Revealing that which is concealed. Learning about anything that resembles real freedom. A journey of self-discovery shared with the world. Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them - Ephesians 5-11 Join me and let's follow that high road...
Thursday, March 31, 2016
No Inflation? Like the gubmint sez? REALLY?
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137% increase in 15 years. The worst kind of inflation. A degree that only guarantees jobs for the feminist LGBT group, as is plainly visible in western society. Everyone else? Become a waiter. |
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
The Reason Why The Young #NeverTrump Protester Was Maced: Punching An Elderly Man In The Face
In this morning's media frenzy story du jour, a 15-year-old
girl, who was protesting at a Trump rally in Wisconsin, ended up being
pepper sprayed, or at least that's how most of the media portrayed the
incident. Since we were unsure what had happened, we specifically stated that "who
knows what actually happened here and we won't endeavor to speculate
although it does appear that the pepper spraying was in retaliation for
an initial provocation by the young girl."

There was, however, more to the story than headlines such as this one from Time Magazine "15-Year-Old Girl Assaulted at Donald Trump Rally, Police Say" suggest.
As the following Youtube clip from Rebel Pundit reveals, the unnamed female #NeverTrump protester was only maced after she first punched an elderly man in the face: the moment is clearly caught on tape 28 seconds into the following clip.
Andrew Marcus, who works on these video projects with Rebel Pundit, posted this image.
As the LegalInsurrection website notes, "I don’t know the man’s age, but in many states a physical assault on a person over a certain age (usually 60 or 65) get accelerated charging, turning what would be a misdemeanor battery into a felony."
It adds: "we saw this extensively when Trump’s Chicago rally was shut down after near riots by anti-Trump activists who infiltrated the rally venue. And we saw it yesterday at a Trump rally in Janesville, WI.... It’s the same agenda used against the Tea Party — to portray an overwhelmingly peaceful group of people as violent, and to portray the violent leftist perpetrators as victims."
And speaking of the Janesville WI, protest, we wonder if the young girl was being compensated (to the tune of $15/hour) by anonymous sources, the same ones who had previously put up the following CraigsList posting seeking to recruit "Paid Protesters at Trump Rally."

There was, however, more to the story than headlines such as this one from Time Magazine "15-Year-Old Girl Assaulted at Donald Trump Rally, Police Say" suggest.
As the following Youtube clip from Rebel Pundit reveals, the unnamed female #NeverTrump protester was only maced after she first punched an elderly man in the face: the moment is clearly caught on tape 28 seconds into the following clip.
Andrew Marcus, who works on these video projects with Rebel Pundit, posted this image.
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the elderly getting sucker punched by feminist nazi. The fascist MSM isn't reporting or showing the video of the woman's attack against a man not even looking at her. Never trust the press for the truth. |
.@NYCitySasha Here's the elderly man who the 15yr old #NeverTrump fanatic punched in the face UNPROVOKED.— Andrew Marcus (@ImAndrewMarcus) March 30, 2016
As the LegalInsurrection website notes, "I don’t know the man’s age, but in many states a physical assault on a person over a certain age (usually 60 or 65) get accelerated charging, turning what would be a misdemeanor battery into a felony."
It adds: "we saw this extensively when Trump’s Chicago rally was shut down after near riots by anti-Trump activists who infiltrated the rally venue. And we saw it yesterday at a Trump rally in Janesville, WI.... It’s the same agenda used against the Tea Party — to portray an overwhelmingly peaceful group of people as violent, and to portray the violent leftist perpetrators as victims."
And speaking of the Janesville WI, protest, we wonder if the young girl was being compensated (to the tune of $15/hour) by anonymous sources, the same ones who had previously put up the following CraigsList posting seeking to recruit "Paid Protesters at Trump Rally."
The New Part-Time Job: "Get Paid $15 An Hour To Protest At The Trump Rally"
Wow, only for Trump protests do you see ads to do him in. Being paid to be a shill to attack a peaceful assembly, as guaranteed by the constitution. These people are evil.
For those wondering why Trump rallies tend to devolve to pugilistic matches, where even belligerent 15-year-old protesting (or perhaps "provocative" is a better word) girls end up getting pepper sprayed much to the media's fascination, the answer is Craig's List ads such as the one below, in which allegedly "I'm feelin' the Bern"-affiliated organizers provide paid positions for protesters at Trump rallies, and which provide not only shuttle buses, parking, and signs (as well as time cards) but also hand out $15/hour (as a "part-time employment") for said protest activity "due to the economic inequality."

Well that's one way to cover the "minimum wage."
This particular ad has since been removed by its author, although as the Daily Caller recently pointed out, this is a recurring pattern as anti-Trump protesters openly admit answering Craigslist ads and getting paid to protest at Trump rallies. This is what the DC said previously:
For those wondering why Trump rallies tend to devolve to pugilistic matches, where even belligerent 15-year-old protesting (or perhaps "provocative" is a better word) girls end up getting pepper sprayed much to the media's fascination, the answer is Craig's List ads such as the one below, in which allegedly "I'm feelin' the Bern"-affiliated organizers provide paid positions for protesters at Trump rallies, and which provide not only shuttle buses, parking, and signs (as well as time cards) but also hand out $15/hour (as a "part-time employment") for said protest activity "due to the economic inequality."

Well that's one way to cover the "minimum wage."
This particular ad has since been removed by its author, although as the Daily Caller recently pointed out, this is a recurring pattern as anti-Trump protesters openly admit answering Craigslist ads and getting paid to protest at Trump rallies. This is what the DC said previously:
The Establishment on both the left and the right, who want to disenfranchise the millions of Republican voters who support Donald Trump, have blamed the staged riots near Trump rallies on Trump or on Bernie Sanders. That’s like blaming the Russians for the Reichstag Fire. Bernie has little to do with these manufactured protests. This is a Clinton operation, a faux protest.
False flag operations have long been common in politics, but these riots are poisonous to the electorate, intentionally designed to turn violent and stifle free speech.
This free speech-busting goon squad operation is directed by supporters of Hillary Clinton. It is paid for mostly by George Soros and and pushed by David Brock at Media Matters for America. It’s also funded by reclusive billionaire Jonathan Lewis, who was identified by the Miami New Times as a “mystery man.” He inherited roughly a billion dollars from his father Peter Lewis (founder of Progressive Insurance Company).
A march and demonstration against Trump at Trump Tower essentially fizzled Saturday when only 500 “protesters” of the promised 5000 showed up. Infiltrating the crowd, I learned most were from MoveOn or the Occupy movement. Soap was definitely in short supply in this crowd. Several admitted answering a Craig’s list ad paying $16.00 an hour for protesters.
Hillary understands that Trump would lose the votes of certain establishment Republicans if he were the nominee. On the other hand, it doesn’t matter, because of his crossover outreach. In Michigan, Democrats and independents who have lost their jobs because of disastrous globalist trade deals like NAFTA are lining up to vote for Donald.
April 19: Temple Of Baal In New York Is Going Up Same Day The Blood Sacrifice To The Beast Begins - 13 day countdown to the witches sabbat of MAY DAY.
By The Daily Coin · March 30, 2016
by Michael Snyder, End of the American Dream
am about to share with you some absolutely astounding information. It
turns out that the exact day when reproductions of the arch that stood
in front of the Temple of Baal are going to be erected in Times Square in New York City and in Trafalgar Square in London is
also the exact day when a very important occult festival related to the
worship of Baal begins. April 19th is the first day of a 13 day period
of time known as “the Blood Sacrifice to the Beast” that culminates on
the high occult holy day of Beltane on May 1st. In some parts of the
world, Beltane is much better known as “May Day”, and it has been
described as the “Illuminati’s second most sacred holiday”. As you will
see below, we have indeed witnessed a disturbing series of “blood
sacrifices” during the second half of April in recent years, and many
people wonder if there is a connection.
April 19th is also known as “the Feast of Moloch”. If you are not familiar with “Moloch” or “Molech”, it is an ancient Canaanite god that is repeatedly denounced in the Old Testament. Child sacrifice was a key feature of the worship of Moloch, and a giant statue of this pagan deity is set up at the Bohemian Grove in northern California every year.
Is it just a coincidence that reproductions of the arch that stood in front of the Temple of Baal in Palmyra, Syria are going up in New York and London on the precise day when the Feast of Moloch is celebrated and when “the Blood Sacrifice to the Beast” begins? The organization in charge of this “cultural project” is the Institute for Digital Archaeology. The following comes directly from their website…
Is it just some sort of weird “accident” that the date they decided on begins a 13 day period of time which is exceedingly significant for the worship of Baal?…
The following list of events that have happened on or around April 19th comes from Vigilant Citizen…
I also wanted to note that since 2016 is a leap year, April 20th will be the 111th day of the year, and triple numbers are considered to be “power dates” in the occult world.
This 13 day period which begins on April 19th culminates with the high occult holy day of Beltane on May 1st. In recent years, this occult holiday has experienced a tremendous resurgence – especially in Europe. The origin of Beltane can be traced all the way back to the worship of Baal in the ancient Middle East. The following comes from…
After he passed away, this ancient king of Babylon eventually came to be worshipped as a sun god under a whole host of different names: Marduk, Osiris, Apollo etc.
