Combining the
subjects of flying saucers and the Holy Scriptures are a little like eating a
salad sandwich covered in warm chocolate topping. They don’t go together and
anyone who is able to navigate their way through both topics without
compartmentalising them is usually considered weird or regarded with suspicion.
The mainstream church has skillfully maintained a steady silence on the subject
of UFOs for years, despite escalating numbers of sightings, encounters, and even
abductions, reaching into the thousands worldwide. In fact most people have
undergone at least one nocturnal episode in their lifetime where they have
awakened to the sensation of being pinned to the bed by an unseen force, which
is a state commonly referred to as 'Sleep Paralysis.' In Doctor Rick Strassman's
book, DMT - The Spiritual Molecule, he examines the similarities
between 'Sleep Paralysis' and alledged alien abduction phenomenon hypothesizing
quite convincingly that both experiences are interrelated.
Increased global
interest in the topic of UFOs has forced the issue to be retrieved from the too
hard basket and officially acknowledged by the church. Father Corrado Balducci,
an official member of the Papal household made the following statement in regard
to the issue: “It is reasonable to believe and affirm that extra-terrestrials
exist. Their existence can no longer be denied, for there is too much evidence
for the existence of extra-terrestrials and flying saucers.” Notice the term,
“no longer denied?” Interesting.
On the
14th of December 1997, the Sunday Times ran a story containing
details of a project run by the Vatican
to confirm the existence of extra-terrestrials. An observatory in Arizona was its base of
operations and was manned by Jesuits. Unbelievably the dilemma was, not whether
their existence would cast doubt on the Gospels, but if contact were made, would
Christian atonement be necessary for them? Despite these efforts, priests
continue giving their masses without mentioning the subject, as if waiting to
see which way the Vatican might swing; Are UFO’s for us or against
us? The current official standing of the Catholic Church on the subject, set
forward by prominent Bishops, is one of demonic or manmade origin. Let’s
investigate and as usual go where mainstream Christianity fears to seriously
It is my
observation that the subject of UFO’s has for the most part been blatantly
ignored by churches as a whole and when rarely broached is stumbled through with
the same inept caution as sermons on The Book of Revelations or The Book of
Daniel. I have watched with mounting dismay the growing public fascination with
UFOs and life on other planets and by contrast religious environments devoid of
the subject.
In the early
eighties one could quite validly go up to the average person in the street and
ask them if they believed in aliens. They would answer either “yes” or “no.” Now
it seems that the more appropriate question is, “What do you think aliens look
like?” What has happened to prompt a shift in the question from belief or
unbelief to an assumed belief with a query on their appearance?
The biggest player in causing the shift is
the media. I believe the ball got rolling well and truly when famous author of
The Wolfen and The
Hunger, Whitley Streiber
was abducted from his home and became the recipient of many strange experiments
by humanoids. The book I’m referring to is Communion, which is the factual account of the author’s abduction by strange
beings. The book remained in the bestseller list for twenty-five weeks and was
later made into a motion picture. I am not for a moment going to disbeliev
e this man’s
terrifying story and therefore proclaim him a liar. I do however stand in
opposition to his theory on whom he actually encountered and why. Sceptics of
Streiber’s account should acknowledge that the author eventually admitted
himself into a rape crisis centre for counseling. However, my main concern at
this stage is not so much his ordeal, but the eerie painting of the so-called
alien that graced the cover of his book. And I refer to this image because it
was one of the earliest major global distributions of this style of “alien” that
I can remember. I find it interesting that Alister Crowley, perhaps one of the
most infamous occultists of all time claimed that through spiritism, he met an
alien from Sirius and he drew a picture of him. Crowley’s painting depicts
an egg headed face characterised by a vestigial nose and mouth and two eyes in
narrow, elongated slits. One writer has observed that the alleged Syrian had a
very similar look to Hollywood’s usual portrayal of aliens and except for the
eyes resembles the image on the cover of Steiber’s book to a
Would you an Alien, Devil or Angel
Another author by
the name of John Keel who wrote a book in the 70’s called the Mothman
Prophecy, now also the basis of a major film, tells of his strange
experiences in a town called Point Pleasant in West Virginia. He
visited there as a journalist investigating an exhaustive period of heavy
unexplained phenomenon in the area. Sightings, contacts and other strange
oddities commenced in 1966 and continued for 13 months. He attempts in his book
to put forward some theories and possibilities behind some of the strange events
that took place there. At one point he makes various links with the origins of
alien names, provided to contactees, to gods in Greek Mythology. For example one
victim is told of receiving a handwritten letter by an alleged alien, which was
signed, “A pal” or “Apal.” John links this name as referring to the Greek god
Apollo. Unfortunately he fails to mention this god’s connection to prophetic
Scripture. The name Apollo is derived from the Hebrew name “Abaddon,” but in
Greek is written “Apollyon.” Revelation 9:11
states: “And they had a king over them, which is the
angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in
the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon.” If you want to see what he
looks like there’s a nice big gold statue of him outside the Rockefeller Centre
in New York.
