Revealing that which is concealed. Learning about anything that resembles real freedom. A journey of self-discovery shared with the world. Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them - Ephesians 5-11 Join me and let's follow that high road...
Monday, July 28, 2014
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Monday, July 21, 2014
Maze in a Mirror: A21 Scorched Earth? Fire Follows Plan to Ban Publi...
Maze in a Mirror: A21 Scorched Earth? Fire Follows Plan to Ban Publi...: Park Service wants to...
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Saturday, July 19, 2014
MessiahMews Blogs: God Does Not Support Vaccines
MessiahMews Blogs: God Does Not Support Vaccines: And neither do I.
MessiahMews Blogs: [Vaccination-Liberation] PPPs and the vaccination ...
MessiahMews Blogs: [Vaccination-Liberation] PPPs and the vaccination ...: In 1999 Al Gore announced a new form of government: the public private partnership (PPP) . Of course the American people were not involve...
Friday, July 18, 2014
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Monday, July 14, 2014
Sunday, July 13, 2014
Saturday, July 12, 2014
Evergreen and the CIA use the exact same logo as their "company" seals: an 8 pointed "witches circle"
from IntelHub Website
Facts Regarding Evergreen Air
International Aviation, Inc. is an Oregon-based aviation company with
longstanding ties to the CIA.
Its huge
Evergreen Maintenance Center in Arizona was bought from the Agency, which
offered the property to no-one else.[1] In 1980 an Evergreen plane
flew the recently deposed Shah of Iran from Panama to Egypt, hours before the
Panamanian government was due to receive an extradition request from the new
government in Tehran.[1]
rides to dictators is something of a specialty for the company - it also allowed
El Salvador’s President Duarte to use its helicopter, which was officially in
the country to help repair power lines.[1]
And according to a series of articles in The Oregonian in 1988, Evergreen’s owner and founder Delford M. Smith,
The Dark
In 1976
Senator Frank Church submitted CIA General Counsel Lawrence Houston to intense
grilling over the Agency’s questionable and illegal operation of proprietary air
transport services.
At that
time, Houston admitted that the CIA had routinely used the United States Postal
Service and the U.S. Forrest Service as covers for covert activities.
admitted that The Forest Service had been infiltrated by CIA and that CIA shared
an address with the Forrest Service’s Air Research and Development unit on Kent
Street in Alexandria, VA.
Evergreen Air - A
Long History of Suspicious ActivitiesImplicated in a plan to blow up New York City
An alleged
plot to blow up the pipeline and tanks that feed jet fuel to John F. Kennedy
international airport, in New York, was thwarted at the weekend with the arrest
of a “cell” of Islamic extremists from the Caribbean.
It is claimed that the alleged plotters planned to destroy the “whole of Kennedy” in a series of explosions that would make the September 11 attack “seem small”.
Forest Service and Evergreen Air Work Hand in Hand I had earlier looked at the U.S. Forest Service’s operations at the Pinal Air Park, Marana, Arizona and found that there was a cooperative deal between the Forest Service/Government and Evergreen Air where the Forest Service/Government allowed Evergreen to develop, under contract, the Evergreen Supertanker in exchange for allowing the planes to be used for Government Contracts during non-peak fire season.
Well, I
found that in March 2007 Evergreen discontinued their Supertanker program very
links will give you some of the background of the program that was being
developed for fighting western wildfires.
Bill O Reilly Flys on Evergreen Air
Last night 12/18/06 on the Factor host Bill O’Reilly did a segment attacking retired newsman Dan Rather for comments about the White House and FOX News having a “different” relationship than other news networks.
said he is rapidly losing respect for Rather and complained that Rather is “too
busy” to come on the Factor but managed to fit in an interview on CNN, where he
reiterated his opinion that the two are operating in synch.
was adamant that there is no such relationship, yet earlier in his Talking
Points Memo he had thanked Evergreen International Aviation for the fine
service on O’Reilly’s trip to Iraq last week.
