They sit in seats of power around the world, making sure they control
governments, wars, money flow, and even the lives of individuals like
you and me. They see us as disposable pawns, a sort of natural resource
they can spend at will, and this Cabal seeks to grow and expand its
power every single day through all sorts of subversive action, be it
class strife, fomenting economic instability, or sending us to die in
foreign lands under the guise of patriotism and duty.
The Cabal is not entirely monolithic, but features many different branches. Despite this, they work together and their goals are much the same: the destruction of the West by any and all means, and the creation of a global mega-state.
A large portion of The Cabal are members of a Secret Society that is little more than a Neo-Babylonian Death Cult, and the higher you advance in the cult, the more mutual blackmail is required of you. You see, the higher ranking members want the ability to destroy the lower ranking members at any time should they step out of line and attempt to challenge the authority of the higher ranking members. This is achieved through several means, but recording individuals in honeypots, pedophilic acts, and participation human sacrifice are the primary ways in which this is achieved.
That’s not to say this is done against the will of the individuals being blackmailed. Often, they are willing participants in all this, and enjoy performing these kinds of evil deeds. Such is the face of depravity.
Hillary and Obama are two such members of this Cabal, and though they were high ranking, they are not top dogs (and certainly not since HRC’s failed presidential run in 2016). That day cost them so much power and influence they didn’t even know what to do. Remember – Hillary didn’t even give a concession speech that night. That was because they never expected her to lose.
Together, as we’ve since learned from the Q drops, they were plotting the complete destruction of the USA (and Russia). And I don’t mean that in some esoteric sense of empires collapsing, balkanizing, and coalescing into new states across time, like the murmurations of flocks of birds across the sky. No, I quite literally mean nuclear war, mass drought, disease, and food shortages. I’m talking roving death squads in the streets. The goal was to wipe out two of the biggest threats to the Cabal by making them fight each other, and rule over a fragmented, atomized, neo-Fascist global mega-state, made up of whatever was left over (mostly Europe, the Middle East, Africa, parts of Asia, South America, and Australia).
Remember when I said don’t be surprised if you feel incredulous when reading this?
And yet this is exactly what we’ve learned over the past 8 months (as of this writing) by listening to Q. This, in particular, is something he’s called the 16 Year Plan to Destroy America.
And when you start reading the Q drops, you come to understand that this was exactly the Cabal’s plan for years, going back decades. Obama was a Manchurian President, groomed from his youth as a subversive agent of the Muslim Brotherhood, and Hillary; she is a literal practicing witch, who once had three “dining” rooms named after her on Epstein’s Pedophile Island – the same island where, until recently, stood a sacrificial temple to Babylonian fertility gods like Ba’al and Minerva. And I call them “dining” rooms because… they weren’t eating anything you’d find in a normal supermarket. No, these people are pedovores, and they are profoundly sick and twisted.
Hey – I tried to warn you this was going to be a hard redpill to swallow. What happens when you read Q is you quickly learn that almost everything you think you know about the world is wrong. It’s more than just wrong. It’s a deliberate lie, made to perpetuate the power of this Cabal.
And again – I’m not particularly interested in trying to convince you here – because at a certain point, undeniable proofs will make their way to the public – such as the photo of Obama holding an AK-47, while dressed in full Muslim garb, and shooting what Q calls “red, white, and blue” (but which is probably a person, and not just a flag – though that last bit is just speculation on my part, and it very well may end up being something like a flag).
Furthermore, Q lays out very clearly how all these scandals – like Uranium 1, like the Iran Deal, like the Paris Accord, like the North Korea situation – all tie into this plan to this 16 year plan, and once you truly grasp what he is saying, you come to understand the sheer level of subversion and evil that has been hidden from Americans for many decades – and conversely, how great things can yet still become once this evil is purged from our lands.
There’s so much to Q, it’s hard to sum up in any one essay. In fact, you would need a book to do it all justice (and that’s exactly what I’m attempting to write, at the moment, believe it or not).
But maybe I’m getting ahead of myself here. Maybe I need to back this train up for a moment and answer some rudimentary questions as best I can, as someone who was been watching, studying and interacting with this whole QAnon phenomenon since the beginning.
So let’s start with the most elementary question of them all:
As for the specific identity of Q – no one really knows for sure (save for a few people in the actual Trump administration). And while I just kind of implied that Q is an individual, in fact, it’s clear that Q works with a team of individuals in the intelligence community, and there may be more than one person on that team posting as Q.
(And while I may be spoiling part of my book here, I’ll be cutting up a larger infographic to make this flow a bit better for this article – because you absolutely need to see this).
So Anon notes a Trump retweet of a Pepe Account:

Someone claiming to be Trump comes in and says:

Anon asks for proof:

And proof was delivered:

And basically NO ONE in the MSM covered ANY of this. This is far from the only example of this kind of thing happening, but the important thing to remember is that this was happening DURING the election, and unless you were THERE, on the boards, you didn’t have any clue this kind of communication was happening.
So why did Q select this platform?
Because it was one of the last mediums of truly free-speech online. Much like the Newsgroups of a bygone internet age, 4chan was a rowdy, unruly bastion of free speech organized by topic of interest. Often referred to as the “underbelly of the internet” (usually by those who don’t understand the culture), anyone could come here and say exactly what they wanted – unlike on regulated, policed, and sanitized platforms like Facebook, Twitter, etc. If some mouthbreathing goon working in a spare storage a closet at Twitter doesn’t like your tweet for whatever reason, he can take it down, disable your account, and effectively silence you. And make no mistake, that kind of censorship was, and still is, rampant across these controlled platforms. It’s even happened to yours truly.
Not so on the chans. ANYONE can post and speak their mind whenever they want. Because of this, you tend to get a crowd of people who not only have a thick skin, but have a certain kind of intellectual rigor not found among the general public.
Everyone who posts on a chan is Anonymous (unless they choose to identify themselves), and therefore, when going back and forth in conversation, users will refer to other users as “Anons.”
Because Q signed all his posts “Q,” he became QAnon.
After an initial wave of posts, and increasing curiosity from the community, opposing forces started to disrupt Q’s threads. Shilling increased dramatically, and it took such a turn that eventually, it came out that all the moderators of the /pol/ board had been compromised by the Deep State, and that the platform itself was no longer suitable for Q to post any more drops.
Working quickly, Q and his team migrated to 8chan, which, as you can imagine by the name, is very similar to 4chan in terms layout and functionality. See, these kinds of imageboards run on very similar software stacks, so it’s relatively easy to start your own “chan” website and build something very similar. 4chan and 8chan are the largest of the chans.
Followers of Q quickly got their own boards, Q adopted a “tripcode,” which is a way of preserving and verifying his identity, and (barring some moderator drama and other minor technical speedbumps) the movement kicked into high gear from here.
(A final word of caution about the chans: While you can go there and seek out the relevant Q boards for yourself, I wouldn’t recommend it if you’re brand new to all this. On top of them being purposefully hard to use (in order to keep the “normies” out) you might end up seeing things you might otherwise not wish to see. Remember how I said these platforms are free-speech forums? That means that literally anyone can post just about anything – and that means bad actors, too, attempting to derail researchers with all manner of pornography, gore, shilling, etc. If you’re not seasoned and somewhat desensitized to internet culture, you probably walk away feeling a bit sick. Best to leave it to the weaponized autists, who can filter this kind of stuff with ease, and seek out information on other sites – which, we’ll get to in a bit).