Many secret societies and occult groups believe that someday this ancient deity will be “resurrected” and will once again take his place as the ruler of the world. And many Christians scholars are entirely convinced that there is some sort of connection between the ancient figure of Nimrod and the coming Antichrist.
So is it just a coincidence that we are erecting arches for this ancient deity in New York and London on a date that is exceedingly significant for those that worship this ancient deity?
Could it be possible that there is more to these “gateways” that are being constructed than we are being told?
Could it be possible that we are laying out giant “welcome signs” for the Antichrist?
We have entered a period of time known in the Bible as “the last days”. In fact, this is the focus of my new book. If you think that what you have read in this article is a bit strange, well the truth is that you haven’t seen anything yet.

April 19th is also known as “the Feast of Moloch”. If you are not familiar with “Moloch” or “Molech”, it is an ancient Canaanite god that is repeatedly denounced in the Old Testament. Child sacrifice was a key feature of the worship of Moloch, and a giant statue of this pagan deity is set up at the Bohemian Grove in northern California every year.
Is it just a coincidence that reproductions of the arch that stood in front of the Temple of Baal in Palmyra, Syria are going up in New York and London on the precise day when the Feast of Moloch is celebrated and when “the Blood Sacrifice to the Beast” begins? The organization in charge of this “cultural project” is the Institute for Digital Archaeology. The following comes directly from their website…
On April 19, 2016, in cooperation with national and international cultural heritage preservation organizations, and in conjunction with World Heritage Week 2016, the Institute for Digital Archaeology will install a monumental scale reconstruction of Palmyra’s Triumphal Arch on Trafalgar Square. Through this project — and others like it scheduled throughout 2016 in cities both inside and outside the Middle East — the IDA seeks to provide an optimistic and constructive response to the ongoing threats to history and heritage that have captured headlines over the past year. Our aim is to highlight the potential for the triumph of human ingenuity over violence by offering innovative, technology-driven options for the stewardship of objects and architecture from our shared past.Are we to believe that this date was chosen at random?
Is it just some sort of weird “accident” that the date they decided on begins a 13 day period of time which is exceedingly significant for the worship of Baal?…
“April 19 – May 1 – Blood Sacrifice To The Beast, a most critical 13-day period. Fire sacrifice is required on April 19.And as I mentioned above, we have indeed witnessed some very noteworthy “blood sacrifices” during the second half of the month of April over the past few decades.
April 19 is the first day of the 13-day Satanic ritual day relating to fire – the fire god, Baal, or Molech/Nimrod (the Sun God), also known as the Roman god, Saturn (Satan/Devil). This day is a major human sacrifice day, demanding fire sacrifice with an emphasis on children. This day is one of the most important human sacrifice days, and as such, has had some very important historic events occur on this day.”
The following list of events that have happened on or around April 19th comes from Vigilant Citizen…
- April 19, 1993 – Waco Massacre: An FBI assault lead to the burning down of the compound of a sect named Branch Davidians, killing 76 men, women and children.
- April 19, 1995 – Oklahoma City bombing – 168 people killed.
- April 20, 1999 – Columbine High School Massacre – 13 people murdered, 21 injured.
- April 16, 2007 – Virginia Tech Massacre – 32 killed; 17 injured.
- April 16, 2013 – Boston Marathon Explosions – 3 killed; 107 injured.
I also wanted to note that since 2016 is a leap year, April 20th will be the 111th day of the year, and triple numbers are considered to be “power dates” in the occult world.
This 13 day period which begins on April 19th culminates with the high occult holy day of Beltane on May 1st. In recent years, this occult holiday has experienced a tremendous resurgence – especially in Europe. The origin of Beltane can be traced all the way back to the worship of Baal in the ancient Middle East. The following comes from…
Beltane (pronounced, “B’yal-t’n”) begins April 30th at sundown and lasts until sunrise on May 1st. Beltane is the opposite of Halloween on the Satanic calender as Halloween is a time of reaping, while Beltane is a time of rebirth. This holiday is a time to celebrate fertility, indulgence, the rebirth of spring, and the Sumerian God Enlil (Baal), this is where the name “Beltane” originates.And as I discussed in my article the other day, the worship of Baal can be traced all the way back to an ancient king of Babylon that is known in Sumerian sources as Enmerkar, but that is known in the Bible as Nimrod. He established the very first “New World Order” in the ancient world, and he fundamentally changed the course of human history.
Before any real celebrating took place, wood from nine different types of trees gathered and a sacred grid was made. The grid was created by drawing a square on the ground and dividing it into eight smaller squares. Turf from the eight outer squares were dug out leaving the ninth square intact. The Beltane fire symbolized the central hearth of the community, the divine fire in the center of all things, and the spark of life within mankind.
Beltane celebrations were celebrated in the nude with orgiastic sex and without shame. Celebrants would dance around the maypole which stood as a phallic symbol. Couples would pair up, jump through the bonfire, and had sex in the woods all night, after intense feasting.
After he passed away, this ancient king of Babylon eventually came to be worshipped as a sun god under a whole host of different names: Marduk, Osiris, Apollo etc.
Many secret societies and occult groups believe that someday this ancient deity will be “resurrected” and will once again take his place as the ruler of the world. And many Christians scholars are entirely convinced that there is some sort of connection between the ancient figure of Nimrod and the coming Antichrist.
So is it just a coincidence that we are erecting arches for this ancient deity in New York and London on a date that is exceedingly significant for those that worship this ancient deity?
Could it be possible that there is more to these “gateways” that are being constructed than we are being told?
Could it be possible that we are laying out giant “welcome signs” for the Antichrist?
We have entered a period of time known in the Bible as “the last days”. In fact, this is the focus of my new book. If you think that what you have read in this article is a bit strange, well the truth is that you haven’t seen anything yet.

Easter Suicide Bombing A Preview Of The Persecution Christians Will Face During The Tribulation?
You didn't hear about this one in the media did you? Of course not. Because the satanic network wants any human being that truly loves the Creator, no matter the country, language, or faith - slaughtered. You only hear about their frame jobs, the false flags they setup so key legislation can be quickly passed that take away yet more of what little freedoms the world still possesses.
by Michael Snyder, End of the American Dream
At least 65 people were killed and at least 300 were injured when an Islamic suicide bomber targeted a group of Christians that were celebrating Easter in a park in Lahore, Pakistan on Sunday. Photographs and videos from the scene show bodies that are absolutely covered in blood and that are mangled beyond description. To be honest, many of them are so graphic that I would not feel comfortable sharing them with my readers. This brutal attack comes right on the heels of the horrific terror bombings in Brussels, Belgium, and it appears that we have entered a period of time when there will be a feeding frenzy of Islamic terrorism. According to Wikipedia, there have been 96 such terror attacks since the start of 2016 alone, and this is already shaping up to be a record setting year for Islamic terror. But of course this is just the beginning. What we will see in the months and years to come will be far worse. In fact, attacks like the one that we witnessed on Easter are just a very small preview of the persecution that Christians will experience during the coming Tribulation period.
This suicide bombing in Lahore was particularly reprehensible because it targeted women and children. In fact, the Daily Mail is reporting that “most of the victims are believed to be women and children”…
How could someone strap on a bomb and dive into a crowd of women and children at a park?
Incredibly, many mainstream news reports in the United States do not even mention that Christians were the target of this attack. Just check out this CNN article where there are no mentions of Christians at all. The political correctness of our mainstream media continues to extend to ridiculous new extremes.
The same thing could also be said of our politicians. During his weekend radio address, Barack Obama reaffirmed his commitment to bring in 100,000 new refugees this year despite the recent suicide bombings…
When will people wake up?
All over the world, violence against Christians is rising.
Could what we have seen so far be the leading edge of a wave of persecution that will reach a crescendo during the coming Great Tribulation?
Unfortunately, the vast majority of Christians in the western world have not been prepared for the persecution that is coming because they have been taught that they won’t be around to face it.
I have just released my brand new book entitled “The Rapture Verdict” which addresses this controversy. It is 37 chapters long, and it comprehensively demonstrates that the rapture comes immediately after the coming seven year Tribulation period (Matthew 24, Mark 13 etc.) and so Christians are going to be here to face the Antichrist, the Mark of the Beast and the horrifying persecution of believers described in the book of Revelation.
Of course believers in the Middle East, Africa, North Korea, China, India and elsewhere around the globe are already enduring immense persecution. If you tried to tell them that they were going to get out of here before anything bad happened to them they would just laugh at you.
For the first 1800 years of church history, the overwhelmingly dominant viewpoint was that Christians were going to have to go through the entire seven year Tribulation period and that Jesus would come back when it was over. But in the western world today, most Christians are completely and totally unprepared to face the persecution that is coming, and most of them have made absolutely no preparations for the difficult years to come because they have put all of their chips on the idea of a pre-Tribulation rapture.
Once upon a time I believed in a pre-Tribulation rapture too. I have been immersed in the world of Bible prophecy all of my life, and as I was growing up I just trusted what “the experts” had to say. I read their books, I bought their DVD, I watched their television shows and I went to their conferences.
