Samhain (Halloween) is about the sacrifice of people, sometimes animals, to receive dark powers and "gifts" from demonic spirits. It's a time of drugs, murder, orgies, and debauchery on a scale so unbelievably revolting, none can truly imagine it. It's about empowering and unleashing demonic hordes into this dimension, so they can bring chaos, destruction, and damnation to ANYTHING holy, good and true.
Halloween Warning From An Ex-Witch
A little bit about my background: I was involved in the occult. Halloween—the history of Halloween—is where people used to dress up like evil spirits to try and camouflage on that night because there was so much activity from evil spirits. The way that the townsfolk would ward them off was to dress like them, to camouflage like them, and if they conformed to look like the evil spirits, they were believed to be less likely to be targeted and messed with by those spirits. Now, as an ex-witch, I know that night is very, very important for the kingdom of darkness. It’s the time when the veil is thinnest. You get all of your sorcerers, magicians, witches, warlocks, wizards, shamans, druids—spiritual people involved in the dark side.
What we were talking about recently in Bible study is how the word "occult" means hidden. A lot of people doing ceremonies on Halloween night don’t even know they’re aligning with the devil. I didn’t know until I came to the Lord. The occult means hidden, and sometimes that is hidden from the person doing it. Many people are involved in the occult without even knowing it. The enemy tricks us.
Let’s rewind a little, and I’ll share a bit about my story. I was involved in witchcraft as a child—a very young child. I asked the air—and if you’re a Christian, you know the devil is the prince of the power of the air—I asked the air, the universe, anything, to show me the truth. I didn’t ask God particularly when I was a child. I was led through a series of events, getting more and more entangled in witchcraft because I thought that was where I could find truth. I thought that the unseen realm must exist, that there must be more to life than this. As a young child, I delved deeply into witchcraft, practiced dark magic, and voodoo—I’ve renounced all of these things. I did Ouija boards all the time, took them to school, got loads of people involved with them. I was very foolish and very willing to explore this realm at a young age.
This ended badly for me. I was completely terrified and terrorized. I started seeing dark shadows walking around my door. Every time I looked at my door in my bedroom, I’d see around a seven-foot dark shadow silhouette moving across. I would be pushed down to the ground from above. I’d feel a heavy force; one time, it pushed me down to the ground. I had voices, I had condemnation. I wasn’t aware of God, but I was aware of the devil at that point. When I got involved in magic, it was too late—or so I thought. I was told I was owned by dark forces, that I was inherently evil, and there was nothing I could do about it. I carried this condemnation for a very long time because I was involved in witchcraft. It opened up doorways no child should open.
As a child, I used to sleep at night with the bed covers over me with a tiny hole to breathe out of because I was so terrorized. I would count every word I said on my fingers—it was like a nervous twitch. If I said enough words to have a space on this finger, I was good; if I didn’t, I was condemned. There was just so much for my small child mind to deal with when I’d opened up that can of worms of witchcraft and magic. It’s real—it’s real. Believe me, you don’t want to be in a place where you get involved in that frivolously and end up realizing, "What have I got involved in?"
As a child, I threw away and burned my tarot cards. I mean, I did tarot readings when I was little. I was involved in so much of the occult at such a young age. All I can remember influencing me toward dark things was this lady my friend and I would visit. She practiced witchcraft with us; she was a Buddhist, and we’d do rituals with prayer beads, saying mantras—Buddhist mantras. I didn’t know what I was saying. I think I tried to find out, and it was something about nature worship. That’s where I ended up going.
We made paper gravestones, stuck them on the wall on Halloween night, and slept with them there. We were so consumed with darkness, and when you’re a child, you don’t know what you’re messing with. If your parents don’t know that magic exists, they’re lulled to sleep by the devil while he takes their children. That’s why I’m talking about Halloween and this heavy burden on me. That was my childhood with magic.
Then, as a young adult, around 16, I got involved in what I thought was white magic. I thought I was a light worker, here to help people. Wow, was I wrong. I got involved in tarot readings again, consulted runes—just magic and witchcraft again. But it was repackaged into something light and good. The enemy chewed me up and spat me out. I was in a place of utter brokenness after yoga, meditation, psychedelic drugs, and all of these ritualistic things. I was friends with Satanists, shamans, druids, Wiccans, and people who thought they were fairies. I was friends with all realms of magic and different forms of the occult. I thought it was all just different ways that people experienced reality and had their own walks.
When I came to the Lord, it was very simple. There is the kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness. You’re either with Jesus, or you’re not. Everything made sense because I had the eyes of Christ and realized just what I was involved in. I get passionate about it because there’s a righteous anger when you see people caught up, thinking they’re bringing peace and helping others. It’s a false peace. The end of that is despair.
Why am I talking about all of this? In regards to Halloween—it’s a festival, a celebration, really a massive spell night. It’s a night of incantation and ceremony. If you’re involved in that stuff, you wait for this night for special purposes. Because the veil is thinnest, and maybe because so many align with the kingdom of darkness, it gives it more power. You know how people used to dress in costumes to look like evil spirits? Isn’t that true in our Christian walk? When we’re Christ’s, we’re attacked.
I had no idea when I was involved in the occult. When I came to Christ, those things were revealed for what they were. Spirit guides, energies—they’re not light, they’re dark. Only in Christ do they reveal their true colors, and it’s terrifying. When you celebrate Halloween, you’re aligning with those things, with the kingdom of darkness, becoming part of their ritual.
This is hidden knowledge, and so many are taken as fools. But not you, brothers and sisters. You are children of God. You don’t belong in games with something that’s definitely not playing games. The devil is so evil. I was friends with Satanists, and one told me about an initiation ritual, where he was stripped, tied up, blindfolded, and whipped until he reached a state to invoke the devil. They do that to children on Halloween night.
Dressing children up, taking them out, knocking on doors, and getting sweets may seem innocent. But you’re part of a ceremony of dark magic. The Lord spoke to me today about will—free will. I remember when I was under witches who did reiki and energy healing. They’d say my spirit guide was there, telling them to align my chakra about free will. But the Lord reminded me—they were after my will. There is power in our will. God’s given us free will to align with Him or the devil. The Lord is gentle and waits for you. The devil, however, is persistently knocking.
Imagine the devil’s mockery: children he tries to claim to take to hell, embodying his character, coming to your door, expecting you to give him an offering. It’s evil. I know some of you haven’t been involved in the occult or witchcraft and think Halloween is fun and games, but the root is evil. Those involved in lightwork and energy healing think they’re doing good. They don’t know who they worship. When you’re not worshipping Jesus, who are you looking at?
Christ made it clear to me that I was doing the devil’s work. It’s like leading people to light on the way to hell. Halloween’s analogy of dressing up like demons to avoid getting messed with is a lie. The ones who don’t get messed with—they’re already his. Don’t align with the devil.
So we are going to meet as a church. I know many of you are from different places, so maybe unplug your doorbell, hand out tracks, or spend time in prayer. Join us Sunday evening in prayer at 6:30 for a night of prayer. This week has been tough; the enemy has been active, so let’s pray for one another. God bless you all, and I’ll see you next time. Bye.