If Q is who he says he is (Military Intelligence – which, for those who don’t know, is an intelligence agency akin to the FBI, or CIA, only not corrupt) this implies he has access to a ton of intel beyond what the average American citizen has. This intel is of course classified, and therefore subject to all kinds of National Security laws.
However, this does not stop the average person from being able to make connections on their own; connections which mirror what that intel has to say.
This leads to a Socratic style of posting, where Q will often present two (or more) seemingly separate topics, and challenge us to see if we can establish a relationship between the two, to “connect,” as he often says.
This allows him to side-step these laws, and create a sort of crowd-sourced narrative that is, at the very least, closer to the truth than anything being reported by the MSM.
We’ll take a relatively recent post (as of this writing) and easy-to-understand Qdrop, as an example (and one which my regular readers will no doubt recognize).
Here, Q posts one of #POTUS’s recent tweets, and adds his own lines below:

These questions lead to certain, inevitable conclusions such as: Imran Awan squealed on all his criminal buddies during this case, in order to defend himself. However, because many of the details used in his defense were previously classified, this created a situation known as graymail – whereby previously classified intel has now entered the public record by way of criminal defense.
Because of this situation, Q comes back the next post and links to part of the legal code known as CIPA.
This shows us that agencies, when confronted with the reality of graymail, may then use that as legal grounds to basically declassify whatever they want.
Furthermore, it was then uncovered that the plea deal stuck by Awan does not apply to other attorneys – attorneys such as Huber – implying that there is no way Awan is getting away with his crimes.
So you can see, there’s a consistent logic to the kinds of things Q posts, and a definite purpose in the direction he’s leading. This is just one example, and a relatively easy one to understand at that, but we’re going to be seeing many more of these later in the article.
Furthermore, because Q is posting publicly, it attracts the attention of bad actors and so-called “black hats;” people both within the intelligence community and deep state that do not have our best interest in mind. They have an array of technology at their hands which has been used to try and disrupt Q’s communication lines (as well as to try and trace him), and they are perpetually kept on the defensive by trying to understand these drops and counteract whatever they think is coming. Unfortunately, this has sometimes manifested as attacks on Americas at large, such as when the train carrying all the Congressional GOP members to a retreat struck a garbage truck:
That was not a mere accident. The area was blocked off to cross traffic, and the truck was only spotted thanks to a drone flying in front of the train, which gave the train enough time to slow down and avoid a catastrophic collision.
Furthermore, as you get deeper and deeper into the drops, you begin to recognize patterns, repeat phrases, certain abbreviations; essentially what you might call “layers of meaning.” Sometimes, it’s a barb at black hats, such as when Q calls the CIA, the “C_A.” Why does he do that? Because they’re missing intelligence. Pretty funny if you ask me.
You’ll see “markers” in Q’s post such as “Alice & Wonderland.” Markers are repeat phrases Q uses to either hint at a hidden meaning, or reinforce an idea in relation to what he’s presenting. So, with the Alice & Wonderland marker, Q was referring to himself as Alice, and Saudi Arabia, later, as “the bloody wonderland.” This was during the time when Trump went to Saudi Arabia, met all the leaders there, and brokered an absolute ton of strategic deals, topped off with a sword dance.
Additionally, you may see things like “5:5” which typically means “loud and clear” in terms of radio terminology, but it’s also a reference to “the clock” which is another concept Q has introduced to us in relation to “the plan.” (Can you see why Q can be difficult to understand, let alone explain?).
What you need to know to understand that whole last paragraph is that, as part of Military Intelligence, Q is but one part of a larger plan to restore America to greatness. Actually, Q is part of what you might call plan A. Remember how I said Q was Military Intelligence? Well, while we mere mortals may only be hearing of some of this intel for the first time, Military Intelligence has known all this for quite a while. Remember everything I told you above about the 16 year plan to destroy America? Obama’s subversive actions as part of the Muslim Brotherhood? The loyal Generals of US Military Intelligence knew all this as far back as 2013, and debated engaging in a military coup against Obama. They knew who all the good guys really were, and who all the bad guys really were, and they thought for a moment that it might be wise to just cut off the head of the snake, impose martial law for a time, and let God sort ’em out, so to speak. But they chose otherwise. They chose to counteract what damage he was doing, when and where they could, move their people into position, and wait.
Wait for what?
Why, the 2016 election, of course! They quickly formulated a plan, and it needed a few things. It needed to be an honest election (or, honest enough). Soros controls the bulk of the voting machines through shell companies. He needed to be cut off.

They also needed a candidate that could not only run, but win. They needed a patriot, and someone relatively clean. Enter: Citizen Trump. That’s right, he was asked to run.
Had all this failed, there is no doubt in my mind that we would have seen a full-blown military coup during the Hillary years.
And this is partially why Q is always telling us to “trust the plan,” and that all these different variables have been accounted for – to such an extent that they actually have a timeline laid out, with key events set in stone (the deadline being 11/11 for this plan to really wrap up – which, no coincidence, is the day of the scheduled Military Parade. With that in mind, you can actually lay out Q’s posts (and the timestamps of those posts) on a chart – which lines up with a clock.
And what letter of the alphabet does a clock look like when both hands are on the 5’s?
That’s right, it looks like a Q!
And I haven’t even talked about how some of his drops actually end up looking like chess pieces when you center-align them:

Yeah. Layers upon layers of meaning going on here.
But don’t worry if some of that flew over your head right now. My goal isn’t to get you bogged down in all the minutiae that we’ve come to understand over the past many months. By all means, it’s worth seeking out more information on your own – especially if you want to get a handle on the actual state of reality around the world – but it’s beyond the scope of this article today. I’ve got a ton of articles you can go through, here, on the site, but will be listing a bunch of other great resources momentarily.

At its most basic: evidence has to be obtained through legal channels in order for it to be admissible in court. This kind of bulk data collection isn’t admissible.
Now, make no mistake, the good guys really do have all the admissible evidence they need to put these crooks away for good. Lately, Q has taken to reminding us that “We have the server” over and over – a phrase which must put the fear of God in the hearts of the Cabal. No one is getting away here. The real problem Q faces is getting the general public on-board as well. It requires a complete narrative switch, and in order to do that, in order to usher in “The #GreatAwakening,” you have to systematically take down every single support structure those who profit off the Cabal’s narrative have put into place over the course of decades.
We’re talking politicians, we’re talking the media, we’re talking overseas banking, we’re talking pharma, we’re talking criminal organizations, we’re talking human trafficking, we’re talking about CIA operated nations and military bases – we’re talking about a systematic purge of evildoers from the face of the earth.
Think about it from President Trump’s perspective: if Hillary and Obama and so many others really are the criminals Q says they are, and you already have all the evidence you need… what would stop you from acting on it?
Put simply: you need to get the public on-board. And you need to do it in a way that’s publicly accessible to all, and undeniable. You need to shake the great bulk of the American population awake, and disabuse them of any lingering vestiges of the narrative that’s been fed to them by The Cabal for years, and years, and years.
You have to understand: the Cabal’s goal has always been death, destruction, division, chaos, and control. If Trump was to just send in the military to arrest these criminals, there would be immediate chaos – only furthering the Cabal’s goals. Riots, looting, insurrection – even possible civil war – make no mistake, that’s the stranglehold the Cabal has had over the minds of so many Americans. How else do you get hordes of men and women to dress up as genitalia and march against Trump? It’s total demoralization. It’s absolute brainwashing. And it needs to be reversed (at least among a certain percentage of the population: a “tipping point” if you will) before the real work can begin.
So yes, you’re going to see (and are already starting to see) bad actors purged from every area of government and media imaginable. You’re also going to see an increasing number of legal decisions eroding the Cabal’s power structure. For instance, Trump has been at work chipping away at Planned Parenthood’s funding through different avenues. Planned Parenthood is subsidized by the American taxpayer, charges for their “services” on top of that, as as a result, donates double-digit millions to Cabal-affiliated politicians year after year. Trump is working on starving the beast. You can also look at the Supreme Court’s recent ruling that allows government workers to opt-out of their related Union dues. Government unions function in a similar fashion to Planned Parenthood, by supporting Cabal-affiliated politicians with all manner of donations and networks of support. With one ruling, the Supreme Court just gutted their “legal” money-laundering schemes. And this is very good news for us in both cases, because it’s not you and I these politicians are helping, but themselves and the monied pals.
On top of this all, keep in mind that you can’t just have these criminals facing charges in DC, where they have all their buddies in the court system; not with everything as it is now. No, you have to set up separate Military Tribunals far away from DC, and go to extraordinary lengths to ensure these trails go off without a hitch.
Even then – if you drain the swamp, successfully prosecute, and sentence all of these Cabal members… you still need somewhere to lock them all up (at least the ones you’re not sentencing to death).
You can see how many layers, pieces, and players are involved in this, and why Q always tells us to “trust the plan.”
But the good news is the good guys are winning. Justice is coming to America, and there will be a great restoration for ALL of us as these evildoers are removed from positions of power and influence, and even from the face of the earth. The anons on the boards, the very first ones to bear witness to Q, are here to help you along as the vanguard of the Great Awakening. This is the role Q himself has given us. It’s why I started this blog, which is now filled with hundreds of valuable articles. It’s why I wrote this very essay: to help you and others heal and understand and help bring peace and prosperity back to the nation.
Just as I have done my best to help you understand, it will soon be your job to help others understand, and I hope you’ll come to see this article as a valuable resource for that valiant and most valuable undertaking.

First, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention is a Q aggregator which gathers and archives all of Q’s posts in real-time, as they happen. You can browse, as of this writing, all 1681 of Q’s posts, going back to the very beginning on that website. You’ll also find links to thread archives on every post, as well as “Answers” on some of these posts, where Anons have had some of their own decodes added to help make sense of some of the more cryptic-sounding posts.
Second, I have to link to the absolutely outstanding QMap PDF by @IAMBECAUSEWEARE, with the most current version (as of this writing) available for download here:!4zB0AYTT!LPaBjK3mX2tuly_FF229ly3xAEiL9jPn8b92mrewi4I
The PDF is an indispensable resource spanning over 1000 pages now, going into great depth about all of Q’s posts. I consider it mandatory reading if you’re really looking to understand QAnon.
Thirdly, GermanArchiveAnon has a great archive of past threads, important files and videos located here:!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw!qLBRWRAB
Fourthly, you can’t ignore the work of the great patriots over at Anything notable that happens on the boards gets mirrored there almost instantly. It’s a treasure-trove of valuable information with some great personalities hard at work, every day.
Lastly, I’ll direct your attention to Looking for hard evidence of Q’s veracity? You’ll find it here, in easy-to-understand graphical form.
And now, without further adieu, we’ll get into some of the most important posts Q has ever made.

Really understand though, all of Q’s posts are valuable and worth your time. However, not all are equally valuable for someone coming to Q completely fresh. I picked these drops to help you begin to understand the scale and scope of what’s really been happening in this silent war. Again, I’m not writing to convince you as to the truthfulness of Q. I’m also not writing this to give a line-by-line decode of all these posts. Those already exist elsewhere (with many of my own on this site) and are easily accessible with a little search engine ingenuity.
I’m writing this under the assumption that there will come a point in time when the truthfulness of Q will be undeniable to the general public. These drops are listed here to help the general public find their moorings as their world is about to be flipped upside-down.
And with that in mind, let’s get into it, starting… where else? At the very beginning, with Q’s first two posts:

If you’re not familiar with the way the chans work, the bottom portion of the drop above was the bit written by Q. The part written about Hillary being arrested between 7:45-8:30 was written by someone else with no real knowledge of what was going on. This line has been mistakenly reported by many in the media as evidence that Q is a mere conspiracy theory, who has made wrong predictions like this from the get-go.
Not so. Those so-called “journalists” were just idiots who didn’t know how to read a chan thread.
But if you’re reading Q’s bit now, note… he specifies a date for National Guard activation: 10/30… but he never specified a year in his drop. This has lead many anons to believe he was indeed talking about October 30th of 2018, not 2017.
On to drop 2:

Q, in drop number 2, is introducing us to, not only himself, not only to some foundational concepts, but the way he will continue to reason with Anons over the coming months. There’s his trademark Socratic style; his way of leading us with questions to the answers he wants us to see. There are the abbreviations (in this case, AW = Anthony Weiner, who, for the record is in a federal prison, as opposed to a state prison, so as to prevent him from being assassinated by black hats). And there are the double-meanings (in this case, Huma not only means Huma Abedin, Hillary’s assistant, but is a cue to anons to begin researching HUMA – the Harvard University Muslim Alumni group – and investigating any associations with the Muslim Brotherhood).
What we will come to learn from this and other drops in the coming months is that the entire Intelligence Apparatus of the US has been corrupted, save for Military Intelligence and the NSA. Furthermore, we will learn that it was the Military who asked Trump to run his Presidential campaign, it was the Military who helped secure the 2016 election from election fraud, thus securing Trump’s incredible, odds-defying victory, and we will learn that because he is the President, Trump has access to every last bit of classified intelligence the NSA has at their disposal.
Perhaps, most importantly, we learn that the Republican and Democrat career politicians (members of The Cabal) never thought they would lose, leaving them wide open and unprepared for the Storm that was about to come their way.

Q really starts to really lay out the reality of the situation here, first by invoking SCI[F]. Scif stands for Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility, and it’s basically a secure room for viewing sensitive and classified information. You’ll recall HRC had one built in her NY home – the same one which conveniently had a fire break out in it not that long ago. Through later drops, we would later learn that Hillary was selling access to the SCIF to foreign governments.
This is also the first instance of Q’s “killbox,” aka – whatever is between the brackets. In this case, it’s [F]. It is my personal belief that, in this case, Q was telling us that Hillary’s SCIF had been targeted and wasn’t as secure as she would have otherwise liked to believe – though this has yet to be verified by Q or anyone else.
We also get introduced to a few patriots who had previously made the news – Admiral Rogers, who informed Trump that the Obama administration was actively spying on him, and Gen. Flynn, who plead guilty to a crime he didn’t commit, in order to get a ton of evidence entered into the public record as part of his testimony. You’ll see his charges dropped soon, and he’ll be rejoining the Trump Administration shortly thereafter.
And here, we start to see the workings of the Cabal – how Soros funds operations like AntiFa to engage in domestic terrorism, and how they sow the seeds of division. As it’s most basic, if the American people are divided among themselves, they’re not fighting globalists like Soros.
Q’s intention is to awaken Americans to that fact (and many others), and get us focused on our real enemies.

I chose this drop because it highlights very effectively the divisive tactics of the Cabal. They target one group, and reinforce a demoralizing victim-hood narrative through the media (as part of Operation Mockingbird) in order to not only gain votes, but to create an underclass that is effectively enslaved and helpless without Government assistance. There’s a reason why black neighborhoods have suffered so much, and it lies largely at the feet of the Cabal and Poverty Pimps like Maxine Waters (though she is far from the only one).
Furthermore, you have Q here openly acknowledging the existence of a “pedo network” within Hollywood. Every day we learn more about that, through things like the NXIVM story, and through drops on sites like

Q hints now at the level of intel to which he has direct access. The only person with more access would be someone like #POTUS himself. He also implies that he knows everything about the true nature of the Uranium 1 scandal; the ultimate goal of which was to destroy America and Russia in a nuclear holocaust, by funneling nuclear materials to an Iranian base, operated by the CIA (yes, the same one that was exposed and destroyed by POTUS in Syria not that long ago). We will soon come to understand this criminal plot as “The 16 Year Plan” to Destroy America, and it was brought to us by none other than Hillary Clinton, Barack Hussein Obama, and their many cabal underlings.

