Thursday, May 10, 2012

Operation Mind Control - Bowart



"a synopsis" By W.H. BOWART

Notes on this synopsis: Bowart's 1st release of Operation Mind Conrol was back in 1978. In an interview, in

1995 [ Richardson, TX] Walter said, "It went into print and made it to the where houses (we think) few made it

to the book stores - I got paid nice of them, to pay me for what they took." -- Then Mr. Bowart went

on to other books and a life of a pretty hip journalist - one of the few people that Frank Zappa gave an interview

to! Many say Bowart forgot more than most now know! About the Format --These are e-mail down loads, that

I later cleaned up for this format.

Amicus humani generis,

Eric Heimstadt

Date: Thu, 24 Aug 1995 00:52:21 +0000 From: Freedom of Thought Foundation Subject: (Fwd) OPERATION MIND




In response to demand here is a synopsis of W.H. Bowart's seminal work without notes, illustrations and additional material.

This synopsis is composed of the first few paragraphs ( some abridged) of each of the 42 chapters of Operation Mind Control,

the "Limited Researcher's Edition" which has been published in a numbered edition of 500 copies signed by the author.


It may have been the biggest story since the atom bomb. The headline, however, was small

and ignored the larger issue. "Drug Tests by CIA Held More Extensive Than Reported in '75,"

said the New York Times on July 16, 1977. What it should have said is "U.S. Develops

Invisible Weapons to Enslave Mankind."

The testing of drugs by the CIA was just a part of the United States government's top-secret

mind-control project, a project which had spanned thirty-five years and had involved tens of

thousands of individuals. It involved techniques of hypnosis, narco-hypnosis, electronic brain

stimulation, behavioral effects of ultrasonic, microwave, and low-frequency sound, aversive

and other behavior modification therapies. In fact, there was virtually no aspect of human

behavioral control that was not explored in their search for the means to control the memory

and will of both individuals and whole masses of people...


Through the gray waters of amnesia he drifted, coming back from blind coma. First the

echoes, like electronically amplified voices speaking from a deep, deep well... then, far off,

the dim pink molecules of light... David's body lay still in the military hospital bed. Only his

eyes rolled beneath the lids. For several hours he lay that way, perfectly still -- just eyes

fluttering. The fluttering became more intense. Then his eyes opened. "When I woke up,"

David said, "I couldn't remember anything. I couldn't remember how I'd gotten there or why I

was in the hospital." He asked nurses and aides why he was there. They told him he'd have to

ask his doctor. When David finally saw him, the doctor said, "You tried to commit suicide..."


David's own assessment of his mental confusion after his air force experience was that he had

not been "brainwashed." By the time David had his mind controlled, "brainwashing" had

become a catchall phrase, but what David had suffered was a much more subtle and hideous

form of tyranny. George E. Smith was a POW during the early days of the Vietnam War.

Unlike David, George did not have a good education. It can even be said that he was a little

naive, and therefore a good candidate for brainwashing of both the American and the NLF

(Viet Cong) varieties. He was one of the first of the Green Berets captured in the Vietnam

conflict in 1963...


"I can hypnotize a man -- without his knowledge or consent -- into committing treason against

the United States," boasted Dr. George Estabrooks in the early 1940s. Estabrooks, chairman

of the Department of Psychology at Colgate University, was called to Washington by the War

Department shortly after Pearl Harbor. Since he was the ranking authority on hypnosis at the

time, they wanted his opinion on how the enemy might be planning to use hypnotism. "Two

hundred trained foreign operators, working in the United States," Estabrooks told the military

leaders, "could develop a uniquely dangerous army of hypnotically controlled Sixth



In 1951, a former naval officer described "a secret" of certain military and intelligence

organizations. He called it "Pain-Drug-Hypnosis" and said it "is a vicious war weapon and

may be of considerably more use in conquering a society than the atom bomb. This is no

exaggeration. The extensiveness of the use of this form of hypnotism in espionage work is

now so widespread that it is long past the time when people should have become alarmed

about it... Pain-Drug- Hypnosis is a wicked extension of narcosynthesis, the drug hypnosis

used in America only during and since the last war..." That naval officer was none other than

L. Ron Hubbard. Before the war an explorer and prolific science fiction writer he went on to

found one of America's fastest growing if controversial religions, Scientology. (In an

exchange of letters, Hubbard told me that he had written a book called Excaliber which had

been stolen. The information in the book, he said, had all been subsequently published in his

many other books. Excaliber, was, he intimated, the guts of what would be published as

Dianetics, a work which takes all the mind control insights Hubbard was exposed to both in

his travels in the east and in Naval Intelligence, and applies them to empower the human spirit

-- the exact opposite of mind control as it came to be. He was subsequently kidnapped, and of

course we know that he, and The Church of Scientology were hounded by the government

much as others like Willhelm Reich had been hounded, for spreading the truth about

technologies which may have the potential to liberate, rather than enslave. Several years after

Hubbard's death, The Church of Scientology was granted, in 1993, official recognition by the

Internal Revenue Service. It finally granted them the tax-deductible status which run-of-themill

religious groups have little trouble obtaining.)..


In June, 1975, it was revealed publicly for the first time what many had suspected -- that the

CIA and a number of government agencies under its direction had actually been giving

behavior-influencing drugs to citizens within the United States for more than twenty years. I

was in Washington at the time, searching the catalogue card files at the National Technical

Information Service. A previous search by friends in military intelligence of the M.I.

