Revealing that which is concealed. Learning about anything that resembles real freedom. A journey of self-discovery shared with the world.
Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them - Ephesians 5-11
Join me and let's follow that high road...
Saturday, March 3, 2018
How the Satanic governments are engineering millions of people into street drugs or suicide
Their key weapon is to make truly needful people who need pain medications feel like scumbag drug addicts. The pharmacies and doctors use scorn and suspicion as a weapon against the helpless.
While it is true, there will always be a segment of the population that abuses ANYTHING and EVERYTHING, taking it out on people who really suffer with chronic conditions or injuries is a satanic game plan to force decent people into dangerous street drugs that ACTUALLY WILL HARM THEM.
But what they REALLY WANT, IS FOR PEOPLE SUFFERING WITH CHRONIC PAIN CONDITIONS WHO CANNOT OR WILL NOT GO TO THE STREET, IS TO COMMIT SUICIDE.Suicide because of chronic pain is NOW the NUMBER ONE REASON FOR SELF MURDER IN THE UNITED STATES, 2018. It was number37 on the list. Like all satanic agendas, death of humans is their number one priority and they will take every tract they can think of to increase those numbers. Abortion...tubal ligations...Morning After Pill...Pain medicine removal...and on and on.
The blood is on politicians, pharmacies, and doctors who are letting this happen. And the the cops love it. It means more arrests, more convictions, and that's big money for the police state.
from the web
I was a kid, I had a diving accident that did permanent damage to my
neck and back. The details aren't important -- it really is the kind of
thing that could have happened to any sensible person -- but the result
was that from ten feet in the air, I landed headfirst on a sandbar that
was covered by just a couple of feet of water. I was completely
vertical, like a Tom And Jerry cartoon. It hurt. And I didn't even get the dignity of a wacky *boing!* sound.
As a result, for the last 30 years, I've dealt with chronic back
pain. At its worst, it feels like a star collapsed inside my body.
Sometimes, though, it changes gears and feels like someone hammered a
red-hot nail into my neck and left it there. When that happens, sneezing
or coughing will send a lightning bolt up my spine, a jolt of agony
that makes me feel like I'm going to piss my pants. That can last for weeks.
I've had broken bones that didn't hurt like this. Other times, the
muscles will suddenly get so weak that they just turn to Jell-O. Here,
try this: Drop to the floor and do crunches until you physically can't
anymore, and then keep doing them for several more minutes. The muscle
death you feel, coupled with that pulsating burn? That's what I feel on
most days, from sunup to sundown.
But I of course can power through it without the help of my
painkiller prescription, via the irrepressible power of the human
spirit. It just takes a little extra planning if I know I'm going to be
doing anything extreme, like being on my feet for a couple of hours and I have to lie to myself constantly that the NWO knows better than I do and I'm a spineless cunt. For
example, I recently took my daughter to the mall for some birthday
shopping. After an hour and a half, I physically couldn't walk anymore.
By the time we got back to the car, I thought I was going to have to beg
a stranger to help cram me into the driver's seat, urging them to press
on through my screams. Had I planned better, I could have simply
quadrupled my dose of aspirin and Skyped with my daughter from the car
while she shopped - in truth, that never works. The only solution is to lie in bed, not earn a living, and eventually die. maybe that's what they want. My death. Your death. Our death.
Of course, aspirin is a blood thinner too. Most over the counter "pain meds" are actually differing versions of blood thinners. Aspirin works great for headaches, because it reduces the blood pressure in the sinus cavity. Elsewhere, it does nothing. It's a placebo. A LIE.
Like Ibuprofen. A LIE. A blood thinner, nothing else.
That's the key to pain management: planning ahead and not doing the
thing that causes you pain, and also remembering that nearly all things
cause you pain. But you have to lie to yourself, constantly. Good at lying to yourself? Then it might work. Maybe.
