Tens of Millions everywhere, and no one is the wiser.
Actively building a database of where every "car" goes, including photos. ("wE dOnT tRaCk PeOpLe, wE TrAcK vEhIcLeS")
>Currently all around thousands of cities.
>CEO is young, OCD orwellian.
>Specifically targeting popular unavoidable roads, as well as key back roads.
>PDs hiding public information of where they are installed, so you don't avoid them.
>PDs won't talk to reporters about them.
>PDs are cock-gobbling and buying these on the order of 10s for small cities.
>$3k per.
>Most cities did not announce they were installed.
>Ramped up during covid wind-down, while we weren't looking.
>Stated end goal is one on EVERY street corner.
>Installed discretely, no signs. Small, black. Small poles, or strapped to existing street signs.
>Solar powered and off the grid, with internal lithium batteries.
>Hiding your plate isn't enough.
>Logs make, model, color, etc
>Logs all unique features of your car. Bumper stickers, racks, wheel types, anything they want.
>AI powered to identify and catalog (make searchable) identifiable features.
>Infrared cameras.
>Instant live photos of EVERY vehicle.
>High speed cellular connected.
>Expandable capabilities, such as gunshot detection where they all go into paranoid mode together.
>INSTANT SEARCHABLE by karen or steve at your local PD, or anyone who wants it.
>Nationwide linkable databases, or secret private databases.
>Builds a pattern-of-life of US citizens at the individual level.
>"Rewind" for after a "crime" committed.
"we don't track people, we track vehicles"
They say it so stupidly too.
And a stupid person falls for it.
cuz they need to know where the chassis of my dodge ram is, or they
need to track the location of the lug nuts on my wheels... for
information purposes, just to know where the lug nuts are an no other
They track vehicles, SO THEY CAN FIND OUT WHERE A PERSON IS, AKA TRACK PEOPLE. I've seen them in street medians, behind signal light poles, pointing into shopping centers, etc.
The designers of this system say it's for catching criminals, but they never say that it can be used in ways that go way beyond its original scope. This is the kind of technology that allows the government to "gather evidence' without due process, and build a case against every single American, and to know their current whereabouts, where they've been, and can even trace every whereabouts of a target for the last 30 days, if not longer.
Should any person be okay with that? This technology is just another avenue for authorities to fabricate evidence and "place" political dissidents at crime scenes to make their case against them. Or you.
like they're trying to convince people that they "track track track the
car all along, and only peek at the track to learn where the person is,
BUT THAT'S NOT TRACKING! the wave function hasn't collapsed yet!"
They are flat out lying and denying their true intentions.
Blade runners assemble!
Picture this scenario.
You own a whatever... yellow camaro with a cracked windshield.
They have a literal gui... like you go to gmail and open up your email and look at stuff, or open up your photos app and look at your collection of photos.
They have a GUI that lists... ALLLLL the location of that one yellow camaro and cracked windshield. all of them. Not just if you were in the vicinity around an area at a certain time.
They have a list, just waiting to be used. A literal list.
Tuesday, November 2, yellow camaro with cracked windshield drove to the hardware store [hi res photo]
Wednesday, Nov 3 yellow camaro with cracked windshield has license plate 445JNK [hi res photo]
Thursday, Nov 4 yellow camaro with cracked windshield and flat tire drove past 223 downing st [hi res photo]
Friday, Nov 5 gunshots heard near 223 downing st, here's all the photos from that day, oh a yellow camaro
Saturday, Nov 6, knock knock did you misfire your gun, even though no one was hurt? oh what's this over here near your gun safe?
Sunday, prison
Every single road that leads in or out of ANY city of ANY size, has these already at key points that CANNOT BE AVOIDED.
There is no escape.