Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Burning Man exodus is absolutely unhinged due to epic dust storm UPDATED

The dust storm started friday and is still going on.


BLACK ROCK CITY — On Monday afternoon, Burning Man’s exodus line snaked for miles through the Black Rock Desert, but a raging dust storm often prevented drivers from seeing more than a few cars in either direction. Updates to Burning Man Traffic’s account on X suggested wait times of between 4 and 6 hours for much of the day, but that was only from “Greeters to blacktop.” Getting to the Burning Man staff at the event’s perimeter was an hours-long endeavor in itself, as the line was backed up all the way into Black Rock City and moving at a glacial pace.

I had no plans to leave the playa in near-whiteout conditions alongside tens of thousands of other Burners, but to get a sense of what it was like, my partner and I donned the requisite apocalypse gear and biked toward the line. We soon lost our bearings, and the wind blew so hard at times that flying specs of dust stung our bare legs. There were instances where the dust seemed to hover in the air and we could barely see five feet in any direction. Then a gust of wind would rip through, blowing all the dust away at high speeds. The storm had started during the Temple Burn on Friday night, and showed no signs of abating.



I cannot upload videos here any longer. The jewbies hate what is going on here, and they already killed https://ourspiritualworld.blogspot.com/


Last year, epic rains during entire event. This year, epic scorching hot and stinging sand storms without letup. Are we having fun, yet? You bet.

Plague? What plague?

Not to worry, you all were marked by the 4 angels that moved among you unseen. Enjoy the future, as you have made it, each according to their own measure.


Why are you picking ON US, mister Don!


Children die at the event, as sacrifices.

Adrenochrome is sold, if you can read the symbols correctly.

Cake made with dried babies and child blood ARE GIVEN AWAY to all comers, some none the wiser they just became cannibals.

That's why.

I put a get out of hell thingy on this adjudication. If no blood is spilled in ritual and none is given out as a drug or in food, let the thing set forth be none. 

Obviously, these things were going on, or the storm and the mark you all received, wouldn't have happened.


Burning Phag - feeling the burn yet? 

That's what they say, in all their lore and advertising for a week of debauchery in the desert. The burn you speak of is in fact, the fires of hell. You stamp that fact all over the art every year. Well, if you insist, okay then.

Here's an extra for the thoughtful. First storm was water 2023; second storm was air-wind 2024. That leaves Earth and Fire as one of the next two options for next year. Am I being fairly clear here?