For instance, I pace when I talk on the phone. I can't
help it. This means a 20-minute phone call can potentially seize up my
back so completely that I have to execute the sitting process in slow,
gentle stages, looking like a GIF loading on a spotty LTE connection.The pain never goes away with pain management. You just have the pride in knowing that you must now live a life in pain F O R E V E R. But at least you are NOT taking the pain pills designed to help you live pain free. That way the satanic do gooders and fascist freedom takers can all pat each other on the back on what progress they are making in turning me and millions others, into street junkies to get some relief.
Of course, if I was smart, I would just stop talking on the phone
forever. Or I could plan ahead by taking a few aspirin and toughing
through that shit like a tank. I just need to cue up some Jeff Sessions
and remember his inspirational words: "But, I mean, a lot of people, you
can get through these things."
If there is justice, assholes like him will end up with bone crunching pain and hopefully, doctors that will instantly treat him like a loser junky. If there is justice.
Let Societal Scorn Work Its Magic
Over the past eight years, my wife has been through the following: -- An injury that resulted in two knee surgeries -- Her ACL torn right in half, resulting in a third -- Chronic migraines that regularly send her to the ER -- F'g brain surgery
When her ACL popped, she couldn't touch her foot to the floor without
crying so hard that she was close to vomiting. After the first doctor
visit, they sent her home with two ibuprofen and a pair of crutches. It
wasn't until a week later that they did a scan and saw the tear. Between
this and her original surgeries, the doctors said she'd likely be in
pain for the rest of her life. Yet any time she complains to them about
the pain, they look at her like she's trying to bullshit her way into
some sweet, sweet drugs. As if she went into the joint and popped that
ligament with a pair of bolt cutters just so she'd have the pretense to
take an occasional flight on Opiate Airlines.
That is literally how they think now - mostly pharmacists who balk at filling prescriptions - and women doctors who support the Hildebeast. You know...witches. Tell is it that someone with a 2 year community college degree knows better than a doctor who spent 20 years in school and surgery to get their license to practice medicine? Pharmacists all act like God now, knowing all, seeing all, and damn your doctor. I've heard four separate pharmies say that they know better than my doctor as to what I need for my and my wife's condition.
I get the same. Any time I have to ask for pain medication, it's followed with a suspicious look and "Are you sure
the ibuprofen isn't helping?" I don't understand. Ibuprofen IS NOT A PAIN MEDICATION, IT IS A BLOOD THINNER, SAME AS ASPIRIN. Even though I'm just asking
for weak-ass Tramadol (a synthetic opioid specifically designed to be
less addictive), you can still get hooked
on that. I'm aware that addicts fake their way into prescriptions all
the time. I also know that they sell them on the streets, and to be
perfectly honest, I'd have an easier time buying the pills off of them
than getting them from an actual doctor. The doctor is the only one who
will judge me as a piece of shit.
Fortunately, feeling like a scumbag addict is a great motivator for
staying away from opiates, despite the fact that they do take away 100
percent of my pain and allow me to physically function through an
average day. Politicians say you're just weak. Perspective employers see
you as a potential pill-popping train wreck. Co-workers and
subordinates look at you like you're Dr. House.
Friends and family will compare your pain to theirs and blow it off.
("Your back hurts? That's nothing. I lost three fingers working at the
guillotine factory. You don't see me suckin' down pain pills") I simply
have to measure the physical pain against the psychological/emotional
pain and realize that the latter is greater. Problem solved. Truth is...the problem is NOT solved. The pain is there. And I've only allowed myself to become deluded by propaganda from fucking idiots. I've let the meme of our times control my reality and the system is on the side of stupid.
Trust The Professionals To Let You Know When To Endure Excruciating Pain
The absolute best way to stay away from opioids is to let the medical
profession do what it's currently doing: restrict the ever loving shit
out of them in a completely arbitrary way. For instance, did you know
that CVS announced in late 2017
that they would be limiting opiate prescriptions to a seven-day supply?
And that patients would have to try the immediate-release pills before
switching to the much more effective extended-release pills that chronic
pain sufferers need? Thank. God.