Phil Marshall was close to exposing the Pinal Airpark, where the extra planes were equipped with remote control to be used in the twin tower attacks. The alleged "hi-jackers" job was to fly these planes to Stuart Air Force Base get them ready for the "switch" on 9/11. Hijackers were involved, but they didn't "hi-jack" anything that day.

Thursday, July 10, 2014
Uwantson: Maze in a Mirror: The Illumined Space Between a Ro...
Uwantson: Maze in a Mirror: The Illumined Space Between a Ro...: Maze in a Mirror: The Illumined Space Between a Rock and a Hard Plac... :
Monday, July 7, 2014
Saturday, July 5, 2014
Uwantson: Caught On Camera: CHP Officer Beats The Crap Out o...
Uwantson: Caught On Camera: CHP Officer Beats The Crap Out o...: Caught On Camera: CHP Officer Beats The Crap Out of a Woman Beside a Busy Road | The Daily Sheeple
Friday, July 4, 2014
The Moon Landings Fact or Fiction complete
Put yourself in a spacesuit with a large helmet and thick gloves.
Then - without the benefit of a viewfinder - take hundreds of pictures in an environment that neither you not any other human being has ever been before.
To make it even more interesting, do this a high radiation environment with no special shielding for your film.
What do you think the odds would that all the pictures on your rolls, one after another in sequence, would turn out perfectly in focus, perfectly framed and perfectly lit?
Pretty unlikely, right?
Yet that's what NASA would have us believe happened on the moon.
Ask any photographer - or anyone with a lick of common sense knows - the NASA story is absolutely impossible.
That said, the fact that these photos are fraudulent does not prove that men did not go to the moon.
Did men go to the moon?
Who knows?
But the pictures "from the moon" are totally fraudulent and that should cause thoughtful people to wonder.
brasscheck tv
The CIA took over the Red Cross a very long time ago...
Red Cross: How We Spent Sandy Money Is a ‘Trade Secret’
The charity is fighting our public records request for information on how it
raised and spent money after the superstorm.
by Justin
ProPublica, June 26, 2014, 11:38 a.m.
ProPublica, June 26, 2014, 11:38 a.m.
Just how badly does the American Red Cross want to keep secret how it raised and spent over $300 million after Hurricane Sandy?
The charity has hired a fancy law firm to fight a public request we filed with New York state, arguing that information about its Sandy activities is a "trade secret."
As we've reported, the Red Cross releases few details about how it spends money after big disasters. That makes it difficult to figure out whether donor dollars are well spent.
The Red Cross did give some information about Sandy spending to New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, who had been investigating the charity. But the Red Cross declined our request to disclose the details.
So we filed a public records request for the information the Red Cross provided to the attorney general's office.
That's where the law firm Gibson Dunn comes in.
An attorney from the firm's New York office appealed to the attorney general to block disclosure of some of the Sandy information, citing the state Freedom of Information Law's trade secret exemption.
The documents include "internal and proprietary methodology and procedures for fundraising, confidential information about its internal operations, and confidential financial information," wrote Gabrielle Levin of Gibson Dunn in a letter to the attorney general's office.
If those details were disclosed, "the American Red Cross would suffer competitive harm because its competitors would be able to mimic the American Red Cross's business model for an increased competitive advantage," Levin wrote.
The letter doesn't specify who the Red Cross' "competitors" are.
The Red Cross is a public charity and occupies a unique place responding to disasters alongside the federal government.
Among the sections of the documents the Red Cross wanted redacted was "a two-line title" at the top of a page, one line of which was "American Red Cross."
The attorney general's office denied that redaction, writing that it "can not find disclosure of this two line title will cause the Red Cross any economic injury."
Asked about the effort to have Sandy materials kept secret, Red Cross spokeswoman Anne Marie Borrego told ProPublica: "We sought to keep confidential a small part of the letter [sent to the AG] that provided proprietary information important to maintaining our ability to raise funds and fulfill our mission."
