I planted kale and corn yesterday. Because...
It's a positive mental statement/affirmation that one day, the page will turn. And in going through all this filth and other ugliness I face endlessly, we make our own sunshine sometime. Kind of.
I used to tell my sons, from 2005 to 2015..."THESE ARE THE GOOD OLD DAYS..."
They just looked at me, smiled and went, whatever. I do believe, that the endless terror of shite is now landing home to everyone that heard it. Those were the good old days, poor but united with Dad in his reality, as we were.
Remember. Every country ONLY REPORTS DEATHS that occur in Hospitals, not outside of hospitals and even then, ONLY IF THEY ARE TESTED FOR THE VIRUS, OF WHICH, ONLY 10% ARE TESTED.
Roll that around your head for awhile as you think, wow, the numbers are low, must mean this is a nothing.
Delaware State Police Authorized To Pull Over Out-Of-State Drivers During Pandemic
aware police have been granted the authority to pull over drivers displaying out-of-state tags to ask questions about why they're on the road, before telling them that "they are required by law to self-quarantine for 14 days while in Delaware, or immediately return to their state," according to Gov. John Carney's state of emergency declaration.
New York Prisoners Offered PPE; $6/Hour To Dig Mass Graves For COVID-19 Victims. Minimum wage in New York is $15.00 just for flipping burgers, but burying the black plague doesn't rate at least that?
Come again?
6 bucks? To bury the plaguers? Seems hardly fair. I bet they ALL have to sign a confidentiality agreement to shut up about the numbers or they get the boot, the whip, the darkness.Inmates have been promised the insulting sum of $6 per hour to risk their lives disposing of the disease-ridden victims, with authorities insisting that they will be given adequate personal protective equipment, a dubious claim considering that hospital workers in the city have had to improvise, wearing plastic trash bags as shields against the deadly virus.
The job is being presented as a voluntary service. But in reality, prisoners have little choice...

One month ago, MintPress News reported that, in the case of a particularly bad COVID-19 (coronavirus) epidemic in New York City, authorities had drawn up contingency plans to dump the bodies in mass graves on Hart Island, a small island just off the Bronx in the Long Island Sound. The plans had been drawn up by former New York Mayor Micheal Bloomberg during his time in office.

Yesterday The Intercept’s Ryan Grim confirmed that what we reported last month had indeed come to pass and that prisoners from the notorious Rikers Island jail are now being made to dig graves. Inmates have been promised the princely sum of $6 per hour to risk their lives disposing of the disease-ridden victims, with authorities insisting that they will be given adequate personal protective equipment, a dubious claim considering that hospital workers in the city have had to improvise, wearing plastic trash bags as shields against the deadly virus.
Bizarrely, a spokesperson for Mayor de Blasio’s office said the offer was not related to coronavirus. This is hard to believe; inmates already conduct burials for thousands of poor, homeless or unidentified people on the island and, until yesterday, were paid only $0.50 for the work. Why New York City would suddenly be offering prisoners a 1,200 percent pay rise during a nationwide economic collapse that has seen even frontline doctors and nurses having their pay drastically slashed, if not due to the desperately urgent need for more labor, is unclear.
The job is being presented as a voluntary service. But in reality, prisoners have little choice. American jails are an expensive place to be, with prisoners charged exorbitant fees for phone and video calls, food and other basic necessities. Furthermore, it is not clear whether those on Hart Island will actually be putting themselves at more risk than those staying inside Rikers.
While New York City is one of the global epicenters of the crisis, the prison has an (official) coronavirus infection rate seven times higher, and the situation inside the walls has reached near-collapse. An attorney from Brooklyn Defenders shared information she had received from inmates and their desperate relatives. 3,200 people are incarcerated, mostly in cramped dorms of 40-50 people, less than two feet apart from one another. Some have no bed and must sleep on dirty floors. The word “shit” was daubed on the wall with actual feces and has not been washed off for days because guards have stopped cleaning, essentially abandoning them to their fate. Many have stopped coming to work, displaying symptoms of the coronavirus themselves.
Over 300 inmates and staff have tested positive already, and the number is rapidly rising. When inmates ask for cleaning products, they are denied. There are no medical appointments because clinics are full. After sharing these stories, she ended by saying “I’m begging you [Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio] to use this moment, which is shattering so many of our norms, to demand humanity for them.” It may now be too late.