Here I was, worried about my own willpower and aspirin-taking
toughness, when all I had to do was wait for doctors and pharmacies to
step in and say, "We got ya, buddy. We will fucking die before
letting you abuse your medication." I wish they'd take it a step further
and just have me come in every time I need an individual pill. Just
hand it out at the counter with a little cup of water, like Nurse
Ratched from One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest.
Of course, "seven-day supply" doesn't really have much of a meaning.
My wife's 30-day supply of Tramadol is 30 pills. Take a look at the
Now, if we're talking about someone who has pain once per day during a
specific four-hour time span, that is definitely a 30-day supply. But
if we're talking about someone who is dealing with chronic pain, then taking the recommended dosage
makes that bottle last seven to ten days. And that, my friends, is one
hell of an awesome way to beat opiate dependence. Just make them up and
vanish for 20 days per month. No more worrying about willpower. No need
to toughen up. It's totally out of your hands. "You're out already? Well
that sucks. You shouldn't have taken what we told you to take. Oh well.
Come back in 20 days, and we'll get you some more. In the meantime,
here's some aspirin. How's your toughness?"
Don't Worry, Self-Care Is Your Ticket To Complete Opiate Freedom
Have you ever shopped for computer chairs at an office supply store?
They always have little tags with a single-digit number on them. If you
never looked up what those mean, they're "suggested hours of use." So if
the tag says "5," they're saying, "Don't sit in this for more than five
hours per day, you lazy, computer-using turd." I routinely work in a
computer chair for 18 hours a day. There are no computer chairs with a
rating of "18".
Office Depot"Intensive" rated doesn't even meet half of that.
In order to prevent my vertebrae from permanently fusing together, I
follow the rule of thumb to get up and walk around for five to ten
minutes every hour. And that will absolutely work for all of you too,
because you also work from home and have no boss who will walk over and
say, "Every time I see you, you're walking around aimlessly, doing
nothing. Do you want me to fire you?"
Now, if you're one of the rare people who does have a boss (loser),
you should just explain to them that experts recommend that you stand
for two to four hours during your work day, and you'll either need two desks (one for sitting and one for standing) or a sitting-to-standing desk for your office. Those generally only cost around $400. They should be fine with that.
If you work in physical labor, you'll need to do the opposite, taking
plenty of breaks to get off your feet. The great thing about physical
labor is that it's a job known for its reasonable, empathetic
supervisors and flexible project deadlines. They will have absolutely no
problem with you pulling up a chair once every hour for some pain
prevention. There is no way they'll say, "I didn't hire you to sit on
your ass. Get back to work or allow me to go spend the three minutes it
would take me to find a replacement."
You Will Definitely Become Tough and feel miserable all the time.
Here's the thing about chronic pain: It doesn't just affect you or
your throbbing body part. It turns you into a dick, because it's
impossible to maintain a positive, healthy state of mind when all you
can concentrate on is *throb, throb, throb, throb, throb*. Unless
you're showing exaggerated physical signs or you outright tell someone
about how much pain you're in, other people have no idea why you're
being a douche. They just think, "Man, screw that dude." People in my
situation usually know what it's like to ask for a promotion and be
interrupted with, "I'd really love to give you the position, but you
really are a piece of shit, Chad." Also, chronic pain is often linked with depression, and the two feed off of each other
like the Auryn, only made out of human shit. The pain makes the
depression worse, and the depression robs you of the motivation and
energy to manage the pain. It's a perpetual motion machine that often
ends with suicide.
"How tragic, he was always so sad for some reason." YES, MAYBE IT WAS
The upside is that if you survive a few decades of this, you'll be
tough as hell. You could be catapulted anus-first into a cactus made of
metal and be like, "Pfft. Just give me a couple of aspirin. I'll be
fine." Hell, Jeff Sessions may even put you in one of his speeches. "I knew a writer who couldn't walk the length of one shopping mall,"
he'll say. "His pain was so severe that he only slept a few hours per
night. It gave him chronic depression. He had been in the hospital
multiple times for nervous breakdowns. His kids learned to not ask him
to go on long trips, because he couldn't physically handle the car ride.