He’s carrying a burning torch and held up by a circle.
Mr. Keel also
refers briefly to another name that appears to have a history relating to UFO
phenomena. The name is “Ashtar,” which he also concludes is
derived from the name of the Greek goddess “Esther,” a fertility god. And here
again he fails to recognise this god’s biblical connection. Ashter or Esther
is derived from the name “Astheroth,” which refers to a pagan god,
worshipped in the TaNaK (Old Testament). Judges 2:13 “And they forsook the
LORD, and served Baal and Astheroth.” Though the author briefly mentions
biblical connections to UFO phenomena, it is quickly swept aside as he charges
toward his hypothesis. Perhaps handicapping himself before he even sets out by
stating: “I am not concerned with beliefs but with the cosmic mechanism which
has generated and perpetuated those beliefs.” His apparent unwillingness to
broach the Bible in any detail is all the more startling if one reads his
earlier work, Operation Trojan Horse where he makes the following
observation: “Did ancient man misinterpret UFO manifestations by placing them in
religious context? APPARENTLY NOT. The literature indicates that the phenomenon
carefully cultivated the religious frame of reference in early times.” Why after
this admission that it did not spur the author to make more of a biblical
connection in his Point Pleasant thesis is
perhaps a bigger mystery than the subject matter he tackles.
During my research
into Astheroth’s background, I noted that she was a counterpart to
Baal (a Canaanite god). She encompassed the feminine qualities of life,
symbolised by the moon as opposed to Baal, which means “lord” or “possessor” who
was the male sun god and was worshipped on the tops of high mountains. As I was
poking around for information about Baal I found it somewhat unsettling that
constructions such as steeples, turrets, and spires that are normally found as
architectural features on most churches today were originally utilised by pagan
worshippers to catch the first rays of their sun god at dawn.
Let’s return our focus back to Mr. Crowley and his
encounter with the alien from Sirius through the act of spiritism. Though the
word spiritism seems to have more to do with things of a supernatural nature
than it does with space men, channeling appears to be common in serious UFO
enthusiast circles. First
let me explain what spiritism is. It describes the act of a man or woman
self-inducing a trance that produces an altered state during which contact with
spirits is made. Now regard the same explanation for channeling except change
the word spirits to aliens. Channeling or spiritism can take many forms, but the
most common are automatic writing and trance channeling.
Taken Away by Aliens or by the
There is an active
organisation called Ashtar Command that believe flying saucers are
orbiting the earth ready to intervene in human history.
Ex-racing care
driver and founder of the Raelian Movement, Claude Vorilhon, maintains
that aliens will land in Jerusalem in 2025 to usher in the New World Order. The more
extreme Heavens Gate sect committed mass suicide with the expectation
that their souls would be picked up by a gigantic mother ship, which flew near
the earth in the shadow of a comet. These are just a few of the many UFO cults
that followed or still follow this basic doctrine of a foreign aerial
does it appear that UFO cults, however they may vary in their beliefs from each
other, hold this common viewpoint of an intervention or departure onto spaceships
at a future time? There is a Scripture verse that describes an
event that may have had something to do with fueling this widespread fixation.