Classified Index had revealed nothing but peripheral references to the object of my study:

government research in drugs, hypnosis, behavior modification, and related subjects. The

NTIS file is supposed to contain a complete numerical listing of all government contracts, by

contract number, whether or not they are classified. The contract cards were indeed numbered

in consecutive order, but the ones I was looking for were missing; the index simply skipped

over them and continued on in numerical sequence. Other cards in the index were marked

"classified," and I would not have been able to obtain the papers to which they referred. But

the reports I was looking for were not even cited in the index, although references to them in

scientific journals indicated that they had once existed. Classified or not, these documents had

been removed from the record...


Following the release of the Rockefeller Report, John D. Marks, author and former staff

assistant to the State Department Intelligence Director, filed a Freedom of Information Act

appeal on behalf of the Center for National Security Studies requesting documentation from

the CIA. I filed an identical request at about the same time. Marks and I both requested

documentation for the evidence cited in the Rockefeller Report on the CIA's mind-control

activities conducted within the United States. Seven months later, Marks was given more than

2,000 pages of top-secret and "eyes only" documents by the CIA's Information Review

Committee. A short time later I began to receive what Marks had gotten. These pages were

said to be the bulk of the information upon which the Rockefeller Commission had based its

report. Exempted from release were portions of or entire documents which contained

information said by CIA officials to pertain to "intelligence sources and methods which the

Director of the Central Intelligence has the responsibility to protect from unauthorized

disclosure pursuant to section 102 (d) (3) of the National Security Act of 1947." But in the

photo-copied pages obtained was a statement to the effect that within a few hours of his

resignation (forced by the disclosures of the Watergate and Church Committees), Director

Richard Helms ordered the records shredded and burned...


Candy Jones was a sex symbol during World War II. Born Jessica Wilcox, with her catchy

stage name and shapely legs she rose to a standing second only to Betty Grable as America's

most popular pinup girl. She was a favorite of the troops at the front, and she felt it a duty to

entertain them near the battlefields. After her advertised beauty faded and she could no longer

serve to raise the morale of the troops with her appearance, she served her country in another

way. She served under MKULTRA as a hypno-programmed CIA courier for twelve years.

While on a USO tour in the Pacific in 1945 Candy contracted a case of undulant fever and,

shortly thereafter, malaria. On top of that, she caught the contagious fungus known as "jungle

Rot." Within a week, her hair had begun to fall out, and her complexion had turned a sickly

yellow. The combination of these diseases sent her to a military hospital in Manila, where she

met a young medical officer whom she identifies only by the pseudonym "Gilbert Jensen."

Later, he would offer her the opportunity to become a CIA courier...


Due to the volatile nature of the information contained in her story, I am withholding this

victim's identity. The evidence is still being uncovered. Others are coming forward with

corroborating information. While details of her testimony is still being checked, we do know,

that what she describes in her story is entirely possible, so, from the perspective of students of

mind control this story has great value as it is here presented. Future editions may contain

more. We'll call her O. She was born in 1957. Her first memories are of being suffocated by

her father's penis in what was to be a childhood of continual sexual abuse. After six years of

"deprogramming" with Mark Phillips, O has come to reintegrate her fragmented personality

and has gained access to most of the shocking memories of her abuse by, among others, high

government officials...


In 1981, Major Michael A. Aquino collaborated with Colonel Paul E. Vallely to produce a

paper entitled From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory. The paper was

submitted to Military Review and Parameter, the publication of the U.S. ArmyWar College.

It was widely circulated among the psyop community and among mind control researchers

without a copyright notice. Finally it appeared in its entirety in Milton WIlliam Cooper's

Behold A Pale Horse, a 1991 work that deals largely with the question of Unidentified Flying

Objects. LTC John Alexander's Military Review article in support of "psychotronics" --

intelligence and operational employmeent of ESP-- was decidedly provocative. Criticism of

research in this area, based as it is on 'existing frontiers of scientific law, brings to mind the

laughter that greeted the Italian scientist Spallanzani in 1794 when he suggested that bats

navigate in the dark by means of what we now call sonar. "If they see with their ears, then do

they hear with their eyes?" went the joke, but I suspect that the U.S. Navy is glad someone

took the idea seriously enough to pursue it...


Project Monarch, according to Mark Phillips, is a U.S. Defense Department project begun in

the 1960's. He says its code name was assigned to a subsection of the CIA's Operation

Artichoke which later became Project MKULTRA... So-called "Presidential Models", the

most highly prized products of the Project Monarch mind control factories have a distinct

(conditioned) habit of sitting very erect with their legs daintily perched. They serve kings and

presidents and high ranking government officials as sex slaves. They are controlled by

invisible reins. The Presidential Models have "fluttered about the White House" and European

hideaways which, in another day, would have been the "courts." While they appear to be

"lighthearted" and "inconstant" sex slaves, they are trained at the art of pillow talk and do, in

fact, have memories like human tape-recorders...


I met Lois first in Palm Springs, when I was the editor of Palm Springs Life. She was sitting,

looking pretty, at one of the many events that bear Bob Hope's name, the Bob Hope Classic

golf tournament or the Hope Center which houses the Palm Desert opera. Her real name was

not Lois and I was not introduced to her, but when I saw her again, several years later, she had

come along with a Project Monarch survivor just to watch the interview I was doing with their

deprogrammer. I knew I'd seen her before, but at first, couldn't remember where or when...


A number of friends and fellow researchers can't bring themselves to believe the story of "O"

nor Lois. Neither in the beginning could I. Both dropped too many famous names. Both had

witnessed too many important events in history. Both told hideous stories of abuse. How

could our high government officials fall to such low perversions? Would they violate the

human spirit just for lust? Greed? After a little thought, once one has processed the horror,

one realizes that in each case, celebrities and high government official's vices were fed by the

cryptocracy using one of Project Monarch's programmed "presidential models." In this case

Ms. O's remarkable gifts, which were the invisible reins of control the cryptocracy held over

Senators, Presidents, and Kings. In fact, it looked as if our executive branch of government is

now controlled by new innovations in the usual Machiavellian options: bribery, blackmail,

threat of death, and/or ultimately assassination. Then, again come the doubts. Here we are

taking the word of a "reintegrated" person who's suffered a lifetime of Multiple Personality

Disorder (MPD) which is a relatively new idea in itself. One doesn't want to believe this...


