Monday, January 28, 2013

The NEW and IMPROVED US Constitution


The rich and powerful who know better how to run this world have ordained that all citizens are vassals of the state and of their collective will. You are not a person. YOu have no soul. YOu have no rights, save what we determine for you. The country is a collective that exists to serve us. Be happy in your work. You live to serve the state. Welcome to the New World


Article One

You will do as you are told. Especially when it contradicts common sense, family values,

self-determination, and kindness to others.

Article Two

Any disagrement or discussion of any Article of the constitution will result in your immediate

"re-education" at one of the hundreds of "work camps" throughout the country and overseas.

Article Three

Youre children belong to the state. Get that through your fat head right now. They belong to

us and we can take them at will, "educate" them, and force them into whatever activity or

military reality we see fit.

Article Four

Your diet will consist of whatever sawdust, cancer causing chemicals, and GMO poison we have

on the shelves. Any deviation of this will result in Article Two.

Article Five

Remember your place. You are alive to serve the state. Obey diligently and live.

Article Six

You have no future. Any future will be decided by the state based upon your eager usefulness

to your masters.

Article Seven

You own nothing. All items such as clothing, furniture, housing, and transportation belong to

the state. Make that plastic junk last, because you will only get one per person, every 5


Article Eight

You will salute or give obeisance to your betters at all times and immediately. Any hesitation

of this article will result in an Article Two.

Article Nine

The work week is 70 hours, including weekends. Your time belongs to us, and any infringement

upon this will result in an Article Two.

Article Ten

You have the right to serve the state. You have the right to only discuss and agree with

state-approved topics as given to you by the state controlled media. You have the right to

obey without question all instructions given you by your betters. You have the right to breed,

only if approved by the state-run citizen fitness department. You have the right to be

medically experimented upon, twice a year. You have the right to have a two-week vacation

every five years at the state-approved facillity Leavenworth. You have the right to worship

the dark lords and will do so 3 times daily. you have the right to be a sycophant. You have

the right to be an eager and willing stooge of the state. You have the right to get sick and

die; medical attention will no longer be available for citizens. You have the right to be

compliant and greatful that we allow you to live. Failure to adhere to this Article will

result in an Article Two.

Article Eleven

You will always leave your "media control screen or TV" on at all times. You will be unable to

lower the volume or turn it off. Disabling said media screen will result in an Article Two.

Aticle Twelve

Worship of "God" is strictly forbidden. Failure to adhere to this Article will result in an

Article Two.

Article Thirteen

There will be tribunals to determine the severity of your punishment as determined by action

and/or thought crimes as dictated by the government.