Thursday, October 4, 2018

Senatorial staff doxx everyone they can, especially children of Trump supporters.

This smarmy democrat, who is an aid to a senator, threatened GOP children with death, exposure of schools and home addresses, so that sexual predators, who are with the Hildebeast, can rape and kill them. And the MSM and the satanic left is praising him. Wow. Only a satanist would praise someone for the murder and rape of children. 

Of course, he won't be convicted. The judge adjudicating his case, was an Obuttboy appointee.

These people commit major felonies DAILY and nothing happens. If you or I did such things, it would be over for LIFE. Satanists do these most heinous and evil deeds, and nothing...

If I told you this locker stuffer poindexter with the peter pan smirk…

…is a Dem congressional aide who was recently arrested for doxxing Republican senators from a computer in a radical leftist Dem Senator’s office, and threatening a witness that he’d leak the senators’ children’s health information if the witness blabbed to anyone…
you’d not be shocked.

Sources familiar with the case tell Fox News Cosko was in Sen. Hassan’s office, where he was caught using a login he was not authorized to use. Cosko earlier was let go by Senator Hassan’s office. A spokesman for Hassan says she “strongly denounces the alleged actions.”
According to Bell’s statement, Cosko is alleged to have been confronted by the staffer and then walked out. Hours later the witness received an email from “” saying: “If you tell anyone I will leak it all. Emails signal conversations gmails. Senators children’s health information and socials.”
Such a tough guy, going after kids. What is it with leftoids and their desire to drag children through the mud? Repressed pedophilic feelings, hatred of God and all things decent and family oriented.

So how did our Resister hold up at his hearing?
[Jackson] Cosko was dressed in shorts, a t-shirt and tennis shoes and looked uneasy as Magistrate Judge Deborah Robinson detailed the seven charges against him, which carry the possibility of more than 20 years in prison.
Pissing his underoos, I’d say.

PS On the healthier side of the male ledger, Trump is turning whole squadrons of GOPe cucks into real men before our eyes:
PPS Well this is curious. Jackson Cosko’s daddy owns a big construction company in California and has lots of connections to prominent CA pols (h/t Sarah):
Maybe this explains Chianne Chistein’s look of death after reading the FBI report on Kav?


Turns out, the doxxing felon's daddy is in bed with Frankenstein, Boxer, and the CIA - with deep connections to EVERGREEN, INC, a known CIA front since the 1960s and were heavily involved in Air America, the CIA's air force in Laos and Cambodia for smuggling heroin in the 1960s and 70s. 

Contract agent for the CIA...

The agency only does long term business with multi generational satanists. Fact. It's how they can control such a vast network of field operatives who know and understand silence and obedience. 


If you wanna do some digging, find out about Jackson’s dark web MDMA distribution arrest at GWU. Wonder what ever became of that...other than the charges were dropped, even with all that evidence. Drug dealing is a common practice and in fact, is controlled by satanists. It's a big income vector for the covens, always has been. Still is, especially for the CIA.