Hart Island has a particularly grizzly past. In the 1860s it was used as a training ground for Union troops and a prison camp for Confederate soldiers. It was also the site of a notorious psychiatric institution, a tuberculosis sanatorium and a quarantine zone for those who caught typhoid. Today, nobody who goes to the island leaves, except those doing the burials. Over one million poor, homeless or unknown New Yorkers have been interred there, none of whom have a tombstone. In the 1980s the first victims of the AIDS crisis were buried in special, extra-deep graves by authorities who were ignorant of how the disease spread.
In the past month, Governor Cuomo has emerged as a hero of the centrist wing of the Democrats for his supposedly responsible leadership in a time of crisis. He was lauded in the press for his announcement that prisoners would be making hand sanitizer to fight the virus. Whispers have turned to open talk that the party’s higher ups want him to replace Joe Biden as their candidate for the November election.
In a bizarre and extremely tetchy interview with his brother, CNN anchor Chris Cuomo, he denied he had any intention to run for president. Yet Andrew himself presided over sustained and widespread attacks on the public health system. As The Nation stated, “Cutting Medicaid has been a priority of Cuomo’s since he took office in 2011.” Furthermore, it transpired that inmates were not making hand sanitizer at all; Cuomo having bought it in from abroad to score a publicity coup.
Thus, it appears likely that, because of the governor’s inactions, Rikers Island prisoners will likely be burying some of their cellmates very soon.I wouldn’t be surprised if CNN put Chris Cuomo up to begging his brother to run for President.— ALX 🇺🇸 (@alx) March 31, 2020
These interviews are always hilarious. pic.twitter.com/JQHadCHKWA
— 4.2 billion people put under lockdown —
— 206 countries and territories infected —
— 3.0x more confirmed deaths than swine flu pandemic —
— 2,856 different strains have been sequenced —
6 million file for unemployment in the US
Ecuador has a lot more deaths than officially reported, president says
Engineer ran train off tracks in attempt to sink the USNS Mercy
Strain hitting Ecuador closely related to original Chinese strain
Biggest slums in India report first COVID casualties
N95 masks can be reused if dry heated at 70 °C for 30 minutes
Resistant to antivirals
Up to 20% of younger adults end up hospitalized, says CDC
Asymptomatic carriers, asymptomatic transmission
12 year old in Belgium dies, no previous conditions
UK doesn't report deaths outside hospitals
Brazil state has 0 official deaths but mortuaries are already collapsed
Japan confirms China doesn't count suspected in death toll
Pandemic to last 18 months and include multiple waves
US intelligence says China concealed cases and deaths
https://youtu.be/qgylp3Td1Bw [Embed]
![]() |
Was Ghislaine Maxwell on board? |
Venezuelan warship shoots, rams into German cruise vessel before itself sinking.
BERLIN – A Venezuelan navy ship fired shots at a German-owned cruise ship on March 30 and rammed into the passenger vessel, leading to the sinking of the warship in the Caribbean.The Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro accused the captain of the RCGS RESOLUTE cruise ship of “terrorism and piracy" and sought to force the ship into a new direction on the high seas.
The cruise ship, which had no passengers on board and was sailing under a Portuguese flag, has a reinforced hull that enables it to sail through ice water. Actually a spy and trafficking vessel for the west, Maduro had warned this would happened if it continued it depredations in the Caribbean.
Pelosi Backpedals On Infrastructure Spending In Fourth Coronavirus Stimulus
The wicked witch of the west has decided that ALL THAT PLAGUE MONEY NEEDS TO GO TO ILLEGAL ALIENS AND CITIZENS CAN GO F THEMSELVES.--------------------------
https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdga/pr/nine-men-indicted-federal-charges-child-sex-trafficking-stingNine men snared in a child sex trafficking sting have been indicted on federal...men indicted on federal charges in child sex trafficking sting ...
Recording Artist R. Kelly Arrested on Federal Child *********** and Obstruction Charges | USAO-NDIL | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndil/pr/recording-artist-r-kelly-arrested-federal-child-***********-and-obstruction-chargesArtist R. Kelly Arrested on Federal Child *********** and Obstruction Charges...Artist R. Kelly Arrested on Federal Child *********** and Obstruction ...
More Than 2,300 Suspected Online Child Sex Offenders Arrested During Operation “Broken Heart” | OPA | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/more-2300-suspected-online-child-sex-offenders-arrested-during-operation-broken-heart...of more than 2,300 suspected online child sex offenders during a three-month...who either produced child *********** or committed child sexual abuse ...
