Mercury Vapour is invisible, odourless & tasteless
Mercury is released from amalgam fillings ALL OF THE TIME. It does not matter if the filling is new or old. Take a look at the mercury vapour released from a 25 year old amalgam filling. The rate of release is increased by a number of factors:
1 - Friction and Heat - causes a rapid increase in the amount of mercury released and this elevated level stays elevated for about 90 minutes and then gradually eases off. Too bad for those of us that like to eat a few meals, perhaps a cup or two of hot coffee and then the rest of the time chewing gum.
2- When gold is in the same mouth as amalgam a battery will be created using the saliva in your mouth as the electrolyte. Thus there will be a steady movement of electrons with currents that are in the order of a thousand times that of the brain (just a couple of inches away). This current will also cause an increase in the amount o f mercury released from the amalgam (24/7) about four fold.
3- various levels of acidity will also increase the mercury release from amalgam.
Mercury escapes from amalgam in the forms of mercury vapour, elemental mercury and mercury ions.
The rate of release of mercury is increased by an increase in temperature, friction and electrical currents. Elevated levels remain for about 90 minutes after such stimulation.
The dental authorities claim only minute amounts of mercury are released from dental amalgam. It is important however to put this 'small amount' into a context of toxicological effects (PDF). 1 microgram is 0.000001 of a gram. The number of zeros after a decimal point has absolutely no meaning toxicologically.
Dental amalgam is the greatest source of mercury to the general population. (WHO Criteria 118 published 1991). This was the first time that the WHO included dental amalgam as a dietary source of mercury. The figures speak for themselves. Criteria 118 states that the general population ingest mercury from the following sources on an average daily intake;
Air and Water 0mcg/day
Other Foods 0.3mcg/day
Fish and Sea food 2.3mcg/day
Dental Amalgam 3 - 17mcg/day
The figure for dental amalgam was revised in 2003 and raised to 27mcg/day
In other words dental amalgam is the single greatest source of mercury to human beings than all other sources combined, including sea food.
In fact it is 10 times greater than all other sources combined.
the 'No Observable Effects Level' or 'NOEL'
is still set at 0 mcg Hg/m3.
In other words there is NO safe level of mercury vapour!
The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) of the U.S. Public Health Service - (Toxicological Profile for Mercury (Update) [ATSDR. TP-93/10]. Nov. 1994) have listed on their Internet site the top 20 most hazardous substances.
Mercury is number 3 after arsenic and lead.
It ranks above DDT, Dieldrin and Cadmium.
The Maximum Allowable
Mercury Vapour Concentrations
are set by various government organisations.
The levels for Australia and the USA are
Maximum Allowable Mercury Vapour Levels OSHA - Occupational Safety & Health Association for a 40 hour per week time weighted average 50 mcg/m3
US Environmental Protection Agency for everyone not exposed occupationally 0.3 mcg/m3
Agency Toxic Substances & Disease Registry This is the level they state will cause observable physiological effects when there is a trasient exposure 0.02 mcg/m3
NOEL - No Observable Effects Level set by WHO 1991 0
Compare this to levels of mercury found in mouths and dental surgeries
Actual Measured Levels
In a mouth with 6 amalgam fillings 20-120 mcg/m3
Opening a mixed amalgam capsule 1000 mcg/m3
Drilling amalgam fillings - 18 inches from the mouth 4000 mcg/m3
the following charts the levels at which these situation
exceed the official maximum levels;
In a mouth with 6 amalgam fillings 24/7 Opening a mixed amalgam capsule Drilling amalgam fillings - 18 inches from the mouth
Occupational Safety & Health Association N/A up to 2x 20x 80x
Environmental Protection Agency 400x 3,333x 13,333x
Agency Toxic Substances & Disease Registry 6,000x 50,000x 200,000x
The results published by the IAOMT show that;
When cutting amalgam with a high speed drill, the levels of mercury vapour 18 inches from the mouth, can exceed 4,000mcg/m3
When the nurse opens a freshly mixed amalgam capsule the level of mercury vapour she (and the rest of the surgery) will be exposed to is 1,000 mcg/m3. This is 200 times above OSHA standards and 50,000 above the ATSDR levels.
