Revealing that which is concealed. Learning about anything that resembles real freedom. A journey of self-discovery shared with the world. Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them - Ephesians 5-11 Join me and let's follow that high road...
Tuesday, February 28, 2023
When “Conspiracy Theories” Turned Into Obvious Realities
As I look back at the year 2022 and the bizarre events that marked it, an expression immediately comes to mind: “Revelation of the Method”. Originating from ancient Rosicrucian texts, this obscure concept refers to the process of exposing the masses to dark realities (often in a veiled and underhanded manner) to elicit implied acceptance.
Once these formally hidden truths are revealed to the public and met with general apathy, indifference, or incredulity, they become normalized and embedded in society’s collective unconscious. Some occultists compare this process to the alchemical “Great Work” where the world is “transmuted” according to the will of the occult elite.
The alchemical principle of the Revelation of the Method has as its chief component, a clown-like, grinning mockery of the victim(s) as a show of power and macabre arrogance. When this is performed in a veiled manner accompanied by certain occult signs and symbolical words and elicits no meaningful response of opposition or resistance from the target(s), it is one of the most efficacious techniques of psychological warfare and mind-rape.
Michael Hoffman II, Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare
Since the advent of mass media, the Revelation of the Method has become increasingly apparent. While, in the past, the elite operated in complete secrecy, it now seeks to operate in plain sight.
In the beginning and middle stages of this operation, the “hoodwink” was a key to the accomplishment of objectives. Generally speaking, deception is far less necessary today. Quite the contrary, the cryptocracy has actually been determined to reveal many of its greatest secrets to us “profane ones” for some time now.
– Ibid.
Several events of 2022 fit perfectly the concept of Revelation of the Method. “Conspiracy theories” are turning into obvious truths right before our eyes. Dark secrets are being revealed yet most of the world still does not grasp what they mean. And that’s exactly what “they” want.
The Vigilant Citizen is about exposing what is truly happening. That way, instead of passively accepting their madness due to ignorance, we can actively reject it due to knowledge.
Here’s a look at some revealing events of 2022 and what they meant in the grand scheme of things.
Taylor Hawkins and Studio 666
On March 25th, the world was shocked by the unexpected death of Taylor Hawkins, the drummer of the Foo Fighters. While the circumstances surrounding his death were strange, the timing of this event was simply perplexing.
Exactly one month prior to Hawkins’ death, the Foo Fighters released a horror-comedy movie called Studio 666. The subject of the movie: Members of the Foo Fighters get killed as blood sacrifices to the Satanic music industry.

In the movie, Dave Grohl is possessed by a demon and sacrifices (with gruesome killings) every member of the band, including Taylor Hawkins.
This entire movie was highly symbolic, especially considering what would happen exactly one month after its release. Was this movie a horrific coincidence? Or were they revealing their method?
Drinking Blood

Megan Fox casually says that she drinks blood in rituals.
For years, I’ve been writing about the occult elite’s obsession with cannibalism and drinking blood. In occult circles, it is believed that extracting and consuming blood in specific circumstances can have powerful rejuvenating effects – and the potency is multiplied when the “donor” is young. There’s nothing new about those practices as they’ve existed for centuries (see my article on Elizabeth Bathory).
Despite these facts, mass media has been ridiculing this “conspiracy theory”. Then, Megan Fox straight up said that she drinks blood in rituals. During her interview with Glamour Unfiltered, she said:
“But yes, we do consume each other’s blood on occasion for ritual purposes only. It is used for a reason and it is controlled where it’s like, let’s shed a few drops of blood and each drink it.”
Combine Megan Fox’s highly publicized obsession with blood with the countless recent movies revolving around cannibalism, and you get a clear case of Revelation of the Method.
Anne Heche

Anne Heche flails around as she’s forcibly jammed into an ambulance. She’ll be declared dead shortly after.
Every time I think about the footage of Anne Heche attempting to break away from a stretcher that’s carried by a couple of firemen, I get deeply disturbed. And so many questions come to mind: Why did they cover her (as if she was already dead) while she was on the stretcher? Why wasn’t she properly secured on the stretcher? More importantly: Why was she trying to get away?
As usual, mass media was quick to conclude that Heche’s erratic behavior on that fateful day was due to drugs and/or alcohol, despite the fact that witnesses stated the contrary. A few months after my article where I explained that Heche was clearly running from someone(s) (and not just high out of her mind) the truth finally came out.

A few months after her death, the coroner concluded that Heche wasn’t under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
So, if Heche was sober during that day, what actually happened? Why did she act this way? It appears that we’ve all witnessed the sacrifice of another celebrity in plain sight.
Statue Honoring a Pedo

In September, Indiana University unveiled a statue honoring Alfred Kinsey.
In my article about Alfred Kinsey, I explained how his “research” was funded by the Rockefeller Foundation and serves as a basis for sexual education in America to this day.
With that being said, here’s a table from his book Sexual Behavior of the Human Male.

Table 34. One of the most horrific tables in scientific history.