If you didn’t believe Q before, you had best start now. If you truly want to understand nations like North Korea and Iran, you have to first understand that the CIA is not your friend and that these are CIA-operated nations used to hold the rest of the world hostage. Until very recently, Kim Jong-Un was a slave to the Cabal in North Korea, like his father before him. We would learn in a later Q drop that North Korea has nuclear capabilities since 2004, and that this is where Eric Schmidt, of Google, would go to set up a private Gmail server for Obama and Hillary and the Deep State, so they could communicate using Gmail drafts.
Why would they communicate using Gmail drafts? To try and avoid detection by the likes of the NSA.
At least… that’s what they tried. It didn’t work, and POTUS ended up bringing home the Cabal’s Gmail server as part of his North Korea deal.

With this drop, you start to see the rats scurrying. The Podestas are in panic mode, and Obama has been trying to find a new handler (his previous was Valerie Jarrett), as well as trying to pre-empt/follow-up Trump’s overseas visits to reassure Cabal members overseas, and help retain their loyalty.
Q begins to especially highlight Saudi Arabia as a cornerstone of the Cabal, what with all it’s oil money, and its past history of terrorism. Q even implies here that 9/11 truly was an inside job, with members of the bin Laden family being cleared to fly out of the US on 9/11, as well as Bush II being awfully chummy with the Saudis.

MS-13 are stormtroopers for the Cabal, and the worst kind at that. They are absolute animals, as Trump says; exceedingly violent and reprehensible. And they were brought here to carry out hits and intimidation for The Cabal.
After all, we would soon learn that it was the Cabal who paid two MS-13 members to perform a hit on DNC email leaker Seth Rich.
Beyond that, Q discloses that the investigation into Hillary’s e-mails would have lead directly back to Obama, because he was using a private alias on their private server as well, so he OK’d stopping the investigation – in order to save his own treacherous hide.
As for the markers at the end – Snow White refers to the seven supercomputers run by the CIA, and Godfather III, in all likelihood, refers to the Vatican’s direct involvement in child trafficking, given this quote from the film:

Remember when I talked about the Neo-Babylonian Death Cult all the way back in the beginning of this article? I wasn’t joking. Q gets into the money-masters here, and how they fund their insidious operations. +++ is the House of Saud, ++ are the Rothschilds, and + is Soros.
But to get back to the drop at hand, Q is confirming “conspiracy theorists'” ideas about The Cabal – how they are all members of this cult which engages in human sacrifice, pedophilia, human trafficking, and even the cannibalism of children.

I challenge any of you to go back and re-read some of Trump’s older tweets – especially the ones about Barack Obama’s birth certificate and name change. (Oh yes, Q addresses that and promises that one day soon, a picture of Obama will be released where he’s wearing full Muslim garb, and aiming an AK at someone. Heck, by the time this article finds you, such a picture may have already been released). But the point is… Trump knows, and has known for a very long time. Just as there are black hats perpetrating evil deeds on the world, so too, white hats have been fighting the good fight – and if you go back through Trump’s history, it becomes clear that he’s been in this fight for a very long time.

This post was… almost like a flowchart, with each line finding causation in the previous. So, if you start out and read it all in plain language, SR (Seth Rich), and he gave the DNC files to WL (Wikileaks). Word gets out, and Obama hired DNI for damage control. James Clapper was DNI’s director, and he goes to John Brennan, the CIA’s (Clowns in America, as Q often calls them) director. They formulate the basis for the Russian Collusion hoax together, to cover the DNC’s behinds, and hire Google and Crowdstrike to perpetuate this lie, that the DNC was hacked by “Russians.”
A hit is then asked for by the DNC (who was chaired at the time by Debbie Wasserman-Schultz). 187 is California Penal Code for murder, and then Q tells us that the two MS-13 gang members who were hired for the hit get taken out themselves as part of the cleanup. The FBI and DOJ assist with the cover-up. “Insurance” is a reference to Peter Strzok’s texts, where he said:
John McCain then leaks the dossier to Buzzfeed in an attempt to shape the public narrative.
Astounding, right?
And they all almost got away with it.

This is an incredibly important post. Why? Because at the end of the day, what Q is teaching us is how to stand up for ourselves again. The reason the Cabal wants population control, and advances wars, disease, plague, famine, etc is because… they are few. In terms of sheer numbers, we truly do have the power. These spiritual vampires hide in darkness, but they are relatively few and weak.
It’s a numbers game. All it takes to defeat them is making sure everyone is not only aware of their crimes, but actively demanding justice while working to rebuild the country.
I think the reason some people have a resistance to #MAGA is that superficially… it might look a bit selfish, but the truth is, it’s totally communal. It’s about strengthening your families, your communities, your neighborhoods, your towns and cities, and shaking off the shackles of these self-appointed overlords who consider us little more than sheep, just another resource to be spent for their own advancement.
And now… for the biggie:

This is the “16 Year Plan” I was telling you about before. There is so much here, but the fundamental thrust of it all is that every single action taken by Obama was taken to deliberately weaken and divide the American people. And he was making major progress on that front, make no mistake. And Q lays it all out here, from leaking classified military assets, to removing Generals from power, to weakening the NSA with the Snowden leaks, to targeting Conservative groups with the IRS, to opening the border and allowing the likes of MS-13 to filter in, in droves, to killing NASA, to funding Uranium 1, and even calling for the assassination of Justice Antonin Scalia.
And that was just phase one. Hillary was supposed to be phase 2. But remember… “They never thought she would lose.”
Hillary was to oversee the utter collapse and starvation of the US economy, while simultaneously disarming the population AND opening the borders. She’d stack the Supreme Court with her picks, have the constitution rewritten, remove the electoral college, and censor news outlets that didn’t fall in line.
And this was all before the nukes they had funded and had manufactured started falling. That was going to be blamed on Russia, too, remember – which would have the “nice” little side-effect of starting WWIII, and obliterating the last two nations on earth who had any hope of independently resisting the influence of the Cabal.
When Q says Pure EVIL he means it.

There’s not much I need to add to this. Q is speaking very plainly in this drop.
But did you catch that at the end? 60% must remain private for humanity’s sake.
The evil we’ve uncovered – even with all the talk of human sacrifice and worse – is just scratching the surface.
Just rest assured that many good individuals have risked so much to put these people away for good.
And finally… we’ve reached my number 1 pick:

