This is what happens when you let reptoids into office. This is the kind of rhetoric the tribe uses on us all the time.
- you must have our deadly weapon to live in our designed slave world, and...
- if it kills or maims you, that's your fault for allowing us to whack you up.
An entirely new nurse Has spoken out about the jab catastrophe
She says she has never seen anything like this in all her years of practicing medicineAustralia PM: If you want to live your life anywhere but under quarantine you HAVE TO get the shot, and if it hurts you it is YOUR FAULT.
That's pretty audacious corruption. "We'll put in place draconian lock downs to FORCE the population to get the jab because over 85 percent refused it, and then we'll blame them if anything happens!!!" YOU HAVE TO GET THIS SHOT, AND IF IT EFFS YOU UP, IT IS YOUR FAULT BECAUSE YOUR DOCTOR SHOULD HAVE SAID NO!!!
He's an ass, because that same PM is making life a living hell in Australia to force people to get the shot, and how are you going to get a doctor to say no? Australia is going to force everyone to get that shot by making it impossible to survive without it despite the PM stating it is "their choice" to get it. And then, subsequently, those forced into the shot are responsible for what happens, or the doctor who said it is OK is responsible for what happens, so the privileged can just screw over everyone and walk away scot free. I'll tell you how that works.
There are some very special people
with a religious exemption via insider doctors. They don't want the
jab, and they are going to blame anyone who cannot escape it for any
damaged caused after the very same doctors who let them off the hook
force everyone else to get it. And then, they'll cry FOUL against the
people they destroy. You can't make this stuff up, HERE IT IS.