Table 34 documents the “sexual responses” of children from infants through teens as recorded by their adult male abusers. These pedophiles conducted sexual experiments on hundreds of children by bringing them to what the experimenters called “orgasm” (screaming, weeping, fighting the sexual “partner”) and timing these responses with a stopwatch.
In short, Table 34 records nothing less than the systematic abuse of over 300 children aged between 5 months to 14 years old. The data it contains is simply horrifying. How can an 11-month-old baby have 14 orgasms in 38 minutes unless it was the result of outright torture?
With all of that being said, the University of Indiana nevertheless unveiled a statue celebrating Alfred Kinsey. Why? Because the occult elite are pedophiles and they want their sick culture to be celebrated.
Symbolic Birthday Party

Doja Cat’s birthday party was Illuminati garbage.
In October, Doja Cat celebrated her birthday with an all-out parade of industry slaves. Clearly influenced by the movie Eyes Wide Shut (which is based on the occult elite’s sex magick rituals), the party was about industry slaves imitating their handlers, the same way toddlers imitate their parents.
More importantly, it was another case of Revelation of the Method, where the occult elite’s symbolism is displayed in plain sight.
Kanye’s Revelations

He just said it.
For years, I’ve been writing about celebrities having to sacrifice a loved one to attain a higher level in the industry. I’ve also written about handlers controlling celebrities in extreme ways. While these claims were regarded as “crazy conspiracy theories” by many, Kanye West just said in unequivocal terms:
“My mama was sacrificed”.
He also mentioned the father of Michael Jordan, the son of Bill Cosby, and the son of Dr. Dre – all dead in mysterious circumstances. According to him, these sacrifices are carried out to “control and traumatize”.
A week prior, Kanye exposed his “personal trainer” Harley Pasternak as an all-out MK handler. He even posted a threatening text message he received from Pasternak.

Pasternak threatened to drug and institutionalize Kanye for misbehaving.
Still a conspiracy theory?

I hate this picture.
I’ve been writing about the elite celebrating their pedophilia for years and mainstream media tried hard to suppress this obvious fact. Indeed, my article about Pizzagate was attacked by publications such as The New York Times, even calling The Vigilant Citizen “fake news”.
This year, Balenciaga released an ad campaign that was so vile that everyone had to shut up and face the truth. Even The New York Times.
In a series of upsetting photographs, the geniuses at Balenciaga had children holding plush animals wearing BDSM gear, along with other highly symbolic objects around them (i.e. dog leashes). To make things worse, other pictures actually contained a court ruling regarding child pornography.
Yes, there was a backlash. That’s because there’s a growing number of vigilant citizens out there who forced mainstream media to address this issue. We must keep going.
The Revolutionary Act
Despite the fact that several “conspiracy theories” discussed on this site were essentially confirmed in 2022, The Vigilant Citizen was banned from Google search results and was completely demonetized.
The reports I got from Google were infuriating. For instance, one article was demonetized due to “unreliable and harmful claims”. The reason: I wrote that … men cannot be women.
The absurdity of the situation truly messed with my mind as I realized that the quote “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act” is truer than ever.
As Google attempted to suffocate this site by banning it from its advertising monopoly, I had to find a way to secure the survival of the site. Deleting “problematic” content and self-censoring myself to please Google was, of course, out of the question. So, after some soul-searching, I came up with a possible solution that would allow the site to survive without any censorship: Reader subscriptions.
So, in June, I removed every single ad from this site and solely relied on reader subscriptions. There was some risk involved as an insufficient number of subscribers would result in the site going down. However, it was a do-or-die situation: Either this site remained an independent source of uncensored truth, or it just stops existing.
Fortunately, YOU came through. Vigilant Citizens across the world subscribed to the site, allowing the site to survive without a single ad on its pages. I can finally write “unreliable and harmful claims” such as “men cannot be women” without being threatened with financial ruin on a daily basis.
So I’d like to take this occasion to thank, from the bottom of my heart, every single VC subscriber for supporting this site and allowing it to survive.
The best way for me to thank you is by working even harder on new articles and delivering the hard-hitting content you’re looking for. And, with your support, that’s exactly what I’ll be doing in 2023. Not only will I keep publishing articles on a wide range of topics, but I’ll also launch a new project that has been requested for years: VC Videos. This new project is coming soon, it will be high quality and it will be unique. And it’s being made possible due to your incredible support this year.
In conclusion, this year confirmed lots of things that were discussed on this site since 2008. And I have a feeling that we’ll see more of this in 2023.
I will do my best to decipher everything 2023 throws at us and I will keep providing the vital information needed to navigate these strange times.
Monday, February 27, 2023
Nasa not even trying anymore
Nasa not even trying anymore
“Photo from Crater snapped by Mars Curiosity Rover..”
First thing I thought here was, “bro, you're moving your volley ball court poles from somewhere else in the yard, and decided to drill them into the pool area, oh cool. Then, I read the caption on the post: “Photo from Mars Curiosity Rover, Captures View of Crater on Mars”
at this point I nearly fall out of the chair laughing but restrained myself.
