyalty to the House IT staffers involved in the probe.
Despite the growing scandal, the establishment media has for months done its best to keep the public in the dark. That trend continued this week, even after Rosiak reported the existence of the FBI investigation, and even after Awan — a top Democratic staffer — was arrested trying to flee the country to Pakistan. (RELATED: House Dem IT Suspects Wanted Untraceable Payments — And Sure Enough, Millions Disappeared)
The Washington Post — whose motto is “Democracy dies in darkness” — kept its readers in the dark for months about the growing scandal. The Post published its first article on the House IT scandal Wednesday afternoon, noting Awan’s arrest for bank fraud.
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Agency operatives hate having their picture taken, especially double agents with Pakistani SIS |
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Imran Awan Transferred Nearly $300K To Pakistan Before Attempting To Flee, Lawyer Claims Islamophobia
Hillary spy asset Awan setup all the blackberry phones for their network of gang stalking thugs, in addition to all members of congress, as well as senior officials in the government. He reported directly to Wasserman, as a cutout from Hillary
In February, the Daily Caller delivered
two bombshells: that the Awans were under criminal investigation after
being caught accessing congressional computers without permission, and
they had borrowed, laundered, and never repaid $100,000 from a super shady Iraqi expat physician - Dr. Ali al-Attar, a Hezbollah-linked fugitive who led a group of other expats which regularly advised the Bush administration on their plans to invade Iraq in 2002-2003 (source <-- em="" guy="" on="" read="" this="" up="">.
Following news of the arrest and booking of Debbie Wasserman Schultz's top IT staffer which followed a report on Monday that destroyed computer equipment was recovered from a home owned by Imran and his wife - the Daily Caller's Luke Rosiak is out with another bombshell; Imran Awan wired $283,000 to Pakistan before attempting to flee the country to join his wife (who left the country with $12,000 cash) - hours after the Daily Caller reported Awan was under investigation.
Florida Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s top information technology (IT) aide was arrested Monday attempting to board a flight to Pakistan after wiring $283,000 from the Congressional Federal Credit Union to that country.He attempted to leave the country hours after The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group revealed that he is the target of an FBI investigation, and the FBI apprehended him at the airport.Credit union officials permitted the wire to go through, and his wife has already fled the country to Pakistan, after police confronted her at the airport and found $12,000 in cash hidden in her suitcase but did not stop her from boarding, court documents show.
Shady Loan From Iraqi Doctor

Philip Giraldi, a former CIA officer, wrote that Attar “was observed in Beirut, Lebanon conversing with a Hezbollah official” in 2012–shortly after the loan was made. -DC
Al-Attar's license to practice medicine was revoked by the Maryland State Board of Physicians and he had to pay a $50,000 fine for unprofessional conduct, healthcare fraud, and failure to cooperate with an investigation.
Sugar Daddy
Adding to the list of interesting connections, when the Awans stopped paying vendors for a car dealership they owned, a U.S. Congressman from Florida began paying a monthly salary to a man who had threatened to sue the Awans.
The brothers had numerous additional sources of income, all of which seemed to disappear. While they were supposedly working for the House, the brothers were running a car dealership full-time that didn’t pay its vendors, and after one — Rao Abbas — threatened to sue them, he began receiving a paycheck from Rep. Theodore Deutch (D-FL), who like Wasserman Schultz represents Florida.
While they were working for House members including members of the homeland security and foreign affairs committees, the dealership took and never repaid a $100,000 loan from Dr. Ali Al-Attar, who is a fugitive from U.S. authorities and has been linked to Hezbollah.
-Daily Caller
Oddly, their car dealership was called "Cars International A, LLC," referred to as "CIA" in court documents:
The #AwanBrothers owned a car dealership called "CIA" in court documents. You can't make this stuff up.— ZeroPointNow (@ZeroPointNow) July 26, 2017
Debbie, Debbie, Debbie
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz is now trying to distance herself - claiming
"Mr. Awan was a "part-time" employee whose serviced had been
terminated," DWS refused to fire him after Awan was barred from
accessing house computer equipment - instead changing his title and allowing him to continue to access House property.
Wasserman Schultz lashed out at investigators and changed Awan’s title to “adviser” instead of firing him after House authorities banned him from the network. -Daily Caller
Debbie Wasserman Schultz claims Imran Awan was a "part-time employee" (being paid $165k), only fired him this morning to protect herself.— /pol/ News Forever (@polNewsForever) July 26, 2017
Except that Schultz appears to have been much closer friends with the Awans than her statement would imply. Again, from Daily Caller:

also had computer equipment seized by investigators - including a
laptop found hidden in a shady corner of the House building, which she
threatened the D.C. which was recovered by DC Capitol Police, and which
Wasserman-Schultz threatened the police chief with "consequences" if it wasn't returned.
Imran Awan had the password to an iPad used by Debbie Wasserman Schultz when the DNC emails were given to Wikileaks.
Predictably - the Awans' lawyer fired
off a statement claiming "anti-Muslim bigotry in the literal heart of
our democracy, the House of Representatives," weaving in
"ultra-right-wing" and "pizzagate" references to somehow suggest that
the Awans holding their stepmother captive in
a house before carting her to Pakistan so they could extort her
inheritance (fraud) is somehow racist. Or that the House of
Representatives banned the Awans from their computer network because of
bigotry, as opposed to members of congress noticing the Awans had
gained unauthorized access to sensitive information.
Statement from Awan Brothers lawyer:— Mike Cernovich ???????? (@Cernovich) July 26, 2017
An aside - credit where credit's due
Luke Rosiak of the Daily Caller News Foundation has been all over the Awan family situation from the beginning. Here's an interview with
him from a few weeks ago discussing the case. Controversial
investigator and YouTube personality George Webb has also done extensive
research into the Awans, and while some have criticized Webb - the
arrest of Imran Awan validates much of what he's been saying for months
over his YouTube channel. Here's a summary.
Awan is currently out on bail with a GPS tracker and a curfew. No word
on whether he's depressed, distraught, or otherwise feeling like
committing suicide with two bullets to the back of the head.
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