I’m not going to lie: the last few decades have been hard. Really hard. I’ve felt it, and I know you’ve felt it, too. The last few decades, but especially the Obama have years have felt like a constant erosive force against the spirit of America; a sort of weakening, a collective deadening of our souls.
That was deliberate.
The Cabal is not entirely monolithic, but features many different branches. Despite this, they work together and their goals are much the same: the destruction of the West by any and all means, and the creation of a global mega-state.
A large portion of The Cabal are members of a Secret Society that is little more than a Neo-Babylonian Death Cult, and the higher you advance in the cult, the more mutual blackmail is required of you. You see, the higher ranking members want the ability to destroy the lower ranking members at any time should they step out of line and attempt to challenge the authority of the higher ranking members. This is achieved through several means, but recording individuals in honeypots, pedophilic acts, and participation human sacrifice are the primary ways in which this is achieved.
That’s not to say this is done against the will of the individuals being blackmailed. Often, they are willing participants in all this, and enjoy performing these kinds of evil deeds. Such is the face of depravity.
Hillary and Obama are two such members of this Cabal, and though they were high ranking, they are not top dogs (and certainly not since HRC’s failed presidential run in 2016). That day cost them so much power and influence they didn’t even know what to do. Remember – Hillary didn’t even give a concession speech that night. That was because they never expected her to lose.
Together, as we’ve since learned from the Q drops, they were plotting the complete destruction of the USA (and Russia). And I don’t mean that in some esoteric sense of empires collapsing, balkanizing, and coalescing into new states across time, like the murmurations of flocks of birds across the sky. No, I quite literally mean nuclear war, mass drought, disease, and food shortages. I’m talking roving death squads in the streets. The goal was to wipe out two of the biggest threats to the Cabal by making them fight each other, and rule over a fragmented, atomized, neo-Fascist global mega-state, made up of whatever was left over (mostly Europe, the Middle East, Africa, parts of Asia, South America, and Australia).
Remember when I said don’t be surprised if you feel incredulous when reading this?
And yet this is exactly what we’ve learned over the past 8 months (as of this writing) by listening to Q. This, in particular, is something he’s called the 16 Year Plan to Destroy America.
And when you start reading the Q drops, you come to understand that this was exactly the Cabal’s plan for years, going back decades. Obama was a Manchurian President, groomed from his youth as a subversive agent of the Muslim Brotherhood, and Hillary; she is a literal practicing witch, who once had three “dining” rooms named after her on Epstein’s Pedophile Island – the same island where, until recently, stood a sacrificial temple to Babylonian fertility gods like Ba’al and Minerva. And I call them “dining” rooms because… they weren’t eating anything you’d find in a normal supermarket. No, these people are pedovores, and they are profoundly sick and twisted.
Hey – I tried to warn you this was going to be a hard redpill to swallow. What happens when you read Q is you quickly learn that almost everything you think you know about the world is wrong. It’s more than just wrong. It’s a deliberate lie, made to perpetuate the power of this Cabal.
And again – I’m not particularly interested in trying to convince you here – because at a certain point, undeniable proofs will make their way to the public – such as the photo of Obama holding an AK-47, while dressed in full Muslim garb, and shooting what Q calls “red, white, and blue” (but which is probably a person, and not just a flag – though that last bit is just speculation on my part, and it very well may end up being something like a flag).
Furthermore, Q lays out very clearly how all these scandals – like Uranium 1, like the Iran Deal, like the Paris Accord, like the North Korea situation – all tie into this plan to this 16 year plan, and once you truly grasp what he is saying, you come to understand the sheer level of subversion and evil that has been hidden from Americans for many decades – and conversely, how great things can yet still become once this evil is purged from our lands.
There’s so much to Q, it’s hard to sum up in any one essay. In fact, you would need a book to do it all justice (and that’s exactly what I’m attempting to write, at the moment, believe it or not).
But maybe I’m getting ahead of myself here. Maybe I need to back this train up for a moment and answer some rudimentary questions as best I can, as someone who was been watching, studying and interacting with this whole QAnon phenomenon since the beginning.
So let’s start with the most elementary question of them all:
Who is Q?
QAnon, often called just “Q,” is someone with Q-Level security clearance and a history of Military Intelligence working within the Trump administration to disseminate information to the American people directly.As for the specific identity of Q – no one really knows for sure (save for a few people in the actual Trump administration). And while I just kind of implied that Q is an individual, in fact, it’s clear that Q works with a team of individuals in the intelligence community, and there may be more than one person on that team posting as Q.
Where does Q post?
Q originally posted on an imageboard known as 4chan, starting back in October of 2017, notably on the /pol/ board (aka, Politically Incorrect). /pol/ was a major hub of operations during the Trump campaign, disseminating Trump memes at high velocity, and directly influencing the election in very tangible ways. There was even an occasion when Trump himself came online and spoke to the Anons there (oh, that was a glorious day).(And while I may be spoiling part of my book here, I’ll be cutting up a larger infographic to make this flow a bit better for this article – because you absolutely need to see this).
So Anon notes a Trump retweet of a Pepe Account:

Someone claiming to be Trump comes in and says:

Anon asks for proof:

And proof was delivered:

And basically NO ONE in the MSM covered ANY of this. This is far from the only example of this kind of thing happening, but the important thing to remember is that this was happening DURING the election, and unless you were THERE, on the boards, you didn’t have any clue this kind of communication was happening.
So why did Q select this platform?
Because it was one of the last mediums of truly free-speech online. Much like the Newsgroups of a bygone internet age, 4chan was a rowdy, unruly bastion of free speech organized by topic of interest. Often referred to as the “underbelly of the internet” (usually by those who don’t understand the culture), anyone could come here and say exactly what they wanted – unlike on regulated, policed, and sanitized platforms like Facebook, Twitter, etc. If some mouthbreathing goon working in a spare storage a closet at Twitter doesn’t like your tweet for whatever reason, he can take it down, disable your account, and effectively silence you. And make no mistake, that kind of censorship was, and still is, rampant across these controlled platforms. It’s even happened to yours truly.
Not so on the chans. ANYONE can post and speak their mind whenever they want. Because of this, you tend to get a crowd of people who not only have a thick skin, but have a certain kind of intellectual rigor not found among the general public.
Everyone who posts on a chan is Anonymous (unless they choose to identify themselves), and therefore, when going back and forth in conversation, users will refer to other users as “Anons.”
Because Q signed all his posts “Q,” he became QAnon.
After an initial wave of posts, and increasing curiosity from the community, opposing forces started to disrupt Q’s threads. Shilling increased dramatically, and it took such a turn that eventually, it came out that all the moderators of the /pol/ board had been compromised by the Deep State, and that the platform itself was no longer suitable for Q to post any more drops.
Working quickly, Q and his team migrated to 8chan, which, as you can imagine by the name, is very similar to 4chan in terms layout and functionality. See, these kinds of imageboards run on very similar software stacks, so it’s relatively easy to start your own “chan” website and build something very similar. 4chan and 8chan are the largest of the chans.
Followers of Q quickly got their own boards, Q adopted a “tripcode,” which is a way of preserving and verifying his identity, and (barring some moderator drama and other minor technical speedbumps) the movement kicked into high gear from here.
(A final word of caution about the chans: While you can go there and seek out the relevant Q boards for yourself, I wouldn’t recommend it if you’re brand new to all this. On top of them being purposefully hard to use (in order to keep the “normies” out) you might end up seeing things you might otherwise not wish to see. Remember how I said these platforms are free-speech forums? That means that literally anyone can post just about anything – and that means bad actors, too, attempting to derail researchers with all manner of pornography, gore, shilling, etc. If you’re not seasoned and somewhat desensitized to internet culture, you probably walk away feeling a bit sick. Best to leave it to the weaponized autists, who can filter this kind of stuff with ease, and seek out information on other sites – which, we’ll get to in a bit).

How does Q communicate?
I’m assuming that, if you’re reading this, you’ve seen at least a few of Q’s posts – even if you didn’t fully understand what they mean. And that’s fine; for our purposes right now, all you really need is a bare minimum of exposure to Q. (And even if you don’t have that, don’t worry – that’s coming later in the article).If Q is who he says he is (Military Intelligence – which, for those who don’t know, is an intelligence agency akin to the FBI, or CIA, only not corrupt) this implies he has access to a ton of intel beyond what the average American citizen has. This intel is of course classified, and therefore subject to all kinds of National Security laws.
However, this does not stop the average person from being able to make connections on their own; connections which mirror what that intel has to say.
This leads to a Socratic style of posting, where Q will often present two (or more) seemingly separate topics, and challenge us to see if we can establish a relationship between the two, to “connect,” as he often says.
This allows him to side-step these laws, and create a sort of crowd-sourced narrative that is, at the very least, closer to the truth than anything being reported by the MSM.
We’ll take a relatively recent post (as of this writing) and easy-to-understand Qdrop, as an example (and one which my regular readers will no doubt recognize).
Here, Q posts one of #POTUS’s recent tweets, and adds his own lines below:

These questions lead to certain, inevitable conclusions such as: Imran Awan squealed on all his criminal buddies during this case, in order to defend himself. However, because many of the details used in his defense were previously classified, this created a situation known as graymail – whereby previously classified intel has now entered the public record by way of criminal defense.
Because of this situation, Q comes back the next post and links to part of the legal code known as CIPA.
This shows us that agencies, when confronted with the reality of graymail, may then use that as legal grounds to basically declassify whatever they want.
Furthermore, it was then uncovered that the plea deal stuck by Awan does not apply to other attorneys – attorneys such as Huber – implying that there is no way Awan is getting away with his crimes.
So you can see, there’s a consistent logic to the kinds of things Q posts, and a definite purpose in the direction he’s leading. This is just one example, and a relatively easy one to understand at that, but we’re going to be seeing many more of these later in the article.
Furthermore, because Q is posting publicly, it attracts the attention of bad actors and so-called “black hats;” people both within the intelligence community and deep state that do not have our best interest in mind. They have an array of technology at their hands which has been used to try and disrupt Q’s communication lines (as well as to try and trace him), and they are perpetually kept on the defensive by trying to understand these drops and counteract whatever they think is coming. Unfortunately, this has sometimes manifested as attacks on Americas at large, such as when the train carrying all the Congressional GOP members to a retreat struck a garbage truck:
That was not a mere accident. The area was blocked off to cross traffic, and the truck was only spotted thanks to a drone flying in front of the train, which gave the train enough time to slow down and avoid a catastrophic collision.
Furthermore, as you get deeper and deeper into the drops, you begin to recognize patterns, repeat phrases, certain abbreviations; essentially what you might call “layers of meaning.” Sometimes, it’s a barb at black hats, such as when Q calls the CIA, the “C_A.” Why does he do that? Because they’re missing intelligence. Pretty funny if you ask me.
You’ll see “markers” in Q’s post such as “Alice & Wonderland.” Markers are repeat phrases Q uses to either hint at a hidden meaning, or reinforce an idea in relation to what he’s presenting. So, with the Alice & Wonderland marker, Q was referring to himself as Alice, and Saudi Arabia, later, as “the bloody wonderland.” This was during the time when Trump went to Saudi Arabia, met all the leaders there, and brokered an absolute ton of strategic deals, topped off with a sword dance.
Additionally, you may see things like “5:5” which typically means “loud and clear” in terms of radio terminology, but it’s also a reference to “the clock” which is another concept Q has introduced to us in relation to “the plan.” (Can you see why Q can be difficult to understand, let alone explain?).
What you need to know to understand that whole last paragraph is that, as part of Military Intelligence, Q is but one part of a larger plan to restore America to greatness. Actually, Q is part of what you might call plan A. Remember how I said Q was Military Intelligence? Well, while we mere mortals may only be hearing of some of this intel for the first time, Military Intelligence has known all this for quite a while. Remember everything I told you above about the 16 year plan to destroy America? Obama’s subversive actions as part of the Muslim Brotherhood? The loyal Generals of US Military Intelligence knew all this as far back as 2013, and debated engaging in a military coup against Obama. They knew who all the good guys really were, and who all the bad guys really were, and they thought for a moment that it might be wise to just cut off the head of the snake, impose martial law for a time, and let God sort ’em out, so to speak. But they chose otherwise. They chose to counteract what damage he was doing, when and where they could, move their people into position, and wait.
Wait for what?
Why, the 2016 election, of course! They quickly formulated a plan, and it needed a few things. It needed to be an honest election (or, honest enough). Soros controls the bulk of the voting machines through shell companies. He needed to be cut off.

They also needed a candidate that could not only run, but win. They needed a patriot, and someone relatively clean. Enter: Citizen Trump. That’s right, he was asked to run.
Had all this failed, there is no doubt in my mind that we would have seen a full-blown military coup during the Hillary years.
And this is partially why Q is always telling us to “trust the plan,” and that all these different variables have been accounted for – to such an extent that they actually have a timeline laid out, with key events set in stone (the deadline being 11/11 for this plan to really wrap up – which, no coincidence, is the day of the scheduled Military Parade. With that in mind, you can actually lay out Q’s posts (and the timestamps of those posts) on a chart – which lines up with a clock.
And what letter of the alphabet does a clock look like when both hands are on the 5’s?
That’s right, it looks like a Q!
And I haven’t even talked about how some of his drops actually end up looking like chess pieces when you center-align them:

Yeah. Layers upon layers of meaning going on here.
But don’t worry if some of that flew over your head right now. My goal isn’t to get you bogged down in all the minutiae that we’ve come to understand over the past many months. By all means, it’s worth seeking out more information on your own – especially if you want to get a handle on the actual state of reality around the world – but it’s beyond the scope of this article today. I’ve got a ton of articles you can go through, here, on the site, but will be listing a bunch of other great resources momentarily.

What is Q’s goal?
Q’s goal, simply stated, is to create a crowd-sourced parallel construction for the general public to see and understand. Q works with the NSA, and the NSA has, for a while now, sucked down every digital communication form conceivable. In other words, they already know who all the bad actors and criminals are. They already have all the evidence. The problem is… none of it is usable. Why? Because of a legal doctrine known as the “fruit of the poisonous tree.”At its most basic: evidence has to be obtained through legal channels in order for it to be admissible in court. This kind of bulk data collection isn’t admissible.
Now, make no mistake, the good guys really do have all the admissible evidence they need to put these crooks away for good. Lately, Q has taken to reminding us that “We have the server” over and over – a phrase which must put the fear of God in the hearts of the Cabal. No one is getting away here. The real problem Q faces is getting the general public on-board as well. It requires a complete narrative switch, and in order to do that, in order to usher in “The #GreatAwakening,” you have to systematically take down every single support structure those who profit off the Cabal’s narrative have put into place over the course of decades.
We’re talking politicians, we’re talking the media, we’re talking overseas banking, we’re talking pharma, we’re talking criminal organizations, we’re talking human trafficking, we’re talking about CIA operated nations and military bases – we’re talking about a systematic purge of evildoers from the face of the earth.
Think about it from President Trump’s perspective: if Hillary and Obama and so many others really are the criminals Q says they are, and you already have all the evidence you need… what would stop you from acting on it?
Put simply: you need to get the public on-board. And you need to do it in a way that’s publicly accessible to all, and undeniable. You need to shake the great bulk of the American population awake, and disabuse them of any lingering vestiges of the narrative that’s been fed to them by The Cabal for years, and years, and years.
You have to understand: the Cabal’s goal has always been death, destruction, division, chaos, and control. If Trump was to just send in the military to arrest these criminals, there would be immediate chaos – only furthering the Cabal’s goals. Riots, looting, insurrection – even possible civil war – make no mistake, that’s the stranglehold the Cabal has had over the minds of so many Americans. How else do you get hordes of men and women to dress up as genitalia and march against Trump? It’s total demoralization. It’s absolute brainwashing. And it needs to be reversed (at least among a certain percentage of the population: a “tipping point” if you will) before the real work can begin.
So yes, you’re going to see (and are already starting to see) bad actors purged from every area of government and media imaginable. You’re also going to see an increasing number of legal decisions eroding the Cabal’s power structure. For instance, Trump has been at work chipping away at Planned Parenthood’s funding through different avenues. Planned Parenthood is subsidized by the American taxpayer, charges for their “services” on top of that, as as a result, donates double-digit millions to Cabal-affiliated politicians year after year. Trump is working on starving the beast. You can also look at the Supreme Court’s recent ruling that allows government workers to opt-out of their related Union dues. Government unions function in a similar fashion to Planned Parenthood, by supporting Cabal-affiliated politicians with all manner of donations and networks of support. With one ruling, the Supreme Court just gutted their “legal” money-laundering schemes. And this is very good news for us in both cases, because it’s not you and I these politicians are helping, but themselves and the monied pals.
On top of this all, keep in mind that you can’t just have these criminals facing charges in DC, where they have all their buddies in the court system; not with everything as it is now. No, you have to set up separate Military Tribunals far away from DC, and go to extraordinary lengths to ensure these trails go off without a hitch.
Even then – if you drain the swamp, successfully prosecute, and sentence all of these Cabal members… you still need somewhere to lock them all up (at least the ones you’re not sentencing to death).
You can see how many layers, pieces, and players are involved in this, and why Q always tells us to “trust the plan.”
But the good news is the good guys are winning. Justice is coming to America, and there will be a great restoration for ALL of us as these evildoers are removed from positions of power and influence, and even from the face of the earth. The anons on the boards, the very first ones to bear witness to Q, are here to help you along as the vanguard of the Great Awakening. This is the role Q himself has given us. It’s why I started this blog, which is now filled with hundreds of valuable articles. It’s why I wrote this very essay: to help you and others heal and understand and help bring peace and prosperity back to the nation.
Just as I have done my best to help you understand, it will soon be your job to help others understand, and I hope you’ll come to see this article as a valuable resource for that valiant and most valuable undertaking.