Heinrich Himmler's Lebensborn program may have been the grandparent of Project Monarch.

Monarch sought to create junior Manchurian Candidates with multiple personalities, each

trained to perform a specific specialty. The kids were programmed to respond to codes,

mnemonic cues, and audio-reversed triggers and tones. They were trained in killing

techniques and the rapid assembly and de-assembly of exotic weapons. They were educated

about poisons, explosives, languages and computers, then programmed to forget it all or

remember only selected areas upon command. Monarch produced a cadre of child spies who

were directed to prey upon high placed military, government and high society paedophiles,

sometimes hauling them into blackmail situations. As in the Nazi Lebensborn program there

is evidence of selected breeding, adoption of the children, and a peculiarly large number of

twins among them. There is mounting evidence that the directors of Project Monarch were

former Nazis, and that, like Nazism, the Monarch program was interlaced with Satanism...


According to a Customs Service memorandum, the CIA and FCIA (Foreign Counter

Intelligence Agency a distinct and autonomous organization within the FBI ) were both

involved in a mysterious group with behaviors similar to the one in Nebraska. Known as the

Finders, CIA ownership of this organization was kept secret for seven years after local law

enforcement uncovered its practice of child abduction, kiddie-porn, ritual abuse, and slavery.

In early February 1987, an anonymous tip to the Tallahassee, Florida police brought cops out

like bloodhounds. The caller said two "well dressed men" seemed to be "supervising" six

disheveled and hungry children in a local park. The two men were identified as members of

the Finders. They were charged with child abuse in Florida. In Washington, D.C., police and

U.S. Customs Service agents raided a duplex apartment building and a warehouse connected

to the group. Among the evidence seized were detailed instructions on obtaining children for

unknown purposes. Several photos of nude children were found, one of which appeared "to

accent the child's genitals..."


Had I not heard this story, in essence, from a half dozen other survivors of this kind of mind

control, I would not have included it here. But we video taped a number of credible people

talking about these "voices" in their heads. People who experience this are what Martin

Cannon referred to in his book The Controllers as "wavies." Cannon wrote: Every Senator and

Congressional representative has a "wavie" file. So do many state representatives. Wavies

have even pled their case to private institutions such as The Christic Institute. And who are

the wavies? They claim to be the victims of clandestine bombardment with non-ionizing

radiation -- or microwaves. They report sudden changes in psychological states, alteration of

sleep patterns, intracerebral voices and other sounds, and physiological effects.

Most people never realize how many wavies there are in this country. I've spoken to a number

of wavies myself. I don't like the term "Wavie." It's a hard-hearted term which does not show

any sympathy for the people who are suffering this way. They're suffering just as much as the

people who have survived the so-called Project Monarch. Giving them the benefit of the

doubt, I'll term them E-M Targets, E-M for electromagnetic spectrum, since the technical

possibilities exist that they are experiencing bombardment by ELF, VLF, SHF microwaves,

magnetic waves and other radiation ofthe electromagnetic spectrum which can be modulated

so that voices can be heard inside the head, without implants, without speakers. Most of them

have been diagnosed as being "Paranoid Schizophrenic..."


The CIA uses thought reform, programming, and indoctrination on its own employees.

Patrick J. McGarvey, a veteran of fourteen years in U.S. intelligence service, described the

cryptocracy's more ordinary indoctrination procedures in his book CIA: The Myth and the

Madness. McGarvey said that his indoctrination was carried out in a classroom which was

"right out of The Manchurian Candidate. It was a cavernous room not unlike a nineteenth

century surgical exhibition pit." That training, he said, consisted of "an admixture of common

sense, insanity, old-time religion, and some of the weirdest lectures you can imagine." The

most important result of this early training, as far as the CIA was concerned, McGarvey said,

"was the attitudes they managed to inculcate" among the recruits...


The cryptocracy's search for reliable mind control methods was one of the most far-reaching

secret projects ever undertaken. In addition to research and development in drugs and

hypnosis, CIA funds and cryptocracy guidance gave impetus to a number of behavior

modification projects carried out in federal prisons and mental institutions. Most of the

projects were arranged secretly so recipients of the funds would have no way of knowing that

the CIA was backing the research. Even if they had known of the CIA's involvement, their

interest in behavior modification probably would not have been dampened. Previously called

conditioned reflex therapy, behavior modification, in the sixties and seventies, was becoming

the most popular tool of psycho science since Sigmund Freud asked his first patient to lie

down on the couch. Behavior modification is based on conditioning, but conditioning is a big

word for a simple form of learning in which a reaction is evoked by an outside action. The

reaction is called a response; the outside action is called a stimulus. In 1927 Pavlov won the

Nobel Prize for his discovery of a method of making dogs salivate at the ringing of a bell.

Salivating dogs were not much good to anyone, and it was not for making dogs drool that

Pavlov was so honored. He was honored with the world's most prestigious award for making

dogs drool on cue. He called his process "conditioning". The dogs' involuntary response, he

called a "reflex." Pavlov's discoveries provided the breakthrough which behavioral science

needed to begin to control the human mind...


