Thursday, March 24, 2016

Are Jews the Israelites of the Bible?

By Biblicism Institute
[This is the in-depth version. For the shorter version, click here.]
Abraham and Hagar 2
Abraham sends Hagar & Ishmael away.
The number one biblical verse used by Zionist Jews and Zionist Christians alike to justify dispossessing the Palestinians of their land is this one:
“On that day the LORD made a covenant with Abram and said, “To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates….” Genesis 15:18
By descendants God definitely meant the same biological bloodline, the same DNA, actual grandchildren of Abram/Abraham. Not spiritual progeny. As even a cursory study would show, the great majority of those today who are known as Jews are not remotely bloodline descendants of Abraham.
They are in fact the non-Semitic and non-Israelite Ashkenazim and Sephardim who in later times joined small numbers of different races that converted to Judaism/Pharisaism: Polish, Russians, Ukrainians, Germans, etc. These latter ones form a minority known as European Jews who when coupled with the Ashkenazim constitute a majority against the darker-skinned Samaritan, Sephardic, and African Jews; and none of these groups can claim to be of Abraham’s bloodline.
However, it is very important to understand what the bible and history have to say about the majority of converted Jews, the people known as Ashkenazim and Sephardim, while bearing in mind that 1) Abraham was a descendant of Shem – hence the term Semite or Shemite 2) his scion Jacob and his twelve sons were the true biblical Hebraic Israelite nation with whom God had the Old Covenant (not with converted Jews) 3) the true Israelite nation no longer exists.
This is what the Bible has to say about the Ashkenazim in Genesis 10:
1 “Now these are the generations of the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth: and unto them were sons born after the flood. 2 The sons of Japheth: Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras. 3 And the sons of Gomer: ASHKENAZ, and Riphath, and Togarmah. 4 And the sons of Javan: Elishah, and Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim. 5 By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations.” (Emphasis Added)
Today’s Ashkenazi Jews, or descendants of Ashkenaz, are some of the GENTILES the bible speaks of. Why then do Ashkenazim call Christians and other non-Jews Gentiles while pinning on themselves the term Chosen People? Is it ignorance or deception? It’s definitely not ignorance. And if to those outside it looks like deception, to them it’s pure re-branding. The ultimate Chutzpah!
Consider the terrible irony!
Ashkenazic (and Sephardic) Jews are themselves the Gentiles that many rabbis warn their congregations not to marry. To further the re-branding, they also call themselves Semites or Shemites when they’re JAPHETHITES, which means they’re not Hebrews either. This re-branding is much like the way most of them – if not the majority of them – keep changing their last names every time they settle in a new country. The reason is simple and quite pragmatic. It’s a survival mechanism.
The Ashkenazim are a resilient roaming Turkic people. They have a knack for reinventing themselves. They first surfaced in world annals as the notoriously barbaric Scythians or Sakadeans depending on regional phonetic.
“Here there is no Gentile or Judahite, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.” Colossians 3: 11
The word Scythian or Sakadean comes from the word Saka – with its Iranian verbal root Sak meaning to roam.
The Scythians settled Central Eurasia which they conquered with their Gentile brother Togarmath and various other cousins expanding across a vast track of land that encompassed but was not limited to parts of present day Turkey and Iran. Their Gentile brother Riphath along with their uncle Javan’s descendants settled in Greece.
Later on, they reinvented themselves and settled a land they would call Khazaria – from the word Qasar with its Turkic root Qaz meaning to roam – following the break-up of the western Turkish Steppe Empire. Then the country converted en masse to Judaism/Pharisaism sometime between 740 and 920 AD just so they could remain independent of the two competing empires of that time: Christianity and Islam.
“Judaism was the most actively proselytizing religion…The most significant mass conversion occurred in the 8th century, in the massive Khazar kingdom between the Black and Caspian seas,” explained Jewish historian Shlomo Sand.
Then, Sviatoslav I of Kiev destroyed Khazaria around 1048 and absorbed it into Kievan Rus’, a territory that would later become part of the Russian Empire.
In Imperial Russia, the Ashkenazim were kept under tight control and enclosed in the Pale of Settlement. Something the Ashkenazim never forgave Russia.
