Monday, April 1, 2019

Hooter's comes to Ojai

Image result for hooter

See the image above. It's an owl. Which the satanists use as a symbol for MOLECH AND BAAL worship. This links to Lilith, their lesbian patron saint, and child sacrifice, which all witches are very BIG on.

Well, Ojai is getting one. And with the thousands of lesbians that have descended upon our town, it will surely be filled with dykes of all kinds. Count on it.

Ojai has a NO CORPORATE enterprise law, that's been on the books since the 1950s. So, how did this satanic organization get in here? We all know the answer - our local government is wholly satanic in this town.

And Ojai slides further into the abyss.

Ironically, the fascist feminists have made Hooters one of their NUMBER ONE targets as a symbol of male patriarchy, exploitation of women, etc. 

But they don't anymore, because as anyone in a major metro or resort town can tell you, the main patronage is LESBIANS, not men. As I will report and photograph when they get this thing going here.

Don't you love the hypocrisy of it all?