The cryptocracy recruited their assassins from among people who had already demonstrated a

violent nature, people who had few reservations about taking human life. No homicidal

maniacs were recruited because they could not be controlled. The cryptocracy needed killers

who would not murder on impulse, but only upon command. Once selected, the assassin

candidates were turned over to the military, where, under the guise of "combat readiness"

training,they underwent a complete program of conditioning. Graduates of the program would

forever after act with ruthless efficiency. They would eliminate local political leaders in a

foreign country, or undertake "search and destroy" missions in violation of national and

international laws. They would be given a cover allowing them to enter the Foreign Service;

or they would pose as embassy marine guards. In July, 1975, the Sunday Times in London

quoted a U.S. Navy psychologist who admitted that U.S. Naval Intelligence had taken

convicted murderers from military prisons, conditioned them as political assassins, and then

placed them in American embassies around the world. This admission came shortly after the

Senate Intelligence Committee had scolded the CIA for plotting a number of political

assassinations around the world. From the congressional reports, however, one got the feeling

the cryptocracy was being chastised not for the assassinations it had successfully

accomplished, but for those which it had attempted,but failed. The attempts on the life of

Fidel Castro drew the greatest notice from the congressional committees and thepress...


On March 2, 1967, Luis Angel Castillo, age twenty-four, was arrested by the Philippine

National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) on suspicion of conspiring to assassinate President

Ferdinand Marcos in Manilla. In a series of interrogation sessions, the NBI and Philippine

Army investigators gave him truth serum (at his request) and put him under hypnosis. During

one of these sessions, Castillo revealed he had been involved in an assassination four years

earlier. Castillo told the NBI, both under hypnosis and truth serum and also in a normal state,

that he had been hypnoprogrammed to kill a man riding in an open car. Although Castillo did

not know the identity of his target, the scene of his supposed "hit" was Dallas, Texas. The

date was November 22, 1963...


MKULTRA was fully operational when Luis Castillo was programmed. It was active that

same decade when events blamed on three "lone assassins" changed the course of history. In a

well executed, mass indoctrination campaign employing all the honor, prestige, and power of

the U.S. government, Americans were told over and over again the lives of John Kennedy,

Martin Luther King, and Robert Kennedy were all taken by lone assassins -- men operating

without political motivvation. These three assassins -- Lee Harvey Oswald, James Earl Ray,

and Sirhan Sirhan-- conveniently left diaries, underlinings in various books, and other selfincriminating

clues to establish their guilt. The evidence gathered on the assassinations

remains fragmented and incomplete. Any event of such magnitude as political assassination is

bound to invite a large number of interpretations. While in 1978 when the first edition of this

book appeared there was not any conclusive proof of a conspiracy, more than eighty percent

of the American public then believed there was a conspiracy. Today, after Oliver Stone's

masterful film JFK, more than ninety percent of the public believe that John F. Kennedy was

murdered by conspirators working with the U.S. intelligence agencies. While Congress did

cite Richard Helms for contempt, and declared that the FBI and the CIA did not cooperate

with the Warren Commission, the murders of Kennedy, Kennedy and King remain unsolved

mysteries in the public's opinion. A string of circumstantial evidence, and a knowledge of the

fundamentals of mind control invites further speculation.In each case the method was the

same -- death by the bullet. In each case the circumstances were the same -- murder in a

public place in view of many witnesses. All three assassins were men whose personal

histories can be interpreted to indicate they were mentally unstable. Evidence suggests all

three had been hypnotized at one time or another...


Only an understanding of the techniques and applications of mind control could begin to bring

meaning to the fragmented ramblings of Jack Ruby. On June 7, 1964, Jack Ruby was

questioned in jail in Dallas, Texas, by Earl Warren and Gerald Ford. In that session Ruby

continually pleaded for a lie-detector test or for sodium pentothal. He desperately wanted to

prove his honesty so Warren and the commission would know he was telling the truth. Said

Ruby: "I would like to be able to get a lie-detector test or truth serum of what motivated me to

do what I did at thatparticular time, and it seems as you get further into something, even

though you know what you did, it operates against you somehow, brainwashes you, that you

are weak in what you want to tell the truth about, and what you want to say which is the



On April 4, 1968, Nobel laureate Dr. Martin Luther King was murdered on a second floor

balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis Tennessee. Half of the six thousand man FBI force

was assigned to the task of bringing the killer to justice. The FBI should have had an easy job.

There was an abundance of evidence left behind on the second floor of a rooming house a

block from the Lorraine Motel. There were fingerprints on the window ledge of a bathroom

next to a room which had been rented to an "Eric S. Galt." On the sidewalk in front of the

house was a weapon, a high powered assault rifle with telescopic sight. Neighbors said they

had seen a white Mustang roar away moments after the shooting...


The circumstances of Robert Kennedy's death are well known. On June 5, 1968, at 12:15

a.m., Sen. Robert Kennedy was shot in the pantry of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles.

Karl Uecker grabbed the gun, a .22 caliber Iver-Johnson revolver. It was smoking in the hand

of Sirhan Beshara Sirhan, a Palestinian refugee. The Los Angeles police immediately took

Sirhan into custody. At first they appeared to be taking every precaution so they wouldn't

make the same mistakes the Dallas police had made. They taped every interrogation session

with the suspect and kepthim under surveillance through a closed-circuit TV camera in his

cell. They took every measure to protect the life of this man, the second "lone nut" to gun

down a Kennedy. Trying to avoid anything which would be an infringement on the rights of

the alleged assassin, the police carefully informed Sirhan of his legal rights before trying to

interrogate him. They did not inform his alter personalities of their rights, however. Through

the first hours of questioning, Sirhan chose to remain silent. For some time, no one knew who

the curly-haired, swarthy man in custody was... ...Police immediately went to his house and

searched his bedroom. On the floor next to Sirhan's bed was a large spiral notebook. On the

desk was another notebook. There was a third small notebook, a good deal of occult literature,

a brochure advertising a book on mental projection, and a large brown envelope from the

Internal Revenue Service on which someone had written, "RFK must be disposed of like his

brother was." At the bottom of the envelope was scrawled "Reactionary." In one of the

notebooks there was a page which was used later in the trial to prove premeditation: "May 18,

9:45 a.m. -- 68. My determination to eliminate RFK is becoming more the more of an

unshakable obsession... RFK must die -- RFK must be killed Robert F. Kennedy must be

assassinated... Robert F. Kennedy must be assassinated before 5 June 68 Robert F. Kennedy

must be assassinated I have never heard please pay to the order of of of of of of of of of this or

that pleas pay to the order of..." Also drawn on the page were spirals, diamonds, and doodles.