So look, as the guy is moving around in his yard, he goes oh look, that hole we just drilled out, then spread the dust backwards, shaking it up using specific density to spread it all out a certain way, we can say that's a “crater.” The guy thinks to himself, Oh this looks just like Devon Island, or those canyons in Utah we usually use, lemme grab my iPhone, and send this to the boss.
#nasa is #not a space agency. It's all lies. The earth is flat. Says so right in the holy writ. See document link below [1]. for more details. over 200 scriptural references, to the flat earth.
[1]. 200 References.
Psalm 104:5 He set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved.
Genesis 1:7-10
7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.
9 And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.
10 And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good.
Sunday, February 26, 2023
When the elite reveal child trafficking in all they do
Pizzagate is more than real, it's a crisis of Earth. Repent or be slaughtered. No third option.
Saturday, February 25, 2023
Thursday, February 23, 2023
Letting go of possessions
Letting go of possessions
Don Bradley
Thing about freeing yourself to things, clutter in the house, and the
ever growing pile of possessions that occurs naturally as the years go
by. I learned this in 2019, from a friend.
To really know if a thing can and should stay or go, ask 3 questions.
1. Do I have a deep memory, joyful, regardless of connection point,
that brings me fond and lasting memories...happiness and joy?
2. Have I used that item in the last 3 to 5 years?
3. Am I ever likely to use that going forward?
If you answer yes to any of the above, then keep the thing.
If no, let it go. You know what to do.
You might as well triage the thing now, because later, when it counts, you won't be able to by choice. It will all just go away, as it happens.
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
Tuesday, February 21, 2023
Bitcoin blockchain contains porn, say researchers. Not news, say coders
Thanks Edu.
The Guardian and other titles report today that the Bitcoin blockchain includes illegal material. However, this kind of problem has been known about for years, according to insiders.
UPDATED Illegal images have been found stored in Bitcoin’s blockchain, according to researchers at a German university.
Monday, February 20, 2023
Sunday, February 19, 2023
Saturday, February 18, 2023
Oreos with bugs
cookies, shakes, all that. It's like McDonalds. They use aborted fetuses and satanic ritual victims; it's why the all meat processing plants are directly or indirectly owned by Rabbis. I've even put up videos on the subject of them admitting doing just that. The reason they don't mind admitting to it, is because:
- They know folks will not believe such a thing is possible.
- They know by telling us they are doing and putting it on ingredients list - and people still eat it - they are spiritually off the hook. It's up to you, not them, to verify your food as safe for consumption. If you choose to ignore what's in your food, that's on you.
And they are right. Folks don't believe when they see the evidence, something I have witnessed on many occasions, as it must be just conspiracy theory stuff. Even the proof I show them of the FDA finding human DNA in Taco Bell, McDonalds, Carl's Junior, etc. Denial every time.
![]() |
Chitin...a slow but sure arsenic type end. The food, snacks, water are all poisoned to reduce or kill mankind. In our time. |
Murdering a Nation: poisoning the Ohio River
I noticed the East Palestine train derailed DIRECTLY over 2 drainage pipes (yellow squares). Then I noticed that the orange car (red rectangle) was out of place compared to the cars around it.
Someone DELIBERATELY placed and tipped the orange car which contained toxic chemicals into the drainage culvert which feeds into the Ohio River.
In other words, this was an act of terrorism. And this is some pretty damn good proof.
Friday, February 17, 2023
from the you can't manufacture stupid this badly department unless you try real hard dept
The whole and real point of all this GMO silliness is to corrupt creation, everywhere possible. To offend the Most High Adonai, YHVH. That's all there is to it.
genetically modified trees being planted in the georgia pine belt..
from the you can't manufacture stupid this badly department unless you try real hard dept:
Genetically modified seedlings from biotechnology company Living Carbon have been planted in a low-lying tract of southern Georgia's pine belt. According to a paper that has yet to be peer reviewed, these trees are engineered to grow 50 percent faster than non-modified ones over five months in the greenhouse. The
sounds suspect right out of the gate. genetically modified trees have been tried before, and first off, you don't get very far modifying our heavenly fathers creations, before there are problems. always are problems, and nothing but. for the surrounding ecology.
this is an outright lie, this next sentence. Monsanto has been planting genetically modified trees all across the world, for the last few decades. They have in fact, replaced much of the Taiga forest, with genetically modified trees. Guess what? They don't grow, and they have destroyed this important natural area.
To understand why trees are important, in case you grew up in the modern day education system, which taught you next to nothing, trees fix minerals in the ground, DEEP in the ground, for other species to have their life support. This includes mosses, lichens, minerals and catalysts to support the natural decay of living plant matter once it dies, in its natural life cycle. Aside from that, these variables support the immaculate and gigantic kingdom of fungi, and all that goes along with it. You'd be surprised how heavily the insect kingdom relies on the above, alone. Then you have smaller critters, like squirrels and rodents, which are also heavily reliant on the symbiotic relationships established therein and thereof, the aforementioned above; Elements, of nature, as it was intended to be left alone..