South Korean National and Hundreds of Others Charged Worldwide in the Takedown of the Largest Darknet Child *********** Website, Which was Funded by Bitcoin | OPA | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/south-korean-national-and-hundreds-others-charged-worldwide-takedown-largest-darknet-child...operation of Welcome To Video, the largest child sexual exploitation market by volume...the Takedown of the Largest Darknet Child *********** Website ...
Dark Web Child *********** Facilitator Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy to Advertise Child *********** | OPA | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/dark-web-child-***********-facilitator-pleads-guilty-conspiracy-advertise-child-pornographyMaryland to conspiracy to advertise child ***********....Thursday, February 6, 2020 Dark Web Child *********** Facilitator Pleads Guilty...Guilty to ...
Review of Child *********** and Obscenity Crimes
https://oig.justice.gov/reports/plus/e0107/results.htm...to the Table of Contents Review of Child *********** and Obscenity Crimes Report...number of *********** cases, including child ***********, that have ...
20-Year Illegal Resident Sentenced for Child *********** Charge | USAO-SDTX | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdtx/pr/20-year-illegal-resident-sentenced-child-***********-charge...for possessing more than 10 thousand child *********** images...20-Year Illegal Resident Sentenced for Child *********** Charge CORPUS CHRISTI,...for ...
US. Attorney Highlights Recent Project Safe Childhood Convictions | USAO-NDOK | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndok/pr/us-attorney-highlights-recent-project-safe-childhood-convictions...netted almost 1,700 suspected online child sex offenders and identified 308 offenders...who either produced child *********** or committed child ...
Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section (CEOS) | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/criminal-ceosChild Exploitation and Obscenity Section (CEOS) Child Exploitation and Obscenity...(CEOS) Welcome to the website of the Child Exploitation and ...
FBI Child Support
https://oig.justice.gov/reports/FBI/e0016/index.htmFederal Agency Child Support Efforts, I-2000-016 The nation's child support enforcement...has strengthened the enforcement of child support ...
Man Sentenced to Life for Attempted Sex Trafficking of a Child | USAO-EDVA | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/usao-edva/pr/man-sentenced-life-attempted-sex-trafficking-child...minor, receipt of child ***********, and possession of child ***********....for Attempted Sex Trafficking of a Child RICHMOND, Va. – A Chesterfield ...
Former Bank Executive Guilty of Receiving Child **** on Dark Web | USAO-EDVA | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/usao-edva/pr/former-bank-executive-guilty-receiving-child-****-dark-web...guilty today to knowingly receiving child *********** on the dark web....Bank Executive Guilty of Receiving Child **** on Dark Web ALEXANDRIA, Va ...
U.S. Army Major charged with distribution of child *********** | USAO-SDGA | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdga/pr/us-army-major-charged-distribution-child-***********...has been charged with distribution of child ***********....Major charged with distribution of child *********** Charge filed in federal...has been ...
2018 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor: Guatemala
https://www.justice.gov/eoir/page/file/1211721/downloadchild labor...2018 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor: Guatemala Guatemala SIGNIFICANT...12018 FINDINGS ON THE WORST FORMS OF CHILD LABOR In ...
Nearly 1,700 Suspected Child Sex Predators Arrested During Operation “Broken Heart” | OPA | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/nearly-1700-suspected-child-sex-predators-arrested-during-operation-broken-heart...arrest of almost 1,700 suspected online child sex offenders during a two-month, nationwide...who either produced child *********** or committed child ...
Palm Bay Woman Convicted Of Production Of Child *********** | USAO-MDFL | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/usao-mdfl/pr/palm-bay-woman-convicted-production-child-***********...conspiracy to produce child ***********, production of child ***********, and possession...possession of child ***********, involving two female ...
Mexican National Sentenced to 600 Months for Sex Crimes Against a Child | USAO-NDOK | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndok/pr/mexican-national-sentenced-600-months-sex-crimes-against-child...sexual exploitation of a child and for possession of child ***********, announced...600 Months for Sex Crimes Against a Child A Mexican national was ...
Child Support Enforcement
https://www.justice.gov/criminal-ceos/child-support-enforcementChild Support Enforcement Child Support Enforcement Child support enforcement...implicated in a child support matter. For this reason, child support ...
Child Exploitation Enforcement
https://www.justice.gov/usao-ma/child-exploitation-enforcementAttorneys » District of Massachusetts Child Exploitation Enforcement In May 2006...launched Project Safe Childhood to combat child exploitation ...