But by God, he didn't take opioids, because that man, he was as tough
as a leather dildo." But thank God we didn't give him pain meds - too bad about his suicide, he must have been weak, what with those shattered legs and four frozen vertebrae. But at least he wasn't on pain meds, his orphaned children can be proud of that when they visit his grave. Nurse! Send in the next
You can find John at the cemetery.
Phillip Kuykendall from Statesville, North Carolina wasa
63 yr old man, an active member of society and hobbyist whose doctor
refused to prescribe medication for his pain disease. After a stay in
hospital near Statesville where he went to have his pain disease
assessed, he was discharged with no pain medicine. His brother, who was
involved with helping him obtain pain control, went to Phillip’s home on
December 29, 2016 and found Phillip dead with a self-inflicted gunshot
wound in his head. “He took the last, and only, relief he thought he had
left” said a person familiar with the situation.
Allison Kimberly, age 30,of Colorado was
denied treatment for her intractable pain from interstitial cystitis,
and several other painful conditions. Interstitial cystitis can end in
suicide from the failure to treat it properly as it is an extreme form
of agonizing discomfort. It is said the University of Colorado emergency
room in Aurora refused her treatment for her pain.
Allison posted on Instagram describing how she was treated as an addict and sent away without pain medicine. “I
was rushed to the ER because my pain was so out of control I couldn’t
take it anymore, I got ZERO help. After 7 hours I was discharged. The
nurse has the nerve to say that my kind of pain shouldn’t be that bad
and basically I was faking for medication. I am so beside myself I am
shaking as I type this. Screaming and begging in pain, needing any kind
of help they’d give me and I was just sent home. As soon as I am able
I’m reporting my whole experience” Allison did not have time to
file a complaint against the hospital as she violently ended her life
while her mother walked her dog, the animal companion that had made her
anguish less lonely. No doctors appear to have been charged. The
Colorado Hospital Association was in the process of piloting a no-opioid
policy for the state. She died in June, 2017.
Ryan Trunzo of Massachusetts
committed suicide at the age of 26. He was an army veteran of Iraq. He
had experienced fractures in his back for which he tried to get
effective painkillers, but failed because of the VA’s policy of denying
or reducing needed pain medication. His mother stated “I feel like the
VA took my son’s life.” Link to obituary:
4.Kevin Keller, a Navy veteran from the USS Independence in the 1980’s was from Virginia. He
took his own life at age 52. He shot himself after breaking into the
house of his friend, Marty Austin, to take his gun. Austin found a
letter left by Keller saying “Marty sorry I broke into your house and
took your gun to end the pain!” Keller had experienced a stroke 11 years
earlier, and he had worsening pain in the last two years of his life
because VA doctors would not give him pain medicine. On the subject of
pain medication, Austin said that Keller “was not addicted. He needed
it.” The suicide occurred one year after the VA announced the “Opioid
Safety Initiative” to stop pain medicines for US veterans, like Kevin
Keller. The VA would not comment.
Mercedes McGuire of Indiana
ended her life August 4th, 2017 after struggling with agony originally
suppressed with opioid pain medicine but reappearing after her pain
medicine was cut back in a fashion after the CDC regulations. She was in
such discomfort she went to the ER because she could not stand the
intractable pain by “learning to live with it” as suggested by CDC
consultants. The ER gave her a small prescription. She went to the
pharmacy where they refused to fill it “because she had a pain
contract”. She went home and killed herself. She was a young mother with
a 4 year old son, Bentley.
Bob Mason, age 67 of Helena, Montana was
denied pain medcine to treat his chronic pain after losing access to
his pain control doctor and finding no one else, took his own life in
January of 2016. He tried to “deal with his pain” as is recommended by
the new pain minimizer CDC consultants. He tried for 7 days to deal with
Bob Mason
to Mason’s daughter, Mieska, the last couple weeks up before Bob passed
away, there were a lot of tears everyday on the phone,” she said,
“between the pain and really just the sadness of not being able to walk
his dog, but, I’m sure it was more than that. There would be tears, then
he would joke,” she said, “then he’d call back an hour later and be
teary and in pain again. He didn’t like the drugs, but there were no
other options.” His suicide became the other option.