Khazar Jews 1878
Khazar Ashkenazi Jews 1878
Biding their time, they nurtured their hatred and plotted their revenge along with a new reinvention. They became the power behind the heinous Bolsheviks who took over the Russian government in the 1910s and killed 66 million Christians, including 200,000 members of the Christian clergy, and destroyed 40,000 churches according to famed Christian Russian writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn.
SolzhenitsynThe great majority of the Bolsheviks were Russian Ashkenazi Jews such as Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trosky, Lev Kamenev, Gregory Zinoviev, Yakov Sverdlov, and Grigory Sokolnikov. They were financed by Ashkenazi bankers from New York and London such as Rothschild Bank and Jacob Schiff of Kuhn and Loeb & Co. who themselves championed the destructive ideology of the Ashkenazi Karl Marx and found it profitable to invest in Communism’s disastrous conquest of Russia while making a few bucks in the process by plundering the country via well placed agents who would later be known as “oligarchs“.
Russia’s entire Soviet Empire collapsed in 1991. Thus the Ashkenazim succeeded in bringing Russia to its knees.
Revenge Round 1. Done.
Today, Russia is under fire for the conflict in Ukraine. A conflict that was started by the Ashkenazi Victoria Nuland in the US State Department with her neo-con Ashkenazi husband Robert Kagan working in the background via powerful organizations such as Project for a New American Century, the Brookings Institution, and Council on Foreign Relations. The Ashkenazi George Soros also contributed financially to the Ukrainian Maidan “Revolution”.
Their sole purpose is to destroy Russia once again by starting a fire in its underbelly, Ukraine. A fire they’re planning to spread into Russia proper via military and economic warfare. Why? Because Russia has had the gall to rise from its still warm Ashkenazi-induced ashes. And because Russia has had the temerity to arrest their well placed thieving agents known as “oligarchs” with some fleeing the country. And because Russia has had the audacity to impede the American war on Syria which was orchestrated by AIPAC for the benefit of Israel.
Revenge Round 2. In progress.
After the destruction of Khazaria, the Ashkenazim scattered East and West throughout Europe and reinvented themselves as Errant Jews or Wandering Jews – meaning Roaming (Khazarian/Sakadean or Scythian) Jews. That label had nothing to do with a longing for Palestine but a longing for Khazaria or perhaps a longing for a new land, any new land. Here’s an excerpt from Wikipedia:
In 1903 Theodore Herzl presented the British Uganda Program at the Sixth Zionist Congress in Basel.
In the late 1930s, the British Zionist League considered a number of other places where a Jewish homeland could be established. The Kimberley region in Australia was considered until the Curtin government (in office: 1941–1945) rejected the possibility.
With the support of the then Premier of Tasmania, Robert Cosgrove (in office from 1939), Critchley Parker proposed a Jewish settlement at Port Davey, in south west Tasmania. Parker surveyed the area, but his death in 1942 put an end to the idea.
The Jewish Autonomous Oblast set up in the Russian Far East in 1934, represented a Soviet approach to providing a Jewish homeland.
Jewish Autonomous OblastBirobidzhan Main Square
Now note that all these attempts were being orchestrated by Ashkenazi Jews. In the wake of World War 2, a great number reluctantly assimilated themselves throughout the Americas. However, the great majority migrated to Palestine where they created many terrorist groups such as the Irgun, the Stern gang, and Haganah. They terrorized the Palestinian population, killed thousands upon thousands, and forced hundreds of thousands out of their homes and into neighboring Arab countries. Consequently, they stole Palestine and renamed it Israel in order to reinvent themselves as Hebrews and hoodwink gullible Christians in the West.
In their adoptive countries outside of Israel, including the US and Europe, the Ashkenazim have become financial and influential powerhouses, not because they’re Jews – at heart the majority of them are really not religious at all and could care less – but because they’re a shrewd people. They have learned much from their roaming throughout history, and they assimilate themselves fast and hard. They’re the ultimate Nomads.
Now could it be that, after two successive ideological failures in the forms of Communism and the current slow motion destruction of Zionism in Israel, somewhere deep inside the minds of die-hard Ashkenazi leaders lies a plan for a new reinvention? Will that reinvention be the re-conquest of their Khazar Khaganate – a land that is now situated deep inside Russia and encompasses Ukraine and Crimea? Is that why Putin suddenly reattached Crimea to Russia? Will they be okay with just Ukraine?