But whenever the Bible speaks about the timing of the rapture, it always says that it comes after the Tribulation is over. In my book, I break this down in excruciating detail, and I go over the most common arguments used by those that believe in a pre-Trib or mid-Trib rapture.
I certainly do not intend to upset my brothers and sisters that are pre-Trib or mid-Trib. I love all of my brothers and sisters in Christ, and learning to love one another is far more important than “winning a debate” about these matters. In the end, we shouldn’t just blindly trust what any of “the experts” are saying. We all need to be good Bereans and look into the Scriptures for ourselves to see if these things are true.
Without a doubt, the second coming of Jesus is something that God wanted us to understand. It is mentioned approximately 300 times in the New Testament alone, which breaks down to about once every 25 verses. If we weren’t supposed to focus on this, there wouldn’t be such a vast amount of material in the Bible about it.
In Matthew 24:21, Jesus warns us that just prior to His return we would experience a time that would be more horrible than anything the world has ever seen before or will ever see again.
But for the moment, Christians in the western world have it quite easy. In fact, the only violence on Easter in the western world this year came during an Easter egg hunt…
Hatred for Christians is rapidly rising all over the planet, and eventually deciding whether to be a Christian or not will be a life or death matter.
When that times comes, which side of the fence will you be on?
by Michael Snyder, End of the American Dream
At least 65 people were killed and at least 300 were injured when an Islamic suicide bomber targeted a group of Christians that were celebrating Easter in a park in Lahore, Pakistan on Sunday. Photographs and videos from the scene show bodies that are absolutely covered in blood and that are mangled beyond description. To be honest, many of them are so graphic that I would not feel comfortable sharing them with my readers. This brutal attack comes right on the heels of the horrific terror bombings in Brussels, Belgium, and it appears that we have entered a period of time when there will be a feeding frenzy of Islamic terrorism. According to Wikipedia, there have been 96 such terror attacks since the start of 2016 alone, and this is already shaping up to be a record setting year for Islamic terror. But of course this is just the beginning. What we will see in the months and years to come will be far worse. In fact, attacks like the one that we witnessed on Easter are just a very small preview of the persecution that Christians will experience during the coming Tribulation period.
This suicide bombing in Lahore was particularly reprehensible because it targeted women and children. In fact, the Daily Mail is reporting that “most of the victims are believed to be women and children”…
Suicide bombers have killed at least 65 people and injured more than 300 more in an attack aimed at Christians in a park in Pakistan.How could someone do that?
The blast happened in the parking area of Gulshan-e-Iqbal Park, Lahore, a few metres away from children’s swings, and most of the victims are believed to be women and children.
Authorities have so far confirmed the deaths of 65 people at the park, where Christians had been celebrating Easter, but they expect the death toll to rise.
How could someone strap on a bomb and dive into a crowd of women and children at a park?
Incredibly, many mainstream news reports in the United States do not even mention that Christians were the target of this attack. Just check out this CNN article where there are no mentions of Christians at all. The political correctness of our mainstream media continues to extend to ridiculous new extremes.
The same thing could also be said of our politicians. During his weekend radio address, Barack Obama reaffirmed his commitment to bring in 100,000 new refugees this year despite the recent suicide bombings…
In a brief Easter weekend radio address, President Obama vowed to decimate the self-proclaimed Islamic State, but he said the United States will do so by offering an example of freedom, tolerance and open society.And as I have written about previously, Obama’s refugee program appears to be specifically targeting small towns in the most conservative parts of America.
“Our openness to refugees fleeing ISIL’s violence; our determination to win the battle against ISIL’s hateful and violent propaganda — a distorted view of Islam that aims to radicalize young Muslims to their cause,” are paramount in the fight, Obama told Americans during his weekly radio address.
Admitting entry to Syrian and Iraqi refugees has become a divisive issue in the U.S. as well as Europe, but Obama made clear he has no plan to back off his promise to admit 100,000 to the U.S. this year.
When will people wake up?
All over the world, violence against Christians is rising.
Could what we have seen so far be the leading edge of a wave of persecution that will reach a crescendo during the coming Great Tribulation?
Unfortunately, the vast majority of Christians in the western world have not been prepared for the persecution that is coming because they have been taught that they won’t be around to face it.
I have just released my brand new book entitled “The Rapture Verdict” which addresses this controversy. It is 37 chapters long, and it comprehensively demonstrates that the rapture comes immediately after the coming seven year Tribulation period (Matthew 24, Mark 13 etc.) and so Christians are going to be here to face the Antichrist, the Mark of the Beast and the horrifying persecution of believers described in the book of Revelation.
Of course believers in the Middle East, Africa, North Korea, China, India and elsewhere around the globe are already enduring immense persecution. If you tried to tell them that they were going to get out of here before anything bad happened to them they would just laugh at you.
For the first 1800 years of church history, the overwhelmingly dominant viewpoint was that Christians were going to have to go through the entire seven year Tribulation period and that Jesus would come back when it was over. But in the western world today, most Christians are completely and totally unprepared to face the persecution that is coming, and most of them have made absolutely no preparations for the difficult years to come because they have put all of their chips on the idea of a pre-Tribulation rapture.
Once upon a time I believed in a pre-Tribulation rapture too. I have been immersed in the world of Bible prophecy all of my life, and as I was growing up I just trusted what “the experts” had to say. I read their books, I bought their DVD, I watched their television shows and I went to their conferences.
But whenever the Bible speaks about the timing of the rapture, it always says that it comes after the Tribulation is over. In my book, I break this down in excruciating detail, and I go over the most common arguments used by those that believe in a pre-Trib or mid-Trib rapture.
I certainly do not intend to upset my brothers and sisters that are pre-Trib or mid-Trib. I love all of my brothers and sisters in Christ, and learning to love one another is far more important than “winning a debate” about these matters. In the end, we shouldn’t just blindly trust what any of “the experts” are saying. We all need to be good Bereans and look into the Scriptures for ourselves to see if these things are true.
Without a doubt, the second coming of Jesus is something that God wanted us to understand. It is mentioned approximately 300 times in the New Testament alone, which breaks down to about once every 25 verses. If we weren’t supposed to focus on this, there wouldn’t be such a vast amount of material in the Bible about it.
In Matthew 24:21, Jesus warns us that just prior to His return we would experience a time that would be more horrible than anything the world has ever seen before or will ever see again.
But for the moment, Christians in the western world have it quite easy. In fact, the only violence on Easter in the western world this year came during an Easter egg hunt…
An Easter egg hunt descended into chaos on Saturday after parents in Orange, Connecticut, stormed the field.We should enjoy this time of relative stability while we can, because things are most definitely going to be changing.
Children as young as four were trampled by adults in a rampage to steal buckets and grab as many of the 9,000 hidden eggs as possible from the third annual free event at the PEZ headquarters.
One four-year-old son was left ‘bloody’ on the sports field and a two-year-old girl was shoved into the mud, witnesses claimed.
A horrified parent described the scene as ‘an angry mob of chaos’ with ‘not one toddler hunting for eggs’ among the crowds of adults.
Hatred for Christians is rapidly rising all over the planet, and eventually deciding whether to be a Christian or not will be a life or death matter.
When that times comes, which side of the fence will you be on?
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
raining again in Ojai
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oh yeah...the "drought" never mind what your eyes tell you or what your common sense and critical thinking reveal, just go along with the programming the MSM shove up our collective keisters. |
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a month of solid rain, preceded by a few months of the heaviest rainfall on record in the Sierra mountains, where ALL OF CALIFORNIA'S water comes from. |
DC: Shooting Near Capitol Complex Happend After Active Shooter Drill
Amazing how these mass shootings ALWAYS take place during a multi agency MASS SHOOTER DRILL. ALWAYS.
Doesn't anyone ever think that's a bit odd?
Monday, March 28, 2016
Rain in Ojai...4 straight weeks of rain in the Sierras, yet they plan on cutting down around Bass lake some 5000 trees...because of the "drought"
If gold is truly barbarian relic as we are told than why indebted US, Italy, France and many others do not even think about selling an ounce? Why both Libya and Ukraine lost their gold reserves in the first days of newly introduced democracy?
How assets are manipulated to destroy nation state economies and personal financial wealth. It's illegal, but the big banks never, ever are indicted for their crimes. Instead, they are promoted to government jobs in the Treasury and other areas of government.
Since 18 months we have very interesting situation in the market of noble metals. What we can observe is intermittent but stable backwardation. Backwardation is a phenomenon when metal which is available a vista is significantly more expensive than futures contract. To explain this phenomenon I will start from basics
Contango and backwardation are 2 states characterizing ratio between spot price (here and now) and price of an asset in the future. Contango is the situation when price of the future contract is higher than spot price. Backwardation is the exact opposite of this.
Apart from small exemption contango is a standard, when price of an asset here and now is lower than the same asset but in the future. Reason is simple. Any goods need to be stored somewhere. It does not matter whether it is gold, wheat or electronics. You need to store, secure, and sometimes insure them. All this costs money and this adds up to the price of the good in the future. This is standard.
In case of precious metals we see inverse situation – backwardation. This circumstances are with us for over 18 months. In other words, gold available now is more expensive than one you can get delivered in a month or next quarter.