While Los Angeles mayor Sam Yorty ignorantly told the press Sirhan was a "member of

numerous Communist organizations, including the Rosicrucians," Sirhan's neighbors told a

differentstory. One said he was "very religious." Another reported that he was "just a normal

kid." He took cars and bikes apart and put them back together again." Neighborhood kids said

he was "nice." When asked if Sirhan was the angry type, a black girl in his Neighborhood

said, "He didn't show it." Arthur Bean, another neighbor said, "Someone talked that kid into

gunning down Kennedy." When Irwin Garfinkel, a deputy attorney in the public defender's

office, asked Sirhan about the shooting, he said, "I don't remember much about the shooting,

Sir. Did I do it? Well, yes, I am told I did it. I remember being at the Ambassador. I was

drinking tom collinses. I got dizzy. I went back to my car so I could go home. But I was too

drunk to drive. I thought I'd better find some coffee. The next thing I remember I was being

choked and a guy was twisting my knee." George Plimpton, editor of the Paris Review, was in

the hotel pantry when Kennedy was shot. He was one of the men who wrestled Sirhan down.

According to Newsweek, Plimpton "offered some eloquent testimony that appeared to some

to support the defense's contention that Sirhan Beshara Sirhan had, in fact, been in a 'trance'

during the shooting. 'He was enormously composed,' recalled Plimpton. 'Right in the midst of

this hurricane of sound and feeling, he seemed to be almost the eye of the hurricane. He

seemed purged...'"


All the assassins in the cryptocracy's army of hit men are not, by any means, programmed.

There are other ways besides mind control to motivate the commission of murder. In 1298

Marco Polo returned from his Asiatic travels with a tale of assassins who were motivated by

an unusually clever technique. Polo described a fortress he had visited in the valley of Alamut

in Persia. He said the valley was the headquarters of a notorious group known as the Ashishin,

from which the word "assassin" evolved. Polo's story echoed numerous legends about an "Old

Man of the Mountain," named Allahudin, who used subtle and elaborate psychological tricks

to motivate simple country boys to undertake fearless acts of murder. The Old Man had

created an inescapable valley between two mountains by building up high walls at both ends.

He turned the valley into a beautiful garden, the largest and most beautiful that had ever been

seen. In this valley he planted every kind of fruit tree and built several elaborate, ornamented

pavilions and palaces which were said to be of such elegance they could not be described in

words. Everything that could be, was covered with gold. The buildings housed the most

exquisite collection of paintings and sculpture in the known world. Man-made streams flowed

wine, milk, honey, and water...


Joe called me one day from Australia. I was still working on Grub Street as editor of Palm

Springs Life. He told me what most of the victims of mind control have told me: "I read your

book.You saved my sanity. I know now that I'm not crazy. Thanks so much for writing it."

That was reward enough for doing it, I suppose, but I didn't want to do it again. I wanted

nothing more to do with mind control. I was burned out on the subject, so Joe got a polite but

disinterested reception from me. He kept up a correspondence with me anyway from the

outback. At first his letters were fragmented, disjointed, mine were polite, encouraging, brief.

I couldn't tell where he was coming from, but, what do you expect from a victim whose mind

has been scrambled? He began by talking about some missing British Scientists:...


Jose Delgado stood sweating in the center of a bull ring in Madrid. He was sweating from the

heat of the sun reflected on the sand. He felt a twinge of natural fear as the door at one end of

the walled ring swung open, and a huge black bull lunged forth from the darkness into the

plaza de toros. This was a very good bull, one the best matador would have desired. It charged

as if on rails, straight at Delgado. In front of a ton of black beef, two sharp horns aimed to

gore the vital parts of his body. Delgado stood face to face with the charging Andalusian toro.

But Delgado was no matador. He stood in the ring alone in his shirtsleeves. He wore no "suit

of lights" and he carried no cape. Instead of a sword, he held only a little black box. He

wanted to wait until the last possible moment, but he could not contain his fear. When the bull

was thirty feet away, he pressed the button on the box. The bull immediately quit his attack

and skidded to a halt. Toro looked right, then left. Then, as if bewildered, he turned his broad

side toward Delgado and trotted away...


In 1967 a writer named Lincoln Lawrence published a book which asked the question: Was

Lee Harvey Oswald a robot-assassin programmed by a sophisticated technique known as

RHIC-EDOM? The letters stood for Radio Hypnotic Intra-Cerebral Control-Electronic

Dissolution of Memory. Lawrence speculated that Oswald had been behavior-controlled and

prepared during his "defection" to the Soviet Union as a "sleeper" agent programmed to return

to the United States and murder on cue. It was the Manchurian Candidate theme, with one

exception. Lawrence insisted that the Russians had not masterminded the RHIC-EDOM plan.

