The New York Federal Reserve Bank rate, which dictated the national interest
rate, went to six percent on November 1, 1929. After the investors had been
bankrupted, it dropped to one and one-half percent on May 8, 1931. Congressman
Wright Patman in "A Primer On Money", says that the money supply decreased by
eight billion dollars from 1929 to 1933, causing 11,630 banks of the total of
26,401 in the United States to go bankrupt and close their doors.
The Federal Reserve Board had already warned the stockholders of the Federal
Reserve Banks to get out of the Market, on February 6, 1929, but it had not
bothered to say anything to the rest of the people. Nobody knew what was going
on except the Wall Street bankers who were running the show. Gold movements were
completely unreliable.
In FDR, My Exploited Father-in-Law, Col. Curtis B. Dall, who was a broker on
Wall Street at that time, writes of the Crash, "Actually it was the calculated
‘shearing’ of the public by the World Money-Powers, triggered by the planned
sudden shortage of the supply of call money in the New York money market."90
Overnight, the Federal Reserve System had raised the call rate to twenty
percent. Unable to meet this rate, the speculators’ only alternative was to jump
out of windows.
Thus we find that not only was the Federal Reserve System responsible for the
First World War, which it made possible by enabling the United States to finance
the Allies, but its policies brought on the world-wide depression of 1929-31.
Governor Adolph C. Miller stated at the Senate Investigation of the Federal
Reserve Board in 1931 that:
"If we had had no Federal Reserve System, I do not think we would have had as
bad a speculative situation as we had, to begin with."
Carter Glass replied, "You have made it clear that the Federal Reserve Board
provided a terrific credit expansion by these open market transactions."
Emmanuel Goldenweiser said, "In 1928-29 the Federal Board was engaged in an
attempt to restrain the rapid increase in security loans and in stock market
speculation. The continuity of this policy of restraint, however, was
interrupted by reduction in bill rates in the autumn of 1928 and the summer of
Both J.P. Morgan and Kuhn, Loeb Co. had "preferred lists" of men to whom they
sent advance announcements of profitable stocks. The men on these preferred
lists were allowed to purchase these stocks at cost, that is, anywhere from 2 to
15 points a share less than they were sold to the public. The men on these lists
were fellow bankers, prominent industrialists, powerful city politicians,
national Committeemen of the Republican and Democratic Parties, and rulers of
foreign countries. The men on these lists were notified of the coming crash, and
sold all but so-called gilt-edged stocks, General Motors, Dupont, etc. The
prices on these stocks also sank to record lows, but they came up soon
afterwards. How the big bankers operated in 1929 is revealed by a Newsweek story on May 30, 1936, when a Roosevelt
appointee, Ralph W. Morrison, resigned from the Federal Reserve Board:
"The consensus of opinion is that the Federal Reserve Board has lost an able
man. He sold his Texas utilities stock to Insull for ten million dollars, and in 1929 called a
meeting and ordered his banks to close out all security loans by September 1. As a result, they
rode through the depression with flying colors."
Predictably enough, all of the big bankers rode through the depression "with
flying colors." The people who suffered were the workers and farmers who had
invested their money in get-rich stocks, after the President of the United
States, Calvin Coolidge, and the Secretary of the Treasury, Andrew Mellon, had
persuaded them to do it.
The Crash of 1929 also saw the formation of giant holding companies which
picked up these cheap bonds and securities, such as the Marine Midland
Corporation, the Lehman Corporation, and the Equity Corporation. In 1929 J.P.
Morgan Company organized the giant food trust, Standard Brands. There was an
unequaled opportunity for trust operators to enlarge and consolidate their
The Wall Street Crash of 1929 was the beginning of a world-wide credit
deflation which lasted through 1932, and from which the Western democracies did
not recover until they began to rearm for the Second World War. During this
depression, the trust operators achieved further control by their backing of
three international swindlers, The Van Sweringen brothers, Samuel Insull, and
Ivar Kreuger. These men pyramided billions of dollars worth of securities to
fantastic heights. The bankers who promoted them and floated their stock issue could have stopped them at any time, by
calling loans of less than a million dollars, but they let these men go on until
they had incorporated many industrial and financial properties into holding
companies, which the banks then took over for nothing. Insull piled up public
utility holdings throughout the Middle West, which the banks got for a fraction
of their worth. Ivar Kreuger was backed by Lee Higginson Company, supposedly one
of the nation’s most reputable banking houses. The Saturday Evening Post called
him "more than a financial titan", and the English review Fortnightly said, in
an article written December 1931, under the title, "A Chapter in Constructive
Finance": "It is as a financial irrigator that Kreuger has become of such vital
importance to Europe."