Moving forward, Genetically modified trees do not grow properly, they grow too fast, and they don't grow dense enough, and they don't re-mineralize their environments, they STRIP it bare, instead – pushing these minerals which are precious for soil ecology, health and longevity, into the trees, giving artificial growth. It's not good wood, that results. It may look like wood, but it's in some respects, highly similar to the human experience of microwaving food. You put something in that looks like food, and out comes a genetically modified scramble of death. In this case, the analogy is incomplete, because you put in what looks like a tree, it gets real big, and you have all this wood that you might build with, sure – but it's not going to be good solid wood to build with, it wont age properly, it won't make good firewood, and it destroys the ground in the meantime, and other species all around it.
Okay then, moving on.. They then go on to talk about the Flavr Savr tomato, which was an UTTER disaster. I'm old enough to have seen this bad boy hit the store shelves, and I will tell you it was an utter flop... It wasn't really about the tomato itself, you see – it was about the change in laws that the tomato's backers paved, the way for ALL manner of other horrible things entering the food supply.
A brief history though on GMO foods, they started a long long long time earlier, in what people refer to as roughly the year 1974. They introduced GM food, first with corn, into the food supply, and started monitoring local hospitals for adverse reactions. If you think these people are stupid, they're not, but evil they most certainly are. They have the entire infrastructure in their pockets, and they act accordingly in the shadows. That includes the pharmaceutical cartels, the medical cartels, the law makers, the politicians, their families, standing presidents, and all of the things you could imagine that are not mentioned here, like the media. The result is most people are dragged along by their arse hairs, thinking this is a good idea, yolked right into the next trap, blindly as it were. Later in this article we will see a quote from a guy who is like rah rah rah lets plant these trees, I'm a 7th generation farmer, la la la.. Well if this quote was true, it would be shocking, because a 7th generation farmer wouldn't say such a thing, ever. They respect the land they live on and depend on, to deliver their craft to others and to survive.. Moving on
New York Times reports:
The poplars may be the first genetically modified trees planted in the United States outside of a research trial or a commercial fruit orchard. Just as the introduction of the Flavr Savr tomato in 1994 introduced a new industry of genetically modified food crops, the tree planters on Monday hope to transform forestry.
Living Carbon, a San Francisco-based biotechnology company that produced the poplars, intends for its trees to be a large-scale solution to climate change. “We've had people tell us it's impossible,” Maddie Hall, the company's co-founder and chief executive, said of her dream to deploy genetic engineering on behalf of the climate.
of course, its from San Francisco, one of the most evil centers of all evils, in these days. If it wasn't there, it'd be coming from Palo Alto, or somewhere near by.
also of course she said the magic words, in their evil soup "for the climate." you want to plant trees for the climate? then fcking plant trees.. don't plant this garbage frankenstein abomination to try and make a lot of money in the lumber industry, and then claim you're trying to save the environment. Be honest, something most people simply cannot seem to do, to save their own lives... You want to make a lot of money, and that's all you really care about. Okay then, moving on..
But she and her colleagues have also found believers — enough to invest $36 million in the four-year-old company.
as stated above, you dont rope people into 36 million dollars of investments, unless they're greedy and think they will get a LOT more out of it. If you need evidence of this, just look at how hard it is to get someone to give you even 50 dollars, unless they think something is in it, for them.
The company's researchers created the greenhouse-tested trees using a bacterium that splices foreign DNA into another organism's genome. But for the trees they planted in Georgia, they turned to an older and cruder technique known as the gene gun method, which essentially blasts foreign genes into the trees' chromosomes.
In a field accustomed to glacial progress and heavy regulation, Living Carbon has moved fast and freely. The gene gun-modified poplars avoided a set of federal regulations of genetically modified organisms that can stall biotech projects for years. (Those regulations have since been revised.) By contrast, a team of scientists who genetically engineered a blight-resistant chestnut tree using the same bacterium method employed earlier by Living Carbon have been awaiting a decision since 2020. [...]
the "gene gun" technology is old, and it's highly effective for changing the entire phenotype of a living being, versus just selective genes like crispr-cas9. it iterates a plant MUCH MUCH faster, than the newer technology does, and has a much higher failure rate, meaning it creates frankenmonsters much more effectively, in fewer generations. The crispr stuff, however creates things that appear more normal, until successive generations are laid out, and then large problems are discovered, but it takes a lot longer to generally see super bad stuff. This is a suicide mission for the georgia pine belt. But this begs the question, "why?" The georgia pine belt is unique in the world. It's home to one of the abies (pine) species that is known as the georgia slash pine. This tree, provides MUCH of the clean turpentine to the world, and the alternative world of natural health and medicine. This may sound weird, but turpentine is one of natures most potent anti-parasitic compounds, period. If you got anything in your GI, or body in general, and you take turpentine (mixed correctly with the proper carriers) it will eradicate most all of those things. Keep in mind your author here is not a doctor, and this does not constitute medical advice, but also keep in mind that your author has done the turpentine thing many times, and it hasn't killed him yet. There are other natural aspects of the georgia pine belt that are important, as well. To quote an article to give you some idea of the biodiversity of the region, > In prehistory – the time after the dinosaurs but before the arrival of humans – the longleaf pine forest ranged over a 150,000-square-mile area from Virginia to South Florida to Southeastern Texas, in an almost unbroken swath estimated at 92 million acres. Today, only about 1.4 percent of that acreage remains in longleaf pines, the result of man’s entering the forest and, motivated by “need and greed,” clear-cutting it to near extinction. > It may have taken almost 200 years, but man appears to be wising up to the value of restoring these forests, not only for the enrichment of his soul, but also for the fattening of his wallet. > For millennia, the longleaf pine stood at the center of a delicate ecosystem that supported insects, animals and plants in ***regions more diverse than even the Amazon.*** > Like a modern super mart, these forests could provide man with everything he needed in life – food, water, shelter, transportation and weapons, even medicines. These tall, straight and sturdy trees made excellent ship’s masts in the 18th and 19th centuries. The railroad boom of the late 1800s created a demand for railroad ties that saw entire forests reduced to stumps. > The longleaf is still prized as a source of utility poles and for lumber. Equally valuable are the residents of a properly managed pine forest – deer, turkey and especially the 8-ounce bob white quail. Georgia’s longleaf pine forest owners are discovering their woods are a powerful lure for hunters and ecotourists who are willing to pay handsomely to cast an eye on big bucks or a covey of quail.