South Carolina Teacher Pleads Guilty to Distributing Child *********** | USAO-EDVA | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/usao-edva/pr/south-carolina-teacher-pleads-guilty-distributing-child-***********...yesterday to conspiring to distribute child ***********....Teacher Pleads Guilty to Distributing Child *********** ALEXANDRIA, Va. – A ...
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South Carolina Teacher Pleads Guilty to Distributing Child *********** | USAO-EDVA | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/usao-edva/pr/south-carolina-teacher-pleads-guilty-distributing-child-***********...yesterday to conspiring to distribute child ***********....Teacher Pleads Guilty to Distributing Child *********** ALEXANDRIA, Va. – A ...
The National Strategy for Child Exploitation Prevention and Interdiction
https://www.justice.gov/psc/file/842411/downloadThe National Strategy for Child Exploitation Prevention and Interdiction...The National Strategy for Child Exploitation Prevention and Interdiction ...
Madison County Man Pleads Guilty To Child *********** Charge | USAO-WDNY | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/usao-wdny/pr/madison-county-man-pleads-guilty-child-***********-charge...pleaded guilty to attempted receipt of child *********** before U.S. District Judge...Madison County Man Pleads Guilty To Child *********** Charge ...
Wagoner Man Found Guilty for Sexually Exploiting a Child | USAO-NDOK | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndok/pr/wagoner-man-found-guilty-sexually-exploiting-child...sexual exploitation of a child and of possession of child ***********....Found Guilty for Sexually Exploiting a Child A federal jury convicted a ...
9-75.000 - Child Sexual Exploitation, Sexual Abuse, and Obscenity | JM | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/jm/jm-9-75000-obscenity-sexual-exploitation-sexual-abuse-and-related-offenses...9-75.000 - Child Sexual Exploitation, Sexual Abuse, and Obscenity 9-75.020 General...of children and the distribution of child *********** is strongly ...
Three Rockford-Area Men Charged in Child *********** Indictments | USAO-NDIL | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndil/pr/three-rockford-area-men-charged-child-***********-indictmentsThree Rockford-Area Men Charged in Child *********** Indictments...Three Rockford-Area Men Charged in Child *********** Indictments ROCKFORD —...a ...
U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, FY 2020 Program Summaries
https://www.justice.gov/jmd/page/file/1160581/download.................................. 28 Child Abuse Training for Judicial and Court...Victims of Child Abuse Improving Investigation and Prosecution of Chi ...
“R. Kelly” Charged with Racketeering, Including Predicate Acts of Coercing and Transporting Minor Girls to Engage in Sex | USAO-EDNY | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/usao-edny/pr/r-kelly-charged-racketeering-including-predicate-acts-coercing-and-transporting-minorNorthern District of Illinois with federal child *********** and obstruction charges...Northern District of Illinois with federal child *********** ...
Former English Language Teacher in China Sentenced to Eight Years in Prison for Distribution of Child *********** | OPA | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-english-language-teacher-china-sentenced-eight-years-prison-distribution-childA previously convicted child *********** offender was sentenced today to 96...supervised release for distributing child ***********....Distribution of ...
Suburban Man Charged with Sharing Child *********** | USAO-NDIL | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndil/pr/suburban-man-charged-sharing-child-pornographySuburban Chicago man indicted on child *********** charges....2018 Suburban Man Charged with Sharing Child *********** CHICAGO — A suburban ...
Federal Indictment Charges Charlotte Man With Sex Trafficking A Minor And Child *********** | USAO-WDNC | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/usao-wdnc/pr/federal-indictment-charges-charlotte-man-sex-trafficking-minor-and-child-pornographyMan With Sex Trafficking A Minor And Child *********** CHARLOTTE, N.C. – A bill...production of child ***********, transportation of a minor, and ...
Man Arrested for Transporting Images of Child Sexual Abuse | USAO-EDVA | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/usao-edva/pr/man-arrested-transporting-images-child-sexual-abuseArrested for Transporting Images of Child Sexual Abuse ALEXANDRIA, Va. – A man...Justice to combat the growing epidemic of child sexual exploitation ...
Air Force Colonel Pleads Guilty to Receiving Child *********** | USAO-EDVA | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/usao-edva/pr/air-force-colonel-pleads-guilty-receiving-child-***********-0Colonel pleaded guilty to receiving child ***********....Colonel Pleads Guilty to Receiving Child *********** ALEXANDRIA, Va. – An Air...Colonel ...
