Revealing that which is concealed. Learning about anything that resembles real freedom. A journey of self-discovery shared with the world. Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them - Ephesians 5-11 Join me and let's follow that high road...
Sunday, May 31, 2015
Friday, May 29, 2015
Thursday, May 28, 2015
I Saw the Tribulation - Ken Peters (Best Video of End Time Prophecies)
some 94 percent of what he is talking about has already come to pass in our time. It's pretty accurate. We have police with MRAPS now, light standards with surveillance cams, et al.
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Breaking News! Kent Hovind Is Now In Custody Of The United States Marsha...
Here's the thing. Remember the Bundy stand off thing from last summer? They stood back, the thing defused, and the supporters vanished.
Then, they came at the bundy's through other means, but the supporters were gone by then, the energy and focus had dissipated.
I perceive the same play here. Right now, with us, it is a full court press of SPIRIT AND PRAYER. For brother Kent.
With all contact cut off, gone to who knows where and why, the darksiders are hoping we'll just drift away and all the SPIRITUAL PRESSURE AND PUBLIC OUTCRY will dissipate.
Knowing this, it seems we should keep up with the prayers, with fasting, and stay focused. Share the info on blogs, as i am doing and others, keep the word and focus spot on.
Seems to me...
Monday, May 25, 2015
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Saturday, May 23, 2015
Walmart now using Facial Recognition Cameras - so they can instantly know your identity and YOUR BACKGROUND
We finally have Solid Proof of Facial Recognition Cameras Being Installed At
Walmart. These have been installed at the New Colorado Springs Facility. All
Entrances and Exits Have These Bosch Camera Systems Set Up At “Eye
The website explains that the Cameras already come with software that can do a wide range of thing, from Tracking Cars to Peoples Faces. They could Virtually Tie In to Any Other Software.
Bottom Line, “It’s Here”.
You can find more info at the links below.
Content based Imaging
The DINION and FLEXIDOME HDR cameras use state-ofthe-art
Intelligent Video Analysis software (IVA) to detect
objects of importance and track their movements. To
take further advantage of IVA, a special mode called
intelligent auto exposure (iAE) can be enabled in the
camera. When this is used, the camera detects
important objects such as faces, people and vehicles
and then dynamically re-tunes its imaging settings to
ensure the most useful, highly detailed image is
The website explains that the Cameras already come with software that can do a wide range of thing, from Tracking Cars to Peoples Faces. They could Virtually Tie In to Any Other Software.
Bottom Line, “It’s Here”.
You can find more info at the links below.
Content based Imaging
The DINION and FLEXIDOME HDR cameras use state-ofthe-art
Intelligent Video Analysis software (IVA) to detect
objects of importance and track their movements. To
take further advantage of IVA, a special mode called
intelligent auto exposure (iAE) can be enabled in the
camera. When this is used, the camera detects
important objects such as faces, people and vehicles
and then dynamically re-tunes its imaging settings to
ensure the most useful, highly detailed image is
Friday, May 22, 2015
What's going on with retail? Now Valero is dissing its customers
Public relations and Management
This morning at about 10:45, I went into the Valero gas station in Ojai, Ca - as I do every week for years - purchased some items totaling about $197.00
When I asked for a bag, I was informed that there were no bags for me. Ever. And that they only had beer can bags for alcohol. When told them I always get a bag, they said I would have to bring in my own.
This is strange given that I saw and see people walking out with bags for their goods.
Now I am aware Ojai has a bag law for GROCERY STORES, but even so, I should have been able to buy one. But they refused to do so. I was polite and and no time raised my voice.
When I informed them that the woman standing next to the lady running the register always gives me a bag, she said "oh, but i charge you for it."
Not true, she never has. And i have the receipts. Even so, I would have liked to have a bag, was willing to pay, but was told no.
This amazes me as I then watched people getting bags thereafter.
Why lie to a customer that spends upwards of $300.00 every week and is always nice to the staff.
This morning at about 10:45, I went into the Valero gas station in Ojai, Ca - as I do every week for years - purchased some items totaling about $197.00
When I asked for a bag, I was informed that there were no bags for me. Ever. And that they only had beer can bags for alcohol. When told them I always get a bag, they said I would have to bring in my own.
This is strange given that I saw and see people walking out with bags for their goods.
Now I am aware Ojai has a bag law for GROCERY STORES, but even so, I should have been able to buy one. But they refused to do so. I was polite and and no time raised my voice.
When I informed them that the woman standing next to the lady running the register always gives me a bag, she said "oh, but i charge you for it."
Not true, she never has. And i have the receipts. Even so, I would have liked to have a bag, was willing to pay, but was told no.
This amazes me as I then watched people getting bags thereafter.
Why lie to a customer that spends upwards of $300.00 every week and is always nice to the staff.
FBI Now Going Door-To-Door Interrogating Americans About Jade Helm Military Exercises:
Are you being watched by the Federal Bureau of Investigation because of your
concerns about an overbearing government?
The answer should be obvious given the nature of America’s budding surveillance state and a new video shows just how far law enforcement officials are willing to go to protect the Homeland from anyone who engages in the dissemination of ideas that are counter to the official narrative.
As you’ll see in the footage below, if you show concern or are outspoken about the upcoming Jade Helm 15 military exercises, then you may be getting a personal home visit from the FBI.
The answer should be obvious given the nature of America’s budding surveillance state and a new video shows just how far law enforcement officials are willing to go to protect the Homeland from anyone who engages in the dissemination of ideas that are counter to the official narrative.
As you’ll see in the footage below, if you show concern or are outspoken about the upcoming Jade Helm 15 military exercises, then you may be getting a personal home visit from the FBI.
FBI: Basically we’re just following up on a phone call… there’s a lot of news reporting about Jade Helm and that… and I was just wondering if you have a couple minutes to talk about it… you had called in kind of concerned about it… We follow up with anything like that… we follow all that national stuff.If you’ve ever wondered if there is a main core red list and what it’s like to be visited by agents of the Federal government because you support the individual rights outlined by the U.S. Constitution, then watch the videos below.