Q resources?
Before we get into some actual Q posts, I want to take a moment to give you links to some very useful QAnon resources. No, I won’t be linking to the boards today. Why? Because we’ve been specifically asked by the board owner that no one link to the board. Don’t worry though, I’m going to give you a plethora of amazing resources that will bring you up to speed and keep you current with all that is happening.First, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention is a Q aggregator which gathers and archives all of Q’s posts in real-time, as they happen. You can browse, as of this writing, all 1681 of Q’s posts, going back to the very beginning on that website. You’ll also find links to thread archives on every post, as well as “Answers” on some of these posts, where Anons have had some of their own decodes added to help make sense of some of the more cryptic-sounding posts.
Second, I have to link to the absolutely outstanding QMap PDF by @IAMBECAUSEWEARE, with the most current version (as of this writing) available for download here:!4zB0AYTT!LPaBjK3mX2tuly_FF229ly3xAEiL9jPn8b92mrewi4I
The PDF is an indispensable resource spanning over 1000 pages now, going into great depth about all of Q’s posts. I consider it mandatory reading if you’re really looking to understand QAnon.
Thirdly, GermanArchiveAnon has a great archive of past threads, important files and videos located here:!LPZxEIYJ!N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw!qLBRWRAB
Fourthly, you can’t ignore the work of the great patriots over at Anything notable that happens on the boards gets mirrored there almost instantly. It’s a treasure-trove of valuable information with some great personalities hard at work, every day.
Lastly, I’ll direct your attention to Looking for hard evidence of Q’s veracity? You’ll find it here, in easy-to-understand graphical form.
And now, without further adieu, we’ll get into some of the most important posts Q has ever made.

The Top 15 Q posts
Odd number, 15, I know. However, given that there are almost 1700 QAnon drops now, you can imagine that it was very hard for me to pick just 15 as “the best,” let alone stick to a number like “top 10.” So, for our purposes, we’re getting a top 15. Maybe someone would have picked other drops, but in my mind you can’t go wrong with these drops.Really understand though, all of Q’s posts are valuable and worth your time. However, not all are equally valuable for someone coming to Q completely fresh. I picked these drops to help you begin to understand the scale and scope of what’s really been happening in this silent war. Again, I’m not writing to convince you as to the truthfulness of Q. I’m also not writing this to give a line-by-line decode of all these posts. Those already exist elsewhere (with many of my own on this site) and are easily accessible with a little search engine ingenuity.
I’m writing this under the assumption that there will come a point in time when the truthfulness of Q will be undeniable to the general public. These drops are listed here to help the general public find their moorings as their world is about to be flipped upside-down.
And with that in mind, let’s get into it, starting… where else? At the very beginning, with Q’s first two posts:

If you’re not familiar with the way the chans work, the bottom portion of the drop above was the bit written by Q. The part written about Hillary being arrested between 7:45-8:30 was written by someone else with no real knowledge of what was going on. This line has been mistakenly reported by many in the media as evidence that Q is a mere conspiracy theory, who has made wrong predictions like this from the get-go.
Not so. Those so-called “journalists” were just idiots who didn’t know how to read a chan thread.
But if you’re reading Q’s bit now, note… he specifies a date for National Guard activation: 10/30… but he never specified a year in his drop. This has lead many anons to believe he was indeed talking about October 30th of 2018, not 2017.
On to drop 2:

Q, in drop number 2, is introducing us to, not only himself, not only to some foundational concepts, but the way he will continue to reason with Anons over the coming months. There’s his trademark Socratic style; his way of leading us with questions to the answers he wants us to see. There are the abbreviations (in this case, AW = Anthony Weiner, who, for the record is in a federal prison, as opposed to a state prison, so as to prevent him from being assassinated by black hats). And there are the double-meanings (in this case, Huma not only means Huma Abedin, Hillary’s assistant, but is a cue to anons to begin researching HUMA – the Harvard University Muslim Alumni group – and investigating any associations with the Muslim Brotherhood).
What we will come to learn from this and other drops in the coming months is that the entire Intelligence Apparatus of the US has been corrupted, save for Military Intelligence and the NSA. Furthermore, we will learn that it was the Military who asked Trump to run his Presidential campaign, it was the Military who helped secure the 2016 election from election fraud, thus securing Trump’s incredible, odds-defying victory, and we will learn that because he is the President, Trump has access to every last bit of classified intelligence the NSA has at their disposal.
Perhaps, most importantly, we learn that the Republican and Democrat career politicians (members of The Cabal) never thought they would lose, leaving them wide open and unprepared for the Storm that was about to come their way.

Q really starts to really lay out the reality of the situation here, first by invoking SCI[F]. Scif stands for Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility, and it’s basically a secure room for viewing sensitive and classified information. You’ll recall HRC had one built in her NY home – the same one which conveniently had a fire break out in it not that long ago. Through later drops, we would later learn that Hillary was selling access to the SCIF to foreign governments.
This is also the first instance of Q’s “killbox,” aka – whatever is between the brackets. In this case, it’s [F]. It is my personal belief that, in this case, Q was telling us that Hillary’s SCIF had been targeted and wasn’t as secure as she would have otherwise liked to believe – though this has yet to be verified by Q or anyone else.
We also get introduced to a few patriots who had previously made the news – Admiral Rogers, who informed Trump that the Obama administration was actively spying on him, and Gen. Flynn, who plead guilty to a crime he didn’t commit, in order to get a ton of evidence entered into the public record as part of his testimony. You’ll see his charges dropped soon, and he’ll be rejoining the Trump Administration shortly thereafter.
And here, we start to see the workings of the Cabal – how Soros funds operations like AntiFa to engage in domestic terrorism, and how they sow the seeds of division. As it’s most basic, if the American people are divided among themselves, they’re not fighting globalists like Soros.
Q’s intention is to awaken Americans to that fact (and many others), and get us focused on our real enemies.

I chose this drop because it highlights very effectively the divisive tactics of the Cabal. They target one group, and reinforce a demoralizing victim-hood narrative through the media (as part of Operation Mockingbird) in order to not only gain votes, but to create an underclass that is effectively enslaved and helpless without Government assistance. There’s a reason why black neighborhoods have suffered so much, and it lies largely at the feet of the Cabal and Poverty Pimps like Maxine Waters (though she is far from the only one).
Furthermore, you have Q here openly acknowledging the existence of a “pedo network” within Hollywood. Every day we learn more about that, through things like the NXIVM story, and through drops on sites like

Q hints now at the level of intel to which he has direct access. The only person with more access would be someone like #POTUS himself. He also implies that he knows everything about the true nature of the Uranium 1 scandal; the ultimate goal of which was to destroy America and Russia in a nuclear holocaust, by funneling nuclear materials to an Iranian base, operated by the CIA (yes, the same one that was exposed and destroyed by POTUS in Syria not that long ago). We will soon come to understand this criminal plot as “The 16 Year Plan” to Destroy America, and it was brought to us by none other than Hillary Clinton, Barack Hussein Obama, and their many cabal underlings.

