Friday, March 4, 2022

While they are distracting us with Ukraine fakery...WHO institutes TWO HUGE changes for Earth. UPDATE

1. WHO moving forward on GLOBAL vaccine passport program

2. All health mandates and codes and enforcement and LAWS, to henceforth be controlled by a single institution. The WHO, and Klaus Von Blood Drinker.

Both of these are going on the books RIGHT NOW, while the world is focused on the fiction. When this is done and it will be next week when the slugs at the UN vote on it, IT WILL BE TOO LATE.

Too late to rescind. Too late to stop. Too late to protest.


You thought the covid scam was over? It is not. They moved to a critical phase and they needed the entire gullible world to be looking the other way while they put the final nails in our freedom coffin.

We've won nothing. Nothing at all.


Update, later same day

Biden wants to keep ’emergency covid powers’ for several more months…

A bill by Senate Republicans to terminate the national emergency declaration for the Covid-19 pandemic passed 48 to 47 Thursday on a party-line vote.

While the legislation has a slim chance of passing the Democrat-controlled House and Joe Biden has already threatened to veto the bill, the vote is yet another rebuke of the administration’s pandemic policies at a time it is seeking billions from Congress to keep them going for several more months.


Republicans brought the bill to the floor using a technical process under the National Emergencies Act, which allows for a simple majority floor vote if the committee of jurisdiction fails to take up the bill within two weeks. Given several absences on the Democrat side of the aisle — with some members out sick with Covid and others mourning the death of a relative — the measure was able to pass.

 “The robust powers this emergency declaration provides the federal government are no longer necessary and Congress must debate, and ultimately repeal them, in order to begin the process of unwinding the powers the government took hold of during the peak of the crisis,” Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Kan.), the effort’s leader, said in a speech on the Senate floor.

 Democrats blasted the effort as a threat to the country’s ongoing work to contain the pandemic — pointing out that, should the bill become law, it could halt a host of Covid-19-specific policies and protections.



Lesbian Coven demands mask mandates.