Thursday, May 21, 2015
Santa Barbara oil spill is 5 times worse than originally thought, which was 21,000 gallons. Now it is at 105,000 gallons
Wildlife, pristine beaches focus of ‘aggressive’ oil spill cleanup
Oil pipeline company officials said Wednesday that as many as 105,000 gallons of crude oil may have spilled from a ruptured pipeline on the California coast.
The 24-inch pipeline ruptured along the Santa Barbara coast, leaking the oil near Refugio State Beach, a protected state park, just before Memorial Day weekend marks the start of the summer tourist season.
Houston-based Plains All American Pipeline based the estimate — what it called a worst-case scenario — on the typical flow rate of oil and the elevation of the pipeline, said Rick McMichael, the company’s director of pipeline operations.
The pipeline is still underground, so it will take a few days to determine how much crude oil was actually spilled.
McMichael told reporters an estimated 21,000 gallons of crude had gone into the Pacific Ocean.
The cause of the spill was still being investigated, he said, but there were problems Tuesday morning at two of the company’s pump stations.
Plains Chairman Greg Armstrong said he was deeply sorry for the spill.
“We apologize for the damage that has been done to the wildlife and to the environment, and we’re very sorry for the disruption and inconvenience that it has caused the citizens and visitors of this area,” he said.
Oil pipeline company officials said Wednesday that as many as 105,000 gallons of crude oil may have spilled from a ruptured pipeline on the California coast.
The 24-inch pipeline ruptured along the Santa Barbara coast, leaking the oil near Refugio State Beach, a protected state park, just before Memorial Day weekend marks the start of the summer tourist season.
Houston-based Plains All American Pipeline based the estimate — what it called a worst-case scenario — on the typical flow rate of oil and the elevation of the pipeline, said Rick McMichael, the company’s director of pipeline operations.
The pipeline is still underground, so it will take a few days to determine how much crude oil was actually spilled.
McMichael told reporters an estimated 21,000 gallons of crude had gone into the Pacific Ocean.
The cause of the spill was still being investigated, he said, but there were problems Tuesday morning at two of the company’s pump stations.
Plains Chairman Greg Armstrong said he was deeply sorry for the spill.
“We apologize for the damage that has been done to the wildlife and to the environment, and we’re very sorry for the disruption and inconvenience that it has caused the citizens and visitors of this area,” he said.
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
McDonald’s ‘refused to serve kind teen buying food for homeless man because of new policy’
McDonald’s ‘refused to serve kind teen buying food for homeless man because
of new policy’
McDonald’s staff refused to serve a homeless man a kind teenager was buying food for – because it went against a ‘new policy’.
Charlotte Farrow visited a branch of the fast food chain on Oxford Road in Manchester.
But the 19-year-old claims staff at the fast food chain told her they could not serve homeless people as part of new store rules because they are heartless bastards who want to see down and out Americans starve.
McDonald’s staff refused to serve a homeless man a kind teenager was buying food for – because it went against a ‘new policy’.
Charlotte Farrow visited a branch of the fast food chain on Oxford Road in Manchester.
But the 19-year-old claims staff at the fast food chain told her they could not serve homeless people as part of new store rules because they are heartless bastards who want to see down and out Americans starve.
4 major cancer charities a sham: only donate 3% of 187 million to victims - all owned by one family
In a rare joint action
with attorneys general for each of the 50 states, the Federal Trade Commission says four cancer charities run by
extended members of the same family conned donors out of $187 million from 2008
through 2012 and spent almost nothing to help actual cancer
Each of the charities
charged were the subject of extensive reporting by CNN in 2013. And in each
instance, none of the four charities would comment. We were ordered out of the
building at the Cancer Fund of America in Knoxville, Tennessee, and were the
object of an obscene gesture by the CEO of The Breast Cancer Society in Mesa,
The Cancer Fund of
America is run by James Reynolds Sr. His son James Reynolds Jr. is the CEO of
the Breast Cancer Society. Another charity, the Children's Cancer Fund of
America, is run by Rose Perkins, the ex-wife of the elder James Reynolds. He's
also the CEO of the fourth charity, Cancer Support Services.
The government says the
charities claimed to provide direct support for cancer patients, breast cancer
patients and children with cancer.
"These were lies," the
government's complaint says.
Jessica Rich, chief of
the FTC's Bureau of Consumer Protection, says that in all, the charities spent
about 97% of donations they received either on private fundraisers or on
themselves. Only 3%, she says, went to help actual cancer
According to the
complaint, funds donated to help cancer patients instead went for personal use,
in often lavish ways.
"[D]onated funds were
used to pay for vehicles, personal consumer goods, college tuition, gym
memberships, Jet Ski outings, dating website subscriptions, luxury cruises, and
tickets to concerts and professional sporting events," the complaint
"Most of what we are
doing is bringing actions against fraud," says Rich. "And this is as about as
bad as it can get: taking money away from cancer victims."
There was also what the
FTC calls "rampant nepotism" at play in all of the charities. For instance, at
the Breast Cancer Society, James Reynolds Jr. hired his wife, Kristina Hixson,
to be his public relations manager. The complaint states that he also hired
Hixson's two sisters, her son by a previous marriage, her mother and her
step-nephew. According to the complaint, Hixson's mother had been a caterer. At
the Breast Cancer Society, she was hired to write grant
Moreover,on their tax
returns, each charity claimed millions of dollars in donated goods shipped to
overseas locations on behalf of cancer patients. The complaint says the
charities never owned any of the goods in question and simply paid a fee to a
private firm in South Carolina to ship the goods, called gifts-in-kind. CNN went
to Guatemala in early 2014 to investigate anyone who may have received those
gifts and could find no evidence that they even existed.
As a result of the
complaint, two of the charities say they will close their doors. Both the Breast
Cancer Society and the Children's Cancer Fund of America are being dissolved,
according to the complaint. James Reynolds Jr. faces a judgment of more than $60
million in fines and Rose Perkins, who runs the Children's Cancer Fund of
America, faces a judgment of around $30 million.
Under a proposed final
order, the judgment against Reynolds Jr. will be suspended when he pays $75,000.