So they broke continuity there and started talking about animals being valuable, which makes me upset, but lets move on... Animals are not commodities. Okay, so... Back to breaking down this terrible article from the NYT.
In contrast to fast-growing pines, hardwoods that grow in bottomlands like these produce wood so slowly that a landowner might get only one harvest in a lifetime, said [Vince Stanley, a seventh-generation farmer who manages more than 25,000 forested acres in Georgia's pine belt]. He hopes Living Carbon's “elite seedlings” will allow him to grow bottomland trees and make money faster. “We're taking a timber rotation of 50 to 60 years and we're cutting that in half,” he said.
“It's totally a win-win.” [...] The U.S. Forest Service, which plants large numbers of trees every year, has said little about whether it would use engineered trees. To be considered for planting in national forests, which make up nearly a fifth of U.S. forestland, Living Carbon's trees would need to align with existing management plans that typically prioritize forest health and diversity over reducing the amount of atmospheric carbon, said Dana Nelson, a geneticist with the service. “I find it hard to imagine that it would be a good fit on a national forest,” Dr. Nelson said.
well that's encouraging. marginally. but still, once the biodiversity is interrupted, it's interrupted. who's greenlighting this project?
Living Carbon is focusing for now on private land, where it will face fewer hurdles. Later this spring it will plant poplars on abandoned coal mines in Pennsylvania. By next year Ms. Hall and Mr. Mellor hope to be putting millions of trees in the ground.
The report notes that the modified trees are all female, “so they won't produce pollen.”
ahh, now this is a big clue...... they want to reduce the forest to nothing, reducing further the amount of oxygen breathable to the region, among other things. what do I mean? well if you only plant female trees, then you reduce the amount of trees that are in the breeding pool. Trees don't have intercourse, obviously - but they do spread pollen, and this pollen is picked up by animal critters, and animal critters carry it to other trees, and the things we know as pine cones, become fertilized, drop to the ground and grow new trees.
If they add a lot of female trees that are incompatible with the traditional pollen, or even worse is somewhat compatible, the trees will be fertilized by good georgia pine pollen, and then grow their frankentrees, all by themselves...
which will destroy biodiversity, for successive generations. The devils.“They're also being planted alongside native trees like sweet gum, tulip trees and bald cypress, to avoid genetically identical stands of trees known as monocultures; non-engineered poplars are being planted as experimental controls.”
Now, to dig this up:
ah, wait they're talking about poplar.. same situation goes for poplar, just replace pine with poplar above... i'm just waking up here. same situation exactly though, just got the species wrong. moving on.
Okay so we're looking at the next line here, which comes from the abstract in the PDF linked below:
Increasing CO2 levels in the atmosphere and the resulting negative impacts on climate change have compelled global efforts to achieve carbon neutrality or negativity. Most such efforts focus on carbon sequestration through chemical or physical approaches. We aim to harness the power of synthetic biology to enhance plants’ natural ability to draw down and sequester carbon, thereby positively affecting climate change
To put that in regular human speak, they want to plant these trees because they're being given a lot of money by the new world order and its devils, in an attempt to PULL carbon dioxide OUT of the environment, and lock most of it in the wood, and vaguely to bury some of it, (very very little,) it in the ground. That's roughly what carbon sequestration does, is it locks carbon somewhere else. PLANTS NEED CARBON DIOXIDE TO GROW.
You see here, now how they are actually planting death bombs, in the forest. That's what this is actually about. They want to kill everything, nearby. Creating a cascade and ripple effect that will negatively affect every living thing, near these areas.