Doug White, a nonprofit expert who directs the fundraising management program at Columbia University, said that it's possible for nonprofits to have trade interests — the logo of a university, for example — but it's not clear what a "trade secret" would be in the case of the Red Cross. He called the lawyer's letter an apparent "delaying tactic."
Ben Smilowitz of the Disaster Accountability Project, a watchdog group, said,
"Invoking a 'trade secret' exemption is not something you would expect from an organization that purports to be 'transparent and accountable.'"
In agreeing to withhold some details, the attorney general's office found that portions of the documents the charity wanted to redact "describe business strategies, internal operational procedures and decisions, and the internal deliberations and decision-making processes that affect fundraising and the allocation of donations."
The attorney general's office also found "that this information is proprietary and constitutes trade secrets, and that its disclosure would cause the Red Cross economic injury and put the Red Cross at an economic disadvantage."
Another section the Red Cross wanted redacted was a paragraph that noted the charity's "willingness to meet with the [Office of the Attorney General.]" The attorney general's office denied that part of the request
Borrego, the Red Cross spokeswoman, declined to say how much the charity is paying Gibson Dunn but said, "we do not use funds restricted to Superstorm Sandy to cover those expenses."
We'll let you know when we get the documents we asked for — at least the parts that aren't trade secrets.
Thursday, July 3, 2014
The current minimum wage will buy $0.27 in pre-1965 currency. This is a clue. When you allow the Federal Reserve to trash money, all boats will sink.
- The reason a soda jerk can't afford to raise a family today is because he is not getting paid $1.25/Hr. in silver quarters ( $18.00 today ). He is getting 27 cents. And no one will pay him more than $0.27/Hr. because they are soulless and greedy.
- At this point, 53 percent of all wage earners in the United States make less than $30,000 a year.
- The divide between the haves and have-nots is getting worse really, really fast. In 1980, the top 1 percent controlled about 8 percent of U.S. national income. The bottom 50 percent shared about 18 percent. Today the top 1 percent share about 20 percent; the bottom 50 percent, just 12 percent.
- During the last recession, the U.S. economy lost millions of middle class jobs. But during this “recovery”, most of the jobs that have been “created” have been low paying jobs.
- Real unemployment already IS around 30%. 92 million not in labor force, plus 10 million official unemployed, equals over 102 million. 102 million out of over 300 million equals about 30 percent.
- In the west, job security means network affiliation; not satanic network = no real jobs for you.
Tuesday, July 1, 2014
Facebook manipulates how you feel by presenting different information to different users,
Facebook manipulates how you feel by presenting different information to different users,
By definition, Facebook is employing mind control. On you.
Been saying for years to dump Facebook. What more do you need to understand data mining and mind control.
By definition, Facebook is employing mind control. On you.
Been saying for years to dump Facebook. What more do you need to understand data mining and mind control.
Proof of chemtrails in 1963
The farthest back in time I've been able to find chemtrail spraying is 1959. Before that, nothing. Here again, is yet more proof we've had this silliness with us for a very long time.
On March 4, 1963 the eastbound Coast Daylight,
#98 was derailed two miles west of Northridge, CA. This resulted in the injury
of 77 passengers and 3 train attendants.
The Coast Daylight was traveling at 62 mph on the
single track main line, when at 5:24 pm the engineer observed at 1000 feet ahead
his train that the switch at Rikers Spur track had been lined for a diverging
movement from the main line. He immediately applied the brakes in emergency. The
engineer and fireman then left their seats and took cover on the cab floor where
they remained while the train entered the spur track and derailed. The members
of the crew in the cars were unaware of anything being wrong until they felt the
brakes applied in emergency shortly before the derailment. Diesel units 6047,
6048 and four passenger cars went on the ground of the seven car
The investigation disclosed that that the switch of
the spur track and the operating lever of the switch stand was secured in
reverse position by the padlock, which was closed on the keeper. The padlock
bore several batter marks from apparently having been forced open. The heads of
the bolts that secured the target of the switch stand to the spindle were broken
off and were found on the ground at the base of the switch stand. The target
taken off and reapplied to the spindle using a piece of wire as to show the
switch was lined as for the main line. The electrical control box on the switch
that controled the signal lights was made inoperative. This made the signals for
the Coast Daylight to show green for a clear track ahead.