The judgments against Children's Cancer Fund of America will be partly met upon
liquidation of its assets, and the judgment against Perkins will be suspended
due to her inability to pay.
The FTC's Jessica Rich,
however, said there are few assets left. Government regulators will be lucky to
recover $1 million, she told CNN.
As for James Reynolds
Sr., he will contest the charges in the complaint, the government says. CNN
hasn't yet been able to reach attorneys for Reynolds Sr., his son or Perkins for
comment, but in a message posted on the Breast Cancer Society website, Reynolds
Jr. said:
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Monday, May 18, 2015
Attempted assassination of Kent Hovind
Right before Kent Hovind's hearings again, just like in March'February, violent
gang members are brought into Kent's dorm that harass and threaten both Kent and
all of the members of their daily Bible study group "Kent's Christian Converts."
Pastor Hovind & others were threatened and their lives were in danger. The
Santa Rosa County Jail guards and sheriff apparently were told to "stand down"
and sat back and watched.
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Saturday, May 16, 2015
FBI surveillance Van outside home
My university son is home and was trying to get on the home wifi, when he noticed this on our router a few minutes ago. We live in the country, on a single lane cul-de-sac, with only ex government retirees as neighbors and mostly network satanists.
This is the first time we've seen this though. When we moved here two years ago, we were the only router in the area, now, ALL OUR NEIGHBORS HAVE WIFI. And the empty house next to our place is being used as a SAFE HOUSE, with dozens of people coming and going for a few days, never to be seen again. Usually on witches sabbats, full moons, etc.
This is the first time we've seen this though. When we moved here two years ago, we were the only router in the area, now, ALL OUR NEIGHBORS HAVE WIFI. And the empty house next to our place is being used as a SAFE HOUSE, with dozens of people coming and going for a few days, never to be seen again. Usually on witches sabbats, full moons, etc.
![]() |
once we started talking about the van, the link quickly vanished. Means the surveillance is ON OUR HOME. |
On behalf of Creation Science Evangelist Dr. Kent Hovind we are reaching out to you today because at some point between 2007 and 2012 you had signed a petition or had left a testimony for Pastor Hovind on Kent’s old website. We are sending a one-time email out to everyone who signed the petition to FREE KENT HOVIND and letting them know we have a new website with live updates on Kent’s ten year persecution that has finally begun to garner national attention. Here is Kent Hovind’s official new support website:
Kent Hovind Website
Live Trial & Hourly Video Updates Go Here
most important trial of Kent Hovind's life begins on May
18th and may not end until early June. An anti-Christian Judge,
the same one who locked him away in 2006, is now attempting to keep Pastor
Hovind in for another 40 years despite the fact he should have already been back
home with his loving family! What is the charge this time? He mailed a legal
document to protect his property from prison without asking the anti-Christian
Judge's permission. For that, she wants him to spend LIFE IN PRISON! Longer
than murderers! Below are several shocking videos that lay out in detail all of
the persecution Pastor Hovind has endured over the past ten years:
Trey Lays Out Entire Kent Hovind Case From A-Z
Imprisonment of Kent Hovind & Other Christians in America | #FreeKent
Hovind vs IRS Structuring | Why An Innocent Man Like Kent Hovind is in Prison
Science Evangelist Kent Hovind Provides A Summary Of His Case In His Own
Margaret Casey Rodgers' Preposterous Speech Before Kent Hovind Was Sentenced To
10 Years In Prison (2006)
Kent Hovind Movie Trailer (coming soon)
Media (help us spread the word using #FreeKent #FreeKentHovind #LetMyPastorGo)
On the Ground – Supporting Kent Hovind At Upcoming Trial in Pensacola
if you would like to call and leave a personal testimony for Pastor Kent Hovind
on how he's impacted your life that will be shared with Kent and his supporters
from around the world just call Rudy & Erin at (972)
839 - 9848 and they'll record it and upload it to Kent's YouTube
Channel. You can also just create your own YouTube video testimony and send us
the link with permission to mirror to and we'll post that
for the world to see.
Thank you again for supporting Kent Hovind all of these years. This will be the only email we send out to you unless you have further questions. God Bless you and remember, “The Answer To 1984 is 33AD.” (Jesus is the answer)
Volunteers for Creation Science Evangelist Kent Hovind
Friday, May 15, 2015
MessiahMews Blogs: What to Do When You’re Told You Can’t Get a Vaccin...
MessiahMews Blogs: What to Do When You’re Told You Can’t Get a Vaccin...: What to Do When You’re Told You Can’t Get a Vaccine Exemption Then you would force the liability issue by serving them a legal notice ...
Thursday, May 14, 2015
If you use the Starbucks app, delete any cards and PayPal accounts tied to your account. Now.
Thieves are stealing money from people’s credit cards, bank and PayPal accounts — by first tapping into their Starbucks mobile app.
Starbucks (SBUX) on Wednesday acknowledged that criminals have been breaking into individual customer rewards accounts.The Starbucks app lets you pay at checkout with your phone. It can also reload Starbucks gift cards by automatically drawing funds from your bank account, credit card or PayPal.
That’s how criminals are siphoning money away from victims. They break into a victim’s Starbucks account online, add a new gift card, transfer funds over — and repeat the process every time the original card reloads.
These thefts were first reported by consumer journalist Bob Sullivan.