1 Thessalonians 4:17 says; “Then we which are
alive and remain shall be caught up together
with them in the clouds: and so shall we ever be with the
Lord.” After reading this verse it becomes apparent that a future
departure of the righteous is evident in Scripture and the purpose is uncannily
not all that dissimilar to the views of these ridiculed UFO cults.
If a vast majority
of the world’s population witnesses a future mass vertical exodus of people,
this could trigger sympathy toward the authenticity of the Scriptures amongst
those remaining who happen to recall something about saved people meeting their
Creator in the sky.
The potential
threat of such a reaction could be why the mainstream completely continues to
dissociate flying saucers from Godly manifestations described in Scripture. On
the whole the average Christian invests no personal time in viewing UFO’s in any
biblical perspective. In contrast the UFO enthusiast refuses to accept the truth
of Scripture when the world has happily ventured so many enticing theories as to
their origin. Infusing the perception that the UFO phenomenon is a void subject
within the Bible may be a good enough catalyst to further fuel disillusionment
of its contents. Finally, this event, looked at through a combination of
pre-conditioning and timing, may convince the majority of the world’s
inhabitants that those who were caught up were the victims of a mass
alien abduction associated with ufology as opposed to the fulfillment of the
so-called biblical prophecy or “The Rapture.”
Not long after my
initial ponderings on this theory, I came across a short snippet from a book
called Cosmic Prophecy written by the founder of the Aetherian
Society, George King who claims that he has had contact with Jesus who
currently lives on Venus. The final passage of the excerpt shows an interesting
method of how the truth is overlaid with a lie. It reads:
“There will shortly come another among you. He will stand
tall among men and a shining countenance. This One will be attired in a single
garment of the type now known to you. His shoes will be soft-topped, yet not
made of the skin of animals. He will approach the earth leaders. They will ask
of Him, His credentials. He will produce these. His magic will be greater than
any upon earth – greater than the combined materialistic might of all the
armies. And they, who heed not his words, shall
be removed from the
This excerpt paints
a picture of a man of great physical stature that will be dressed in modern
garments and will attempt a type of negotiation with world leaders. Though this
does indeed address the biblical scenario of a coming deliverer, according to
the Book of Revelation, it does not address the correct manner in which he will
arrive. In fact an arrival and negotiation with leaders and a granting of power
by these leaders to such an individual more aptly fits the manner in which the
Negative Messiah (Anti-Christ) will arrive.
The Doctrine of the Rapture - Truth Left Behind
Though I am
sympathetic to a future mass ascension of an elect or remnant, I must clarify
that the Scriptures do not necessarily portray it as a pre or mid-tribulation
rapture, despite many Bible commentaries and church views to the contrary.
Certainly if one interprets the term “rapture” to mean an event that is
associated with a type of rescue then such a concept has no biblical basis
truth is that there was no significant teaching on a rapture of the church
before the 1800’s. A Jesuit by the name of Emmanuel Lacunza, writing under the
alias of a Jewish Rabbi first proposed this concept in his book, The Coming
of Messiah in Glory and Majesty. This book compounded by the prophesying of
a fifteen-year old Catholic girl ignited the appealing idea of “the rapture”
which, centuries on has given birth to a series of books that continue to
deceive millions to this very day. The Messiah taught in his parable of the
wheat and tares that the righteous and the unrighteous would be together until
the very end (Matthew 13:24-32).
