Tuesday, October 2, 2018

"And it came to pass, when men began to MULTIPLYon the face of the earth,

Jason G
 "And it came to pass, when men began  to MULTIPLY on the face of the earth,

daughters were born unto them, that the
s o n s  o f  G o d
saw the daughters of men that
they were fair; and they TOOK them
wives of all which they chose".

        It's not enough that the bible clearly translates "sons of God' as "angels", but the propitiators of the real "lie" will not give you an answer as to why the supposed "good" sons of Seth would instigate an action which denigrates down to nothing more then the RAPE of women it would seem on a mass scale, when you study the text. These angels TOOK them "wives" of ALL THAT THEY CHOSE. What do you think, there was a "marriage", and a little white house with picket fence, and they lived happily ever after? NOT! What God is saying here is very clear. This "union" was not "amicable". Also, if the sons of Seth were so "good", why were they not spared the flood instead of Noah's family? The sons of Seth interpretation would also seem to denote that the "daughters of Seth", weren't too "good looking"?, and if they weren't very good looking, how is it that there was any sons of Seth? Are you getting my drift?, no matter how you break down the sons of Seth view, it completely falls apart. The original scriptural text is quite plain, that they were "angels". But what must be understood is that these angel's are FALLEN angels. Ancient Hebrew tradition holds that they "came down" in the days of Jared. Interestingly enough, the word Jared in the Hebrew is Yaradh, meaning "descent", or "shall come down"[Strong's ref. 3382]. Just so you know, MOST of the early Church fathers and reputed Christian reformers believed in the "angelic" or the "ancient interpretation" view. Here's a few:
Justyn Martyr
Martin Luther
Clement of Alexandria
Josephus Flavius
Philo Judaeus
John Wycliffe
The modern day bible scholars who support the "angel view" are also noteworthy here:
G.H. Pember
Merrill F. Unger
F. Delitzch
Chuck Smith
C.H. Mcintosh
Hal Lindsay
Arthur W. Pink
I.D.E. Thomas
Arnold Fruchtenbaum
Donald G. Barnhouse
A.C. Gaebelin
M.R. DeHaan