Saturday, January 5, 2013

A diamond in the rough....

A good man with a good heart...

Picked up the guitar at 3 1/2 years of age...

Was composing classical music sonatas and symphonic pieces at age 8...

When he was 10, he was writing computer code in 3 languages and built his first computer at age 9...

at 11, he studied graduate school level chemistry and physics for giggles. We have two boxes of formulas he solved (usually in under 20 minutes)that graduate students struggle with.

He speaks, writes and reads 3 languages fluently. Plus 3 computer languages.

When he was 12, he took up surfing with a passion and quickly became the best surfer in the family...

Since the 6th grade, this guy has always earned straight As in school. He is now the resident physics tutor at his high school for other students. since he was 16. He will graduate soon with absolute top honors in every class of his school. In the last two months, he has been interviewed by reps from MIT, Cal Tech, Princeton, and Stanford is on the way. Doubtless, he won't be attending any of those schools, though.

This is our buggle boy Nater. He was raised with love, without violence or lies, and was and is always given attention, the truth, and a highway to spirit each and every day. In spite of being poor of means and wearing clothes full of holes, he has risen above all this, the diamond that he is.