Before 2013 backwardation happened only 3 times in the history and always those periods lasted only for few days. I think about 1999, 2001 (start of 10 year raid) and 2008 year (the slump of prices). As I mentioned now backwardation last for more than a year and still price of gold hover at very low levels.
What are possible reasons behind gold backwardation?
1. Lack of trust towards monetary system.
Question: if gold is generating costs and you can earn on leasing it – why then backwardation happens? Basically gold owners lost trust towards fiat monetary system.
Gold as we see is drifting from West to East in larger and larger volumes. Demand is way above supply so whoever has gold does not want to give it to bullion banks as they could be demanding paying back in cash.
In the past whenever bullion banks need gold there was a lot of willing to instead of paying banks to store metal for them could earn few percent for leasing it to bullion bank. Trust towards banks is dead now.
2. Naked short selling – the dangerous game.
Secured short sell is when seller holds physical asset (gold) or will hold it at the moment of finalizing the contract. This is standard trade situation.
For a change, naked short selling is when investor does not possess and do not arrange for delivery of physical asset for the time of finalizing contract. We are selling something which we do not own. Contract is finalised in dollars and whole transaction has nothing to do with physical metal.
Over 99% of whole gold and silver trade on two biggest exchanges LBMA and Comex is dealt without physical collateral.
Only in case of gold 1 oz per 100 has collateral in form of physical metal. In case of silver the ratio is 1:250. Until players of this game have trust in it, everything works smoothly.
‘Unfortunately’, sometimes a contractor wants to get metal and not cash. In this event seller has only one solution – go and find metal on the market offering price higher than spot price.
3. Third situation when backwardation may occur is lack of metal on the bullion bank’s side.
For years we saw gold being leased. ‘Sovereign’ states leased their gold reserves to bullion banks receiving from 0,25-1% per year in interest.
Next, banks were selling gold onto the market and money from that trades was invested in government bonds paying 4-6% per annum. The difference was clean profit for the bank. Price of gold climbed several times and suddenly it was problematic to buy gold to cover their obligations.
Bullion banks had to pay more to fulfil their obligations and give back gold to Germany, Austria, Finland or France. In situation where whole global production was shipped to China or India and sellers are no longer here to accept today’s prices this raises red flags.
Therefore, to get precious metals from the market bank needs to offer premium over the spot price contracts it needs to fulfill and this causes backwardation.
What else we can read from bullion banks’ reserves?
Elligable reserves are stored property of an investor and cannot be sold. Registered reserves are property of an investor too but can be used for leasing or for closing futures contracts.

We can see significant increase in silver reserve levels. High volumes of silver is not sold but held as security underpinning several futures contracts. Although, 70% hike in 4 years it is nominally just 3 trillion USD. The amount overlooked given scale of global trade.

Gold on the other hand shows the fear of investors. Reserves diminish due to smaller supply and lack of trust towards Comex and affiliated institutions. Registered reserves are below 30 tons worth o nly 1,1 trillion USD. It is enough to satisfy Chinese demand (only!) for 4 days.
Backwardation of precious metals in the past always initiated rise of prices. The bottom line is that lack of physical collateral affects market so much that price of both silver and gold surge. Last 18 months cartel was able to use various tricks to control the price.
Situation benefits countries that import gold like China, India or Russia. Their reserves can enable them to introduce some form of gold standard of their respective currencies.
If gold is truly barbarian relic as we are told than why indebted US, Italy, France and many others do not even think about selling an ounce? Why both Libya and Ukraine lost their gold reserves in the first days of newly introduced democracy?
Independent Trader team
Since 18 months we have very interesting situation in the market of noble metals. What we can observe is intermittent but stable backwardation. Backwardation is a phenomenon when metal which is available a vista is significantly more expensive than futures contract. To explain this phenomenon I will start from basics
Contango and backwardation are 2 states characterizing ratio between spot price (here and now) and price of an asset in the future. Contango is the situation when price of the future contract is higher than spot price. Backwardation is the exact opposite of this.
Apart from small exemption contango is a standard, when price of an asset here and now is lower than the same asset but in the future. Reason is simple. Any goods need to be stored somewhere. It does not matter whether it is gold, wheat or electronics. You need to store, secure, and sometimes insure them. All this costs money and this adds up to the price of the good in the future. This is standard.
In case of precious metals we see inverse situation – backwardation. This circumstances are with us for over 18 months. In other words, gold available now is more expensive than one you can get delivered in a month or next quarter.
Before 2013 backwardation happened only 3 times in the history and always those periods lasted only for few days. I think about 1999, 2001 (start of 10 year raid) and 2008 year (the slump of prices). As I mentioned now backwardation last for more than a year and still price of gold hover at very low levels.
What are possible reasons behind gold backwardation?
1. Lack of trust towards monetary system.
Question: if gold is generating costs and you can earn on leasing it – why then backwardation happens? Basically gold owners lost trust towards fiat monetary system.
Gold as we see is drifting from West to East in larger and larger volumes. Demand is way above supply so whoever has gold does not want to give it to bullion banks as they could be demanding paying back in cash.
In the past whenever bullion banks need gold there was a lot of willing to instead of paying banks to store metal for them could earn few percent for leasing it to bullion bank. Trust towards banks is dead now.
2. Naked short selling – the dangerous game.
Secured short sell is when seller holds physical asset (gold) or will hold it at the moment of finalizing the contract. This is standard trade situation.
For a change, naked short selling is when investor does not possess and do not arrange for delivery of physical asset for the time of finalizing contract. We are selling something which we do not own. Contract is finalised in dollars and whole transaction has nothing to do with physical metal.
Over 99% of whole gold and silver trade on two biggest exchanges LBMA and Comex is dealt without physical collateral.
Only in case of gold 1 oz per 100 has collateral in form of physical metal. In case of silver the ratio is 1:250. Until players of this game have trust in it, everything works smoothly.
‘Unfortunately’, sometimes a contractor wants to get metal and not cash. In this event seller has only one solution – go and find metal on the market offering price higher than spot price.
3. Third situation when backwardation may occur is lack of metal on the bullion bank’s side.
For years we saw gold being leased. ‘Sovereign’ states leased their gold reserves to bullion banks receiving from 0,25-1% per year in interest.
Next, banks were selling gold onto the market and money from that trades was invested in government bonds paying 4-6% per annum. The difference was clean profit for the bank. Price of gold climbed several times and suddenly it was problematic to buy gold to cover their obligations.
Bullion banks had to pay more to fulfil their obligations and give back gold to Germany, Austria, Finland or France. In situation where whole global production was shipped to China or India and sellers are no longer here to accept today’s prices this raises red flags.
Therefore, to get precious metals from the market bank needs to offer premium over the spot price contracts it needs to fulfill and this causes backwardation.
What else we can read from bullion banks’ reserves?
Elligable reserves are stored property of an investor and cannot be sold. Registered reserves are property of an investor too but can be used for leasing or for closing futures contracts.

We can see significant increase in silver reserve levels. High volumes of silver is not sold but held as security underpinning several futures contracts. Although, 70% hike in 4 years it is nominally just 3 trillion USD. The amount overlooked given scale of global trade.

Gold on the other hand shows the fear of investors. Reserves diminish due to smaller supply and lack of trust towards Comex and affiliated institutions. Registered reserves are below 30 tons worth o nly 1,1 trillion USD. It is enough to satisfy Chinese demand (only!) for 4 days.
Backwardation of precious metals in the past always initiated rise of prices. The bottom line is that lack of physical collateral affects market so much that price of both silver and gold surge. Last 18 months cartel was able to use various tricks to control the price.
Situation benefits countries that import gold like China, India or Russia. Their reserves can enable them to introduce some form of gold standard of their respective currencies.
If gold is truly barbarian relic as we are told than why indebted US, Italy, France and many others do not even think about selling an ounce? Why both Libya and Ukraine lost their gold reserves in the first days of newly introduced democracy?
Independent Trader team
Top German Journalist Admits Mainstream Media Is Completely Fake: "We All Lie For The CIA"
With the increasing propaganda wars, we thought a reminder of just
how naive many Westerners are when it comes to their news-feed. As Arjun Walia, of, notes, Dr.
Ulfakatte went on public television stating that he was forced to
publish the works of intelligence agents under his own name, also adding
that noncompliance with these orders would result in him losing his
He recently made an appearance on RT news to share these facts:
One (out of many) great examples of a whistleblowing reporter is investigative journalist and former CBC News reporter Sharyl Attkisson.
She delivered a hard-hitting TEDx talk showing how fake grassroots movements funded by political, corporate, or other special interests very effectively manipulate and distort media messages.
Another great example is Amber Lyon, a three-time Emmy award winning journalist at CC, who said that they are routinely paid by the US government and foreign governments to selectively report and even distort information on certain events. She has also indicated that the government has editorial control over content.
Ever since Operation Mockingbird, a CIA-based initiative to control mainstream media, more and more people are expressing their concern that what we see in the media is nothing short of brainwashing.
This is also evident by blatant lies that continue to spam the TV screen, especially when it comes to topics such as health, food, war (‘terrorism‘), poverty, and more.
Things have not changed, in fact, when in comes to mainstream media distorting information and telling lies. They have gotten much worse in recent years, in fact, so it is highly encouraging that more people are starting to see through these lies, even without the help of whistleblowers like Dr. Ulfakatte.