Revenge Round 3? Jamais deux sans trois.
Sephardim is derived from the word Sephard or Sepharad. Its origin is from the Persian name Saparda. It appears only once in the Bible in a prophecy by Obadiah to Edom:
“And the captivity of this host of the children of Israel shall possess that of the Canaanites, even unto Zarephath; and the captivity of Jerusalem, which is in Sepharad, shall possess the cities of the south.” Obadiah 1:20
Median Empire Map
Map of Median Empire based on Herodotus
Sepharad was located in Mede where Iran is today (i.e., the land of the 3 wise Magi who paid homage to the infant Jesus). Therefore, people from Sepharad were not descendants of Abraham either because the Medes of Northwest Iran were not Semites but Madaites, of Madai son of Japheth, uncle of Ashkenaz. Thus the people from Sepharad or the Madaites or the Medes now known as Sephardic Jews are Gentile JAPHETHITES, not Semites.
Interestingly, when Modern Israel was founded in 1948 the only Muslim countries to have recognized it first were the non-Semitic, non-Arab countries of Turkey and Iran because the people of these two countries share the same bloodline as both the Ashkenazim and the Sephardim.
The ancient Judahites or Judeans of Jerusalem, capital city of the Kingdom of Judah, were in captivity in Sepharad, but the Lord had promised them deliverance, which did occur in biblical times soon after Obadiah’s prophecy to Edom sometime in mid-fifth century B.C. So the captive biblical Judahites in Sepharad did return to their homeland in Judah.
However, many people from Sepharad converted to the religion of their ancient captives and many Judahites also stayed behind mixing it up with the locals as was often the case throughout Biblical Israel’s history when God would send them into captivity. It’s no wonder Magi from that land would later on know of the birth of Jesus the Messiah.
It would also explain why the biggest Jewish community in the Middle East today – outside the non-existent ever-expanding borders of the modern Zionist state – is in Iran where all of them refuse to emigrate to Israel because they consider themselves to be Iranians who just happen to be Jews instead of Muslims or Christians. Basically, the Iranian Jews did not buy into the brainwashing the other Jews who voluntarily relocated to Israel fell for.
Eventually many Sephardic Jews emigrated to Europe, especially to Spain and Portugal, where they made a new home on the Iberian peninsula, which was itself originally settled by Madai’s brother Tubal, also son of Japheth. Blood calls unto blood, doesn’t it? Subsequently, the Spanish Inquisition spurred a great number of Sephardic Jews to emigrate to North Africa.
It seems that people today have forgotten that Ancient Israel, specifically the tribe of Judah, unlike Modern Israel and much like Biblical Israel’s offspring, the Christian Church, was a proselytizing nation which wanted people all over the world to know and pray to the true God of the Universe even though at one point the process had become totally corrupted because of the pharisaic teachings. Let’s hear Jesus:
“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.” Matthew 23:15
When these folks converted they didn’t miraculously become Judahites and Hebrews. How could anyone? The people of Sepharad like the Ashkenazim and all the others who converted to the religion of the ancient Judahites only professed to adhere to the various rules of the faith. They maintained their own cultures and identities. Today they are known as Talmudic Jews and Torah Jews. See The Word Jew is NOT in the Bible.
Even the prophet Obadiah himself who prophesied about the ancient Judahites in Sepharad was a convert. He was an Edomite, not a Hebrew. Now Edom or Esau was the brother of Jacob or Israel. His country was situated on portions of both present day Jordan and Palestine.
So why did God pick an Edomite preacher and not a Hebrew one? Because God knows very well that a prophet is never accepted in his own home – ask Jesus. And because God wanted Edom to pay for what he had done to his brother Jacob He called on an Edomite prophet to warn them knowing the homegrown prophet would be rejected. Otherwise he would have sent an Israelite like he did with Jonah the Hebrew in Nineveh (Modern Iraq) where they all repented (and converted and became known later on as Karaite Jews) to Jonah’s chagrin. As expected, Edom did not repent and suffered the consequences, but Judah did return home.