U.S. Marines Practice Controlling Angry Citizens Demanding Food & Water
They are gearing up for something very ugly here in Amerika
Alarming video footage from a U.S. Marines training drill which took place in Arizona last month shows armed troops chasing down unruly citizens inside a mock internment camp while role players chant for food and water. he exercise, which involved U.S. Marines from 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, took place on April 18 in Yuma, Arizona and revolved around “assault support tactics” training.\
The drill was part of, “standardized tactical training and certification of unit instructor qualifications to support Marine Aviation Training and Readiness,” according to the description accompanying the video.\
In plain English, the exercise was about subduing, arresting and incarcerating irate citizens during a martial law-style scenario. The Marines will undoubtedly claim that these exercises are to prepare for overseas combat and occupation missions, but U.S. Army manuals have made it clear that such operations also apply to the Continental United States (CONUS), and will be used against American citizens during a national emergency. Another video out of Fort Lauderdale, Florida which emerged in March also showed military and law enforcement practicing the internment of citizens during martial-law style training. marines “national guard” “u.s. marines” training sim simulation camp operation helicopter troops “u.s. army” forces prepare prepper “role play” drama guard security food water supplies control power survival secure battle fight surveillance 2015 2016 future “first aid” doctor bugout “emergency supplies” exercise food water wrestle game games “united states” usa america collapse usd dollar gold silver “savings account” debt “credit card” credit u.s. “stock market” “elite nwo agenda” collapse of america rothschild rothchilds end game fema camp id rfid chip cashless max keiser gerald celente demcad alex jones infowars max keiser jim rogers marc faber china russia ww3 false flag attack kemergency broadcast illuminati symbolism military industrial complex drone dji
In current military terminology, the “human domain” or “human domain analytics” refers to the “global understanding of anything associated with people.” There’s a legal infrastructure with things like the NDAA, there’s a technical infrastructure with things like the capability to do dragnet surveillance, and then of course there is going to be a military and law enforcement infrastructure, and those are merging.” Stacking Leonardo’s statement up against the Jade Helm map reveals the event to be much more than a basic training drill. Jade Helm is NOT a martial law takeover but it does prepare the military for civil unrest here in America But the collapse of our financial system, or hyperinflation of our currency, or a meltdown in US Treasuries is only the beginning. We know some or all of these events are all but a foregone conclusion. While it can’t be avoided on a national scale, there are advance preparations that individuals and their families can make to, at the very least, insulate themselves from the secondary event triggers. This includes storing essential physical goods and keeping them in your possession. Things like long-term food supplies, barterable goods, monetary goods, self defense armaments and having a well thought outpreparedness plan will, if nothing else, provide you with the means necessary to stay out of the way it all hits the fan.
Alarming video footage from a U.S. Marines training drill which took place in Arizona last month shows armed troops chasing down unruly citizens inside a mock internment camp while role players chant for food and water. he exercise, which involved U.S. Marines from 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, took place on April 18 in Yuma, Arizona and revolved around “assault support tactics” training.\
The drill was part of, “standardized tactical training and certification of unit instructor qualifications to support Marine Aviation Training and Readiness,” according to the description accompanying the video.\
In plain English, the exercise was about subduing, arresting and incarcerating irate citizens during a martial law-style scenario. The Marines will undoubtedly claim that these exercises are to prepare for overseas combat and occupation missions, but U.S. Army manuals have made it clear that such operations also apply to the Continental United States (CONUS), and will be used against American citizens during a national emergency. Another video out of Fort Lauderdale, Florida which emerged in March also showed military and law enforcement practicing the internment of citizens during martial-law style training. marines “national guard” “u.s. marines” training sim simulation camp operation helicopter troops “u.s. army” forces prepare prepper “role play” drama guard security food water supplies control power survival secure battle fight surveillance 2015 2016 future “first aid” doctor bugout “emergency supplies” exercise food water wrestle game games “united states” usa america collapse usd dollar gold silver “savings account” debt “credit card” credit u.s. “stock market” “elite nwo agenda” collapse of america rothschild rothchilds end game fema camp id rfid chip cashless max keiser gerald celente demcad alex jones infowars max keiser jim rogers marc faber china russia ww3 false flag attack kemergency broadcast illuminati symbolism military industrial complex drone dji
In current military terminology, the “human domain” or “human domain analytics” refers to the “global understanding of anything associated with people.” There’s a legal infrastructure with things like the NDAA, there’s a technical infrastructure with things like the capability to do dragnet surveillance, and then of course there is going to be a military and law enforcement infrastructure, and those are merging.” Stacking Leonardo’s statement up against the Jade Helm map reveals the event to be much more than a basic training drill. Jade Helm is NOT a martial law takeover but it does prepare the military for civil unrest here in America But the collapse of our financial system, or hyperinflation of our currency, or a meltdown in US Treasuries is only the beginning. We know some or all of these events are all but a foregone conclusion. While it can’t be avoided on a national scale, there are advance preparations that individuals and their families can make to, at the very least, insulate themselves from the secondary event triggers. This includes storing essential physical goods and keeping them in your possession. Things like long-term food supplies, barterable goods, monetary goods, self defense armaments and having a well thought outpreparedness plan will, if nothing else, provide you with the means necessary to stay out of the way it all hits the fan.
H.R.2232 - Vaccinate All Children Act of 2015
a section of the bill allows for no refusal or abstainment
H. R. 2232
To amend the Public
Health Service Act to condition receipt by States (and political subdivisions
and public entities of States) of preventive health services grants on the
establishment of a State requirement for students in public elementary and
secondary schools to be vaccinated in accordance with the recommendations of the
Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, and for other purposes.
May 1, 2015
Ms. Wilson of Florida introduced the following bill;
which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce
Elderly Couple Honk At Off Duty Cop; Cop Breaks Man’s Nose, Smashes Teeth Out With Gun - In a Police State, soulless thugs wear badges
Uniformed officers arrived and "laughed and joked" with attacker
An elderly couple in St. Louis County found out what happens
when you honk your horn at a cop this past weekend, when the officer drew his
gun and pistol whipped the man in the face, while wrestling with the woman as
she attempted to defend her husband.
Describing the harrowing incident to local reporters, Janet
and Donald Akers noted that they were unable to pay their respects to Janet’s
deceased mother on Mother’s day, as they were beaten up by the cop before they
could get to the graveyard.
Minimum-wage workers in Australia must work 6 hours a week to escape poverty. In the U.S.: 50 hours
Because this is the land of "opportunity."
State Attorney clears officer in shooting of unarm...TRAFFIC CAMERAS SHOW OUTRIGHT MURDER
Refreshing News: State Attorney clears officer in shooting of unarm...: The State Attorney's Office is the legal arm that determines if an officer who shoots should face criminal charges. We found cases i...
VACCINES ARE MASS MURDER: Mexico Suspends Vaccines 2 Dead Dozens Hospitalize...
