Once we understand how symbols are focal points of energy, we see how the use of such symbols can be used to channel either positive or negative energy. We see this especially in Satanic circles in the use of the 5-pointed star - a universal symbol of man, with the point of spirit or divinity at the apex. In Black Magic, this symbol is inverted and turned upside down, putting matter over spirit - the very goal of the dark path - to kill the divine in humanity through the exaltation of matter.
Over and over again, we see how those following the dark paths both understand energies and symbols and are consciously using them for negative and dark purposes. When you see it on a national level, then the entire energy of that nation becomes negative, affecting it's relationship with all other nations and peoples, but especially, the people who live in that country. Ironically, the more "patriotic" you are - when the national symbol is inverted, as is with Nazi Germany and now, the USA - the more this energy affects you on every level of your being. Go ahead, wave your flags, wear the symbols inverted as is now the fashion, and sink into the mud of anti-spirit, anti-Christ.
It's time to pay attention to the world around us and see things as they really are. We are being led into a dark future by darkened hearts following a dark agenda.
You'll see more and more the actions of the United States mimicing those of Nazi Germany, as it is doing year by year. As most who read these words of mine are network assets, this is probably making you smile. Well, someone has to say it, so I guess it's me.