“Esau I have hated, and I have turned his hill country into a wasteland and left his inheritance to the desert jackals.” Malachi 1:3
God did the same thing to the Hebrews. He sent them one of their own, Jesus, so He could get revenge for all the prophets they had killed, Jesus included, but the Church was born.
“Behold, your house is being left to you desolate!” Matthew 23:38
Virulent Zionist Jews have stolen the land of Palestine and transformed it into Israel. In the process they have developed a hatred for Arab Muslims, especially Palestinian Muslims, even though they both worship the same God, the God of Abraham, just like all Jews supposedly do and just like ancient converts by the Hebrews used to do. The converts of old used to live amongst the Hebrews with no problem. God even commanded it.
“If a stranger lives as a foreigner with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong. The stranger who lives as a foreigner with you shall be to you as the native-born among you, and you shall love him as yourself; for you lived as foreigners in the land of Egypt. I am Yahweh your God.” Leviticus 19:33-34
But modern-day Israeli Jewish leaders refuse co-existence because the whole conflict is about their thirst for land. And more land. One would think that because of the many similarities Jews have with Muslims such as circumcision and the like that the Zionists would concede to live in harmony. But they don’t want to. And that’s because it’s not about faith. It’s not about God and the Bible or God and His promises and commandments. It’s about land. And more land. A land without Arabs. They want the whole enchilada. The whole pie. It’s an Ashkenazi obsession which they have successfully inculcated in their co-religionists. And that obsession has turned an entire people toward a malignant racism that has morphed into an Apartheid system worse than the one that took shape in South Africa. So much so that the whole country is openly talking about the genocide of the Palestinians living among them, mistreating them, killing them, and bombing them at will in the hope they will leave the land in disgust.
Graphic2Racist Oppressors
Ironically, though Islam and Judaism are similar in many ways, where they differ greatly is in their belief of who Jesus Christ was.
Muslims believe that Jesus was born of the Holy Spirit and of the Virgin Mary, was a prophet to the ancient Israelites, was not crucified to death, went to heaven without dying, and is expected to return soon. However, according to Talmudic Jews, Jesus was a sorcerer and a demon-possessed liar who is now boiling in excrement in hell and whose mother Mary was a whore. From Wikipedia according to the Talmud:
In Gittin 56b, 57a a story is mentioned in which Onkelos summons up the spirit of Yeshu [or Yeshua (Jesus)] who sought to harm Israel. He describes his punishment in the afterlife as boiling in excrement.
In addition, at the 1240 Disputation of Paris, Donin presented the allegation that the Talmud was blasphemous towards Mary, the mother of Jesus (“Miriam” in Hebrew) and this criticism has been repeated by many Christian sources. The texts cited by critics include Sanhedrin 67a, Sanhedrin 106a, and Shabbath 104b.
“Behold, I have set the land before you: go in and possess the land which the Lord swore unto your fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give unto them and to their seed after them.” Deut 1:8
Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews are not of the seed of Abraham and especially not of Jacob’s. European and African Jews are not either. Therefore they can’t be the Chosen People since they are not of the Semitic lineage of the 12 Hebrew tribes and for that matter can’t claim the inheritance of the land of Palestine which they have settled. In a just court of law their self-ascribed right to hold on to the land would be thrown out. And resurrecting the dead Hebrew tongue after centuries in the dustbin of oblivion in order to make it modern Israel’s official language won’t change those facts, much like parking a Subaru in a Lamborghini dealership won’t turn it into a Veneno Roadster.
Besides, most religious Jews follow the man-inspired Talmud (full of Babylonian superstitions) and not the God-inspired Old Testament where God’s promises and commandments are recorded. Only Torah Jews follow the Old Testament’s Pentateuch, and they believe that Jews should not be occupying Palestine. They recognize only the current Palestinian government.
Jews Stole the name Israel Judaism
Furthermore, the seed of Jacob mentioned in the Bible is prophetically applied to seed, singular, which seed is Jesus Christ who was repeatedly called the Son of David, himself a descendant of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
At first glance, if anyone is to inherit Palestine, it should be Christians, spiritual descendants of Jesus, the seed of Jacob. That understanding was in fact used to execute the evil Crusades of the Middle Ages. Needless to say it is a perverted comprehension of what that particular inheritance means.