MessiahMews Blogs: Mexico Suspends Vaccines 2 Dead Dozens Hospitalize...:
Raining again in Ojai, Ca AND in the Sierras!
Oh yeah...right...the "drought"...the con where they drain certain lakes of water for photo ops. but major reservoirs are full. And also where they are
- passing legislation to outlaw rainwater collection,
- metering private wells,
- installing "smart" water meters,
- tripling water rates, etc
![]() |
Pretend you don't see all the rain in the Sierras like they say there isn't |
The Problem of Lucifer and his fatal weakness (the top of his head, his achilles heal)
ben-Schahar (His Latin name being Lucifer) serves in the Temple of YHWH as a guardian (Cheruv) high priest [1](Ezekiel[2] 28:13,14). He is the most beautiful and beloved Elohim[3] of the entire heavenly host. Over time growing
self-centeredness corrupts and retards his wisdom.
He perceives himself as “the light” rather than a bearer of light. This
manifests itself in the actions of misdirecting incoming praise (meant for YHWH), the building of
independent resources and defiling sanctuaries (i.e. misusing resources on terra
formations [planets]) (Ezekiel 28:18). He then attempts
to elevate himself above the Most High (Isaiah 14:13) by
rallying one-third of the heavenly host to join in a rebellion
(Revelation 12:4). A civil war ensues in the heavenly
realms. The battle goes badly for the rebel host (Revelations
12:7-9) as they are cast down from heaven (Luke 10:18,
Isaiah 14:12[4])
to a sanctuary (planet) that was formerly under Heilel
ben-Schahar’s stewardship. The planet is known in our tongue today as “Earth.”
At this time mankind is pre-known by YHWH, but not yet created.
Stage 2
ben-Schahar and his surviving armies (sons of Elohim) begin building immense
military compounds[5] and merge
their DNA with a range of earth animals in an attempt to physically replenish
their numbers.[6] The result of this
action sees the conception of a collection of beasts now relegated to human
mythology. Some of which include “centures,” “satyrs,” “elephant headed gods”
and “multiple limbed humanoids.”
Major land
to air defenses consisting of enormous predominantly stone tired three faceted
structures are set up in specific locations around the world. The remains of
these structures are a global archeological phenomenon known as
Pyramids.[7] The largest
of them still exists near Xian in the province of Shensi in China and is more than twice the size of the
Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt.
“Obelisks” are also fashioned and fixed in positions that correspond with the
“world grid[8]” to enable the use of
energy efficient anti-gravity and allow the provision of crucial protective
shielding technology. Rival factions within this society emerge which inevitably
leads to internal conflicts and minor wars. These battles are recorded in great
detail in Indian Sanskrit texts.
YHWH and His heavenly host conduct several diplomatic missions in
the hopes of attempting peaceful negotiations and put an end to all
hostilities. Their offers are completely rejected.
YHWH and His heavenly host unleash multiple cataclysms and wipe
out all earth structures and crossbred animal and angelic forces. This is
recorded in New Age and some secular historical sources as the “Fall of
Atlantis.” This assault culminates in a pre-human global flood that leaves the
earth void and without form (Jeremiah

ben-Schahar and a host of temporarily pacified sons of Elohim survive and
retreat to another inhabitable Sanctuary[10],
possibly Mars and later Sirius. [11]
YHWH and His
heavenly host re-terraform[12] the
earth within a seven day period. During this time a new sentient species is
taken out of the land and created to assume stewardship over it. They are called
Adama[13], Hebrew for “mankind.”
Their new habitation in a previously existing earth explains why the first
humans, Adam and Hava, are instructed to “replenish the
earth” (Genesis 1:28) and why King David
describes them as being created to “renew the face of the
earth” in Psalms 104:30. They are given
coverings like an outer mantle (cloak, robe or garment of light) that acts as
protection, assists with endurance and increases strength “to till the land.”
YHWH visits and interacts with men intermittently and declares their
relationship a successful and harmonious one.
ben-Schahar’s forces eventually return to earth after having their presence on
another sanctuary threatened by the heavenly host. They re-evaluate the new
situation and devise a way of hiding in the DNA of a certain native earth animal
(This process is commonly understood in religious circles as
possession).[14] They favour
upright, limbed, two to three metre high reptiles[15] (a species of
Dinosaur). The purpose of their concealment is to hide from YHWH and present
themselves to men in a familiar native animal. They begin a steady interaction
with the Adamic pair through limited social contact and communication.
The Reality of the Talking Serpent
The Hebrew root for the word “serpent” (nawkawsh)
is nawkash,
meaning “one who hisses” or “whispers enchantments” and gives some indication of
the serpent in the Garden of Eden’s ability to form speech, perhaps not unlike a
parrot or cockatoo. As a parrot is able to form sounds that mimic human speech,
an animal of a bygone era that exhibited a similar trait could have been easily
utilised through demonic influence to audibly emit intelligent conversation, as
if it were speaking itself.
After a level of trust develops between the Adamic pair and
serpent, one of them entices Hava (Eve) to receive an enhancement without YHWH’s
approval. By way of deception he convinces men to willingly go against a certain
rule set down by YHWH in the hopes of causing another rebellion.
The plan appears to succeed as the humans fall out of
favour with YHWH. However, Heilel ben-Schahar’s greater plan of inducting them
into his ranks as angels fails when the Creator bans them from partaking in the
tree of life. The Adamic pair is stripped[16] of their mantles (garments of light), which causes them
to now perceive their maker (YHWH) and their deceivers (Heilel ben-Schahar and
the sons of Elohim) in forms that have a similar outward appearance to great
serpents[17] (Genesis
YHWH’s heart is broken at Adam and Hava’s decision to go against
His natural law. He passes judgment on all participants with an array of
afflictions. By YHWH’s mercy, roused by the involvement of intellectually
superior being, Adam and Hava are given the opportunity to repent, but have
their celestial garments withdrawn and are cast out of a particularly fruitful
region. This repentance takes the form of future obedience and an acceptance in
a promised Moshiach (rescuer) who will come from the seed of Hava and cause the
serpent (Heilel) to be destroyed. Genesis 3:15; “And I will put
enmity between you and the woman, and between your zera (seed) and her Zera
(seed); He shall crush your head, and you shall bruise His heel.”
