Wednesday, September 7, 2016

we are all being prepared for the ultimate con. The Ocean’s Eleven of heists. The Presidency of the United States of America. The preparation is well underway

The main stream media is all in on it. 

They censor Hillary fuck ups daily. 

The hide her obvious health issues. 

They ask her softball questions like “how was your labor day weekend?”…that is when they can actually get an audience in front of the recluse candidate.

Hollywood is all in on it. Late night TV stars bash Donald Tump relentlessly, and leave Hillary untouched. George Clooney, Will Smith, Leonardo DiCaprio, Justin Timberlake…all the big name A list stars are #WithHer.
Alternative news media sites are also in on the it. The Young Turks was a heavy Sanders supporter, now they gush at Hillary and have mounted a massive Youtube campaign against Trump.
Even the FBI is in on it. What was a slam dunk indictment turned into a total farce. New email releases show just how complacent the FBI was during its Hillary questioning. They let her walk. Any other American who had committed half of what Hillary had done would be locked up for life.
And Barack Obama is in on it. Last week we were all teased with the news that the Obama administration and the Department of Homeland Security were considering a seizure of state election infrastructure before the ballots open in November.
Plan B is in full effect. The polls are tightening…and tightening fast.
Hillary’s August cushion has completely evaporated. Hillary spent August in hiding. People asked questions. “Where is Hillary?”  When she did appear it was a disaster.
She coughs without end. When she does manage to string two sentences together all she can do is toss around blame for her utter incompetence, on other people and shadowy entities (“Alt-Right?”).
The “things” that Clinton talks about, that derail her holy liberal ascendance to the thrown, is Plan B in full effect…and everyone is in on it.
Russia. Vladimir Putin. Manchurian candidate Donald Trump. Breitbart. Election hacking.
Plan B was unnecessary in August, but now the numbers coming in have unnerved the establishment. It is time to make Hillary’s presidency a 100% guarantee.
Zerohedge points out that…
Just a few short weeks after Hillary Clinton’s convention propelled her to an 8-point lead among registered voters in an early-August CNN/ORC Poll, Clinton’s lead has largely evaporated despite a challenging month for Trump, which saw an overhaul of his campaign staff, announcements of support for Clinton from several high-profile Republicans and criticism of his campaign strategy. Hillary on the other hand, has suffered from the latest FBI document release Snafu, which has further dented her credibility, while concerns about her health continue to spread among the general public.

Just days after the latest Reuters/IPSOS poll showed Trump jump to a surprising lead, and wiping away what some had said was an “insurmountable” Hillary lead, moments ago the first post-labor day poll by CNN/ORCshowed that Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton start the race to November 8 on essentially even ground, with Trump edging Clinton by two points among likely voters, and the contest sparking sharp divisions along demographic lines in a new CNN/ORC Poll.

Trump tops Clinton 45% to 43% in the new survey, with Libertarian Gary Johnson standing at 7% among likely voters in this poll and the Green Party’s Jill Stein at just 2%.

cnn orc poll 1_0
Even more alarming for Hillary Clinton…the difference in independent support.
Among those likely to turn out in the fall, both candidates have secured about the same share of their own partisans (92% of Democrats back Clinton, 90% of Republicans are behind Trump) but independents give Trump an edge, 49% say they’d vote for him while just 29% of independent voters back Clinton. 