Man Pleads Guilty to Producing Child *********** | USAO-EDVA | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/usao-edva/pr/man-pleads-guilty-producing-child-***********-1...man pleaded guilty today to producing child ***********....2019 Man Pleads Guilty to Producing Child *********** NORFOLK, Va. – A Franklin...man ...
Two indictments among 1,700 nationwide for child exploitation in 'Operation Broken Heart' | USAO-SDGA | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdga/pr/two-indictments-among-1700-nationwide-child-exploitation-operation-broken-heart...are among nearly 1,700 arrested for child sex exploitation crimes as part of...nationwide for child exploitation in 'Operation Broken Heart' Suspected ...
2017 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor: Ghana
https://www.justice.gov/eoir/page/file/1104506/downloadchild labor...2017 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor: Ghana Ghana MODERATE ADVANCEMENT...12017 FINDINGS ON THE WORST FORMS OF CHILD LABOR In ...
2017 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor: Ethiopia
https://www.justice.gov/eoir/page/file/1105161/downloadchild labor...2017 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor: Ethiopia Ethiopia MODERATE ADVANCEMENT...12017 FINDINGS ON THE WORST FORMS OF CHILD ...
Southampton Man Sentenced For Child *********** Offenses | USAO-MA | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/usao-ma/pr/southampton-man-sentenced-child-***********-offenses...federal court in Springfield today for child *********** offenses....2019 Southampton Man Sentenced For Child *********** Offenses BOSTON – A ...
Winter Park Man Pleads Guilty To Distribution Of Child *********** And Enticement Of A Minor To Produce Child *********** | USAO-MDFL | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/usao-mdfl/pr/winter-park-man-pleads-guilty-distribution-child-***********-and-enticement-minor...distributing child *********** and online enticement of a child to produce child ***********...Distribution Of Child *********** And Enticement Of A ...
Independence Man Sentenced for Distributing Child *********** | USAO-WDMO | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/usao-wdmo/pr/independence-man-sentenced-distributing-child-***********...federal court today for distributing child *********** over the internet....Independence Man Sentenced for Distributing Child *********** KANSAS CITY ...
Jury Convicts Man of Sex Trafficking Children, Producing Child *********** | USAO-SDOH | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdoh/pr/jury-convicts-man-sex-trafficking-children-producing-child-***********...trafficking children and producing child ***********....Sex Trafficking Children, Producing Child *********** CINCINNATI – A jury has...trafficking ...
Excelsior Springs Man Sentenced for Child *********** | USAO-WDMO | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/usao-wdmo/pr/excelsior-springs-man-sentenced-child-***********...possessing and attempting to distribute child ***********....Excelsior Springs Man Sentenced for Child *********** KANSAS CITY, Mo. – An ...
Federal Prosecutors Bring Child *********** and Other Exploitation Cases as Part of Ongoing Efforts to Combat Victimization of Children | USAO-CDCA | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/usao-cdca/pr/federal-prosecutors-bring-child-***********-and-other-exploitation-cases-part-ongoingDelacourt today announced a series of child exploitation cases involving the victimization...crimes that include the production of child ...
Joplin Man Sentenced to 20 Years for Child Sexual Exploitation | USAO-WDMO | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/usao-wdmo/pr/joplin-man-sentenced-20-years-child-sexual-exploitation...court today for sexually abusing a child....Joplin Man Sentenced to 20 Years for Child Sexual Exploitation West Virginia Man...court today for ...
New Hampshire Man Arrested on Child Exploitation Charges | USAO-MA | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/usao-ma/pr/new-hampshire-man-arrested-child-exploitation-charges...travelling to have sex with a minor and child *********** offenses....2020 New Hampshire Man Arrested on Child Exploitation Charges BOSTON – A ...
Former Jamestown Resident Charged With Receipt And Distribution Of Child *********** | USAO-WDNY | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/usao-wdny/pr/former-jamestown-resident-charged-receipt-and-distribution-child-***********...complaint with receipt and distribution of child ***********....Charged With Receipt And Distribution Of Child *********** CONTACT: Barbara ...
Chesterfield Man Convicted of Attempted Sex Trafficking of a Child | USAO-EDVA | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/usao-edva/pr/chesterfield-man-convicted-attempted-sex-trafficking-child...minor, receipt of child ***********, and possession of child ***********....Convicted of Attempted Sex Trafficking of a Child RICHMOND, Va. – A ...
