Thursday, February 1, 2018

How many Norwegians have illegally entered our nation, committed crimes and burdened our prison and welfare systems? I might ask the same question about Finnish, Swedish, Welsh, Icelanders, Greenlanders and New Zealanders.

Authored by Walter Williams via The Strategic Culture Foundation,
President Donald Trump reportedly asked why the U.S. is "having all these people from shithole countries come here." I think he could have used better language, but it's a question that should be asked and answered.

All other countries, illegal immigration is a huge and long term prison offense. But only the USA is taken to task for defending what every other country on Earth enforces daily. Only WE are the BAD GUYS. Everyone else gets a media pass.
I have a few questions for my fellow Americans to consider.
How many Norwegians have illegally entered our nation, committed crimes and burdened our prison and welfare systems? I might ask the same question about Finnish, Swedish, Welsh, Icelanders, Greenlanders and New Zealanders. The bulk of our immigration problem is with people who enter our country criminally from Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, Africa and the Middle East. It's illegal immigrants from those countries who have committed crimes and burdened our criminal justice and welfare systems. A large number of immigrants who are here illegally — perhaps the majority are law-abiding in other respects — have fled oppressive, brutal and corrupt regimes to seek a better life in America.
In the debate about illegal immigration, there are questions that are not explicitly asked but can be answered with a straight "yes" or "no": Does everyone in the world have a right to live in the U.S.? Do Americans have a right to decide who and under what conditions a person may enter our country? Should we permit foreigners landing at our airports to ignore U.S. border control laws just as some ignore our laws at our southern border? The reason those questions are not asked is that one would be deemed an idiot for saying that everyone in the world has a right to live in our country, that Americans don't have a right to decide who lives in our country and that foreigners landing at our airports have a right to just ignore U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents.
Immigration today, even when legal, is different from the immigration of yesteryear. People who came here in the 19th century and most of the 20th century came here to learn our language, learn our customs and become Americans. Years ago, there was a guarantee that immigrants came here to work, because there was no welfare system; they worked, begged or starved. Today, there is no such assurance. Because of our welfare state, immigrants can come here and live off taxpaying Americans.
There is another difference between today and yesteryear. Today, Americans are taught multiculturalism throughout their primary, secondary and college education. They are taught that one culture is no better or worse than another. To believe otherwise is criticized at best as Eurocentrism and at worst as racism. As a result, some immigrant groups seek to bring to our country the cultural values whose failures have led to the poverty, corruption and human rights violations in their home countries that caused them to flee. As the fallout from President Trump's indelicate remarks demonstrates, too many Americans are afraid and unwilling to ask which immigrant groups have become a burden to our nation and which have made a contribution to the greatness of America.
Very unfortunate for our nation is that we have political groups that seek to use illegal immigration for their own benefit. They've created sanctuary cities and states that openly harbor criminals — people who have broken our laws. The whole concept of sanctuary cities is to give aid, comfort and sympathy to people who have broken our laws. Supporters want to prevent them from having to hide and live in fear of discovery. I'd ask whether, for the sake of equality before the law, we should apply the sanctuary concept to Americans who have broken other laws, such as robbers and tax evaders.
We should not fall prey to people who criticize our efforts to combat illegal immigration and who pompously say, "We're a nation of immigrants!" The debate is not over immigration. The debate is over illegal immigration.
My sentiments on immigrants who are here legally and who want to become Americans are expressed by the sentiments in Emma Lazarus' poem "The New Colossus," which is on a plaque inside the Statue of Liberty and in part says, "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."
We have more no go zones in the US at anytime in our history. The last time would have been in the civil war. And who does MS13 and the other gangs recruit, from the Dreamer class. How does MS13 survive, extortion, drugs and robbery. There are MS13 among the Dreamers. There was over a million gang members nationwide in 2007, I wonder what it is today when MS13 controls communities nationwide, or how about Chicago with a gang on every block. Call 911, they'll help.

The media is instigating a race war on the behest of communist in the Democratic Party. One has to ask who's racist?

Why do the state and local governments confiscate the assets of citizens but refuse to do so for illegal invaders?
Part of the answer is that states and cities get grants based on how many illegal invaders live there- the formula uses census data that includes them. More illegal invaders, more money from the Feds. 
Trump needs to stop that. Change the formula to subtract funding based on how many children are enrolled in government schools without proof of citizenship.
 100 years ago they came here to work and build America, now they come here with a hand out, demanding the benefits that America offers without contribution.