"The level of Mercury in liver, kidney and brain tissue
of deceased Foetus, new-born and young children is
... Proportional to the Number of Amalgam Fillings
in the Mother’s Mouth!"
Drasch G Schupp I Hofl H Reinke R Roider G
Eur J Pediatr (1994 Aug.) 153(8):607-10
"These results show that amalgam fillings release silver as well
.........Silver is a reliable marker for the fact that the elevated
concentrations of inorganic mercury found in tissues of people
with amalgam filings, derive mainly from these fillings and
not from other theoretically possible sources."
Drasch et. al. J Trace Elements
in Medicine and Biology; 9(2):82-7, 1995
The TDI or tolerable daily intake is regarded as what would be
tolerable level for the most sensitive groups in our society.
by G. Mark Richardson PhD., Medical Devices Bureau, Environmental Health Directorate, Health Canada Executive Summary 1995. (adopted by Health Canada in 1996)
"The number of amalgam fillings, for each age group,
estimated to cause exposure equivalent to the TDI were:
1 filling in toddlers;
1 filling in children;
3 fillings in teens;
and 4 fillings in adults and seniors."
One amalgam filling is all that is required
to go over the TDI for mercury for todlers and children!
Health Canada’s Recommendations
Concerning the Use of Dental Amalgam (Health Canada, 1996a)
1. Non-mercury filling materials should be considered for restoring the primary teeth of children where the mechanical properties of the material are suitable.
2. Whenever possible, amalgam fillings should not be placed in or removed from the teeth of pregnant women.
3. Amalgam should not be placed in patients with impaired kidney function.
4. In placing and removing amalgam fillings, dentists should use techniques and equipment to minimize the exposure of the patient and ;the dentist to mercury vapour, and to prevent amalgam waste from being flushed into municipal sewage systems.
5. Dentists should advise individuals who may have allergic hypersensitivity to mercury to avoid the use of amalgam. In patients who have developed hypersensitivity to amalgam, existing amalgam restorations should be replaced with another material where this is recommended by a physician.
6. New amalgam fillings should not be placed in contact with existing metal devices in the mouth, such as braces.
7. Dentists should provide their patients with sufficient information to make an informed choice regarding the material used to fill their teeth, including information on the risks and benefits of the material and suitable alternatives.
8. Dentists should acknowledge the patient’s right to decline treatment with any dental material.
Swedish Government report of 2003 states:
"With reference to the fact that mercury is a multipotent toxin
with effects on several levels of the biochemical dynamics of the cell,
amalgam must be considered to be an
unsuitable material for dental restoration.
This is especially true since
fully adequate and less toxic
alternatives are available."
Sweden, Norway and Denmark have now
totally banned the use of mercury amalgam
On 7 January 2003, the Superior Court in San Francisco
approved the warnings on dental amalgam mercury
that are required under California's Proposition 65
"Warning on dental amalgam,
used in many dental fillings,
causes exposure to mercury,
a chemical known to the state of California to cause
birth defects or other reproductive harm."
Australian Risk Assessment
of Mercury Exposure
from Dental Amalgam
Published August 2000 Prepared by Chem Affairs Pty Ltd PO Box 890 Lane Cove NSW 1595 Published August 2000
This risk assessment was commissioned by the National Health & Medical Research Council of Australia, as part of a series of recommendations put forward by a working party which was set up in 1998 to assess the literature about the dangers of mercury from dental amalgam. In point 8 of the Executive Summary the following is stated:
"Amalgam removal has been shown to be effective in reducing mercury levels
to the levels of those in people without amalgam fillings. Chelation
treatment has also reduced levels in the short-term….in one case
report, amalgam removal has reduced a very high urine mercury level to a
normal level. This change was accompanied by a decline in symptoms………."
Dental amalgam cannot be disposed of
in the sewerage, waste water or regular garbage
It must by law be disposed of by
Toxic Waste Disposal experts
Throughout the world,
dental amalgam is considered
to be a Toxic Waste Product
(it is substantially more toxic than asbestos)
There is only one place on earth
that it is regarded as "SAFE"
and that is
In the mouths of
Crematoria add at least 11kg of Mercury to the environment
per chimney per year.
Don't live downwind from a crematorium.
As of Dec 2009 the Australian Dental Association
continues to cling to the old line.
How can the following statement
from the ADA web site be justified?