It had been masterminded, he thought, by an international cartel of commodities merchants

who sought to make millions by driving the market with the assassination of a president -- any

president. Lawrence wrote, "Lee Harvey Oswald was to be utilized as... (and now you must

clear your brain and put aside your preconceived notions of what espionage and sabotage are

today)... an RHIC controlled person... somewhat like a mechanical toy. An RHIC controlled

person can be processed (as Oswald was in Minsk, allowed to travel to any country... and be

put to use even years later by the application of RHIC controls. In short, like the toy, he can in

a sense be 'wound up' and made to perform acts without any possibility of the controller being



Since this book first appeared in 1978 there has been a rapid acceleration in public awareness

about mind control. It has largely replaced the term "brainwashing" in the press, appearing

with some regularity on the front pages of your local daily newspaper. If you are laboring

under the impression that the Church Committee hearings stopped Operation Mind Control, in

these pages you have learned of evidence to the contrary. Instead of halting mind control, a

whole new kind of warfare hasdeveloped around it. The new technology makes the old

"Project Monarch" style classical conditioning obsolete. It is the reason so many survivors are

remembering and are allowed to talk. They are no longer needed, and there's a better way to

control minds. Public awareness has been outrun by the progress in mind control technology.

It has gone from drugs and hypnosis to the effects of microwaves, ELF waves, gravity waves,

and modulated signals of all kinds. The basics are the same in all techniques -- the

government programmers sneak intoo the subconscious mind of individuals and the masses

and influence them without their knowledge or consent...


The first evidence of the use of hypnosis as a reliable operational tool of the cryptocracy,

according to John Marks,11 can be found in the work of Morse Allen in 1954. Of course

hypnosis itself had been used by shamans and fakirs to manipulate and control people for

centuries. Marks explains that Allen's work came at the height of the Project ARTICHOKE

explorations in which the spooks attempted to use hypnosis to "programme" an assassin. CIA

documents also reveal that in 1959 John Gittinger recommended the use of hypnosis in

operational experiments. ( Of course our latest evidence shows that Navy Intelligence had

been using mind control in the 1940's, at least.) The CIA files contain a translation of a Soviet

research project entitled Unperceived Manifestations of Mental Processes in Deep Hypnosis

which described the success of their psychoscientists: "We succeeded in programming not

only the subject of dreams ( Iwould like to visit Africa in my dream...), but to program color

perception (let my dream be blue...), as well as inducing a specific mood after sleepin..."


John Alexander is a busy man these days, not only is he one of the moving forces behind

PSITECH, a company that sells military developed remote viewing skills (RVS) to private

enterprise, he is the program manager for nonlethal defense at the Los Alamos (N.M.)

National Laboratory, an author (The Warrior's Edge), and a practitioner of the gem of mind

control arts -- Neuro-linguistics Programming. Today, after 32 years of military service this

retired Colonel has the responsibility of drawing together and nurturing many nonlethal

weapons devices which could disable key electronic equipment, blind weapons sensors or

shut off the power to a capital city. He has drawn upon a variety of disciplines involving

polymer chemistry, microbics, kinetics, acoustics, electrical engineering, materials science

and information science, just to demonstrate their feasibility," in the burgeoning science

called Nonlethal defense, at least so said Aviation Week & Space Technology. "As the

concept has evolved," Alexander is reported as saying, " we have come to focus our efforts on

antimaterial systems. If you can stop the machines of war, you can inhibit the prosecution of



In 1990 spychiatrist Dr. Louis Jolyon West, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry, University of

California, pet shrink of the cryptocracy gave a speech on cults. As usual it was soft on fact

and hard on the cryptocracy line: It is estimated that there are more than 2500 cults in the

UnitedStates... Now there must be a lot more "cults" than that since, the Oxford English

Dictionary said the word cult meant: "1. worship -- 2. a particular form of religious worship;

esp. in reference to itsexternal rites and ceremonies -- 3. devotion to a particular person or

thing..." Some would say that includes the Moose, Elks, Shriners, Optimists, Boy Scouts,

certain football teams, religions of all denominations, hang gliding clubs, sky diving clubs,

James Joyce reading groups and on and on. But without further argument, West's comments



Perhaps not since the Reichstag fire in Nazi Germany have flames leaped so visibly onto the

pages of history. The flames in both Waco and the Reichstag fires were fueled by mind

control. At least that's the impression you get when you read attorney Paul D. Wilcher's letter

to Attorney General Janet Reno... Dated May 21st, 1993 the letter begins with no salutation,

the phone numbers of Ms. Reno, Justice Department Communications Director Carl Stern,

Appointments Secretary Melilssa Muller, Assistant Attorney General Richard Scruggs, and

James Kramarsic, Special Ops--CIA. With a typical lawyerly lack of style the letter begins:

RE: (1) Vital NEW information concerning the conflagration at David Koresh's Branch

Davidian compound, "Ranch Apocalypse," outside Waco, Texas, on Monday, April 19th,

1993, which is now being kept from you and covered up _ i.e., that what happened was NOT

a "mass suicide," but rather a MASS MURDER... the letter then reads:" DEAR ATTORNEY

GENERAL RENO" in caps. The purpose of this letter... is for me to deliver to you extremely

sensitive information about the deaths of the 86 men, women, and children who perished at

the Branch Davidian compound on Monday, April 19th, 1993, and the truth about how it all

happened... But even more important, my purpose here is to demonstrate how the Waco

tragedy fits into a much bigger (and far uglier) The subject of mind control is introduced on

page four when Wilcher writes: "David Koresh had an extensive CIA background...he was

known in CIA circles as a "sleeper" _ someone who had beensubjected to extensive CIA

"mind control" training and programming..." Wilcher said that it was not a coincidence that

all these events were occurring in or near Waco, Texas _"since Waco is a major center for

such CIA "mind control" experimentation and programming _ with much of this activity

occurring at the CIA's Leadership Management Institute in Waco." Wilcher pointed out that

"similar CIA-sponsored "cults" are located across the country including in such places as Salt

Lake City, Utah; Provo, Utah; Logan, Utah; Boise, Idaho; and San Francisco, California," and

that one or all of these other "cults can likewise `explode' onto the front pages of the press at

any time the CIA deems appropriate, in order to accomplish its pre-determined, hidden, rightwing

political agenda."...