The true Israel of God is now those who throughout the earth adhere to the New Covenant of Christ. They are called by the new name Christians. Their new promised land is the heavenly paradise promised to Christ’s true followers with their capital city, the new Jerusalem, being from above. Hence they are the new Chosen People. Chosen to love, to spread peace, to do good to all, and not to lord over anyone.
“Him that overcomes will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name.” Revelation 3:12
Therefore, when the Old Testament admonishes us to “pray for the peace of Jerusalem”, we must filter it through the New Covenant. It presently means “Pray for all Christians that by the blood of Christ’s New Covenant they may overcome their sinful nature and be fully sanctified so they can inherit the eternal peace of the new Jerusalem from above.”
God is working from a new script, not the obsolete one. Here’s the Apostle Paul’s conclusion on the First (Old) Covenant from Hebrews 8:13: “God has made the first obsolete!” And by the way, obsolete really means obsolete. Done. Kaput. Finito.
The so-called “Christian” pastors and teachers who impart that the Old Testament favoritism of one particular group of people still applies today do so only to spit and trample on the works of Christ. These wolves in sheep clothing who clamor the drivel that there are two covenants simultaneously at play are only digging themselves deep into hell’s volcanic fire. Christians, stay away from these men! For their whole purpose is to deny Christ’s New Covenant which is freely available to all nations on earth without respect to color, race, geographical demarcation, or spiritual condition. In other words, they want to destroy the New Covenant whose aim is to forge a spiritually egalitarian brotherhood of man throughout the earth with Jesus as the loving big brother.
If one is dead set on applying ancestry and racial stock as to who should inherit the land of Palestine, then the Arabs clearly win – the Palestinian Arabs to be more precise. For Arabs of the Middle East, which include cultural Arabs such as Chaldeans, Assyrians, Aramaics, Phoenicians, and Syriacs, are the only living bloodline descendants of Abraham and the only true Semites, not converted Jews.
The Palestinian Arabs have inhabited the land for close to 2000 years since the destruction of the Hebrew Nation, Jerusalem, and the Temple by Rome in AD 70. That famed destruction is known as the Apocalypse or the Armageddon or the Great Tribulation or the End of the Age as prophesied by Christ Himself and by the Apostle John throughout the entire book of Revelation.
That particular destruction saw the end of the Hebrew race except for those converted to Christianity who fled the country before the great tribulation and massacre as recorded by Josephus in The Wars of the Judahites. Thus those Christian Hebrews who escaped embodied “all Israel shall be saved”‘ of Romans 11:26.
If there are any Christian Hebrews left, they’d be cultural Arabs by now living in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, or Palestine. But chances are they’ve intermarried with other Semitic Christians in the area.
Before the End of the Age of the Hebrews the entire exercise or raison d’être of the 12 Hebrew Tribes was just God’s way of nurturing a people so He could arrive on earth in the person of the Messiah Jesus. He distributed them across 7 lots throughout the land of Canaan (Joshua 14-19) and kept track of them through endless censuses even when they were in captivity.
That whole endeavor was God building Himself an earthly home and family for when He finally decided to visit. And once that was done, He loved it so much He decided He now wanted the entire human race to be His new family. To those Hebrews who accepted Him, he warned them to leave the land as judgment was about to fall on those who rejected and crucified Him – hence the desolation or the end of the age or the destruction of an entire people. That is why the Hebrew Tribes are no longer around. And they can’t and won’t be “found” either.
“Jesus turned and said to them, “Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep for yourselves and for your children.” Luke 23:28
“But he responded, ‘Do you see all these buildings? I tell you the truth, they will be completely demolished. Not one stone will be left on top of another!'” Matthew 24: 2
“But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then recognize that her desolation is near. Then those who are in Judea must flee to the mountains, and those who are in the midst of the city must leave, and those who are in the country must not enter the city.” Luke 21: 20,21
“Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.” Matthew 24:34
“And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Mattthew 28:20
“And their dead bodies will lie in the street of the great city which mystically is called Sodom and Egypt, where also their Lord was crucified.” Rev 11:8
Besides, when was the last time you heard of a prophet whom God sent to anoint a King over modern Israel as He used to do in the old days? What of the animal sacrifices? What of the lamb to be killed and eaten during Passover like Jesus did when He established the new covenant with his disciples, a lamb that was killed and eaten in a private home? The sacrifice of the Passover Lamb in the Hebrew home was God’s very contract with each individual ancient Hebrew and that’s why Jesus repeated it with his disciples in order to introduce the new contract. Do Jews today kill a lamb for Passover in their own homes to keep the old contract alive? Is modern Israel comprised of only Judea and Samaria as it was in the Old Testament and divided into 7 lots as God directed Joshua with each tribe settling on its own parcel? Are the bloodline descendants of the Levites still around to restock a future Temple because no other Hebrew tribe can?
