Thursday, August 1, 2024

This ‘White Women for Harris’ leader is the most insufferable human alive…


Team Kamala is showing its desperate true colors. Kamala in such bad shape that she’s now begging for white votes. Recently, they launched a cringeworthy “White Dudes for Harris” campaign featuring out-of-touch elites and effeminate poofs gushing over Kamala. It went about as well as you’d expect and spawned a plethora of hilarious online memes.

But, more on that later. Now, the next phase of their desperate bid for white votes has begun. This time, it’s “White Women for Harris,” and they’ve got a real doozy heading up this cringe fest. Enter Arielle Fodor, arguably the most insufferable human being on the planet, who is, of course, the voice of the “White Women for Harris” campaign.