And the world fell for it. Still does. Sadly.
Almost 33% of the population has the mark of the beast, the vax weapon.
This is the same as saying swimming in a lake, river or ocean will heart attack anyone. And people actually believe this tripe from the CDC.
I fought tooth and nail to keep the vax weapons out of my children and succeeded. In 2016, they demanded it for son Randy, to attend High School in Ojai. I searched high and low for a doctor I could PAY to get him a medical deferment. Which I got for him. All my sons are vax weapon free from any era, save nick, who got the DPT shot behind my back at a doctor's office when he was 2. A person has to TRY at least, to protect their children from evil. If you do not at least try, how can you face Almighty God at the end of the life? Or, the children you allowed to be poisoned and MKultra'd into oblivion? It wasn't that hard; it just took a determined effort and standing hard and fast against the demonic blue hairs.
And most of them this year, since they started vaxxing the children. Genocide. So, go bury your child and then go home and think about all this and where you are going to stand on things. Or worse, kill another child by giving them the same death weapon that killed the first one.