Scripture teaches
that followers will be lead to Israel in the last days and be on or near
Moriah (Beit HaMikdash) upon seeing the
“abomination of desolation” (The Golem). From there they will flee to a place
called “Sela,” which is now known as modern day “Petra”(Mathew 24:15-16,
Revelation 12:6,14, Isaiah 16:1-5, 42:11). Like the early Hebrews who
were present during the unfolding of the plagues in Egypt their
latter day descendants will endure a similar situation before being gathered
from the four-corners of the globe by Elijah and marched into the Promised
Alien Invasion
The Bible speaks of
a great deception as we read Mark 13:22; “For false Moshiachs (Christs)
and false Naviim (Prophets) shall rise, and shall show signs and wonders, to
seduce, if it were possible, even the very elect.” I think most
Christians who are familiar with this verse tend to focus solely on a future
sequence of events that will be initiated with so much fanfare that little
effort will be required to recognise it. They are assured and reassured by their
religious leaders that it will occur outside the Christian community, which
reinforces this “all is yet to happen mentality.” Maybe some churchgoers are
even unconsciously in a cycle where they rely on ministers and priests to keep
them informed of what to watch out for without any inclination to find out on
their own. On top of all this, Hollywood has been more than happy to assist, as most
Christians have no aversion in trotting off to watch films that tackle
apocalyptic subject matter that sits in complete opposition to the biblical
portrayal. There they sit in complete darkness, steamrollered by the opinion of
a profit margin concerned industry, beamed onto a three story screen in Dolby
surround sound with no right of reply. Then they shuffle away, debating with
each other as to the possibility of a world heading the way of the plotlines
depicted in such movies as, Armageddon or Deep Impact. Then the
following day they attend church with a Bible in hand that remains largely
unread and misunderstood.
Anyone who has seen
special effects based film at the cinemas these days will agree that on screen
live action movies can make anything, no matter how weird, massive, or
intricate, look completely real. In days gone by the capacity to do this was
restricted to animated film or radio broadcasts. Though moving pictures and
radio have a unique capacity to entertain and inform they also have the
potential to do something else.
In 1938 Orson
Welles’ aired a broadcast of an adaptation of H.G. Wells’
War of the Worlds to six million listeners at The Mercury Theatre. The
program would abruptly cut into a normal evening of music mimicking a newsflash
about objects shooting out from the surface of Mars and landing on Earth.
Despite a disclaimer often presented at points in the show hundreds and probably
thousands of people thought that either aliens were really landing or that a
foreign power was invading.
Now let’s fast
forward to the present with our current advances in cinema technology and our
booming fascination with UFOs fueled by blockbuster films such as The
X-Files, Independence Day and (the remake of) The War of
the Worlds and you have a global population with their thinking already
geared to go a certain way should some extreme event occur.
Few people are
aware of an incident that took place over Culver
City in Los
Angeles in February 1942. This information, bizarrely enough, came to my
attention after being shown chapter 13 of the Fire Officer’s Guide to
Disaster Control, written by William M. Kramer and Charles W. Bahme. This
book is used in the federal emergency management agency’s national academy to
train new fire fighters. I would not have believed what was in this manual until
I saw it with my own eyes. It included statements like, “…you may have engine
trouble upon approaching the scene (of a UFO), and radio contact could be lost
with your dispatcher,” and “…some physical effects have been observed at
locations where UFOs have landed…” How would this manual know to include
statements like the above ones if this type of thing had not been experienced?
It would be like me, never having skydived, and merely heard of and seen footage
of people who have, deciding to write a manual on it. I can’t imagine a federal
agency including information gleaned from such sci-fi shows as The
X-Files as gospel when approaching a real crash sight of any kind.