If you didn’t believe Q before, you had best start now. If you truly want to understand nations like North Korea and Iran, you have to first understand that the CIA is not your friend and that these are CIA-operated nations used to hold the rest of the world hostage. Until very recently, Kim Jong-Un was a slave to the Cabal in North Korea, like his father before him. We would learn in a later Q drop that North Korea has nuclear capabilities since 2004, and that this is where Eric Schmidt, of Google, would go to set up a private Gmail server for Obama and Hillary and the Deep State, so they could communicate using Gmail drafts.
Why would they communicate using Gmail drafts? To try and avoid detection by the likes of the NSA.
At least… that’s what they tried. It didn’t work, and POTUS ended up bringing home the Cabal’s Gmail server as part of his North Korea deal.

With this drop, you start to see the rats scurrying. The Podestas are in panic mode, and Obama has been trying to find a new handler (his previous was Valerie Jarrett), as well as trying to pre-empt/follow-up Trump’s overseas visits to reassure Cabal members overseas, and help retain their loyalty.
Q begins to especially highlight Saudi Arabia as a cornerstone of the Cabal, what with all it’s oil money, and its past history of terrorism. Q even implies here that 9/11 truly was an inside job, with members of the bin Laden family being cleared to fly out of the US on 9/11, as well as Bush II being awfully chummy with the Saudis.

MS-13 are stormtroopers for the Cabal, and the worst kind at that. They are absolute animals, as Trump says; exceedingly violent and reprehensible. And they were brought here to carry out hits and intimidation for The Cabal.
After all, we would soon learn that it was the Cabal who paid two MS-13 members to perform a hit on DNC email leaker Seth Rich.
Beyond that, Q discloses that the investigation into Hillary’s e-mails would have lead directly back to Obama, because he was using a private alias on their private server as well, so he OK’d stopping the investigation – in order to save his own treacherous hide.
As for the markers at the end – Snow White refers to the seven supercomputers run by the CIA, and Godfather III, in all likelihood, refers to the Vatican’s direct involvement in child trafficking, given this quote from the film:
“The only wealth in this world is children; more than all the money, power on earth, you are my treasure.” – Michael CorleoneAgain, we’re really only scratching the surface of these drops, so if you’re feeling a bit disoriented at this point, I would first take a break from reading before coming back to this, and second, highly encourage you to look at all of the Q drops at a later date. My goal here is to give you the 40,000 foot view and help you make sense of what might otherwise feel like very crazy and troubling times.

Remember when I talked about the Neo-Babylonian Death Cult all the way back in the beginning of this article? I wasn’t joking. Q gets into the money-masters here, and how they fund their insidious operations. +++ is the House of Saud, ++ are the Rothschilds, and + is Soros.
But to get back to the drop at hand, Q is confirming “conspiracy theorists'” ideas about The Cabal – how they are all members of this cult which engages in human sacrifice, pedophilia, human trafficking, and even the cannibalism of children.

I challenge any of you to go back and re-read some of Trump’s older tweets – especially the ones about Barack Obama’s birth certificate and name change. (Oh yes, Q addresses that and promises that one day soon, a picture of Obama will be released where he’s wearing full Muslim garb, and aiming an AK at someone. Heck, by the time this article finds you, such a picture may have already been released). But the point is… Trump knows, and has known for a very long time. Just as there are black hats perpetrating evil deeds on the world, so too, white hats have been fighting the good fight – and if you go back through Trump’s history, it becomes clear that he’s been in this fight for a very long time.

This post was… almost like a flowchart, with each line finding causation in the previous. So, if you start out and read it all in plain language, SR (Seth Rich), and he gave the DNC files to WL (Wikileaks). Word gets out, and Obama hired DNI for damage control. James Clapper was DNI’s director, and he goes to John Brennan, the CIA’s (Clowns in America, as Q often calls them) director. They formulate the basis for the Russian Collusion hoax together, to cover the DNC’s behinds, and hire Google and Crowdstrike to perpetuate this lie, that the DNC was hacked by “Russians.”
A hit is then asked for by the DNC (who was chaired at the time by Debbie Wasserman-Schultz). 187 is California Penal Code for murder, and then Q tells us that the two MS-13 gang members who were hired for the hit get taken out themselves as part of the cleanup. The FBI and DOJ assist with the cover-up. “Insurance” is a reference to Peter Strzok’s texts, where he said:
I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office — that there’s no way he gets elected — but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk. It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40.Q then gives us an image of a pyramid with the top knocked off. Again, this is a reference to “the cult” (think “eye of providence)” but also a deliberate note that they’ve lost power and control. To try and regain control, all these Democrats go into overdrive, and eventually come up with the “Russian Dossier” which tries to link Trump to “Russian Hackers” in order to kill two birds with one stone. They go through the Five Eyes members, and end up working with Christopher Steele of MI6. They produce this phony dossier, with Steele’s primary points of contact being John Podesta and Eric Holder (and a few others). Meanwhile, Obama uses this phony dossier as “evidence” to justify spying on Citizen Trump’s presidential campaign.
John McCain then leaks the dossier to Buzzfeed in an attempt to shape the public narrative.
Astounding, right?
And they all almost got away with it.

This is an incredibly important post. Why? Because at the end of the day, what Q is teaching us is how to stand up for ourselves again. The reason the Cabal wants population control, and advances wars, disease, plague, famine, etc is because… they are few. In terms of sheer numbers, we truly do have the power. These spiritual vampires hide in darkness, but they are relatively few and weak.
It’s a numbers game. All it takes to defeat them is making sure everyone is not only aware of their crimes, but actively demanding justice while working to rebuild the country.
I think the reason some people have a resistance to #MAGA is that superficially… it might look a bit selfish, but the truth is, it’s totally communal. It’s about strengthening your families, your communities, your neighborhoods, your towns and cities, and shaking off the shackles of these self-appointed overlords who consider us little more than sheep, just another resource to be spent for their own advancement.
And now… for the biggie:

This is the “16 Year Plan” I was telling you about before. There is so much here, but the fundamental thrust of it all is that every single action taken by Obama was taken to deliberately weaken and divide the American people. And he was making major progress on that front, make no mistake. And Q lays it all out here, from leaking classified military assets, to removing Generals from power, to weakening the NSA with the Snowden leaks, to targeting Conservative groups with the IRS, to opening the border and allowing the likes of MS-13 to filter in, in droves, to killing NASA, to funding Uranium 1, and even calling for the assassination of Justice Antonin Scalia.
And that was just phase one. Hillary was supposed to be phase 2. But remember… “They never thought she would lose.”
Hillary was to oversee the utter collapse and starvation of the US economy, while simultaneously disarming the population AND opening the borders. She’d stack the Supreme Court with her picks, have the constitution rewritten, remove the electoral college, and censor news outlets that didn’t fall in line.
And this was all before the nukes they had funded and had manufactured started falling. That was going to be blamed on Russia, too, remember – which would have the “nice” little side-effect of starting WWIII, and obliterating the last two nations on earth who had any hope of independently resisting the influence of the Cabal.
When Q says Pure EVIL he means it.

There’s not much I need to add to this. Q is speaking very plainly in this drop.
But did you catch that at the end? 60% must remain private for humanity’s sake.
The evil we’ve uncovered – even with all the talk of human sacrifice and worse – is just scratching the surface.
Just rest assured that many good individuals have risked so much to put these people away for good.
And finally… we’ve reached my number 1 pick:

I’m not going to lie: the last few decades have been hard. Really hard. I’ve felt it, and I know you’ve felt it, too. The last few decades, but especially the Obama have years have felt like a constant erosive force against the spirit of America; a sort of weakening, a collective deadening of our souls.
That was deliberate.