The answer to all of these questions is resoundingly negative. And ironically, Judea and Samaria of the Bible (i.e., the Kingdoms of Judah and Israel) are today mostly inside the West Bank of Palestine (aptly named Judea and Samaria even by thieving Zionists) and not inside Modern Israel.
Palestine New Testament Times West Bank
To all Israeli Jews we say denounce and renounce your Zionist leaders for just as they sold you out to Hitler and his 150,000 Jewish soldiers, they will sell you out once more to be butchered.
Do not think for a minute that they have your best interest at heart. No government in the world has the best interest of their people at heart. Otherwise why have they led you into a country under false pretense and brainwashed you to hate all your Muslim neighbors when you are surrounded on all sides by these very neighbors? Where will you run to when all hell breaks loose? Into the sea? Isn’t that what they’ve been telling you over and over that “they” want to run the Jews into the sea? By that meme they’re getting you accustomed to that very idea for when it actually happens. The sea is the only place where they have not created enemies for you and they would if they could. They want to watch you flail and drown while they fly away in their private jets to Switzerland after they have stolen all your money and transferred it to some tax haven only to reinvent themselves somewhere else. Ask George Soros how he did it during World War 2. If you still don’t believe it, then remember why and how you got to Palestine.
1900 years after that fateful event called The Apocalypse, Ashkenazi Zionists, under the same pretext as that used by the so called “Christian” Crusaders, flooded into Palestine armed with terror and violence and backed by the imperial might of Britain. Many political analysts and historians of that time saw the Jewish invasion of Palestine as a British imperial project, this time using Zionist Jews as cannon fodder much like Zionist “Christians” were used during the Middle Ages when the Europeans’ goal was to plunder the area and control the Mediterranean.
Jaffa, PalestinePalestine Currency Board
Now the English empire wanted a beachhead to keep the Middle East in turmoil and divided so as to conquer and control the Arabs who control the oil while keeping their own hands on the wells’ spigots. It was a mutually beneficial arrangement. The Ashkenazim got their land and the Empire got an outpost that the Ashkenazim would rename Israel in order to hoodwink gullible Christians in the West.
But the empire not only wanted to keep the Arabs divided, they also wanted to keep Israeli society divided and weak. So the Israeli leaders delivered: Ashkenazim and European Jews discriminate against Sephardic and African Jews as Ashkenazim and European Jews control most everything in the country;  Russian Jews who mostly are pretend Jews escaped the Soviet Union courtesy of the US and now constitute a fifth column; Orthodox Jews hate all the non-religious Jews and vice versa; Israeli Arabs are kept as third-class citizens with Sephardic and North African Jews as second class and Black African Jews as no class; most Israeli Jews hate the Palestinians either in the occupied territories or within Israel itself and would love to excise them from the land while the Palestinians under the weight of over 60 years of occupation would love to see the Jews finally leave so they could become free from Apartheid.
To say the whole country is a mess is an understatement.
Today, imperial America is somewhat loosely controlling this Sparta-like project called Israel. And they’re doing so without regard for the people in the region and what it will cost innocent Jews, Muslims, and Christians. The time is fast approaching when Israel will no longer be of use to a defunct imperial power. That’s how it was in the past and that’s how it’ll be soon. Use and discard. After all, it is a universal truth that Empires invariably “eat their children”, especially after they collapse.
Frankly, the US Empire is not the real culprit here. How many times did America try to coax Israel into making peace and Israel’s leaders always turned intransigent? There are so many times you can bite the hand that feeds you, especially if the feeding is to the tune of billions of dollars a year.