Nonetheless this document, to the best of my knowledge, is available in most
firehouses around the United States. The chapter in question is
entitled, “Enemy Attack and UFO Potential,” and in its introduction it
relates the 1942 incident in Los Angeles. It says:
“Few Residents of
the United States, except for
those in Hawaii, have experienced an enemy attack on their hometown
in this country; some think they have. The Great Los Angeles Air Raid of
February 26th, 1942, began at 2:25am when the US Army announced the
approach of hostile aircraft and the cities air raid warning system went into
effect for the first time in World War II. ‘Suddenly the night was rent by
sirens. Searchlights began to sweep the sky. Minutes later gun crews at army
forts along the coastline began pumping the first of 1,433 rounds of ack-ack
into the moonlight. Thousands of volunteer air raid wardens tumbled from their
beds and grabbed their boots and helmets. Citizens awakened to the screech of
sirens and, heedless of the blackout warning, began snapping on their lights…The
din continued for two hours. Finally the guns fell silent. The enemy, evidently,
had been routed. Los Angeles began to taste the exhilaration of its first
military victory.”
A bit further on,
the incident is again referred to:
“But what enemy had
been routed? No one ever knew. All the fire fighters saw in the sky were the 15
or 20 moving ‘things’ which seemed to change course at great speed apparently
unaffected by the flak from bursting shells all around them. Rumours that one
had been shot down were never verified, nor was the explanation that these
zigzagging invaders were weather balloons ever taken
This incident echos
the scene in the sci-fi film Predator, when a company of soldiers in
South America pump hundreds of rounds in the
general direction of an unknown enemy and are promptly informed by a scout that
they hit nothing. There was no mention of return fire from the object during the
air raid or whether it was hit at all during the ordeal. The only thing that
made the UFO eligible as hostile is that it did not identify itself to
authorities and did not have permission to be in that particular
At any rate I
recommend getting a hold of the entire Fire Officer’s Guide to Disaster
Control manual, not just chapter 13 (you might need a copy of the whole
thing for it to sink in for some people). This is one of very few official
government related documents that are available to the general public. It is my
opinion that the existence of this subject matter in this type of document, has
come about by the military resigning themselves to the fact that if an attack or
crash occurs, the first people to be on the scene will in nearly all cases be
firefighters. One thing that really amuses me is talk within certain circles
about “Top Secret” documents like Project Blue Book, that supposedly
contain everything the government know about UFOs while UFOlogists could have
just visited their local fire station for confirmation.
The above photo featured in the Los Angeles Times. It
shows an unidentified aerial intruder that HOVERED over Culver City during the
morning of February 26th 1942. It was described by witnesses as being
‘enormous’ and ‘pale orange in colour’. The balls of light surrounding the
central object are bursts of anti aircraft shells being fired at it.
Seeing is Not Always Believing
In the course of my
research I have watched a fair number of sensationalised UFO videos on a range
of related subjects and it always astounds me when they interview witnesses,
contactees, and abductees and how they accept that aliens from other worlds
exist because of what they saw.
While I sympathise
with how horrific, terrifying or exciting their incidences may have been they
seem to forget that if the average person observes a top quality magic trick
they would, despite being amazed, immediately assume a logical explanation for
how it was done. That is why most people badger magicians after they perform and
they are usually met with the response, ‘a magician never reveals his tricks.’
Rarely does an observer instantly accept that the performer has magical powers
no matter how convincing the trick. Why should someone accept that a whole other
race really exists just because they have had a convincing encounter with little
green men or seen a flying saucer? Please don’t get me wrong. If I had an
encounter like this it would most likely leave an impression on me, yet I would
not necessarily associate it with the proof I needed to believe in a superior
race of beings that are poised in space ready to save us from ourselves. Seeing
is never necessarily believing, especially in this day and age. If technology
can be used so effectively to sell believability on a movie screen why then can
it not be used off the screen, perhaps to sell what most churches call a “Second
Coming.” Being witness to a strange event or victim to an unexplainable ordeal
does not normally give one the authority to confidently deduce an identity or
motive, as the keys to such knowledge are not usually on display within such
brief episodes. But how does one correctly react in such a situation if they are
an obedient observer of Scripture?
Testing The
Before I go any
further it is important to establish that the English word “spirit,” as it
appears in Scripture usually translates from the Hebrew word
“ruwach” which meant “breath,” “wind,” “air,” “breeze,” and in some
cases “tempest,” or “storm,” depending on the context. From this revelation the
question immediately arises that if the word means something that there is an
English translation for, then why does it appear as an additional word “spirit?”