One great example is the supposed ‘war on terror,’ or ‘false flag terrorism.’ There are evenWikileaks documents alluding to the fact that the United States government planned to “retaliate and cause pain” to countries refusing GMOs.
Mainstream media’s continual support of GMOs rages on, despite the fact that a number of countries are now banning these products.
The list of lies goes on and on. It’s time to turn off your T.V. and do your own research if you are curious about what is happening on our planet. It’s time to wake up.
He recently made an appearance on RT news to share these facts:
I’ve been a journalist for about 25 years, and I was educated to lie, to betray, and ,pnot to tell the truth to the public.It’s important to keep in mind that Dr. Ulfakatte is not the only person making these claims; multiple reporters have done the same and this kind of truthfulness is something the world needs more of.
But seeing right now within the last months how the German and American media tries to bring war to the people in Europe, to bring war to Russia — this is a point of no return and I’m going to stand up and say it is not right what I have done in the past, to manipulate people, to make propaganda against Russia, and it is not right what my colleagues do and have done in the past because they are bribed to betray the people, not only in Germany, all over Europe.
One (out of many) great examples of a whistleblowing reporter is investigative journalist and former CBC News reporter Sharyl Attkisson.
She delivered a hard-hitting TEDx talk showing how fake grassroots movements funded by political, corporate, or other special interests very effectively manipulate and distort media messages.
Another great example is Amber Lyon, a three-time Emmy award winning journalist at CC, who said that they are routinely paid by the US government and foreign governments to selectively report and even distort information on certain events. She has also indicated that the government has editorial control over content.
Ever since Operation Mockingbird, a CIA-based initiative to control mainstream media, more and more people are expressing their concern that what we see in the media is nothing short of brainwashing.
This is also evident by blatant lies that continue to spam the TV screen, especially when it comes to topics such as health, food, war (‘terrorism‘), poverty, and more.
Things have not changed, in fact, when in comes to mainstream media distorting information and telling lies. They have gotten much worse in recent years, in fact, so it is highly encouraging that more people are starting to see through these lies, even without the help of whistleblowers like Dr. Ulfakatte.
One great example is the supposed ‘war on terror,’ or ‘false flag terrorism.’ There are evenWikileaks documents alluding to the fact that the United States government planned to “retaliate and cause pain” to countries refusing GMOs.
Mainstream media’s continual support of GMOs rages on, despite the fact that a number of countries are now banning these products.
The list of lies goes on and on. It’s time to turn off your T.V. and do your own research if you are curious about what is happening on our planet. It’s time to wake up.
we conclude that JP Morgan [JPM] in cooperation with the Bank of International Settlements [BIS] controls the dollar gold price by using their very dominant position in gold derivatives
There is NO SUCH THING as a free market. Period. Equities, assets, or Forex. It's all controlled to the penny by the money machinery of the banking cartels.
JPM held during 1999 – 2014 an average of 3.262 paper metric tons gold (derivatives) available for interventions on the development of the dollar gold price with the BIS as counterparty. Furthermore we conclude that the paper volume sets the dollar gold price and that there is almost no influence on the dollar gold price from the physical supply and demand. At last we ask ourselves of JPM and the BIS are operating agents for a higher goal and conclude that there is no free market for gold.
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derivatives control all aspects of trade |
What is the impact of the paper volume (derivatives) on the dollar gold price?
dollar gold price is determined largely on the London Gold Exchange and
the US Comex through a series of (derivatives) transactions on a given
trading day. In that system paper claims (derivatives) to physical gold
are traded just like physical gold.
So if the paper volume is 92 times (2010) the physical volume …Hence the paper volume sets the dollar gold price. There is almost no influence from the physical volume.
corporate profits are collapsing at a pace not seen since the 2008 meltdown
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Only stock buybacks and the PPT are keeping the equities fictions alive now. Companies are borrowing money like mad to buy their own stocks to keep prices up. Once that music slows or stops...KABOOM. |
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Higher degree of unemployed than during the ten years of the great depression. Making, as I've always said, this the GREATER DEPRESSION. Unless you are a vetted by the network, are a high end earning professional, or own a successful business. Everyone else? Kaboom. Although when I do see new hires in the trades they are either low paid Hispanics or well paid gays and lesbians because the word has gone forth to do so. |
Koch Brothers Spent Millions To Prove Moon Hoax
The Koch brothers are determined to reduce Government waste including NASA.

How did they do it? By spending millions to interview current and former NASA employees and officials. They sent teams of paid employees to search all of NASA facilities especially the Johnson Space Center where stages were supposedly set up to test space suits and moon equipment.
On the grounds of the Johnson Space Center, two stages were found to house thousands of dollars of video and sound equipment and several scenes like those recorded during moon landings. They even found a stiff American flag.
A box of video outtakes was found which had very good quality sound and video. This proves that the quality was intentionally made worse to simulate the long distance the video would have to travel.
Xylophones wrapped in aluminum were found which purportedly were used to provide feedback and muffled sounds to make the recordings seem distant like. All of this has come to light thanks to the Koch brothers and their vast wealth. Now the Koch Brothers intend to use it to discredit NASA and eliminate it once and for all. HOAX indeed.

How did they do it? By spending millions to interview current and former NASA employees and officials. They sent teams of paid employees to search all of NASA facilities especially the Johnson Space Center where stages were supposedly set up to test space suits and moon equipment.
On the grounds of the Johnson Space Center, two stages were found to house thousands of dollars of video and sound equipment and several scenes like those recorded during moon landings. They even found a stiff American flag.
A box of video outtakes was found which had very good quality sound and video. This proves that the quality was intentionally made worse to simulate the long distance the video would have to travel.
Xylophones wrapped in aluminum were found which purportedly were used to provide feedback and muffled sounds to make the recordings seem distant like. All of this has come to light thanks to the Koch brothers and their vast wealth. Now the Koch Brothers intend to use it to discredit NASA and eliminate it once and for all. HOAX indeed.
New Legislation Permits Authorities to Freeze Acco...
Juicing and Raw Foods: New Legislation Permits Authorities to Freeze Acco...: So… if a large bank fails in the US, the FDIC steps in and takes over, replacing manage...
Sunday, March 27, 2016
Dead Babies In Your Food, Drinks & Makeup Illuminati Exposed! 2015
If Pepsi is doing it, you know the others are too. We've no idea how bad
this situation really is, because of the tight lid of security on stem
cell sales.
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name. Revelations 3 12
Friday, March 25, 2016
MessiahMews Blogs: How To Make the AntiNano Device
MessiahMews Blogs: How To Make the AntiNano Device: Published on 10 Mar 2016 Herbalist shows you how to assemble the AntiNano bucket. Please observe the WARNING message in the beginning o...
Thursday, March 24, 2016
Are Jews the Israelites of the Bible?
By Biblicism Institute
[This is the in-depth version. For the shorter version, click here.]
The great majority of the Bolsheviks were Russian Ashkenazi Jews such as
Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trosky, Lev Kamenev, Gregory Zinoviev, Yakov
Sverdlov, and Grigory Sokolnikov. They were financed by Ashkenazi
bankers from New York and London such as Rothschild Bank and Jacob Schiff of Kuhn and Loeb & Co.
who themselves championed the destructive ideology of the Ashkenazi
Karl Marx and found it profitable to invest in Communism’s disastrous
conquest of Russia while making a few bucks in the process by plundering
the country via well placed agents who would later be known as “oligarchs“.
[This is the in-depth version. For the shorter version, click here.]
The number one biblical verse used by
Zionist Jews and Zionist Christians alike to justify dispossessing the
Palestinians of their land is this one:
“On that day the LORD made a covenant
with Abram and said, “To your descendants I give this land, from the
river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates….” Genesis 15:18
By descendants God definitely meant the
same biological bloodline, the same DNA, actual grandchildren of
Abram/Abraham. Not spiritual progeny. As even a cursory study would
show, the great majority of those today who are known as Jews are not
remotely bloodline descendants of Abraham.
They are in fact the non-Semitic and non-Israelite Ashkenazim and Sephardim who in later times joined small numbers of different races that converted to Judaism/Pharisaism:
Polish, Russians, Ukrainians, Germans, etc. These latter ones form a
minority known as European Jews who when coupled with the Ashkenazim
constitute a majority against the darker-skinned Samaritan, Sephardic, and African Jews; and none of these groups can claim to be of Abraham’s bloodline.
However, it is very important to
understand what the bible and history have to say about the majority of
converted Jews, the people known as Ashkenazim and Sephardim, while
bearing in mind that 1) Abraham was a descendant of Shem – hence the
term Semite or Shemite 2) his scion Jacob and his twelve sons were the
true biblical Hebraic Israelite nation with whom God had the Old
Covenant (not with converted Jews) 3) the true Israelite nation no longer exists.