Zach Williams of Minnesota
died by his own hand at age 35. He was an army veteran of Iraq and had
experienced back pain and a brain injury in battle. He had successfully
treated his pain with opiate pain medicine until the VA began reducing
prescriptions under the new VA law, December 2015, based on CDC
recommendations of reducing or stopping pain medicine to avoid
was a “pain warrior”, loved by a group of people with similar issues
dealing with intractable pain after forcibly reducing her pain medicines
as suggested by the contagious disease specialists at CDC encouraging
doctors to reduce “opioids” for fear people might addict or die from an
overdose. Jessica had particularly painful central pain syndrome that is
untreatable except for pain suppression. She would never have addicted
as she was already on pain medicine. She ended her life after inadequate
treatment by physicians (other details withheld).
A Cleveland, Ohio resident (name withheld),
mother of a teenage daughter, and wife was denied her long term pain
medicine reportedly by doctors at the Cleveland Clinic. She had a spinal
electrical stimulator implanted, at great cost and discomfort in order
to satisfy CDC’s dictum of “alternative” treatment first even if more
expensive, painful and less effective. It did little to help. What
worked was long term opiate medicine which was successful in the past
without side effects or addiction. Her medicine was reduced for no other
reason other than honoring CDC “voluntary” directives. She waited for
her husband to be out of town and her daughter to with a friend, then
took her life to stop the intractable pain in August of 2016.
Donald Alan Beyer, living in Idaho,
had experienced back pain for years. He suffered from a job-related
injury resulting in a broken back. After his doctor retired, Beyer
struggled without pain medicine for months. He tried his best using
other methods, nothing worked except the opiate pain medicine he had
been taking long term. . He shot himself on his 47th birthday. His son
said he before his death he could not get out of bed to make it to the
bathroom. He was a logger and the painkillers allowed him to function.
Physicians refused treat him. He had two small grandsons. No doctors
were charged as complicit.
Denny Peck of Washington State
was 58 when he ended his life. In 1990, he experienced a severe injury
to his vertebrae during a boating accident. His mother, Lorraine Peck,
said “he had been in severe pain ever since,” and his daughter, Amanda
Peck, said she didn’t remember a time when her dad didn’t hurt. During
the last few years of his life, Peck had received opiates for his pain
from a Seattle Pain Center, until these clinics closed after DEA raids.
Seattle, the University of Washington Pain Doctors, the State nor the
Federal Government and the DEa made made provision for the continuation
of care for the estimated 12,000 patients. After suffering and unable to
find doctors who would help with his pain, Peck called 911. Becoming a
pariah, like many other former patients of any DEA closed clinic, Denny
could find no one to continue the previously successful pain treatment.
Two days after asking for help at the ER and not getting any, Peck was
found dead in his home from a handgun. A note found near Peck read:
“Can’t sleep, can’t eat, can’t do anything. And all the whitecoats don’t
care at all.”
Doug Hale of Vermont killed
himself at the age of 53. He had experienced pain from interstitial
cystitis, and decided to end his life six weeks after his doctor
suddenly cut off his opiate painkillers. He left a note reading “Can’t
take the chronic pain anymore” before he shot himself. His doctor said
he was no longer willing to risk his license by writing him another
“script for Opioids”.
Doug Hale, wife and daughter
Hale can be contacted and is going public with her husband’s suicide as
a direct result of forcibly without consent, refusing effective pain
treatment. His widow feels long term pain patients like Doug are
examples of horrible decisions people have to make weighing the options
of not being able to function or “resting in peace” all for the fear
pain medicines will cause addiction. Doug was not addicted so it made no
sense to stop his life giving pain disease medicine, according to Ms.
