Sunday, April 30, 2017

To be a parent is to hold the most important office in the world.

The traditional and biblical roles of parents are thus: 1) the father as the breadwinner, and 2) the mother as the homemaker and nurturer. Both functions carry equal weight, even though the husband is the head of the family.

Unfortunately, feminism has convinced many women that being a full-time mother is inferior to that of a breadwinner, and that man should not be the head of his family.

The sad result has been the emasculation of man along with children being unrighteously nurtured, which in turn has created instability in our society.

The same unrighteousness also materializes when the emasculated father, within a society that more and more favors woman above man in the workforce, fails to financially provide for his family, which then forces the mother to become the primary breadwinner as well as causing her nurturing duties to suffer.
Mothers can work or exercise their calling/talent/aptitude at some point, preferably on a part-time basis after the children have reached a certain maturity, and as long as it doesn’t interfere with their maternal and wifely obligations. Indeed, mothers should decide what is truly important to them: the workforce or their family.

Proverbs 31: 10-31

If couples end up divorced, which God hates, or biological parents separated, they must not impede each other’s participation in their children’s upbringing (unless there’s proven criminality). They must put aside their pettiness and not use their kids as pawns in a vindictive battle; elsewise it would be pure selfishness. Children need both of their parents.

When planning to get married 1) gentlemen, make sure you are financially ready with a good source of income, and 2) ladies, be willing to put all that you are and have into being wives and mothers. Otherwise your family, especially your children, will pay the consequences of your irresponsibility. Worse, you’ll have to answer to God for your failure as parents.

“Each of us will give an account of ourselves to God.” Romans 14:12