This is what the Bible has to say about the Ashkenazim in Genesis 10:
1 “Now these are the generations of the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth: and unto them were sons born after the flood. 2 The sons of Japheth: Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Tubal, and Meshech, and Tiras. 3 And the sons of Gomer: ASHKENAZ, and Riphath, and Togarmah. 4 And the sons of Javan: Elishah, and Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim. 5 By these were the isles of the Gentiles divided in their lands; every one after his tongue, after their families, in their nations.” (Emphasis Added)
Today’s Ashkenazi Jews, or descendants of
Ashkenaz, are some of the GENTILES the bible speaks of. Why then do
Ashkenazim call Christians and other non-Jews Gentiles while pinning on
themselves the term Chosen People? Is it ignorance or deception? It’s
definitely not ignorance. And if to those outside it looks like
deception, to them it’s pure re-branding. The ultimate Chutzpah!
Consider the terrible irony!
Ashkenazic (and Sephardic) Jews are
themselves the Gentiles that many rabbis warn their congregations not to
marry. To further the re-branding, they also call themselves Semites or
Shemites when they’re JAPHETHITES, which means they’re not Hebrews
either. This re-branding is much like the way most of them – if not the
majority of them – keep changing their last names every time they settle
in a new country. The reason is simple and quite pragmatic. It’s a
survival mechanism.
The Ashkenazim are a resilient roaming Turkic people. They have a knack for reinventing themselves. They first surfaced in world annals as the notoriously barbaric Scythians or Sakadeans depending on regional phonetic.
“Here there is no Gentile or Judahite, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all.” Colossians 3: 11
The word Scythian or Sakadean comes from the word Saka – with its Iranian verbal root Sak meaning to roam.
The Scythians settled Central Eurasia
which they conquered with their Gentile brother Togarmath and various
other cousins expanding across a vast track of land that encompassed but
was not limited to parts of present day Turkey and Iran. Their Gentile
brother Riphath along with their uncle Javan’s descendants settled in
Later on, they reinvented themselves and settled a land they would call Khazaria – from the word Qasar with its Turkic root Qaz meaning to roam – following the break-up of the western Turkish Steppe Empire. Then the country converted en masse to Judaism/Pharisaism
sometime between 740 and 920 AD just so they could remain independent
of the two competing empires of that time: Christianity and Islam.
“Judaism was the most actively
proselytizing religion…The most significant mass conversion occurred in
the 8th century, in the massive Khazar kingdom between the Black and
Caspian seas,” explained Jewish historian Shlomo Sand.
Then, Sviatoslav I of Kiev destroyed Khazaria around 1048 and absorbed it into Kievan Rus’, a territory that would later become part of the Russian Empire.
In Imperial Russia, the Ashkenazim were kept under tight control and enclosed in the Pale of Settlement. Something the Ashkenazim never forgave Russia.
Biding their time, they nurtured their
hatred and plotted their revenge along with a new reinvention. They
became the power behind the heinous Bolsheviks who took over the Russian
government in the 1910s and killed 66 million Christians, including 200,000 members of the Christian clergy, and destroyed 40,000 churches according to famed Christian Russian writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn.

Russia’s entire Soviet Empire collapsed in 1991. Thus the Ashkenazim succeeded in bringing Russia to its knees.
Revenge Round 1. Done.
Today, Russia is under fire for the
conflict in Ukraine. A conflict that was started by the Ashkenazi
Victoria Nuland in the US State Department with her neo-con Ashkenazi
husband Robert Kagan
working in the background via powerful organizations such as Project
for a New American Century, the Brookings Institution, and Council on
Foreign Relations. The Ashkenazi George Soros also contributed financially to the Ukrainian Maidan “Revolution”.
Their sole purpose is to destroy Russia once again by starting a fire in its underbelly, Ukraine. A fire they’re planning
to spread into Russia proper via military and economic warfare. Why?
Because Russia has had the gall to rise from its still warm
Ashkenazi-induced ashes. And because Russia has had the temerity to
arrest their well placed thieving agents known as “oligarchs” with some
fleeing the country. And because Russia has had the audacity to impede
the American war on Syria which was orchestrated by AIPAC for the benefit of Israel.
Revenge Round 2. In progress.
After the destruction of Khazaria, the Ashkenazim scattered East and West throughout Europe and reinvented themselves as Errant Jews or Wandering Jews – meaning Roaming
(Khazarian/Sakadean or Scythian) Jews. That label had nothing to do
with a longing for Palestine but a longing for Khazaria or perhaps a
longing for a new land, any new land. Here’s an excerpt from Wikipedia:
In 1903 Theodore Herzl presented the British Uganda Program at the Sixth Zionist Congress in Basel.
In the late 1930s, the British
Zionist League considered a number of other places where a Jewish
homeland could be established. The Kimberley region in Australia was considered until the Curtin government (in office: 1941–1945) rejected the possibility.
With the support of the then Premier
of Tasmania, Robert Cosgrove (in office from 1939), Critchley Parker
proposed a Jewish settlement at Port Davey, in south west Tasmania. Parker surveyed the area, but his death in 1942 put an end to the idea.
The Jewish Autonomous Oblast set up in the Russian Far East in 1934, represented a Soviet approach to providing a Jewish homeland.
Now note that all these attempts were
being orchestrated by Ashkenazi Jews. In the wake of World War 2, a
great number reluctantly assimilated themselves throughout the Americas.
However, the great majority migrated to Palestine where they created
many terrorist groups such as the Irgun, the Stern gang, and Haganah.
They terrorized the Palestinian population, killed thousands upon
thousands, and forced hundreds of thousands out of their homes and into
neighboring Arab countries. Consequently, they stole Palestine and renamed it Israel in order to reinvent themselves as Hebrews and hoodwink gullible Christians in the West.
In their adoptive countries outside of
Israel, including the US and Europe, the Ashkenazim have become
financial and influential powerhouses, not because they’re Jews – at
heart the majority of them are really not religious at all and could
care less – but because they’re a shrewd people.
They have learned much from their roaming throughout history, and they
assimilate themselves fast and hard. They’re the ultimate Nomads.
Now could it be that, after two
successive ideological failures in the forms of Communism and the
current slow motion destruction of Zionism in Israel, somewhere deep
inside the minds of die-hard Ashkenazi leaders lies a plan for a new
reinvention? Will that reinvention be the re-conquest of their Khazar
Khaganate – a land that is now situated deep inside Russia and
encompasses Ukraine and Crimea? Is that why Putin suddenly reattached Crimea to Russia? Will they be okay with just Ukraine?
Revenge Round 3? Jamais deux sans trois.
Sephardim is derived from the word Sephard or Sepharad. Its origin is from the Persian name Saparda. It appears only once in the Bible in a prophecy by Obadiah to Edom:
“And the captivity of this host of
the children of Israel shall possess that of the Canaanites, even unto
Zarephath; and the captivity of Jerusalem, which is in Sepharad, shall possess the cities of the south.” Obadiah 1:20
Sepharad was located in Mede where Iran
is today (i.e., the land of the 3 wise Magi who paid homage to the
infant Jesus). Therefore, people from Sepharad were not descendants of
Abraham either because the Medes of Northwest Iran were not Semites but
Madaites, of Madai son of Japheth, uncle of Ashkenaz. Thus the people
from Sepharad or the Madaites or the Medes now known as Sephardic Jews
are Gentile JAPHETHITES, not Semites.
Interestingly, when Modern Israel was
founded in 1948 the only Muslim countries to have recognized it first
were the non-Semitic, non-Arab countries of Turkey and Iran because the
people of these two countries share the same bloodline as both the
Ashkenazim and the Sephardim.
The ancient Judahites or Judeans of
Jerusalem, capital city of the Kingdom of Judah, were in captivity in
Sepharad, but the Lord had promised them deliverance, which did occur in
biblical times soon after Obadiah’s prophecy to Edom sometime in
mid-fifth century B.C. So the captive biblical Judahites in Sepharad did
return to their homeland in Judah.
However, many people from Sepharad
converted to the religion of their ancient captives and many Judahites
also stayed behind mixing it up with the locals as was often the case
throughout Biblical Israel’s history when God would send them into
captivity. It’s no wonder Magi from that land would later on know of the
birth of Jesus the Messiah.
It would also explain why the biggest
Jewish community in the Middle East today – outside the non-existent
ever-expanding borders of the modern Zionist state – is in Iran where
all of them refuse to emigrate to Israel because they consider
themselves to be Iranians who just happen to be Jews instead of Muslims
or Christians. Basically, the Iranian Jews did not buy into the
brainwashing the other Jews who voluntarily relocated to Israel fell
Eventually many Sephardic Jews emigrated
to Europe, especially to Spain and Portugal, where they made a new home
on the Iberian peninsula, which was itself originally settled by Madai’s
brother Tubal, also son of Japheth. Blood calls unto blood, doesn’t it?
Subsequently, the Spanish Inquisition spurred a great number of
Sephardic Jews to emigrate to North Africa.
It seems that people today have forgotten that Ancient Israel, specifically the tribe of Judah,
unlike Modern Israel and much like Biblical Israel’s offspring, the
Christian Church, was a proselytizing nation which wanted people all
over the world to know and pray to the true God of the Universe even
though at one point the process had become totally corrupted because of
the pharisaic teachings. Let’s hear Jesus:
“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.” Matthew 23:15
When these folks converted they didn’t
miraculously become Judahites and Hebrews. How could anyone? The people
of Sepharad like the Ashkenazim and all the others who converted to the
religion of the ancient Judahites only professed to adhere to the
various rules of the faith. They maintained their own cultures and
identities. Today they are known as Talmudic Jews and Torah Jews. See The Word Jew is NOT in the Bible.