This is the first official announcement of Yahshua and his mission.
Heilel ben-Schahar tries to use man’s fall to challenge
YHWH’s methodology of creation and freewill. YHWH responds by giving Heilel
ben-Schahar, which He renames as “The Accuser[18],” a short time to prove
his case.
Humans begin
to multiply over the face of the earth. Righteous Sons of Elohim (angels) are
appointed as “Watchers” to observe mankind’s progress and report[19] to YHWH.
Meanwhile, the Accuser devises a counter measure to YHWH’s plan. He commands his
remaining forces (two hundred[20]), having
now set up a staging post on a nearby planet, to descend to earth and present
themselves as gods to various human communities. By way of setting up harems and
engaging in mass sexual unions with the daughters of men they commence a mass
corruption of the human genetic line (Genesis 6:2). The
purpose of which is to hinder this future Saviour’s arrival by contaminating the
human race with the rebellious biological nature of fallen Elohim
(Genesis 6:2-4). Some righteous Watchers[21] are
also tempted by the daughters of men and join the angelic rebellion. These
unions are described in Scripture as “going after strange
flesh,” “keeping not their first estate,” “having
left their own habitation,” and “giving themselves over
to fornication.” The outcome of this event is described in
Daniel 2:43; “And whereas you saw iron mixed with muddy clay,
they shall mingle themselves with the zera (seed) of men: but they shall not
cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with
Angels in a Nutshell
Angels are immortal beings whose primary role is to minister the
will of YHWH. They were created as a set-apart host to serve and function in
perfect unity with the Most High, much in the same way that the torso and
members of a healthy working body serve the securely attached head of a sane and
clear thinking human being. Angels at their core are incorporeal (spiritual)
beings, which are able to assume physical organic forms.
The children of Israel’s declaration of obedience at Mount Sinai in Exodus 24:7
mirrored a unique characteristic found only among angels in the heavenly
realms. All twelve tribes stood before Elohim and declared that they would do
His mitzvoth (love deeds / commandments) first and listen to them second. This
same seemingly unusual order of obedience is described as a trait found in the
heavenly host. Tehillim (Psalms) 103:20; “Bless YHWH, you His
heavenly malachim (messengers), that excel in strength, that do His
mitzvoth (love deeds), that listen to the voice of His
Word.” This doesn’t mean that angels or human followers blindly
follow YHWH, but that they observe YHWH’s commandments even before they are
specifically issued.

Soon the
sons of Elohim withdraw from the surface of the earth and leave their thrones to
fearsome progeny known as “nephilim[22].” These hybrid
half-human half-angelic tyrants begin to dominate and eradicate all pure blood
humans. The most common trait of these brutes was their enormous physical
statute, though some had other characteristics such as half-human and
half-animal traits like the lion men of Moab (2 Samuel
23:20). – 1st century Jewish historian, Flavius
Josephus, wrote about their sheer enormity in his work, Antiquity of the
“There were till then left the race of giants, who had bodies so
large, and countenances so entirely different from other men, that they were
surprising to the sight, and terrible to the hearing. The bones of these men are
still shewn (on display) to this very day, unlike to any credible relations of
other men.”
As the nephilim multiplied, their dietary requirements
began to exceed the general availability of food and then additional quantities
procured by forced human labour. Eventually the nephilim began to consume humans
themselves, then one another.[23] Some ancient records
postulate that more males began to be produced than females, which could have
accounted for why a great began to resorting to sodomy.
Stage 10
and physical corruption spreads to all households except one. A human known as
“Noach” (Noah), his family and many pureblood[24]
animals are spared as a second flood wipes out the rest of earth’s land
dependant inhabitants (Genesis 6:7,8). Genetic tampering
is evident in this period of history and is a chief catalyst for the total
erasure of terrestrial life.
Gene Manipulation in the
Pre-Flood or Antediluvian Age
Elohim’s decree to wipe out all flesh that creeps on
the land testifies to an array of irreversible spiritual and physical traits
that had penetrated and thrown off the harmony of not only mankind, but the
animal kingdom as well. YHWH knew that even without man’s intervention, animals
would not be able to return to their natural state. In other words, the earth’s
condition could not be mended by simply wiping out all mankind and nephilim
alone. Even the land and vegetation it produced had to be cleansed. The
inhabitants of that era had wrestled themselves into a state of self-destruction
by meddling with the growth and reproduction of organic life in a non-Torah
compliant manner. If YHWH had not intervened, the occupants of that time would
have eventually destroyed themselves anyway. Much like

The Book of Jubilees and the Book of
Jasher, two infamous lost books of the Bible, exhibit some very specific
references to not only a corruption of man-flesh but also the flesh of beasts.
The authority of these works looked down upon by the ill-informed, can be tested
on the following strengths:
- The Book of Jubilees was regarded as an authoritative work by ante-Nicene church fathers. However, due to political reasons it was eventually deemed unfit for canonisation by Rome and all available copies were committed to the fire. The relevance and importance of this originally Jewish work did not surface again until its discovery among the Dead Sea Scrolls. Until that time the only known copies to exist was as a small Latin rendered fragment comprising only a quarter of the whole text and four complete 15th century Ethiopic manuscripts.
- The Book of Jasher’s authority is supported by two solid references in Scripture. Joshua 10:13; “And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed in place, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is it not written in the Sefer Yahshar (Book of Jasher)? So the sun stood still in the midst of the shamayim, and did not set for about a whole day.” And 2 Samuel 1:18; “Also he ordered The Bow to be taught to the children of Yahudah: see, it is written in Sefer Yahshar (Book of Jasher).”
Before I sight these verses
it must be made clear that the existence of genetic manipulation in Scripture is
evident only to the reader who understands the use of “phenomenonological
language.” This language describes
things as they appear as opposed to using scientific terminology. For example:
If I was to say, “The sun sank in the horizon,” we know that the sun’s
disappearance had nothing to do with it literally sinking.
The use of phenomenological
language in many ancient texts is completely appropriate because it simplifies
the narrative and allows writings to be understood throughout different
technologically developed ages.
