Get your demons right here; six in every needle. PLUS, for an extended time only, FREE graphene oxide with every dose of death.
Think of all the fun you'll have seeing shadow walkers in your house and wherever you go. Or, how about that fun new game, the Vaxxie Spinner. Watch the terrors come for your soul while you spin around trying to push away the circling, cackling claws of your impending demise.
Even disneyland pedo world cannot offer rides like these!
And, if you still are alive, you have either the choice of becoming a zombie or a rake, depending upon the signal sent out and where you live..
What are you waiting for? Get those double boosters today. Free anywhere the death tents or pharmacies reside. These jewish pharmaceuticals didn't rob all the governments of the world for VAX WEAPON FUNDING for nothing. They need the goy dead and dying so they can steal your land, homes, bank accounts and then use your land for the brown/black invaders to kill off the living pure bloods. The brown invaders don't ask questions; they believe the TV lying witches; and they'll line right up and do what they are told, you betcha! (providing those EBT cards stay filled, that is.)
in all this satire, the plain truth of the matter.
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Serving BAAL means goy have to die. ALL OF US. The jewbies insist and you know they just gotta have their way or the whining starts. |