Even the prophet Obadiah himself who
prophesied about the ancient Judahites in Sepharad was a convert. He was
an Edomite, not a Hebrew. Now Edom or Esau was the brother of Jacob or
Israel. His country was situated on portions of both present day Jordan
and Palestine.
So why did God pick an Edomite preacher
and not a Hebrew one? Because God knows very well that a prophet is
never accepted in his own home – ask Jesus. And because God wanted Edom
to pay for what he had done to his brother Jacob He called on an Edomite
prophet to warn them knowing the homegrown prophet would be rejected.
Otherwise he would have sent an Israelite like he did with Jonah the
Hebrew in Nineveh (Modern Iraq) where they all repented (and converted
and became known later on as Karaite Jews) to Jonah’s chagrin. As expected, Edom did not repent and suffered the consequences, but Judah did return home.
“Esau I have hated, and I have turned
his hill country into a wasteland and left his inheritance to the
desert jackals.” Malachi 1:3
God did the same thing to the Hebrews. He sent them one of their own, Jesus, so He could get revenge for all the prophets they had killed, Jesus included, but the Church was born.
“Behold, your house is being left to you desolate!” Matthew 23:38
Virulent Zionist Jews have stolen the land of Palestine
and transformed it into Israel. In the process they have developed a
hatred for Arab Muslims, especially Palestinian Muslims, even though
they both worship the same God, the God of Abraham, just like all Jews
supposedly do and just like ancient converts by the Hebrews used to do.
The converts of old used to live amongst the Hebrews with no problem.
God even commanded it.
“If a stranger lives as a foreigner
with you in your land, you shall not do him wrong. The stranger who
lives as a foreigner with you shall be to you as the native-born among
you, and you shall love him as yourself; for you lived as foreigners in
the land of Egypt. I am Yahweh your God.” Leviticus 19:33-34
But modern-day Israeli Jewish leaders
refuse co-existence because the whole conflict is about their thirst for
land. And more land. One would think that because of the many
similarities Jews have with Muslims such as circumcision and the like
that the Zionists would concede to live in harmony. But they don’t want
to. And that’s because it’s not about faith. It’s not about God and the
Bible or God and His promises and commandments. It’s about land. And more land.
A land without Arabs. They want the whole enchilada. The whole pie.
It’s an Ashkenazi obsession which they have successfully inculcated in
their co-religionists. And that obsession has turned an entire people
toward a malignant racism that has morphed into an Apartheid system
worse than the one that took shape in South Africa. So much so that the
whole country is openly talking about the genocide of the Palestinians living among them, mistreating them, killing them, and bombing them at will in the hope they will leave the land in disgust.
Ironically, though Islam and Judaism are
similar in many ways, where they differ greatly is in their belief of
who Jesus Christ was.
Muslims believe that Jesus was born of the Holy Spirit and of the Virgin Mary, was a prophet to the ancient Israelites, was not
crucified to death, went to heaven without dying, and is expected to
return soon. However, according to Talmudic Jews, Jesus was a sorcerer
and a demon-possessed liar who is now boiling in excrement in hell and
whose mother Mary was a whore. From Wikipedia according to the Talmud:
In Gittin 56b, 57a a story is
mentioned in which Onkelos summons up the spirit of Yeshu [or Yeshua
(Jesus)] who sought to harm Israel. He describes his punishment in the
afterlife as boiling in excrement.
In addition, at the 1240 Disputation
of Paris, Donin presented the allegation that the Talmud was blasphemous
towards Mary, the mother of Jesus (“Miriam” in Hebrew) and this
criticism has been repeated by many Christian sources. The texts cited
by critics include Sanhedrin 67a, Sanhedrin 106a, and Shabbath 104b.
“Behold, I have set the land before
you: go in and possess the land which the Lord swore unto your fathers,
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give unto them and to their seed after
them.” Deut 1:8
Sephardic and Ashkenazi Jews are not of
the seed of Abraham and especially not of Jacob’s. European and African
Jews are not either. Therefore they can’t be the Chosen People since
they are not of the Semitic lineage of the 12 Hebrew tribes and for that
matter can’t claim the inheritance of the land of Palestine which they
have settled. In a just court of law their self-ascribed right to hold
on to the land would be thrown out. And resurrecting the dead Hebrew
tongue after centuries in the dustbin of oblivion in order to make it
modern Israel’s official language won’t change those facts, much like
parking a Subaru in a Lamborghini dealership won’t turn it into a Veneno Roadster.
Besides, most religious Jews follow the
man-inspired Talmud (full of Babylonian superstitions) and not the
God-inspired Old Testament where God’s promises and commandments are
recorded. Only Torah Jews follow the Old Testament’s Pentateuch, and
they believe that Jews should not be occupying Palestine. They recognize only the current Palestinian government.
Furthermore, the seed of Jacob mentioned
in the Bible is prophetically applied to seed, singular, which seed is
Jesus Christ who was repeatedly called the Son of David, himself a
descendant of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
At first glance, if anyone is to inherit
Palestine, it should be Christians, spiritual descendants of Jesus, the
seed of Jacob. That understanding was in fact used to execute the evil
Crusades of the Middle Ages. Needless to say it is a perverted
comprehension of what that particular inheritance means.
The true Israel of God is now those who
throughout the earth adhere to the New Covenant of Christ. They are
called by the new name Christians. Their new promised land is the
heavenly paradise promised to Christ’s true followers with their capital
city, the new Jerusalem, being from above. Hence they are the new
Chosen People. Chosen to love, to spread peace, to do good to all, and
not to lord over anyone.
“Him that overcomes
will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more
out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the
city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name.” Revelation 3:12
Therefore, when the Old Testament
admonishes us to “pray for the peace of Jerusalem”, we must filter it
through the New Covenant. It presently means “Pray for all Christians
that by the blood of Christ’s New Covenant they may overcome their
sinful nature and be fully sanctified so they can inherit the eternal
peace of the new Jerusalem from above.”
God is working from a new script, not the
obsolete one. Here’s the Apostle Paul’s conclusion on the First (Old)
Covenant from Hebrews 8:13: “God has made the first obsolete!” And by
the way, obsolete really means obsolete. Done. Kaput. Finito.
The so-called “Christian” pastors and
teachers who impart that the Old Testament favoritism of one particular
group of people still applies today do so only to spit and trample on
the works of Christ. These wolves in sheep clothing who clamor the
drivel that there are two covenants simultaneously at play are only
digging themselves deep into hell’s volcanic fire. Christians, stay away
from these men! For their whole purpose is to deny Christ’s New
Covenant which is freely available to all nations on earth without
respect to color, race, geographical demarcation, or spiritual
condition. In other words, they want to destroy the New Covenant whose
aim is to forge a spiritually egalitarian brotherhood of man throughout
the earth with Jesus as the loving big brother.
If one is dead set on applying ancestry and racial stock as to who should inherit the land of Palestine,
then the Arabs clearly win – the Palestinian Arabs to be more precise.
For Arabs of the Middle East, which include cultural Arabs such as
Chaldeans, Assyrians, Aramaics, Phoenicians, and Syriacs, are the only
living bloodline descendants of Abraham and the only true Semites, not
converted Jews.
The Palestinian Arabs have inhabited the land for close to 2000 years since the destruction of the Hebrew Nation,
Jerusalem, and the Temple by Rome in AD 70. That famed destruction is
known as the Apocalypse or the Armageddon or the Great Tribulation or
the End of the Age as prophesied by Christ Himself and by the Apostle
John throughout the entire book of Revelation.
That particular destruction saw the end
of the Hebrew race except for those converted to Christianity who fled
the country before the great tribulation and massacre as recorded by
Josephus in The Wars of the Judahites. Thus those Christian Hebrews who escaped embodied “all Israel shall be saved”‘ of Romans 11:26.
If there are any Christian Hebrews left,
they’d be cultural Arabs by now living in Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, or
Palestine. But chances are they’ve intermarried with other Semitic
Christians in the area.
Before the End of the Age
of the Hebrews the entire exercise or raison d’être of the 12 Hebrew
Tribes was just God’s way of nurturing a people so He could arrive on
earth in the person of the Messiah Jesus. He distributed them across 7
lots throughout the land of Canaan (Joshua 14-19) and kept track of them
through endless censuses even when they were in captivity.
That whole endeavor was God building
Himself an earthly home and family for when He finally decided to visit.
And once that was done, He loved it so much He decided He now wanted
the entire human race to be His new family. To those Hebrews who
accepted Him, he warned them to leave the land as judgment was about to
fall on those who rejected and crucified Him – hence the desolation or the end of the age
or the destruction of an entire people. That is why the Hebrew Tribes
are no longer around. And they can’t and won’t be “found” either.
“Jesus turned and said to them,
“Daughters of Jerusalem, do not weep for me; weep for yourselves and for
your children.” Luke 23:28
“But he responded, ‘Do you see all
these buildings? I tell you the truth, they will be completely
demolished. Not one stone will be left on top of another!'” Matthew 24: 2
“But when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then recognize that her desolation is near.