Hale. Doug left his daughter Nicole, 5 younger siblings and their
children plus an ‘honorary’ 4 year old grandchild who is still looking
for “Grampy”. Doug waited until his family was away so they would not
have to watch and relieved his untreated pain with a handgun on
Bruce Graham committed suicide after living with severe pain for two years. At age 62, the Californian
fell from a ladder, suffering several severe injuries, had surgery and
fell into a coma. After surgery, he suffered from painful adhesions
which could not be removed. He had his pain under control on opioid
painkillers, allowing him to live normally with the inoperable pain
condition. His doctors stopped prescribing the medicine he needed over
concerns it might have something to do addicts. Two years after his
fall, Graham shot himself to end the pain. The pain ceased.
Travis Patterson, a Texan,
a decorated Staff Sergeant in the Army, combat veteran of Iraq and
Afghanistan, was injured by a road side mine, and discharged from the
army in 2016. He was in daily severe pain. He could not get pain
treatment, and tried to commit suicide and was admitted to a Topeka
Kansas VA hospital by his 26 year old wife. The VA refused to treat his
war wounds with pain medicine and offered instead a stress ball. Two
days later he made sure of his own method for treating his intractable
pain by killing himself. He had a future with his wife and studying law
but it did not matter. He showed no signs of mental illness, just the
stress of failure to treat his underlying war injuries with long term
daily pain. One other veteran remarked the US Government was finding
other ways to “kill us”.
information: Travis was denied pain medication for this combat wounds
by the VA by law passed without knowledge of most 12–15, deep in a 2000
page budget bill. It is now federal law to forcibly taper wounded
veterans with intractable pain to “prevent addiction and heroin
overdoses” Traviswas a Texas native).
54-year-old Bryan Spece of Montana
killed himself two weeks after he experienced a major reduction in his
pain medication. The CDC recommends a slow reduction in pain medicine,
such as a 10% decrease per week, but it was not followed. There was no
medical reason to stop the medicine as it was working well. Based on
information from his relative, his dose was quickly and severely reduced
without his permission, “forcibly if necessary” as one CDC team member
later recommended. He died over a concern of addiction which had not
happened. His relative felt he should have not been reduced at all as no
medical reason was given by the doctor.
In Waldport, a small town in coastal Oregon,SonjaMaeJonsson,
42, previously vigorous camper and hiker in the Oregon mountains
sustained a traumatic brain injury in 2006 leaving her with pain she
describe as an “axe in the back of my head”, She was controlled with
pain medication. She was cut off from her pain medicines according to
CDC negative portrayal of opioid pain medicine. After her pain medicine
was stopped without her permission she had a return of around the clock
intractable pain levels previously lessened with opiates. Her now
untreated pain was so severe that “even though I don’t want to end my
life”, she did — recently.
United States veterans have been committing suicide after being unable to receive medicine for pain. These veterans include Peter Kaisen andDaniel Somers according to a reliable ex-naval medical officer. Their cases are being investigated but their records are on file with DoD/VA
Sherri Little was 53 when she committed suicide. She was a Californian andrequested
her story be told. She related how she had lost her adult friendships,
as many do, with her daily painful diseases and in her case: occipital
neuralgia, and Fibromyalgia. A friend described Little as having a
“shining soul of activism” as she spent time advocating for other
chronic pain sufferers. However, Little had other struggles in her life,
such as her feeling that her pain kept her from forming meaningful
relationships. In her final days, Little she tried to get medical help
from a hospital. When she was unable to receive pain medicine Little
ended her life in July of 2016.
Former NASCAR driver Dick Trickle of North Carolina
shot himself at age 71. He suffered from long-term pain. Although he
went through several medical tests to determine the cause of his pain,
the results could not provide relief. After Trickle’s suicide, his
brother stated that Dick “must have just decided the pain was too high,
because he would have never done it for any other reason.”