This same principle is found with the word “angel” that is derived from the
Hebrew word “malak,” meaning “dispatched deputy” or “messenger.” The best
explanation is that these words became the products of Greek translators that
felt a need to add a type of divine emphasis to the meanings to differentiate
them from the normal blowing of a breeze or a messenger sent by a
This use of the
word spirit (breath) may have indicated an ancient linguistic attempt to
describe something that has a presence and yet cannot be seen. In a way it could
have been like an ancient Hebrew equivalent to the modern word “invisible.” It
seems to have been a term that was often attributed to YHWH or a series of
associated or unassociated beings that maintained a discernable presence when in
human proximity whilst remaining permanently or momentarily, partially or
completely invisible. In contrast the understanding of what a spirit is within
the lay congregation of a church is somewhat vague and ambiguous and is thought
of as something almost intangible and indescribable in construct. I’ve added
this point to hopefully illustrate a connection between what many today would
describe as sophisticated alien beings that in ages long gone would have been
described as angels or spirits.
The Scriptures
clearly encourage believers not to be afraid of aerial phenomena as is related
in Jeremiah 10:2; “Do not learn the way of the Gentiles; Do not be
dismayed at the signs of heaven, For the Gentiles are dismayed at them.”
So if one is able to remain calm in the face of witnessing such an
event that may eventuate in a “close encounter of the third kind” (third kind
meaning physical or verbal contact) a certain course of action may be required.
This course of action is surprisingly beyond the scope of the average Holy
Spirit filled Christian. Now if we equate “aliens” with “spirits,” there
is a mandate that falls on followers to potentially treat the initial phase of
such an encounter in a particular fashion. I say “potentially” because there may
be an instance where this Holy or Set-Apart Spirit (YHWH’s unseen enabler) may
instruct a believer to flee or remain if the credentials of a visitor or
visitors are revealed in the introduction, as was the case in some angelic
encounters throughout the Scriptures. The Scriptures tell us in 1 John
4:1; “Beloved, do not believe every spirit,
but test the spirits, whether they are of
Elohim; because many false prophets have gone out into the
world.” Testing the spirit is an act whereby we ask the spirit to
identify itself and declare its allegiance. (1 John 4:2; “Every Spirit
that confesses that Yahshua HaMoshiach has come in the flesh is of
Elohim”). Unless it answers in the name of the one who was
impaled and rose from the dead, then this will generally be a good indication
that your visitor is actually a deceiving spirit. (1 John
4:3; “and every spirit that does not confess that Yahshua HaMoshiach has come in
the flesh is not of Elohim.”). Satan’s minions, once identified,
are strictly forbidden to swear allegiance to the name of their enemy. If they
are not recognised they may say anything they wish, providing they do this
behind an impersonation of some other individual, such as a deceased relative or
a terrestrial occupant from a competing interstellar
Joseph Smith, the
founder of the Mormon faith is described as having such an encounter with a
shining being who instructed him to locate and translate an ancient text. The
result was a manuscript that defied historical findings and boldly contradicted
basic Scriptural principles. Throughout the description of the event there is no
record of Mr. Smith testing the spirit much less observing the warning in
Galatians 1:8 where it says: “But even if we, or an angel
from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have preached to you,
let him be accursed.” If people are not aware of the possibility that a
spirit is confronting them or at the very least they are being confronted by a
spirit that may not be a messenger of Yah, how can they test them you might well
ask? Well, 1 John 3:24 tells us that we must have the Set-Apart
(Holy) Spirit abiding in us. Meaning that not only are we to know it resides in
us, but we must be attuned to it as well. The best method of staying attuned can
be broken down into three basic principles or pillars. They are: 1) Loving the
Name of Elohim, 2) Keeping the Sabbaths (not just the weekly Sabbath), 3)
Holding fast to the Covenants (Teachings of YHWH – Torah) (Isaiah
56). These principles should be applied through study, regular personal
prayer and interaction with other people who uphold the same values. If most
Christians who have a “close encounter” think that they are seeing aliens
instead of devils or angels they will struggle to fit their secularly
conditioned outlook of such phenomenon within the context of
A while ago a
couple I know were in a dilemma about whether they would attend a specific
church anymore. They had found out that the central church, where a percentage
of their own church’s offering money went, was sanctioning new doctrine that
clashed with Scripture and their pastor was considering breaking his
congregation away altogether. They had a fairly close relationship with him and
shortly after, the pastor approached my friend and explained that he had a
prophecy in a dream. The message he got was to continue an association with this
church. That was good enough for my friend and his wife so they decided to stay.