And they use sly language, too. “thereby positively affecting climate change.” what do they mean by this? They literally mean the following: our project, will have an affect on climate change. They don't say weather or not that effect is GOOD or bad, but they do say “positively.” This will only make sense if you've ever been to or around a psychiatrist. Many of the “positive” affects are a particular thing they look for, not necessarily that you're actually doing better, overall, but that ONE thing has changed, in the experiment where they give you pills and suddenly one thing goes away, no matter how bad everything else has gotten, they simply declare it a success, and then rationalize it with “the benefits outweigh the costs.” This is a similar situation with the tree thing. The observed positive affect is the carbon sequestration, and EVERYTHING else that happens is not within their control. Because they are so narrow sighted and stupid, (not all but most) that they do not understand they're not allowed to play God, and have positive results. They're not intelligent enough, there is only one, and that's our heavenly father, who made all of these things, for us, and for all of the animals, and critters, to live in and around.
Man made climate change is a myth, we are not powerful enough to change the overall picture of things, in that regard and respect. The climate change thing is all over the blog, if you want to look for it at the tag navigation post pinned to the top of the blog, for further reading / video watching.
[1]. GMO poplar aims to sequester carbon, and 'affect climate change'
Thursday, February 16, 2023
MY ID: Rolling out TOTAL SURVEILLANCE of citizens and using Ohio derailment as the excuse
Wearable slavery. Every stooge (covens will, right off) that signs up for this, signs up for total control and slavery of their life.
Doing this under the cover of a disaster THEY created is just reprehensible in the extreme. And every person pushing this in this video is COVEN, witches, the damned. Every single one. Of course. What else is new.
Wednesday, February 15, 2023
The movie “White noise” is about an airborne toxic event happening in Ohio due to a train derailment
Netflix was pushing this movie hard for a solid month before the Ohio death cloud.
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
Mass murder/suicides by DESIGN of Government
When Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre pointed out in the House of Commons that government should not encourage people who are depressed to end their lives, Trudeau’s minister of mental health and addictions, Carolyn Bennett, got to her feet in shock and called him irresponsible. “All of the assessors and providers for MAiD [Medical Assistance in Dying] are purposely trained to eliminate people that are suicidal,” she asserted.
Trained to kill.
Two More Trains Derail Across the Country – like food processer fires, its by design
Destroying our food supply.
Destroying our transportation system of goods and services.
When the satanists in government want to kill a nation.
As the train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio catches the attention of the national press, two other train derailments in other parts of the country have also occurred, one of which includes hazardous material.
On Monday, officials in Enoree, South Carolina are responding to a train derailment, according to Fox Carolina.
Additionally, a train derailed in Splendora, Texas near Houston leading to the death of a truck driver and the derailment of several cars, according to Houston Public Media.
She used to oversee ‘gender transitions’ for kids: Now she’s speaking out against the ‘appalling’ procedures
According to the whistleblower, in just a two-year span the center 'initiated medical transition' for over 600 children, roughly 74% of whom were girls.
ST. LOUIS, Missouri (LifeSiteNews) — A former case manager who used to oversee so-called “gender transition” procedures for minors has become a bold voice speaking out against the “morally and medically appalling” interventions that cause permanent physical and psychological damage to children, most of them girls.
The whistleblower signed a sworn affidavit affirming her claims, which have already triggered state and federal response.
In a February 9 piece for The Free Press, self-identified political progressive and “queer woman” Jamie Reed, 42, said she left her job as a case manager at The Washington University Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital in November because she could no longer support what the center was doing to gender-confused minors.
“Because I was the main intake person, I had the broadest perspective on our existing and prospective patients,” she wrote, noting that she spent four years in the role before turning in her resignation.
“By the time I departed, I was certain that the way the American medical system is treating these patients is the opposite of the promise we make to ‘do no harm,’” she said. “Instead, we are permanently harming the vulnerable patients in our care.”
“Today I am speaking out…knowing how toxic the public conversation is around this highly contentious issue [treating kids with gender dysphoria] and the ways my testimony might be misused.”
I Thought I Was Saving Trans Kids. Now I’m Blowing the Whistle.
— The Free Press (@TheFP) February 9, 2023
She then went on to lay out a thorough exposé of the “gender-affirmation” industry, which works to “affirm” children and adults in their gender self-identification by prescribing puberty blockers and hormone drugs and surgically removing healthy body parts.
According to Reed, she soon became aware of what appeared to be a “social contagion” element behind transgender identification, especially in girls.
“Sometimes clusters of girls arrived from the same high school,” she said.
The former case manager said that children often claimed to have disorders based on “false self-diagnoses,” and doctors readily recognized those as symptoms of social contagion. When it came to their gender identification, however, physicians said it “reflected something innate.”
Reed explained that it was extremely easy for a gender-confused girl to get started on a regimen of hormone drugs, requiring only “a letter of support” from her therapist. She said the transgender center had even crafted a template to help therapists sign off on their patients’ life-altering decision.
While patients were advised “about some side effects, including sterility,” Reed said she “came to believe that teenagers are simply not capable of fully grasping what it means to make the decision to become infertile while still a minor.”
According to Reed’s sworn affidavit, “In just a two-year period from 2020 to 2022, the Center initiated medical transition for more than 600 children. About 74% of these children were assigned female at birth [girls].”
Gender-confused teen girls caught up in a harmful social contagion weren’t the only ones showing up to the gender clinic to begin a permanently destructive medical journey, according to Reed’s article.