August 2017, a couple planned a mutual suicide by carbon monoxide
poisoning after being cut off from both their pain medicines in Flagler
County. Florida. Katherine Goddard died after being found by her daughter. Her boyfriend, Bruce Haughton
was found in the same car with his now deceased girlfriend. Haughton
was barely alive. He was arrested for assisting in a suicide, and held
without bond. The Flagler County Sheriff said assisting in a suicide was
illegal. Doctors whom refused treatment both people apparently have not
been charged or sanctioned.
A 40 year old woman E.C. from Visalia, California
had lupus and painful joints to the point of “barely being able to
stand”. She could only go to urgent care centers since she had no health
coverage. They only would provide the lowest dose pain medicine. She
pulled away from her friends after suffering on inadequate doses of pain
medicine. She had talked about “quitting her life” as a solution. She
knew she would never have a husband since the pain immobilized her all
day. She had no children and lived with her parents who did not believe
in her intractable pain. Without pain relief she was trapped. Finally
one day, alone, “She left. She just left,” in the words of her friend.
A 58 year old navy veteran, Jay Lawrence of Tennessee had
chronic pain following an accident, a common cause of intractable pain.
He had surgeries, he tried epidural steroids, nerve blocks, and a
spinal cord stimulator as “alternative treatments” to avoid pain
medicine, a plan recommended by the contagious disease specialists at
CDC. These all failed leaving the opioid pain medicine as the next step
which was done. But the Comprehensive Pain Management Clinic decided to
reduce the dosage without medical reason apparently afraid of the DEA’s
raids and CDC rules. His pain became nearly continuous with the low
doses. When asked to restore the previous level of medicine his doctor
at the Clinic said “my license is not worth my patient’s quality of
was disabled to the degree that he was award SS disability status, but
this made no difference in his pain treatment. His wife wrote his story
on Pain News Network, describing Jay’s pain: “A bad day was awful for me
to watch, and absolutely horrible for Jay to live.” In the end, as his
wife, she assisted in the plan to end the pain once and for all. After
his death his wife was charged under the state assisted suicide law.
Meredith Lawrence is currently on probation for a reduced charge of
reckless endangerment. Neither the Clinic nor the doctor has been
charged. Meridith after much soul searching has decided to go public
with how the government bullied Jay’s doctor into doing something
Bruce Graham, a
father of three, fell from a ladder two years before his death. He
broke several bones, and was in a coma for two weeks. As his relative
said later in retrospect: It is unfortunate he awoke from his coma as
he, for all intents and purposes, ended his life with the fall. Modern
medicine was able to keep him alive through his coma, and helped with
effective opiates for the recovery time in the hospital but multiple
doctors were unable or unwilling to help him deal the excruciating pain
every day over the next two years even with knowledge they worked well
without side effects. Doctors dismissed his pain (actually post op adhesion) as psychosomatic. He was seen as an “addict” trying to
“score” and treated without compassion or dignity. In January, he tried
for the last time to obtain pain medicine that worked so well 18 months
before. He chose to shoot himself in the chest explained to a friend
weeks before. Even though a brain bullet is more “efficient” he did not
want his family to “experience the trauma-inducing mess of shooting
himself in the head” In January, 2017, he relieved his pain,
permanently, with a gunshot wound to the heart. No prescriptions for
pain medicines were found.
autopsy showed the adhesion and the spinal column disease responsible
for his intractable pain. “May Bruce Graham rest in peace, but some of
us will not live in peace until physicians’ attitudes and the laws
change” said the teller of this story.
it is common after multiple trauma to have lifelong pain eliminating
from various areas, and expanding into the whole body if not treated.
Debra Bales, age
52, went to a motel in Petaluma, California, for three days with the
intention of compassionately ending her life together. Debra suffered
chronic pain and was taken off her pain medicines “some time ago”. They
tried three times in motel and failed to cut off her breathing. They
were working alone. The newspaper speculated she was in withdrawal.
Together they ended her misery outside of the motel in a nearby tree, as
she wished. Her husband was arrested.
Living with constant pain is unimaginable. The love that it takes to
help a spouse end their intractable pain… . Debra was a pain patient not
an addict. Less than 1% of the population will develop addiction
disease (4/1000) exposed to high doses of opiates, including heroin. It
is genetic.