Delray Beach Doctor Sentenced to Prison and Ordered to Pay Restitution on Federal Child *********** Charges | USAO-SDFL | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdfl/pr/delray-beach-doctor-sentenced-prison-and-ordered-pay-restitution-federal-child...was sentenced to prison on federal child *********** charges....Ordered to Pay Restitution on Federal Child *********** Charges Ariana Fajardo...was ...
Quapaw Man Charged with Sexual Abuse of a Child | USAO-NDOK | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndok/pr/quapaw-man-charged-sexual-abuse-child...from Quapaw with sexually abusing a child under the age of 12, announced U.S...Man Charged with Sexual Abuse of a Child A federal grand jury returned ...
Altoona School Superintendent Charged with Sex Trafficking & Producing Child *********** | USAO-WDWI | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/usao-wdwi/pr/altoona-school-superintendent-charged-sex-trafficking-producing-child-pornographyCharged with Sex Trafficking & Producing Child *********** MADISON, WIS. – Scott C...trafficking of a minor and production of child *********** ...
Richmond City Public Schools Teacher Arrested for Child *********** | USAO-EDVA | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/usao-edva/pr/richmond-city-public-schools-teacher-arrested-child-***********...receipt and distribution of images of child sexual abuse....Public Schools Teacher Arrested for Child *********** RICHMOND, Va. – A Richmond...receipt ...
Review of Child *********** and Obscenity Crimes
https://oig.justice.gov/reports/plus/e0107/app1.htm...to the Table of Contents Review of Child *********** and Obscenity Crimes Report...I-2001-07 July 19, 2001 APPENDIX I Child *********** Statutes Title ...
Maryland man indicted on child *********** charge | USAO-NDWV | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndwv/pr/maryland-man-indicted-child-***********-chargeMartinsburg on January 23, 2019 on a child *********** charge, United States Attorney...indicted on one count of “Possession of Child ...
Passaic County Man Charged With Distribution, Receipt, And Possession Of Child *********** | USAO-NJ | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/usao-nj/pr/passaic-county-man-charged-distribution-receipt-and-possession-child-pornographyDistribution, Receipt, And Possession Of Child *********** NEWARK, N.J. – A Passaic...receiving, and possessing images of child sexual abuse, U.S ...
Brevard County Man Sentenced To 50 Years In Federal Prison For Production Of Child *********** | USAO-MDFL | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/usao-mdfl/pr/brevard-county-man-sentenced-50-years-federal-prison-production-child-***********...conspiracy to produce child *********** and production of child ***********. The...In Federal Prison For Production Of Child *********** Orlando ...
Cameron High School Teacher Indicted for Producing Child *********** | USAO-WDMO | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/usao-wdmo/pr/cameron-high-school-teacher-indicted-producing-child-***********...using three minor victims to produce child ***********....School Teacher Indicted for Producing Child *********** KANSAS CITY, Mo. – A former...using ...
2018 Findings on the Worst Forms of Child Labor: Ghana
https://www.justice.gov/eoir/page/file/1210191/downloadchild labor...Forms of Child Labor: Ghana 12018 FINDINGS ON THE WORST FORMS OF CHILD LABOR In...efforts to eliminate the worst forms of child labor ...
U.S. Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/Thursday, February 6, 2020 Dark Web Child *********** Facilitator Pleads Guilty...Guilty to Conspiracy to Advertise Child *********** Thursday ...
Idaho Man Arrested And Charged With Soliciting Child Sex Abuse Images Over The Internet | USAO-MDFL | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/usao-mdfl/pr/idaho-man-arrested-and-charged-soliciting-child-sex-abuse-images-over-internet...arrested and charged with soliciting child sex abuse images over the internet...Arrested And Charged With Soliciting Child Sex Abuse Images Over The ...
Man Indicted on Child Sexual Exploitation Charges | USAO-EDVA | Department of Justice
https://www.justice.gov/usao-edva/pr/man-indicted-child-sexual-exploitation-charges... possession, and transportation of child ***********....Thursday, April 25, 2019 Man Indicted on Child Sexual Exploitation Charges ALEXANDRIA ...
Obama, George Bush #43 and Bill Clinton ( 8 times 3 = 24 Year's momentum plus wasted usefullness)ever accomplished this because of being part of problem !
Just First Three Pages of the exactly 100 DOJ Pages are posted above !
For the last 28 Years Presidents Bush's, Obama and Clinton Never accomplished this, because of being part of problem !