Then those who are in Judea must flee to the mountains, and those who
are in the midst of the city must leave, and those who are in the
country must not enter the city.” Luke 21: 20,21
“Truly I tell you, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened.” Matthew 24:34
“And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Mattthew 28:20
“And their dead bodies will lie in
the street of the great city which mystically is called Sodom and Egypt,
where also their Lord was crucified.” Rev 11:8
Besides, when was the last time you heard
of a prophet whom God sent to anoint a King over modern Israel as He
used to do in the old days? What of the animal sacrifices? What of the
lamb to be killed and eaten during Passover like Jesus did when He
established the new covenant with his disciples, a lamb that was killed
and eaten in a private home? The sacrifice of the Passover Lamb in the
Hebrew home was God’s very contract with each individual ancient Hebrew
and that’s why Jesus repeated it with his disciples in order to
introduce the new contract. Do Jews today kill a lamb for Passover in
their own homes to keep the old contract alive? Is modern Israel
comprised of only Judea and Samaria
as it was in the Old Testament and divided into 7 lots as God directed
Joshua with each tribe settling on its own parcel? Are the bloodline
descendants of the Levites still around to restock a future Temple
because no other Hebrew tribe can?
The answer to all of these questions is
resoundingly negative. And ironically, Judea and Samaria of the Bible
(i.e., the Kingdoms of Judah and Israel) are today mostly inside the
West Bank of Palestine (aptly named Judea and Samaria even by thieving Zionists) and not inside Modern Israel.
To all Israeli Jews we say denounce and renounce your Zionist leaders for just as they sold you out to Hitler and his 150,000 Jewish soldiers, they will sell you out once more to be butchered.
Do not think for a minute that they have
your best interest at heart. No government in the world has the best
interest of their people at heart. Otherwise why have they led you into a
country under false pretense and brainwashed you to hate all your
Muslim neighbors when you are surrounded on all sides by these very
neighbors? Where will you run to when all hell breaks loose? Into the
sea? Isn’t that what they’ve been telling you over and over that “they”
want to run the Jews into the sea? By that meme they’re getting you
accustomed to that very idea for when it actually happens. The sea is
the only place where they have not created enemies for you and they
would if they could. They want to watch you flail and drown while they
fly away in their private jets to Switzerland after they have stolen all
your money and transferred it to some tax haven only to reinvent
themselves somewhere else. Ask George Soros how he did it during World War 2. If you still don’t believe it, then remember why and how you got to Palestine.
1900 years after that fateful event
called The Apocalypse, Ashkenazi Zionists, under the same pretext as
that used by the so called “Christian” Crusaders, flooded into Palestine
armed with terror and violence and backed by the imperial might of
Britain. Many political analysts and historians of that time saw the
Jewish invasion of Palestine as a British imperial project, this time
using Zionist Jews as cannon fodder much like Zionist “Christians” were
used during the Middle Ages when the Europeans’ goal was to plunder the
area and control the Mediterranean.
Now the English empire wanted a beachhead
to keep the Middle East in turmoil and divided so as to conquer and
control the Arabs who control the oil while keeping their own hands on
the wells’ spigots. It was a mutually beneficial arrangement. The
Ashkenazim got their land and the Empire got an outpost that the
Ashkenazim would rename Israel in order to hoodwink gullible Christians
in the West.
But the empire not only wanted to keep
the Arabs divided, they also wanted to keep Israeli society divided and
weak. So the Israeli leaders delivered: Ashkenazim and European Jews
discriminate against Sephardic and African Jews as Ashkenazim and
European Jews control most everything in the country; Russian Jews who
mostly are pretend Jews escaped the Soviet Union courtesy of the US and
now constitute a fifth column; Orthodox Jews hate all the non-religious
Jews and vice versa; Israeli Arabs are kept as third-class citizens with
Sephardic and North African Jews as second class and Black African Jews
as no class; most Israeli Jews hate the Palestinians either in the
occupied territories or within Israel itself and would love to excise
them from the land while the Palestinians under the weight of over 60
years of occupation would love to see the Jews finally leave so they
could become free from Apartheid.
To say the whole country is a mess is an understatement.
Today, imperial America is somewhat
loosely controlling this Sparta-like project called Israel. And they’re
doing so without regard for the people in the region and what it will
cost innocent Jews, Muslims, and Christians. The time is fast
approaching when Israel will no longer be of use to a defunct imperial
power. That’s how it was in the past and that’s how it’ll be soon. Use
and discard. After all, it is a universal truth that Empires invariably
“eat their children”, especially after they collapse.
Frankly, the US Empire is not the real
culprit here. How many times did America try to coax Israel into making
peace and Israel’s leaders always turned intransigent? There are so many
times you can bite the hand that feeds you, especially if the feeding is to the tune of billions of dollars a year.
The mostly Ashkenazim and European
Zionist leaders are to blame. There are too many red flags. Have they
forgotten the stain that the Crusades left on Christianity? Do they not
remember how the Christian Crusades ended? Have they no knowledge of
history to understand how empire after empire lost Palestine? Do they
even ask themselves what their own Crusade will leave behind this time?
Have they not witnessed what happened to Apartheid South Africa? And
most importantly why do they not make a just and lasting peace with all
of their neighbors even if they lose considerable land? Isn’t peace
better? Frankly, these leaders don’t give a hoot.
Together with imperial America, the
Zionist leaders have ignited the suffering of millions of innocents,
Christians and Muslims, who are presently living in torment not only in
Palestine but throughout the Middle East. This has been orchestrated in
order to create a cauldron they hope to pour on all the inhabitants of
the area, Israelis included.
“For we wrestle not against flesh and
blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers
of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high
places.” Ephesians 6:12
The demonic forces
are hell-bent on making the land of Palestine suffer for having brought
about Jesus, the Prince of Peace. They’ve been tormenting that land for
over 2000 years with the ultimate goal of punishing Abraham’s only
biological descendants, the Arabs throughout the Middle East. That’s
their way of trying to eliminate that entire bloodline so as to remove
any physical vestige of the kinsmen of the One who beat their boss Satan on the cross.
They see these Arabs, especially the Arab
Christians, as representing a line in the sand, a true embodiment of
the obsolete Old Covenant which Satan cleverly used to kill Christ but
is now rendered void by the resurrected Messiah. By somewhat
“reconstructing” the Old Covenant close to its original location, they
have pushed the Middle East on the edge of the abyss in order to deplete
the area of Christians and to kill as many real Semites as they can.
All these interminable conflicts are
causing Christians to leave in droves and destroying the future for
millions. And if you still doubt the hate that has been carefully
nurtured and managed against Arabs, especially in the past decades, then
you’ve been living in a hole.
To Satan’s horror when Jesus rose from
the dead, that old cunning Dragon started running amok. He realized he
had been defeated. He thought he could kill God on earth so he could run
the show. And just like he deceived the Ancient Hebrew leaders into
killing Christ, his forces are now playing the Ashkenazim leaders like a
fiddle. They’re the real fiddlers on the region’s roof. No peace. Just
endless war. After all, peace reminds them of the Prince of Peace. Can’t
have that. So now they have their eyes set on bringing their play to
the next level: finish off the real Semites and devour the Western world
which Christian civilization has brought about. Basically kill two
birds with one stone.
To engulf all Christendom they have to
involve the Ashkenazim’s arch nemesis, Russia, which holds an arsenal of
about 8,000 nuclear missiles. And the way to execute that is by 1)
waging war against Russia’s allies Syria and Iran (both have a mutual defense pact),
a war that would eventually spread to Israel and other Arab countries,
and 2) setting fire in Russia’s underbelly, Ukraine, hoping the fire
will spread through Russia, Europe, and the US.
But even hell’s cohorts know that
confronting Russia and its allies is not something the Israelis can
bring to fruition by themselves. So better get the Israelis’ minions to
do it. In other words, better goad the Russian bear by wagging the
American dog for the benefit of Israel. The dog can’t really say no
because AIPAC has it by the groin. And remember, AIPAC is controlled by
powerful Ashkenazi-American business leaders. Are you getting the full
picture now?
This future war these satanic forces want
so badly is being called World War 3 or the War to End all Wars. A war
that would leave the Middle East and the Western world in nuclear ashes.
That’s why these demon-possessed mammonish toads and warmongers are
endlessly blabbing in the mainstream media about defense spending,
terrorists, preemptive wars, war on terror, and nuclear first strikes.
But wait, there might still be hope. We
can change things. Remember how we stalled the last attempted American
attack on Syria which was planned and pushed by AIPAC? We can still have the victory. Unless you sit and do nothing. Then this would kick in: World War 3. Jamais deux sans trois.
“And I saw as it were a sea of glass
mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast,
and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name,
stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God.” Revelation 15:2
Sepharvaim is distinct from Sephardim.
Sepharvaim was the name for the double city of Sippara on the east and
west banks of the Euphrates. It was not the name of a people. Sepharvaim
means “the two Sipparas” as in the two cities of Sippara
(Sippar-Yahrurum and Sippar-Ammanum). The origin of the people from the
two Sipparas could very well be Sumerian, and today they’re part of
those who are known as the Samaritans.
Read also: The Evil of Rapture Theology
Read also: Israel: the Scourge of Empires
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