The mostly Ashkenazim and European Zionist leaders are to blame. There are too many red flags. Have they forgotten the stain that the Crusades left on Christianity? Do they not remember how the Christian Crusades ended? Have they no knowledge of history to understand how empire after empire lost Palestine? Do they even ask themselves what their own Crusade will leave behind this time? Have they not witnessed what happened to Apartheid South Africa? And most importantly why do they not make a just and lasting peace with all of their neighbors even if they lose considerable land? Isn’t peace better? Frankly, these leaders don’t give a hoot.
Together with imperial America, the Zionist leaders have ignited the suffering of millions of innocents, Christians and Muslims, who are presently living in torment not only in Palestine but throughout the Middle East. This has been orchestrated in order to create a cauldron they hope to pour on all the inhabitants of the area, Israelis included.
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6:12
The demonic forces are hell-bent on making the land of Palestine suffer for having brought about Jesus, the Prince of Peace. They’ve been tormenting that land for over 2000 years with the ultimate goal of punishing Abraham’s only biological descendants, the Arabs throughout the Middle East. That’s their way of trying to eliminate that entire bloodline so as to remove any physical vestige of the kinsmen of the One who beat their boss Satan on the cross.
They see these Arabs, especially the Arab Christians, as representing a line in the sand, a true embodiment of the obsolete Old Covenant which Satan cleverly used to kill Christ but is now rendered void by the resurrected Messiah. By somewhat “reconstructing” the Old Covenant close to its original location, they have pushed the Middle East on the edge of the abyss in order to deplete the area of Christians and to kill as many real Semites as they can.
All these interminable conflicts are causing Christians to leave in droves and destroying the future for millions. And if you still doubt the hate that has been carefully nurtured and managed against Arabs, especially in the past decades, then you’ve been living in a hole.
To Satan’s horror when Jesus rose from the dead, that old cunning Dragon started running amok. He realized he had been defeated. He thought he could kill God on earth so he could run the show. And just like he deceived the Ancient Hebrew leaders into killing Christ, his forces are now playing the Ashkenazim leaders like a fiddle. They’re the real fiddlers on the region’s roof. No peace. Just endless war. After all, peace reminds them of the Prince of Peace. Can’t have that. So now they have their eyes set on bringing their play to the next level: finish off the real Semites and devour the Western world which Christian civilization has brought about. Basically kill two birds with one stone.
To engulf all Christendom they have to involve the Ashkenazim’s arch nemesis, Russia, which holds an arsenal of about 8,000 nuclear missiles. And the way to execute that is by 1) waging war against Russia’s allies Syria and Iran (both have a mutual defense pact), a war that would eventually spread to Israel and other Arab countries, and 2) setting fire in Russia’s underbelly, Ukraine, hoping the fire will spread through Russia, Europe, and the US.
But even hell’s cohorts know that confronting Russia and its allies is not something the Israelis can bring to fruition by themselves. So better get the Israelis’ minions to do it. In other words, better goad the Russian bear by wagging the American dog for the benefit of Israel. The dog can’t really say no because AIPAC has it by the groin. And remember, AIPAC is controlled by powerful Ashkenazi-American business leaders. Are you getting the full picture now?
This future war these satanic forces want so badly is being called World War 3 or the War to End all Wars. A war that would leave the Middle East and the Western world in nuclear ashes. That’s why these demon-possessed mammonish toads and warmongers are endlessly blabbing in the mainstream media about defense spending, terrorists, preemptive wars, war on terror, and nuclear first strikes.
But wait, there might still be hope. We can change things. Remember how we stalled the last attempted American attack on Syria which was planned and pushed by AIPAC? We can still have the victory. Unless you sit and do nothing. Then this would kick in: World War 3. Jamais deux sans trois.
“And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God.” Revelation 15:2
Sepharvaim is distinct from Sephardim. Sepharvaim was the name for the double city of Sippara on the east and west banks of the Euphrates. It was not the name of a people. Sepharvaim means “the two Sipparas” as in the two cities of Sippara (Sippar-Yahrurum and Sippar-Ammanum). The origin of the people from the two Sipparas could very well be Sumerian, and today they’re part of those who are known as the Samaritans.
Read also: The Evil of Rapture Theology