She said young people with serious mental illnesses like bipolar disorder, PTSD, and schizophrenia were also referred to the clinic from the inpatient psychiatric unit of St. Louis Children’s Hospital.
“Often they were already on a fistful of pharmaceuticals,” she said. “Some weeks it felt as though almost our entire caseload was nothing but disturbed young people.”
While the young people arrived with backgrounds filled with trauma, abuse, neglect, and pharmaceutical prescriptions, “our doctors viewed gender transition — even with all the expense and hardship it entailed — as the solution.”
RELATED: Left-wing mother stops ‘transitioning’ her two young sons after realizing transgenderism is a ‘cult’
But not everyone who came to the center for gender treatments wanted to continue or were happy with their results.
Reed said she started to become aware of some people who wanted to “detransition” or “desist” (stop taking drugs or pursuing surgeries) in 2019.
In what she called “[o]ne of the saddest cases of detransition,” Reed spoke of a young black woman who wanted to appear more like a male. She had both of her breasts removed.
“Three months later she called the surgeon’s office to say she was going back to her birth name and that her pronouns were ‘she’ and ‘her,’” Reed said. “Heartbreakingly, she told the nurse, ‘I want my breasts back.’”
Reed said she and a colleague followed up with the young woman and ensured that “she was in decent mental health, that she was not actively suicidal, that she was not using substances.”
“The last I heard, she was pregnant,” she said. “Of course, she’ll never be able to breastfeed her child.”
RELATED: ‘Absolutely devastating’: Ex-transgender woman sues doctor after having womb, breasts removed
Reed said that in spring 2020 she had “felt a medical and moral obligation to do something” and began to speak out.
In 2021, she received a negative performance review for her “Judgment” and “Working Relationships/Cooperative Spirit.” In summer 2022, she said the staff were openly advised to “Get on board or get out.”
In November, “get out” is exactly what Reed did, taking a new job as a clinical research coordinator where she manages “studies regarding children undergoing bone marrow transplants.”
Though initially desirous of putting the past behind her, she realized she had to blow the whistle about her experiences.
She decided to reach out to Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey to share her concerns, and signed a sworn affidavit on February 7.
Reed noted that Bailey “is a Republican” while she is “a progressive,” but said “the safety of children should not be a matter for our culture wars.”
Based on her experiences and her convictions, Reed is calling for “a moratorium on the hormonal and surgical treatment of young people with gender dysphoria.”
“Almost everyone in my life advised me to keep my head down,” she said. “But I cannot in good conscience do so. Because what is happening to scores of children is far more important than my comfort. And what is happening to them is morally and medically appalling.”
On Thursday, Bailey announced that he was launching an investigation into the Washington University Transgender Center based upon Reed’s allegations.
“We want Missouri to be the safest state in the nation for children,” Bailey said. “We have received disturbing allegations that individuals at the Transgender Center at St. Louis Children’s Hospital have been harming hundreds of children each year, including by using experimental drugs on them.”
Republican U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley of Missouri called for the federal government to investigate as well, LifeSiteNews reported.
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Witches grooming children... |
Monday, February 13, 2023
Eggland's Best/Hillendale Farms bursts into flames
Largest in the country goes up in complete flames, all at once. As the other large chicken and meat producer facilities worldwide are doing for the last 16 months. One after another, one after another. No FBI, no suspects, no investigation. It's the government.
Sunday, February 12, 2023
Ohio Death Cloud
A train derailed carrying uncured vinyl chloride. Because there were fires, there was a risk of explosion. The local government made the decision to vent the chemical cars, releasing the vinyl chloride into the environment. The land is now poisoned and the locals are in real danger of developing aggressive cancers. To illustrate how dangerous vinyl chloride is, when exposed to uncured vinyl chloride the typical reaction is to develop tissue cancers and die within a month. It is perhaps one of the deadliest things on earth.
Thursday, February 9, 2023
Gangstalking in the mountains
Intelligence agencies use covens for gangstalking. This is why gangstalkers report even young children involved in stalking/surveillance/harassment.
Living on a mountaintop, far and away from any civilization, I go outside and as happens every day, people appear in this nowhere land place for?
Like today.
I mention this because this level of in your face, round the clock and visibly so, hasn't happened in years. But even the electronic reality meets walls in the forest. No people or businesses makes it interesting when their excuse for being in your world, when there is no earthly reason for anyone to drive hours into the forest, then to the top, just to walk their dog for five minutes.
It's a pathetic cover for their activity. But that happened around lunch today.
First they pulled up down on the highway below, got out and then proceeded straight up a very steep road to my house. Where I was waiting and filming. Dad always arranges things for me to see it right from the beginning to the end, happily.
Down the highway about 500 yards away. |
Everytime I brought the camera up to focus, they turned away. |
All that far away just to walk Fido for five minutes? Really? |
Wednesday, February 8, 2023
Catholic school suspends teen for remainder of year for believing God created 2 genders, and protesting transgender students using girls’ bathrooms,
A student has reportedly been suspended by a Catholic high school for the remainder of the school year for believing that God created two genders and protesting against transgender students using girls’ bathrooms.