16) Mind Control and Memory Blocks to Ease the Consciences of the CIA's

PROFESSIONAL killers: Thus far, we have been discussing mind control and memory

blocks in the context of the CIA's `Manchurian- Candidate-type' robot assassins _ those lowlevel

individuals _ like Sirhan Sirhan, David Hinckley, Mark David Chapman (who

assassinated the Beatles' lead singer/songwriter John Lennon), and the six (6) Black men

murdered in Pershing Park _ persons who are programmed by the Agency to be used only

once then `thrown away' and discarded _ i.e., persons who are destined either to be killed or

imprisoned for the rest of their lives, once they have performed their pre-ordained secret

mission. In other words, these low-level individuals are highly expendable _ particularly

when getting rid of them will preserve the `plausible deniability' that the Agency had anything

to do with their training, conduct, or activities. In the context of these low-level individuals,

the mind control programming we have been discussing is used not only to condition the

desired robotic response to a pre-ordained secret signal, but also to prevent the subject from

remembering anything to do with their training, conduct, or activities. In the context of these

low-level individuals, the mind control programming we have been discussing is used not

only to condition the desired robotic response to a pre-ordained secret signal, but also to

prevent the subject from remembering anything...


Not far from the melted sand and globs of green Trinitite at the Trinity site -- beneath the

tower that exploded the first atomic bomb, just across the desert sands from the Los Alamos

National Laboratories where Invisible Weaponry is being developed at an alarming rate, is a

private company, Consumertronics, which specializes in all things electronic. Headed by a

"weapons engineer", John J. Williams, the company offers for sale all sorts of VLF, SHF,

VHF, ELF devices and designs for devices to produce a variety of waves. It sells both

offensive generators and defensive countermeasures "for research purposes only." It is the

only company in the world which advertises this kind of expertise. His ads might as well say:

"Have Buck Rogers Ray Gun, Will Travel," because Williams will travel to your home with a

van full of scanners, meters, measurers and monitors and tell you what your electromagnetic

environment looks like 24 hours a day. All it takes is money...


Harlan E. Girard, one of the most level-headed researchers into the lore of mind control has,

himself, been an E.M. target for years. He doesn't like to talk about his personal experiences

because he'd rather let others tell their stories, but he admits he still has "handlers" and hears

disembodied voices. Like so may of the other so-called "Wavies" Girard is no wild-eyed

maniac. He is distinguished, affluent and quietly articulate. The brief abstract printed below

sets the overview for this chapter and offers a look at the high quality of the human beings

reporting this E.M. Target phenomenon. I'll introduce Girard to you, the way I met him,

through his paper: OFFENSIVE MICROWAVE WEAPONS: Developments in the

Technology of Political Control: The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has developed a

technology which can make the blind see, the deaf hear, and the lame walk. It will never be

used this way because the technology is central to the domestic policy and foreign ambitions

of the United States Government, whether that government is nominally headed by George

Herbert Walker Bush, William Jefferson Clinton, or any possible successor. The effects of

these microwave weapons are many and varied, but the most insidious couple with the central

nervous system to produce effects which might be described as Satanic possession. remote

motor control of human locomotion and movement (including speech) has become possible.

Remote motor control can be used to murder by suicide, "accident", suffocation, asphyxiation

and heart attack, or to simply neutralize the victim by making words come out of his/her

mouth which he/she had no intention of speaking... Consequently, a situation is created in

which the victim appears to be free to uninformed third parties, but at the same time is

incarcerated as securely as if he/she had been confined to a maximum security prison. In this

manner, human beings can be and are being sadistically tortured in the privacy of their own

homes. The bizarre objective of this treatment is to mentally and physically torture the victim

until his/her own personality collapses, and he/she becomes something lower than a slave. In

science fiction, this computer driven human being is called a cyborg...


Operation Mind Control has brought the mental health profession to the verge of a nervous

breakdown. Attacked by cryptocratic peers in such organizations as the Cult Awareness

Network and False Memory Syndrome Foundation on the one hand, and grappling with the

techniques of psychiatry and psychology which the cryptocracy has leapfrogged with new

technology on the other, the profession can only make the mentally tortured comfortable

while it looks desperately for a way to heal them. The healing techniques are in the hands of a

few. Some of them are "deprogrammer"s who once worked for the cryptocracy, learned the

codes, cues, and triggers, and know practically how the classical conditioning technology of

the cryptocracy comes to work like hypnosis. The mental health professionals, as we know

them, are learning to completely rethink their approaches to healing the victims of the

crytpocracy's mind control projects. While insights into what is state-of-the-art mind control

today begins with a study of physics, it is still built upon well-tested patterns of brain

functions. But, the traditional "let's get in touch with our feelings" kinds of therapy are not

especially helpful...


Almost simultaneous with the founding of the modern cryptocracy and the passing of the

National Security Act in 1947, if the rumors are to be believed, there came to be a faction

working within the secret agencies of government to restore the Constitution. It is claimed

that this group has been fighting a resistance from within the cryptocracy against the Nazi

group known as the Aquarius Group (AG) which came to cluster around the Gehlen/Nazis

taken to the breast of the American intelligence community at the end of World War II. While

our sources beg for anonymity, they tell us they have been known as the Guardians of the

Eternal Flame or The Rowboat Magicians. To my knowledge, only twice has this group

communicated with the general public, then not "officially" but through documents "leaked"

or "planted" in the samisdat. Then they called themselves Com-12...