When I asked my friend if the pastor had tested the spirit he unfortunately did
not know.
The Truth is in
So why are people
who have sightings or contacts with strange beings seemingly jumping to the
conclusion that aliens, as opposed to angels (fallen or otherwise), exist?
Simply because the population are not being schooled correctly as to the nature
of these entities and how they relate to the Bible. We have been subtly
conditioned to disassociate the two subjects. I was reading various statements
from abductees on a UFO website and was saddened by the story of one particular
person. He described an ordeal of experiencing people standing around his bed,
sensations of being pressed down, and being unable to speak. He added that some
Christian friends had similar experiences that promptly ceased after a verbal
declaration of a belief in G-d. He concluded by saying that this last suggestion
sounded weird. So this person finds the weirdest part of their story
being the part that mentions a faith in G-d. Despite the fact that he has just
described beings standing around his bed, an invisible force pushing him down
and the loss of the ability to speak. Interesting.
Possibly of more concern than the masses accepting the existence of alien
beings is the quiet disassociation of the worldly concept of “aliens” with the
biblical portrayal of the “sons of Elohim” (disobedient angels) (Genesis
6:1-4). This latter term as it appears in Scripture emphasises a race of
beings excluded from men, made clear by their unnatural union with human
females, that give birth to genetically enhanced offspring known as “giants” or
“nephilim.” This act clearly displeases Elohim (verse 3) and
brings with it a dramatically reduced life expectancy of the population. I have
actually read commentaries on these verses that describe them as a
mistranslation or an uninspired portion of text. Very few people are aware of
the evidence of UFO activity throughout history depicted in artifacts,
paintings, drawings, writings, and primitive religious customs, all of which
show evidence of beings with superior technology and/or physical stature.
Currently most people that believe in the existence of unexplained objects in
the skies are blinded to any connection this may have to the Bible. They believe
Scripture does not speak of UFOs or such entities at all, much like the dinosaur
issue and therefore is a text that is not true so any reliance on what this book
says is outdated and misguided. I’m happy to report that nothing could be
further from the truth. If average Christians picked up their Bibles more and
looked beyond the limited range of books recommended by mainstream church
organisations (that rarely venture much further than teaching the four Gospels)
there might be a lot more people coming out of this New Age thinking and
receiving the truth. The following verse is just a teaser as to
the multitude of references to such flying objects. Ezekiel 1:16; “The
appearance of the wheels and their workings was like the colour of beryl, and
all four had the same likeness. The appearance of their workings was, as it
were, a wheel in the middle of a wheel.” Dr. Barry
Downing who wrote The Bible and Flying Saucers in 1968 describes the
complex visions of the prophet Ezekiel in about 600BC. He
points out that Ezekiel’s bizarre account of fiery clouds with wheels and
human-like beings is remarkably similar to modern day alien abductions.
Former chief of the system layout branch at NASA, Josef Blumrich, after
setting out to disprove such implications concluded after careful analysis of
the data available, that the vehicle described in Ezekiel’s encounter was also
indeed a UFO.