The last train to pass the Riker Spur track was an
eastbound local freight within a two hour period immediately preceding the time
the switch was reversed.
Approximately four months after the accident a
15-year old boy was taken into police custody upon being caught throwing rocks
at a train in the vicinity of Northridge. This boy and two others subsequently
confessed to the derailment.
Over the years, this web page has received comments from
some of those involved. The boy (now a 59 years old man), said in an email to
me, "I am the one who did unbolted the lever to the shunt box causing the
lights to stay green instead of amber."
I won't use his name, but he also said how sorry he was and how this has affected his life in this statement below.
"Firstly, we spent 30 days in east LA correctional facility for juveniles, along with types that attempted medias acts on all of us during our stay before our trial. During that time, our Probation Officer stated he would recommend Youth Authority until the age of 24 years! Not a very encouraging thought to sleep with night after night while waiting. So, at the final trial, we were perhaps less than sorry. But we were so elided at at judge Collins decision, sorry was not part of the equation at that time. Later, however, Sorry? You cant imagine how sorry I am. For the events that happened after we were released were so burdensome, I would have preferred 8 years at YA (youth authority) instead."
"For weeks after that, since our names AND addresses were widely publicized, we were visited by people at all times of the day and night. Many drove by, throwing rocks and such at our house yelling out obscene things. We received threats by mail and by phone. Imagine, walking to the bus stop everyday for school and getting served papers by the marshal while everyone watched. Imagine going to school and being ridiculed constantly. Getting beat up every other day. Even comments from a high school teacher on the first day of class: "Looks like I got the train wrecker this semester". I could go on and on."
"Further, even though I was a minor, I can never get a security clearance, which I would have needed in my career, but was never able to obtain, even though at 18, my records were sealed. So a mistake I made at 15 has stayed with for the rest of my life with long reaching adverse affects."
"It should be noted at this time that because of the efforts of my father and this incident, the personal information of minors can no longer be included in news publications."
Back to Burbank Junction and the Branch
Back to Los
Angeles River Railroads Page
Coast Daylight Wreck, 1963
NEW: The Rest of the story
I won't use his name, but he also said how sorry he was and how this has affected his life in this statement below.
"Firstly, we spent 30 days in east LA correctional facility for juveniles, along with types that attempted medias acts on all of us during our stay before our trial. During that time, our Probation Officer stated he would recommend Youth Authority until the age of 24 years! Not a very encouraging thought to sleep with night after night while waiting. So, at the final trial, we were perhaps less than sorry. But we were so elided at at judge Collins decision, sorry was not part of the equation at that time. Later, however, Sorry? You cant imagine how sorry I am. For the events that happened after we were released were so burdensome, I would have preferred 8 years at YA (youth authority) instead."
"For weeks after that, since our names AND addresses were widely publicized, we were visited by people at all times of the day and night. Many drove by, throwing rocks and such at our house yelling out obscene things. We received threats by mail and by phone. Imagine, walking to the bus stop everyday for school and getting served papers by the marshal while everyone watched. Imagine going to school and being ridiculed constantly. Getting beat up every other day. Even comments from a high school teacher on the first day of class: "Looks like I got the train wrecker this semester". I could go on and on."
"Further, even though I was a minor, I can never get a security clearance, which I would have needed in my career, but was never able to obtain, even though at 18, my records were sealed. So a mistake I made at 15 has stayed with for the rest of my life with long reaching adverse affects."
"It should be noted at this time that because of the efforts of my father and this incident, the personal information of minors can no longer be included in news publications."
And that is the rest of the story!

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