Monday, March 19, 2018

Apparently, Twitter believes hiding the truth is moral. Making a connection between rape gangs and immigration, revealing an actual effect of mass immigration—that’s not permitted.

Still going to chant and rally when your wives and daughters are raped and murdered? Really?

“The controversial activist Tommy Robinson has been suspended from Twitter for quoting research which found that nearly 90 per cent of convicted grooming gang members in the UK are Muslim.”
“Mr. Robinson was suspended from the social media platform for 7 days for stating the findings of the Quilliam Foundation think tank, whose founder worked as an adviser to Prime Minister David Cameron on issues around Islam.”
“’90% of grooming gang convictions are Muslims,’ Mr. Robinson wrote in a tweet on February 25th, rounding up the number identified by the Quilliam research, which found that 84 per cent of convicted groomers [since 2005] were Muslim in December last year.”