All through our
human history there is a consistency in these sightings and contacts. And they
are not just confined to the Bible. In India
the Vedas, an ancient Sanskrit text describes highly sophisticated
flying machines called Vimanas (aerial cars), piloted by
god-like beings. The text also describes the vehicles being constructed on a
triple principle, having three levels, three seats, three supporting poles, and
three rotating wheels. The rotating wheels, it appears,
served specific functions: one to raise the craft, another to give it direction,
the third to speed it along.
As mentioned
earlier, the mainstream church’s current stance on UFO related phenomena is
strictly one of man-made or demonic origin despite many references in their own
Bibles of these shapes being commanded by the Lord. I’ll give you an interesting
example of the church not only distancing itself from this issue but also
severely condemning the broaching of it. In 1969, Erich von Daniken wrote a
controversial book called Chariots of the Gods. He claimed in his book
that aliens came down to earth to mate with humans giving their offspring
advanced wisdom. He was attacked by the church and scientific institutes alike
who claimed that his evidence was poor despite the following verse in
Genesis 6:2-4; “That the sons of Elohim saw the daughters of men,
that they were beautiful; and they took wives for themselves of all whom they
chose. And Adonai said, My Spirit shall not strive with men forever, for he is
indeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years. There were
giants (Nephilim) on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons
of Elohim came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Those
were the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.” It seems in
retrospect that Daniken’s biggest crime was using the word
“astronauts” instead of “sons of Elohim.” The verse indicates that though they
were sons of Elohim (angels) they were in fact not obedient angels, but fallen
angels with an agenda to breed into the race of men their own rebellious nature.
The offspring would eventually steer away at a more accelerated rate mankind’s
dependency on Elohim and in the process mar the capability of a Saviour by
polluting the gene pool. These ancestors not only had the physical stature of
their fathers but some were also gifted with increased intellect and beauty,
while others possessed massive strength and endurance. Requiring only minor
correction Daniken was spot on regarding this point and in my
opinion deserves an apology. Also supporting Daniken’s theory is
the history of the primitive Dogon tribe of Mali in Africa, who have an extensive knowledge of the sky’s
brightest star, Sirius. You may remember me mentioning Alister Crowley’s contact
with an alien from this planet. The Dogon tribe believed they were at one time
founded by a race of amphibious creatures called “Nommos” that once
landed in an ark. Advocates of ancient astronomy hold this tribe’s
extraordinarily accurate knowledge as being very precious. It is also worth
noting that the ceremonial hats worn by popes and bishops, called “miter hats”
originate from the high priests of this tribe who wore headpieces that resembled
the shape of a fish’s head while on their backs they wore a robe that looked
like scales.
Many different
cultures in fact have similar stories of gods coming to earth and breeding with
mankind. It is a sad indictment on the shortness of our memories that our
perspective on this issue due to various methods of conditioning has caused us
in the current age to call them “aliens.”
You’ll Never Learn This in
The primitive Dogon tribe in Mali, Africa,
according to their records, were visited by a being or beings called “Nommo”
around 4,500 years ago.
They left images and writings of “Nommo” who
specifically came from a planet that orbited the second star in the Sirius
system, Sirius being the brightest star in the sky. They related that this being
or beings brought down from the heavens great knowledge, which was shared with
mankind. The Dogon have a map marked on a large stone, which depicts the orbital
period of this apparent mythological secondary star, which they claimed has a
cycle of 50 years.
Up until 1970, Europeans
believed Sirius was not a double star system, contrary to the Dogon tribes’
belief. In this particular year however, a telescope was built that was powerful
enough to finally see this secondary star and measure it's orbital period, which
ended up being, yes, you guessed it, 50
Another name for the Nommo (which is both singular and
plural) is “The Monitor” or “Monitors.” This is very similar to the term
“Watchers,” beings that are referred to throughout the Bible. Daniel
4:17, “This decision is by the decree of the watchers, And
the sentence by the word of the holy ones, In order that the living may know
That the Most High rules in the kingdom of men…” and Jeremiah
4:16, “Make mention to the nations, proclaim against Jerusalem, That the
watchers come from a far country And
raise their voice against the cities of