As early as 1961, advisors to the late President Kennedy recommended that with the threat of

nuclear war hanging over the future, civilized nations could no longer risk overt

confrontations that would lead to war, since even conventional war could escalate to

Armageddon. If war was necessary it would have to be invisible. It was either invisible

warfare or peace, and everyone seemed to agree the economy would "suffer" from peace.

Without war, it was believed, the economy would falter and depression would be the dividend

of peace. Thus the advisors to the president began to think about what might motivate the

U.S. economy as well as war did. They came up with several possibilities, the most fantastic

of which was to fake an invasion from outer space...


Memory is illusive in some cases, vivid in others. A Roper poll conducted in 1993 suggested

that up to 20 million people in North America may have memories of "alien" abductions. In

1994 Dr. Colin Ross said that he heard someone on a CBC radio broadcast say that they had

evidence that 750,000 babies had been ritually sacrificed. FBI ritual abuse "debunker"

Kenneth Lanning in 1992 said that there were 50,000 missing children in the U.S., which law

enforcement reports said people believed were " being murdered in human sacrifices..." Incest

and child sexual abuse reached epidemic proportions. The generally accepted statistics in

1993 were as follows: * One out of three girls and one of five boys would be sexually

molested before the age of eighteen. * A child was sexually abused every 2 minutes with over

95% of the abusers being someone the child knows and trusts. * For every case reported, there

were twenty-five cases that went unreported. * Only 5% of all sexual abuse cases ever went to

court. In 50% of those cases the child was returned to the abuser. * Approximately 97% of

child prostitutes were incest victims. * Child sexual abuse was a major cause of teenage

suicide. * One in ten homes were involved in child sexual abuse. * A high percentage of

abused children develop dissociative identity disorders. Then, just as the legions of abused

children (now grown to adulthood) were beginning to remember satanic abuse, (the ranks of

diagnosed cases of Multiple Personality Disorder had reached 25,000 in the U.S.) and

Harvard University's Dr. John Mack was enjoying celebrity as the author of a book on alien

abductions, and about twenty percent of those diagnosed as suffering from Multiple

Personality Disorder (MPD) were being discovered to have military or intelligence

backgrounds, a "robust and adroit" public relations effort was mounted against those who

were beginning to remember all sorts of details which related to their abuse as children.

Groups were quickly formed to debunk such "nonsense." One was spearheaded by a woman

who was herself named by her daughter as a child abuser. Her name was Pamela Freyd and

her organization was the False Memory Syndrome Foundation (FMSF) which sprang

suddenly up from nowhere...


In an undisclosed location, at a secret conference, an emergency panel of five psychiatrists

and clinical psychologists met to discuss the alarming data they were gathering about mind

control, satanic ritual abuse, and alien programming from patients diagnosed as suffering

from Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) also called Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID).

Due to what is, by the standards of a conservative profession, the controversial content of this

conference, and due to the fact that many of the doctors have already received the strongest

criticism from their peers and threats on their lives, their identities must remain undisclosed --

you'll understand why as you read more. Although delivered in a conversational tone without

footnotes and scientific documentation, there is a lot of technical information in this roundtable

conference which should be of great use to therapists. For the lay reader a study of the

works of Milton Erickson or at least NLP would be helpful in explaining what the doctors are

talking about. The term "bloodline" refers to the practice of satanic ritual abuse which carries

on generation after generation under the belief that after several generations of "conditioning"

a "genetic memory" or a "blood memory" carries on the information which has been

programmed. This belief in "blood memory" can be found in a variety of secret societies and

not just in satanic cults. A person who is of the "bloodline" is the offspring of parents who are

in the cult, and often the great, great, great, great grandchildren of cult members. Some

survivors have reported that the sophisticated form of programming described in this

conversation goes back more than 100 years and has been co-opted by the intelligence

agencies only within the past fifty-odd years. Suffice it to know that the assembled doctors,

men and women, are among the most qualified in their profession. They are recipients of the

top honors, awards and degrees, members of all the most prestigious societies, editors of the

most influential journals. Researchers who are aware of the literature may think they are able

to identify some of the doctors by the content of their speeches, but it's important that they

just ignore any failing on my part as an editor, overlooking any speech patterns which may

reveal their identities. For the sake of their safety, and at their request, I have done my best to

re-write this transcript -- not for content, but for style -- so that these doctors can never be

identified. After some preliminary remarks the host of the conference, Dr. A, began:

Dr A: I have been looking forward to this exchange for quite some time and I hope we

can cut right to the chase and talk specifically about ritual abuse and about mindcontrol

programming and brainwashing -- how it's done, how to get on the inside of it.

Dr. B: Until only recently I didn't believe it. I wasn't willing to discuss it with

colleagues such as you before, and

I'm still not willing to speak about it publicly.

Dr. C: I have done that in small groups and in consultations, but recently I decided that

it's time that somebody started

doing something about it.

Dr. D: So we're going to talk about specifics today?

Dr. E: At the international congress I heard about these details for the first time. I

thought, "how weird." "Interesting but weird."


I watched C-SPAN once again to celebrate the birth of our country. It was the first time I'd

watched C-SPAN since the Clinton campaign. I watched just for a couple of synchronistic

hours. They were showing programs they'd taped on June 28 and 29. First there was a

program called "Project for the Republican Future". On that program the famous "political

consultant and pollster, Dr. Frank Luntz told us that his polls showed that the people in the

U.S. today believe the quality of life has gone down since the previous generation and, the

majority believe that the next generation will have even a lower standard of living. He said

that the polls showed that the average American believed that there was a moral decline in

this country. He said, "For the first time in American history, Americans are pessimistic about

their future..."