Numbers never lie, and the recent polling numbers (tweak them as much as you want), show Trump surging, and Hillary imploding. Plan B time.
When Donald Trump wins the US Election, the Russian hacker narrative will be disseminated on to the dumbed down, conditioned public. Media, internet, social…full on distribution. The title is already in place…
“Russian hackers, under the control of the evil Vladimir Putin, have the capability to hijack US election systems, in order to secure a victory for Russian controlled candidate Donald Trump,” unnamed NSA officials said to CNN.
Barack Obama will spring into action and declare the entire US election process “may have been” hacked.
Evidence is not needed, and can always be given in the form of tweets and FB posts, without having to actually disclose hard facts (those will be marked “C” for classified).
Obama then suspends the election results.
The NSA, FBI, CIA begin investigations into the possible hack as disclosed by unnamed sources. The Justice Department, under the always reliable Loretta Elizabeth Lynch, certifies all findings from the investigation.
Hillary Clinton is declared the winner.
Priority number one, Russian aggression. Syria no-fly zones are imposed to challenge Russia’s strength in the Middle East. US Secretary of State Victoria Nuland activates neo-nazi terrorists cells to stir up false flag in Ukraine. Sanctions are ramped up. The bankrupt and corrupt European Union leaders do as President Hillary commands.
America’s cancerous internal problems are washed away under an all out economic, military, and cyber attack against Russia. China, is next.
Don’t think for even one minute that the plan to steal the US election, when Donald Trump wins, has not already begun.
Russia is being positioned to kill two birds with one stone. Hand Hillary the election victory, and then give the new President the casus belli to confront Vladimir Putin. A final Hollywood showdown between good and evil…distracting the American public from the mounting problems at home.
Zerohedge lays out how Plan B is quickly unfolding…
Hillary is now joining in on the “fear mongering tour” telling a rally in Illinois that there is “credible evidence” for U.S. intelligence officials “to pursue an investigation into Russia’s efforts to interfere with our election.” Per NBC News, when asked recently whether she thought Putin was interfering with U.S. elections in an effort to help Trump, Hillary responded with her favorite, folksy, Arkansas saying:

“If you find a turtle on a fence post, it didn’t get there by accident.  I think it’s quite intriguing that this activity has happened around the time Trump became the nominee.”

Isn’t she just so down to earth and relatable?  For some reason we’re suddenly reminded of another saying that involves glass houses and stones.

Hillary continued with the usual rhetoric painting Trump as just another of Putin’s “useful idiots.

The Democratic nominee told reporters on her plane that Trump has “urged the Russians to hack more, and, in particular, hack me, and he has generally parroted what is a Putin-Kremlin line.”

The allegation against Russia by U.S. intelligence officials “raises further questions about Trump,” Clinton added, “and I think those are questions the American people should be asking and answering.”

The Republican nominee, she said, has “very early on allied himself with Putin’s policies … And he furthermore has praised Putin, he seems to have this bizarre attraction to dictators, including Putin.”

Ironically, Hillary’s comments came just hours after the Washington Post joined in on the accusations on “Russian plan[s] to disrupt November elections.”  The report came despite a U.S. intelligence official cautioning the Post that there is no “definitive proof of such tampering, or any Russian plans to do so.”

U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies are investigating what they see as a broad covert Russian operation in the United States to sow public distrust in the upcoming presidential election and in U.S. political institutions, intelligence and congressional officials said.

The aim is to understand the scope and intent of the Russian campaign, which incorporates ­cyber-tools to hack systems used in the political process, enhancing Russia’s ability to spread disinformation.

A Russian influence operation in the United States “is something we’re looking very closely at,” said one senior intelligence official who, like others interviewed, spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive matter. Officials also are examining potential disruptions to the election process, and the FBI has alerted state and local officials to potential cyberthreats.

The official cautioned that the intelligence community is not saying it has “definitive proof” of such tampering, or any Russian plans to do so. “But even the hint of something impacting the security of our election system would be of significant concern,” the official said. “It’s the key to our democracy, that people have confidence in the election system.”

Seems that Hillary is more than willing to allege fire when it is politically expedient and despite no “definitive proof” while dismissing the many plumes of smoke surrounding her various personal scandals as mere “conspiracy theories” conjured up by “alt-right” nut jobs.

Certainly, any credible threat aimed at undermining the confidence of the American electorate in the election process is something that should be taken very seriously.  However, propagating rumors and speculation of such a serious threat against our democracy without any “definitive proof” is wildly irresponsible.