Monday, May 2, 2011

Osama bin fakery

photoshopped stunt for the witches sabbat of Beltaine, so their "Al Queda" can attack us for revenge. That's why they are doing it, so they can have a justifiable false-flag attack on the USA for killing a guy that's been dead since 2001 from renal failure.

The world is being conned right now and setup. Watch closely.

Princess Willamina gets married on a witches sabbat and then this in the same zone. The King rises up and prepares the stage for his world takeover. His marriage provided him with the last of his necessary royal titles to take power in England, then EU, then UN, then world. In that order. In order to achieve this feat, he must defeat the fake anti-Christ, which will be elected in the US next year. Then he will be seen as a kind of messiah, saving the world from the new Germany and evil empire, the current USA.

That's why the US has been on an 11 year rampage of world domination - as Hitler had done - to set it up for fail. This is also why our economy and dollar is being purposely tanked, so we will end up in ruins, a defeated empire, the world made safe again from emperialists.

Pay close attention.

Watch the Olympic games next year that take place on Willie's birthday. Especially the opening ceremony. It will all be laid out for you then.