Since November, Josh Alexander has allegedly been suspended from St. Joseph’s Catholic High School in Renfrew, Ontario. Alexander was allegedly punished by the school for organizing a protest against transgender students using girls’ bathrooms.
Alexander said he launched the demonstration after two girls at his school confided in him that they were uncomfortable sharing bathrooms with biological males. Alexander, an 11th-grade student, was reportedly barred from attending St. Joseph’s Catholic High School for the remainder of the school year.
Alexander informed The Epoch Times that St. Joseph’s Catholic High School told him that his attendance at the school would be “detrimental to the physical and mental well-being” of transgender students. Alexander said the school labeled his beliefs as “offensive” and “bullying” because there was a transgender student in his class.
Alexander insists that he has no plans to be violent in defending his ideology, and doesn’t feel as though he is bullying anyone. “Offense is obviously defined by the offended. I expressed my religious beliefs in class and it spiraled out of control,” Alexander explained.
“Not everybody’s going to like that. That doesn’t make me a bully. It doesn’t mean I’m harassing anybody. They express their beliefs and I express mine. Mine obviously don’t fit the narrative.”
He said, “This whole issue isn’t about identity. It’s about biology and morality.” Alexander told The Post Millennial, “They’re using it as a technicality to say that they’re not disciplining me, and it’s just a form of exclusion to protect the other students.”
However, Alexander is already enrolled at St. Joseph’s Catholic High School, which reportedly bars him from enrolling at any other education programs. (SOURCE)
Hobby Lobby and other “conservative” Evangelicals are behind huge ad campaign using Jesus to promote illegal aliens and LGBTQ agenda…
Many of you may not realize this, but Hobby Lobby and other so-called “conservative” Evangelicals are behind the new “He Gets Us” and “Jesus Was a Refugee” ads that are blowing up.
These ads use the Bible and Jesus to validate and even promote the chaos at the border and also to appeal to the LGBTQ/trans communities.
And these Evangelical groups say they’re just getting started.
Apparently, they plan to make this a full-fledged PR campaign.
*The ads all stem from the central idea that “He Gets Us”. They discuss how “He” (Jesus Christ) was a refugee, had disdain for hypocrisy, and was also unfairly judged like other marginalized members of modern society.
* In one of the commercials, a black and white slideshow of photos tells the story of Central American migrants who must flee their home to avoid persecution. At the end, it is revealed the story being told is that of Jesus and his parents, Mary and Joseph.
* The ads are reportedly funded in part by the family that owns the notably religious craft store chain Hobby Lobby, according to Christianity Today, as well as other evangelical groups, including a foundation called The Signatry. Other donors have kept their identities anonymous.
At a time when our country is at its breaking point, our resources are spent, we’re deeply in debt, our border is flooded, our citizens are sick and dying from illegal drugs, and children are being indoctrinated by the perverted LGBTQ mafia, why on earth would so-called “conservatives” push this type of messaging?
Well, according to Bob Smeitana, a reporter for Religion News Service, it’s because they want to change supposed “negative public views” about Christianity.
In other words, they want to submit to the left’s godless agenda.
* Smietana says that the campaign is attempting to appeal to groups that may have felt excluded or repelled by the church in recent years, like members of the LGBTQ community, different races and ethnicities, those who lean more liberal politically, or people who have kept up with scandals of abuse.
* The group behind the campaign has also purchased an advertisement slot for this Sunday’s Super Bowl, one of the most expensive brand platforms out there. The estimated costs for those ads will run around $20 million.
* In an interview with Christianity Today, the branding firm for the campaign said the plan included investing $1 billion over the next three years, a budget comparable to that of a major brand.
Tuesday, February 7, 2023
California quietly abandons COVID-19 vaccine mandate for school kids
Those judgments just keep coming and hard, too. DB
With the pandemic emergency quickly winding down, California officials appear to have quietly backed away from plans to require COVID-19 vaccinations for K-12 school students, a move that avoids the prospect of barring tens of thousands of unvaccinated children from the classroom.
The shift comes 14 months after Gov. Gavin Newsom visited a San Francisco middle school to declare plans to make California the first state to mandate COVID-19 vaccines for its more than 6 million students.
The vaccine mandate, initially expected to kick in last summer, was put off another 12 months amid flagging youth vaccination rates that opened a debate over how the requirement would disproportionately punish disadvantaged students already struggling to recover academically and emotionally from pandemic school lockdowns.
Now, with no announcement or explanation, the administration appears to be quietly dropping the COVID-19 immunization mandate altogether. The education news site EdSource reported Feb. 1 that the state would no longer pursue it, citing unnamed officials. When the Bay Area News Group asked whether the state was dropping plans for the mandate, the California Department of Public Health would not directly answer but did not dispute the EdSource report, noting that “emergency regulations are not being pursued.”
“The legislature considered this issue last year and did not enact legislation mandating COVID-19 vaccines for K-12 students,” the CDPH said in a statement. “The state’s COVID-19 state of emergency will terminate later this month, and per the recent announcement by the federal government, the federal public health emergency will end in May.”
Newsom’s office did not respond to repeated requests for comment.