Kelly Bernson, a
resident of Grand Junction, Colorado had a long history of multiple
medical problems including a stroke and trigeminal neuralgia. Her death
was reported on the many Facebook pages dealing with refused treatment
for intractable pain in the United States for fear of causing addiction
and “getting in trouble”. The face book report: “Kellie was a good
friend to many of us in the pain community and she will be dearly
missed. She has crossed over the “rainbow bridge” now. She is finally in
no pain”.
of the ATIP group of advocates for pain patients tried desperately to
get help for her in Colorado, but failed. She committed suicide December
10, 2016, a 59 year old widow and mother, in her home town of Grand
Ed: it is an important commentary there is a “community of pain patients”
Michelle Bloem, was
a person who could not absorb pain medicines for her intractable pain
from her Central Pain Syndrome triggered after trauma where pain and
swelling move from the original injury site to various other areas of
the body and with it pain so severe that it requires long term
treatment. It is a frequent and know “suicide disease”. Dr. Forrest
Tennant the leading expert in difficult to treat pain patients,
discovered her inherited inability to absorb oral pain medications, but
meaning she could absorb injections of pain medicine. It worked as she
said: “I experienced instant relief and received my quality of life
back. I have taken this for two years with relief and no side effects”
Michelle Bloem (deceased)
medication was not covered by her insurance and was too expensive. On
January 29, 2017, Michelle Bloem killed herself. The concerns she would
become addicted to her pain medicine were unfounded. She was young. She
had a small son and a husband. She had no mental illness, just
intractable pain.
Note: in reviewing the suicides listed above, many of the circumstances
revealed planned deaths, talking with others and families beforehand.
These now deceased people would have been prone to suicide. Counselors
are trying their best to stop the suicides but without restoration of
medical treatment it is impossible. Many pain patients have “a plan”
they call it (suicide) they have worked out ahead of time in case of the
final forced cutbacks. Imagine the horrors, lying awake at night in
pain after forced reductions in your medicine waiting for the next shoe
to drop at the doctors office in the morning and the necessity to
activate the final plan.
across the country actually believe the PROP propaganda without a
critical review afforded all other medical topics who buy into the false
fears of addiction and heroin overdose deaths for the general
population with “high dose” pain medicine. No case has been reported of
true addiction suddenly occurring while taking pain medicine in the 10
million with long term pain disease. The fact is stated daily but not
prevention in the ten million noted by NIH requiring daily pain
medicine is pain care. Not providing suicide prevention is negligence.
Not treating a person in pain is negligence. Abandoning people with
painful disease to the streets with no doctor, is negligence. Believing
you can addict the general population is ignorance. Believing serious
pain can relieved with Tylenol, meditation, expensive injection therapy,
anticonvulsants, and physical therapy — is ignorant. The longer you
wait to treat pain the more serious it becomes. Opiates remain the
treatment of choice for serious pain, no matter what a few extremists
have not included any story if the family requested we not publish.
Many are afraid if they go public the federal police will come knocking.
is difficult to tell people with constant pain to “shift their focus
from pain and move on with their lives” as recommended by a founding
member of “Physicians for Responsible Opioid Prescribing” (PROP) a group
espousing pain denial and blanket restriction of all pain medicines, a
view never before held in the history of medicine.
medical view is not accepted by practicing physicians, nor in other
countries, nor by the World Health Organization. The CDC and its PROP
consultants have an extreme view, a pain nihilism manifesto, with
unfounded near shrieking polemics, a bizarre “lunatic fringe” (FDA
senior official) plan for the earth riding through every doctor office
in the land with warnings not to addict or kill.
daily repetition upon repetition of this dangerous and already
disproven mantra that high doses of pain medicine kill and addict is
belief without evidence. Last week an ER nurse told a patent with
painful obstructed pancreas, previously an indication for immediate IV
morphine, she could not have and pain medicine “because of the