Monday, October 20, 2014



Researched and exposed by Dr Sheri Tenpenny in her widely acclaimed book, Fowl
As we have seen many times, the media has the ability to create false news stories and has done
so many times. In fact, a Ten step Playbook has been created to get the nation ready for a false
flag pandemic. 
Direct quotes from
describing the ten step playbook:
Step 1: Start where your audience is
Officials are advised tostart with empathy. Instead of scolding people for their lack of concern, make “common cause with the public” and then talk about how horrible the pandemic is likely to be. Don’t tell them the answer: lead them to the conclusion.
Step 2: Don’t be afraid to frighten people
Sandman and Lanard advise the “fear appeals have had bad press, but the research evidence that they work is overwhelming”. That said, they advise, “We can’t scare people enough about H5N1′′
Step 3: Acknowledge uncertainty
Sandman gives an example of a senior veterinary official from Thailand’s public health department who stated, “We know it is H5, but we’re hoping it won’t be H5N1
′′as an example of two addition risk communication principles: acknowledge uncertainty and don’t overly
reassure. The CDC has been saying since the 1980s that we are “way overdue” for another pandemic. The mass media has apparently been given a green light to magnify this latest health concern by creating ominous warnings with headlines way out of proportion to the risks. 
Step 4: Share dilemmas
In crisis communication, the intent of dilemma sharing is to humanize the organization making
the decision and give people the impression they are participating in the planning process.
Successful use of this strategy will “reduce the outrage if you turn out to be wrong”.
Step 5: Give people things to do
In January 2005, Canadian infectious disease expert Richard Schabas told The Wall Street
Journal, “Scaring people about avian influenza accomplished nothing, because we’re not asking
people to do anything about it”. The author’s suggestion for giving people something to do
includes making a plan for catastrophic, global business disruptions. They even suggest having
“cognitive and emotional rehearsals – learning about H5N1 and thinking about what a pandemic
might be like and how to cope”. Practicing for disaster is meant to give a “sense of empowerment”, but may have little practical
value. (The images of school children hiding under their desks during nuclear drills in the 1950s
come to mind.) In addition, nearly every religious tradition and many researchers, including Drs.
Deepak Chopra, Larry Dossey, Wayne Dyer, and Pastor Joel Osteen have defined a consistent,
clear message: “You get what you think about”.
Could collective, global “cognitive and emotional rehearsals”, anticipating the worst case for the disaster, actually make the situation happen? Perhaps visualizing a safe, clean, healthy world, free of all illnesses for humans, birds
and animals, is a better form of “cognitive rehearsal”.
Steps 6, 7 and 8
are specific suggestions on how warnings should stress the magnitude of the coming calamity, focusing on “how bad things could get”. 
Step 9: Guide the adjustment reaction
“Guide the adjustment reaction”, boils down to using the information to manipulate people into a
place called a “new normal”, one of continual concern and impending doom.
Steps 6 through 9 serve to accentuate Step 2: Don’t be afraid to frighten people. Get people
revved up. Make them really worried. Get themm otivated to fear the coming pandemics:
stockpile drugs, push for vaccines, and store water and food. We didn’t see a disaster at the
millennium – or with swine flue or with smallpox – but a global environmental disaster is just
around the next corner. Pass laws to protect the public. Call out the military. It’s coming any
minute. Soon. We’re due. We’re doomed.
Step 10: Inform the public early and aim for candor and transparency
The last step, Step 10, is to “inform the public early and aim for total can
dor and transparency”. Sandman argues that it’s almost impossible for the government to be too candid and warns
against declining to answer questions by using the “security excuse”. These last suggestions are
the most difficult for government to adopt, especially in the U.S. The government has collaborated with its agencies to hide so many things from its citizens – from vaccine cover-ups about thimerosal to known problems about Vi
oxx – that it has lost trustworthiness.
Now that the new plan is out in the open, be mindful of the rhetoric. Pay – attention – the news
stations and government press releases are playing straight by the book.