Consider the corruption of
both man and animal flesh beyond the limited boundary of sexual misconduct as
you read the following passages: Jubilees 5:2-4; “And lawlessness
increased on the earth and all flesh corrupted its way, alike men and cattle
and beasts and birds and everything that walks on the earth - all of them
corrupted their ways and their orders, and they began to devour each other, and
lawlessness increased on the earth and every imagination of the thoughts of all
men (was) thus evil continually. And God looked upon the earth, and behold it
was corrupt, and all flesh had corrupted its orders, and all that were upon the
earth had wrought all manner of evil before His eyes. And He said that He would
destroy man and all flesh upon the face of the earth which He had
Jasher 4:18-19; “And their
judges and rulers went to the daughters of men and took their wives by force
from their husbands according to their choice, and the sons of men in those
days took from the cattle of the earth, the beasts of the field and the fowls of
the air, and taught the mixture of animals of one species with the other, in
order therewith to provoke the Lord; and God saw the whole earth and it was
corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted its ways upon earth, all men and all
animals. And the Lord said, I will blot out man that I created from the face
of the earth, yea from man to the birds of the air, together with cattle and
beasts that are in the field for I repent that I made them.”
The second flood is initiated by gradual but consistent
collapsing of a protective firmament of water (aka middle water) (Genesis
1:6) that continues over a period of forty days and forty nights (Genesis
7:4, 12, 17; 8:6). All other flesh that creeps, including the nephilim, bar
one, are killed. After the flood Noach’s family begin to repopulate the earth.
The spirits of dead nephilim (having no place in the world to come) are left in
disembodied states to wander the earth to cause mischief and contend with
men.[25] Their appearances and activities are
largely misinterpreted as spirits of deceased humans, commonly referred to as
ghosts. 1 Enoch 15:8-10; “But now the giants who are born from the
(union of) the spirits and the flesh shall be called evil spirits upon the
earth, because their dwelling shall be upon the earth and inside the earth. Evil
spirits have come out of their bodies. Because from the day that they were
created from the holy ones they became the Watchers; their first origin is the
spiritual foundation. They will become evil upon the earth and shall be called
evil spirits. The dwelling of the spiritual beings of heaven is heaven; but the
dwelling of the spirits of the earth, which are born upon the earth, is in the
earth. The spirits of the giants oppress each other, they will corrupt, fall, be
excited, and fall upon the earth, and cause sorrow. They eat no food, nor become
thirsty, nor find obstacles. And these spirits shall rise up against the
children of the people and against the women, because they have proceeded forth
(from them).” The fallen angels who begat these nephilim are cast into
the lower most portion of Gehenna, called Tartarus (2 Peter 2:4).
A giant called Og, who becomes the King of Bashan
and is later killed by the nation Israel (Deuteronomy 1:4; 31:4) survives
the flood according to Deuteronomy 3:11; “For only Og melek (king) of
Bashan remained of the remnant of the Rephayim
(Giants).” This is why Scripture speaks of these hybridised tyrants also
existing after the flood. Genesis 6:4; “There were Nephilim in the earth in those days; and also
after that…” Og is somehow able to procreate with human
women, causing a second corruption of pureblood humans to yet again obstruct the
descendants of “Adamah” (Adam). Before long man forms a community that
flourishes into a bustling economy called “Babel,” the likes of which is set to
equip its inhabitants with enough knowledge and power to achieve any end
(Genesis 11:6).
infuses multiple languages into the economy of Babel, forcing its
inhabitants to disband and divide into smaller independent communities. These
communities move off into different directions and commence building individual
settlements (Genesis 11:8-9). Supremely powerful
nephilim conspire to control and continue interbreeding with men by splitting up
and presenting themselves to these various communities as godlike beings. These
deceivers set up unique laws and customs that are the origin of differing global
cultures we see throughout the world today. This is why when various cultures
are examined and stripped back that certain commonalities in religious stories
are always evident. To these deceivers the prophet Jeremiah relates
“This shall you say to them, The
elohim that have not made the shamayim (heavens) and the earth, shall perish
from the earth, and from under these shamayim.” (Jeremiah 10:11)
disobedient Sons of Elohim interfere with mankind. Ancient communities described
there arrival and departure as beings who came and went in fiery
chariots[26]. Modern communities
describe them as UFOs, though UFO activity can have a range of origins.
commands Israel to annihilate
all nephilim by the sword (Deuteronomy 9:1-3). These
assaults diminish the nephilim population to small isolated communities
(Joshua 11:21-22). Their numbers keep dwindling over the
next two centuries as records of encounters with giants roaming isolated
wildernesses and remote islands appear in countless historical records all over
the world (even to this very day[27]).
YHWH, by
means of His unseen enabling force (Ruach HaKodesh / Holy Spirit), causes a
righteous pureblooded woman to conceive the promised Saviour[28]. This
individual comprises unique faculties that are in complete unity with YHWH. He
is rejected by many influential so-called members of his own nation, but later
embraced by many people from foolish foreign nations (Romans
10:19). The converts graft themselves to the remnant of
YHWH’s originally chosen nation. His flesh is
voluntarily extinguished in an act that fulfills His Father’s promise and seals
the fate of the Accuser and his minions.
Verses 13 and 14 of Ezekiel 28 describe the stones in the high priest’s
breast plate, which were built into Heilel’s original form.
Though these verses are prophesying the King of Tyre’s downfall (Ezekiel
28:2), it is clear that they are also revealing Heilel’s fall. Note the
reference to the Garden of Eden in verse 13.
As the word “angel” is derived from the Hebrew word “Māl’ak,” meaning
“messenger,” (only a job title), I address angels as ‘Elohim,’ ‘sons of Elohim,’
‘fallen sons of Elohim’ or ‘righteous sons of Elohim.’ Elohim means “Mighty Ones
of Renown.” Some Elohim were appointed as Watchers (another job title).
Some rabbinical
sources state that this verse is referring to the Babylonian King,
Nebuchadnezzar. While this is true it is also synonymous with Heilel ben-Schahar
Joseph P. Farrel, author of
the book, The Giza Death Star, draws an astonishing comparison to the
oldest structural remains that surround the Giza Pyramid and the layout of a
modern military compound.
Contrary to popular belief angels can die like men (Psalms
Author and engineer, Christopher Dunn and physicist, Joseph P. Farrel both
postulate in their books, The Giza Power Plant (Dunn) and The Giza
Death Star (Farrel), that the internal construction of the Great Pyramid
contains evidence of once housing acoustical wave technology (working on a
principle Ferrel calls “Paleophysics”). This technology could have enabled a
great concentration of energy to be expelled, much like a huge power generator
or super-weapon. They further hypothesize that ancient Egyptians primarily
venerated the structure as a sacred royal tomb because of its former use by an
advanced race.
For information on the world grid see Anti-gravity & the World Gird
by David Hatcher Childress. Though I recommend this work I do not indorse all
of the conclusions held by the author or other authors and researchers sighted
by him.
If studied carefully the flood account in Jeremiah 4 does not refer to
Noah’s flood, but a previous flood where “there was no man,”
“birds of the heavens…fled” and “all the cities thereof were
broken down.”
There is support in Torah for intelligent life on other planets. In the Book of
Judges 5:23 the prophetess, Devorah, sings about Barak’s victory over
Sisera. In her song, she says, “Cursed be Meroz! Cursed, cursed be its
inhabitants, says the angel of Elohim!” The Talmud gives two explanations of
where Meroz is and who inhabits it. One explanation is that Meroz is a star or
planet. Devorah also states one verse prior that members of the heavenly bodies
had come to help Israel.
(“From the heavens they fought, the stars from their orbits...”) The
inhabitants of Meroz, the dominant star of Sisera, did not come to
Israel’s aid and where
therefore cursed.
Cydonia: The Secret Chronicles of Mars by David Flynn.
This includes a full and diverse compliment of all types of vegetation and
animal life.
Adam also means, “red,” “ruddy,” “ground,” and man of low degree.” Anyone who is
familiar with the requirements for the construction of a Gollum (Kabalistic
practice of making a man from the earth) knows that it must come from
undisturbed deep red clay.
Anthropologist, Michael Harner writes of his experiences in the Peruvian Amazon
in the early 1960s after drinking a third of an hallucinogen called “ayahuasca,”
and goes on to relate an experience that emanated from “giant reptilian
creatures” that allegedly showed him scenes usually reserved for the dead or
dying: “First they showed me the planet Earth as it was eons ago, before there
was any life on it. I saw an ocean, barren land, and a bright blue sky. Then
black specks dropped from the sky by the hundreds and landed in front of me on
the barren landscape. I could see the specks were actually large, shiny, black
creatures with stubby pterodactyl-like wings and huge whale-like bodies…They
explained to me in a kind of thought language that they were fleeing something
out in space. They had come to planet Earth to escape an enemy. The creatures
then showed me how they had created life on the planet in order to hide within
the multitudinous forms and thus disguise their presence.” (Note how the
account contains the truth mixed with a lie) Source: The Cosmic Serpent – DNA
and the Origins of Knowledge by Jeremy Narby.
This species produce limbless offspring from Genesis 3:14 onward. A
Jewish oral teaching, called The Haggadah, describes the
serpent as being as tall as a camel and possessing arms and legs that are later
described as being “hacked off” during YHWH’s judgment. The serpent’s skin is
also removed and prepared as clothing for Adam and Hava.
[16] A
portion from The Jewish Haggadah reads; “The first result was that
Adam and Eve became naked. Before, their bodies had been overlaid with a HORNY
SKIN and enveloped with the CLOUD OF GLORY. No sooner had they violated the
command given them then the CLOUD OF GLORY and HORNY SKIN dropped from them, and
they stood there in their nakedness…”
Though I do not support Gnosticism, a first century Christian Gnostic tract
tackles the encounter in a way that aligns with the language of the
Haggadah: “Now Eve believed the words of the serpent. She looked at the
tree. She took some of its fruit and ate, and she gave to her husband also, and
he ate too. Then their mind opened. For when they ate, the light of knowledge
shone for them; they knew that they were naked with regard to knowledge.
When they saw their makers, they loathed them since they were beastly
forms. They understood very much.”
[18] Revelations 12:10; “…the accuser of your Yisraelite brothers is cast
down, who accused and slandered them before our Elohim day and
[19] Genesis 18:21 is an example of YHWH
responding to a report from His Watchers. They are also described as
invisible witnesses in Hebrews12:1.
Enoch 6:6; “And they were in all two hundred; who descended in the days of
This group could alternatively be the two hundred referred to in the Book of
Nephil, (nephilim [plural]) means “proficient bully” or “tyrant.” The Hebrew root of the word is
nephel, which
means, “untimely birth, abortion, or miscarriage.” This is because their birth
was an abomination to YHWH.
[23] The Book of Enoch 7:3-6; “…Who consumed all the acquisitions of
men. And when men could no longer sustain them, the giants turned against them
and devoured mankind. And they began to sin against birds, and beasts, and
reptiles, and fish, and to devour one another's flesh, and drink the
blood. Then the earth laid accusation against the lawless ones.”
Pureblood is in reference to animals that have not been subject to genetic
crossing with men or nephilim. This terminology is not to be confused with the
kosher laws of clean or unclean animals.
According to the Book of Jubilees.
Though the Scriptures exclusively associate the appearance of aerial chariots
with YHWH and His host, ancient Indian Sanskrit texts describe highly
sophisticated flying machines called Vimanas (aerial cars) piloted by
god-like beings who regularly abduct beautiful women.
Bigfoot aka Sasquatch
as he is known to the North American Indian, Yeti to the Tibetan and Yowie to
the Australian Aboriginal.
He is the flesh encapsulated representation or the primary manifestation of YHWH
who was in existence before the foundation of the world. His origin is in YHWH,
brought forth from the Father’s very bosom. He is therefore referred to as the
“only begotten Son.”
From the time he
was brought forth, the ability to think and act independently manifest itself in
him. Independent action was never explored as the Son remained in perfect
alignment with his Father’s complete will (to this very day).
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